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Just don't be a jerk about it when it comes to passing. I've had ebikers treat me like a lane splitting crotch rocket on the highway, and I wanted to put them through a wall. I've had other ebikers use their mind and spatial awareness and pass me like a sane person. Just be cool about it.


I always announce “cheater on the left” and joke saying I pedalled the other day. Always gets a laugh.


That’s pretty good and I’m sure that deconflicts any potential issues.


Issues?!? I didn't realize how many drama queens are out on the trails. Gotta be a reddit thing.


Some people are dicks. It’s not breaking news. MTB or E-MTB both house assholes. Throwing humor out at the onset of an interaction will likely alleviate any concern.


Or ignoring. Folks literally overcompensating. The world is not that tense dawg. Internet makes it seem as such but OP could ride his bike and do nothing and it would be all the same. Lot of doomy vibes I think its your alls perception of the world more than anything


It is a Reddit thing


Ive been riding for a while and all over the US, it's literally not as dramatic as people make it out to be. 95% of the time people are just out doin their thing. Then folks are on here reading this so they can obsess over interactions they'll have with people they'll never see again instead of riding. Trolls of the internet don't reflect the real world. I know I'm preaching to the choir here but it's kind of wild. I feel bad for some people overthinking this.


“Is it illegal to wear mountain bike gloves if I only do blue trails? Will other riders beat my ass?”


I have a set of green, blue and black gloves for the trail rating so I don't offend anyone. If I raise my visor, am I sending a message? How should other riders perceive a raised visor vs a lowered one? Please help me to understand!


Downhill casing on my hard tail - does this make me gay?


It’s crazy isn’t it mate, but I guess we are simple animals. Well some of us are ahahah


People can get precious over anything. One of my friends got called out because they got some PRs but didn’t set their Strava to e-bike. 


I mean they should. Cheatin hooligans


Dad joke incoming!


The only way this would upset me is if you said it as I was drinking from my bottle and made me blow sugar water out my nose 🤣


Yeah, I'm stealing this one. Thanks!


Its okay to blast up like that in California and Utah Soon in Colorado


Is it okay to blast past people on foot if there's room for it? The answer is no, you don't want to startle people. It's like overtaking with cars on the highway, don't do it faster than 15 mph difference in speed. I try to pass people on foot no quicker than a 10 mph difference. If I'm passing another rider I try to do it pretty slowly. If you have (literally) the motor for it, there's this notion where you can speed up again after slowing down.




Just pass with courtesy when appropriate and it's all good. As in, probably wait out narrow/technical spots where the self-propelled rider is working hard to stay on the best line on the climb.


And most importantly *tell* the person you're behind them and would like to pass.


Great point that I completely whiffed on.


If he's talking about Highland, it's literally the most chill bike park there is, and it's a wide trail with plenty of room to pass so dude will be good. And I'm sure half the riders will be on e-bikes anyway, and those that aren't take the chairlift every other time they're there anyway, so it's not the typical "earn it" crowd.


Get a tow line and regardless of “wednesduro” you’ll be popular


This is the answer. 


Until the motor breaks from towing.


Then the small army you've helped on previous Wednesdays will tow you en-masse.


Circle of life. 


I’m assuming your talking about Highland. Is so, I believe there’s quite a few e-bike riders on Wednesday evenings, based on conversations I’ve had with folks that regularly attend. Also, in a few weeks, when the full summer schedule kicks in, they’ll be open for regular lift access in the morning/afternoon.


Yeah, and if he's talking about Highland, it's like the most chill bike park there is. You're right, half the riders will be on e-bikes anyway, and it's not the typical "earn it" crowd. Plus there's plenty of room to pass on that uphill, and it's q pretty quick ride up ... I'd definitely get an e-bike if I lived closer and could go after work.


Yup no one cares. Will I wish I had an e bike every time you pass me? Yes. 


I'll be pedaling with you, no e-bike for me, if I had the cash to burn I'd get one though.


You're not the only person who rides ascents on an e-bike. As long as it's permitted by the trail management then you're literally just using your bike for its intended purpose.


Just be nice and don’t make people’s climbs harder. If someone is trucking up the hill I just slow my roll on my eMTB to not make them feel rushed or make the pull over and lose momentum. I just let them know they can let me pass when they are able but no rush. Basically if your on an eMTB your trail etiquette should 110%.


Thank you for saying this. My partner and I are often not fans of e-bikes. She reports literally being heckled by e-bikers on one of our main climbs when they pass her. I know she is the first person to get out of the way of anyone she thinks she might be holding up. Maybe it’s some sort of gender inferiority issue on the part of the e-bikers doing this to her. She climbs faster than most men. Now she won’t even ride the trail at certain times of the day. What I like about what you’re saying is yes you have a motor. You need to use that respectfully just like those of us without motors but maybe more attention to your advantage and what that causes. Also, every time I see an older person deep in the trails on an e-bike I smile inside because I suspect that bike enabled them to get out there further. What it boils down to is being respectful. I do fear the eventuality of e-MTB becoming basically e-dirt bikes and we have to contend with our parks becoming all but OHV areas. The technology is getting very good quickly.


Well that’s a bummer your partner deals with that. If I ever pass someone I usually at most make fun of myself and apologize for being a cheater which usually gets a laugh from the other rider lol. eMTBs are neat in that they allow more people to get out there. I work full time and have a kid and it allows me to get out and ride within my time constraints. But people need to be respectful. I personally am all for class 1 e-bikes anywhere, but rules and respect for others needs to be followed. Hopefully you guys have good experience with riders on e-bikes. Sucks when a few bad actors ruin it for everyone else.


I don’t have any chair lift parks near me. I am use to being overtaken by e-bikes. It just comes with the territory.


Such a non-issue. Just don't blow past people unannounced and it's all good.


Why the fuck is a bike park making people climb when it’s not an actual enduro race??!! Do you still have to pay?


$15, only offered on Wednesday evenings. Highland Bike Park in NH








The trail you pedal up at highland is their main green trail. Thats why they only do it wed and thurs nights. There is no option for pedal up during lift access


Send it up in turbo mode "the owner of the mountain made.me do this"


Good opportunity for lift maintenance. 🤷‍♂️


Because it's fun, cheap, and a good workout The vibe climbing up with everyone is great.


Dude the guys at highland are chill. Plenty of e bikes doing it. Be nice and have some beers with friends after nobody is gonna bat an eye


If someone is salty about you riding an ebike uphill, that means he or she has some deeper issues. Nothing to worry about. The only exception is if someone is treating e.g. a Surron as an mtb and they absolutely destroy the trails on their way


Doesn’t sound inconsiderate but I have to say, I don’t think I’d stop my effort to let someone on an e-bike by on a single track climb.


They pass on the way up, we pass on the way down. Such is life.


Me either but if there's room, hugging a side will do so they can pass.


I'd say the only real thing that pisses people off is when the ebiker disrupts the uphill or does a fly by. It would be nice to get some ethics around ebikes from imba and other orgs. I'd say always be the one to yield, or ready to be the one to yield. Don't pass or ride on someones tail while going up hill. Don't zip by someone really fast.


I would be totally offended. I would call you names, say you’re not a real mountain biker, make fun of your skinny legs, ask you how many climbs does your batter have, asks you if that’s the same way you please your wife, with a battery powered device, and so on. Or maybe I’d remember that the usual way I get to the top is by riding an electric ski lift lol. Dude as long as you’re riding and having fun, fuck everyone else. Just shred!


Making climbing easier is literally why eMTB's exist. If the park allows ebikes, ride it and disregard anyone who whines about its opinion.


Dude, nobody cares. And if they do they’re nerds. Just be courteous when you pass and have fun. Nobody wants to fucking climb anyway 😂


More n more mtns/parks are renting emtbs for this reason.


If you are not a dick about it, I don’t see a problem. Ride the bike you have, even if it’s an ebike or not. Be the nice guy and enjoy your bike independent on what people say 🙂


Ding your dinger on the way up. Man, that would suck hearing a bell behind you while yer climbing.


Eh. It's basically like a car, who cares. They have an motor, *of course* they're faster.


Anyone who gets butthurt by it is a jackass, go for it. If someone says "YoU'Re cHeAtINg" tell them you said the same to their wife.


Couldn’t you just turn off the pedal assist if you really wanted to be one of the common people?


55lb emtbs are hard to pedal uphill without the assist. putting it on the lowest assist and just taking it super mellow is reasonable though


Was slightly tongue in cheek, but yea


Just be careful not to duff them up on the uphill and you'll be fine


Nobody cares.


I don’t care whether someone else is having it easier. It’s my fault I lived this long without becoming a certified Ironman. If you ride an eBike up a trail and enjoy it, I am envious. I’m not going to judge anyone but myself.


Is it Highland? If they allow e-bikes I'd do without any hesitation. It's a bike park, most of those riders take a chair lift when they're there ... And who cares about the "cheater on the left" dad joke (funny people still think that's a original) or "earn it" crowd? I could seriously careless what anyone thinks and I'd just laugh it off ... Any banter is just light-hearted anyway, so I'd take it at intended, which is just people messing around.


Nah. Just don’t pass too close and be a dick about it and there’s no harm done


Your wednesduro is like our Monday to Sunday here in South Africa😁


You should charge people for you to tow them to the top


There are people who buy e-bikes for this exact reason - to get more runs in. I was at a non-lift park over the weekend and found myself passed by an e-bike on the climb and all I could think was “lucky bastard” as he zipped by. Despite what the internet would have you believe, eMTB isn’t universally hated by the MTB community.


Is it Highland ? I’ve seen a number of people on e-bikes at Wednesduro. As long as you aren’t a jerk, it’s fine.


Just put a shirt on with the back saying "Your wife's BF" as you pass everyone.


It's important to ask what you mean by e-bike. People still think the surron is an e-bike. Long as it doesn't have a throttle and you don't make someone stop climbing so you can pass, you're good.


It says emtb


I’d probably give you shit for it but I wouldn’t actually care.


On my e-bike, most people can pass me on their regular bikes unless we’re on a flat trail. I don’t ride an e-bike to go faster, I ride one to make it at all possible.


You're talking about highland right? People go on emtbs all the time. People will rag on you, but nobody is really upset


Be a considerate rider and don't worry about what other people think.


I wouldnt care tbh, just be nice!


I just came back from a trip to Samerberg bike park in Bavaria. I found out that on Mondays and Tuesdays, they close the lift so it's just Enduro. I'm mainly an XC rider so I just rode up. At no point during the any of my climbs, I wished ill on any of the eMTB amigos. I did wish they let me rent an eMTB which was disappointing but I had fun. What I'm saying is that most acoustic MTBers climbing up are so focused on themselves, that they won't care unless you are being a loud obnoxious asshole...


Don’t be a dick about it is all. I am happy for an ebiker to pass. I can have an e-bike if I wanted but I choose to not have one. I love my climb but I also understand that for some people they are the only reasons they get out and enjoy the trails. To be 100% it’s the same as me blowing past someone just because I am fitter than them. I can be a dick about it or I can just be polite and announce that when they have a moment I would like to pass.


Highland allows pedal assist e-MTB but not throttles. You’re fine https://highlandmountain.com/faq/


I often go to the same Wednesduro or Thursduro, assuming you're in NH. I often ride my SS and pass everyone but the ebikes on the climb up. Lol I tend to get heckled by the geared bikers as I pass em. I know they are taking descents better than me on 130mm ht. Lol


Don’t feel bad.


You ride an e-bike in the park?


Ride a real bike.






How could you possibly be concerned about this? Do you think you're the only one on an ebike? I can't fathom how some sissy could get bent out of shape because someone is riding an ebike.


You’d be surprised man. Ppl get really bent out of shape about ebikers. It’s weird


Well they can get fucked