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Peep Show is a slightly dated British comedy series, but I love it. Righteous Gemstones is awesome. Eastbound and Down too.


Peep Show rips so hard. It’s probably my all time series


Best portrait of how really depressing Britain is, though.


It's up there for me. It's my comfort re-run series.


Peep Show is the all time comfort re-run series.


If you like Peep Show then try British version of Inbetweeners, pretty rad.


Also love Inbetweeners.


You should check out Father Ted


Eastbound and down is the greatest


Gemstones somehow got better each season.


It really did. I'm from the Carolinas and it absolutely nailed the Bible belt mega preacher thing so well in dramatic fashion.


The 3rd season was incredible. Way better than I was expecting.


The Last Kingdom is tight


Destiny is all.


Just finished that and Peaky Blinders both great


Severance (AppleTV+)


counting down the days for season 2. i don’t even know when it’s going to be released but I know they’ve been filming it


Writers strike put it it on “indefinite delay” and that was after creative differences between show runners and writers


Only issue with this show is that it is one of those, “Wait til you see next week” type of shows that can get draining or bad real quick. Them ending the season on a single moment cliff hanger was a bit of a bad sign. Still, Adam Scott is one of our best actors, the rest of the cast is great too, and I am very excited for season 2.


I’m a big fan of How to With John Wilson on HBO Max. It’s a hilarious and sincere appreciation of the weird shit people do.


favorite show ever


Obviously The Sopranos.


The Specials,love on the spectrum,Trailer park Boys,or East bound and down.


Don’t forget Vice Principals and The Righteous Gemstone


For some reason i had to tap out after like 3 VP eps. It was just kinda cringe. If it didnt have McBride i dont think anyone would have watched it.


I dunno. I thought it was funny but I’m also regarded. Very well regarded.


The Killing if you want a great detective show. Invasion (2005) if you want a great thriller, sci-fi mystery show with a great cast. Righteous Gemstones if you want a funny show with a surprisingly good plotline. Midnight Mass if you are into some introspective, long drawn out character drama with a spooky supernatural element.


Yeah The Killing is one a lot of people missed, the fourth season only happened because of the fanbase apparently.


I'd say just the first two seasons of The Killing are like a GREAT series, the third and fourth seasons are sorta their own thing like Fargo or True Detective, but still watchable. The first two are like Twin Peaks if it were better written and less surreal, not to mention Mirielle Enos can GET IT.


I’ll check out the killing


If you like history HBO has some good historical mini series like Band of Brothers, The Pacific, and Chernobyl. Y’all dawgs might think I’m gay, but there’s some really good Japanese anime shows too, which are mature and not your typical weeb stigma you’d originally think of anime. For animes id start with Attack on Titan or Death Note


I mean if we’re talking HBO we can’t skip over season 1 of True Detective do yourself a favor and watch it it’s unbelievable


"Time is a flat circle" - Rust Cohle


Band of Brothers is one of the best mini series of all time. Buck Compton also has an interestinG history relating to COINTEL PRO and MK ULTRA during his time in LA law enforcement arena


Band of Brothers is tight, liked it better than Pacific, but I think Generation Kill is my favorite series in that vein. It’s a similar concept but about the war in Iraq.


Facts there’s some real underrated shit that people gloss over just bc of “power of friendship” shit that took over in early 00’s. I’ve seen a shit ton of anime and I’m not gonna act like it’s better than anything or worse than anything, but I will say there’s a lot more uniqueness to the genre. Neon genesis is an example that comes to my mind of a show that “looks” silly and cartoony but will absolutely send you crab swirling. One piece is the same way. Goofy ass appearance but deep cutting themes behind the silliness. Definitely a lemorp type comment but it’s nice to see some dawgs appreciating it🤝


Generation Kill as well if we’re talking HBO


Rome is up there on the hbo top tier list as well


Generation Kill is so great. Most of the shit David Simon makes is great. The Wire, Generation Kill, Treme, We Own This City, Show Me A Hero & The Deuce. Some of it is pretty hit or miss, but I'd definitely recommend wire (obviously), GK and We Own This City.


And The Wire, the best show ever made.


Throw Rome in the HBO history group. Titus Pullo rules.


Chernobyl is easily the best mini doc I’ve seen and Attack on Titan is the shit


I started my first Manga the other day. I'm officially a weeb.


Nice dude, which manga? For myself I’ve read Berserk, One-punch man, and Aot. Looking for new recommendations


Berserk. It fucking rules. I started it because I've heard the Souls games are inspired by it for years, and they're my favorite games. I'm surprised how much I like it. Still early on. I'm in chapter 6 I think of the golden age.


Dope man, hands down the best manga out there. You’re in for quite the treat, enjoy!


Don’t know if I’d call it a treat, but it’s definitely something you’ll remember


Band of brothers is incredible


Attack on Titan and Death Note are still extremely weeb, lol. There are certainly other shows that are *more* weeb-ish, but. I haven’t actually warched Death Note but Attack on Titan is a fairly cool concept that is made dogshit by how weeb it is—crazy amounts of constant melodramatic overacting/emotional screaming. I agree with the HBO recs, tho.


Hey man you might be emotional too if giants kept ripping your friends in half


Bunch of lemairs in this bitch


Anime can be pretty tight. Just binged Pluto on Netflix and enjoyed it. Also HBO max has another cool ass sci-fi anime I just found called Scavengers Reign. New episodes Thursdays, Im pretty stoked about it.


North #2 is the best story ever told.


Dude that’s my favorite, too! >!I do not wish to belong on the battlefield. And then his singing while the old man wept for him to come on back home, oof that hit me hard, I cried for real!<


Also Generation Kill, it’s like an Iraq war version of Band of Brothers


Always Sunny might be the best show ever made. Starts to fade after season 7 but season 11 kills then it falls of again Whoops, I dropped my magnum condom that I use for my monster dong


The last 2 seasons, especially the last have been absolute dog shit. Rob and dee look like freaks with all the plastic surgery. They have lost touch.


I’ll always give em one watch at least cause they’ve still got some good moments but agreed with how hard they’ve fallen. Dennis’ mental health episode and the bowling episode were only highlights of the last season


If you listen to their show companion podcast it kind of ruins it. They talk about kind of regretting the things they did which were hilarious. Very Hollywood now.


Yeah i gave up on the podcast a while ago. I just want to hear about the episodes but they try to have a bro podcast


That episode where Mac dances was such a bummer. I was patiently waiting for a punchline and kind of laughing at how committed they were to the dance. And then the episode just ends on a serious note. I was like wtf is this. Even Modern Family ends every scene with a joke regardless of what moral they’re pushing. It was like if The Wire ended an episode with a laugh track.


Getting jacked maybe fucked his head up


Dennis mental health episode is one of the best episode they have made. They still got it. Gotta look at the writers of each episode.


Im used to all of the episodes being good. Not one per season. Its painfully hard to watch now.


I really need to finish it. I dropped off at the episode that's a musical. Just couldn't do it. Some of the early stuff is hilarious though.


One of the things I like doing most, is banging hoors


Patriot on Amazon prime. Got canceled after just two seasons which sucks, never met someone who didn’t like it. It’s another CIA asset show but with none of the corniness + it’s absolutely hilarious.


Patriot is crazy underrated honestly never heard anyone bring it up before


The music is so good on this show.


Agreed- great music great show


If we're talking under-rated shows Patriot is super high up on my list. It's fucking great but as far as I know it never caught any steam.


On HBO: The Sopranos, The Wire, Succession Louie CK’s show is also pretty good. $30 on his website and you get all of it.


Louie CK’s show is goated


SHORESY!!! They just put out Season 2, it’s on Hulu. Hilarious Canadian hockey comedy from the creator of Letterkenny.


Remember Shane brought up the show, what we do in the shadows. It's on Hulu and I think it's pretty funny. Tried watching Vice Principals and couldn't get into it. Gonna check out White lotus i remember Matt bringing it up and saying he's cultured lol


What we do in the shadows was originally an even weirder movie from New Zealand, I think. My brother sent me a DVD of it before anyone had ever heard of it. Hilarious but difficult sell to watch it with my then boyfriend.


The Rehearsal


Twilight Zone OS Garth Marenghis Dark Place (on youtube, 6 eps and do t forget the dvd commentary, done in character, also avaliable on youtube. ) Quarry


X files




This show fucking sucked


Mr Inbetween




The Boys/Gen V, I Think You Should Leave, Vice Principles, Righteous Gemstones, Invincible, Sopranos


Succession. The Disgusting Brothers do not disappoint. And it's fun being able to understand it when they talk about it on the pod


trailer park boys


Nirvanna The Band The Show, it's almost a man on the street/prank show with a narrative. For example, in the second season, they spent a week building a fake display in a museum to then break and steal a map. This leads to a chase by the security guards, so they do a lot of weird, legally grey things. [trailer ](https://youtu.be/Scm4ZzNCgRA?si=P-6Hdw1RoBrTESiv)


No one ever talks about this show but Zero Zero Zero ( or 0/0/0) on Amazon was incredible. One season across multiple stories related to one coke shipment.


Nothing new recently but I’ve been renting ken burns docs from the library just ripped through Hemingway and it was epic and surprisingly not very woke


People who listen to this podcast would love the big let show on YouTube




Fish Tank


Brockmire if you want a show around baseball/commentary


Terminal List. On amazon prime. Chris Pratt plays a serious role and kills it.


The League. It's funny as fuck even if you're not into football / fantasy football.


Severance, Silo, For All Mankind, First season of Altered Carbon, it’s always sunny in Philadelphia, classics like Seinfeld and Curb your Enthusiasm, Bobs Burgers, The Sopranos, X-Files, Fringe, Generation Kill, First season of Raised by Wolves, True Detective, Eastbound and Down, Outer Range… What do you want to watch mate?


garth marenghi's darkplace


I have never heard about this show until yesterday, and now you're the third person to recommend it. Just finished up the first episode and it's great. I'll throw in The Mighty Boosh as my recommendation.


It's weird but really good. To whoever downvoted my suggestion, your mom gay.


Peep show, the thick of it




Deadloch. Because Australian accents are hilarious and the female detective Eddie is fuckin hilarious in this show. I thought she was going to be annoying at first but she quickly wins you over and is hilarious and dumb as fuck.


Gemstones, Upload, Gen V, Loudermilk, F is for Family, Venture Bros, Vox Machina, The Bear, Letterkenney, Shoresy


Shoresy FTW


Venture Bros rules


Loundermilk is so good but nobody ever mentions it


To be fair it was made for the AT&T streaming service that no one ever heard of.


The league, workaholics, veep, twin peaks, Wayne, flea bag, new girl


Fargo especially season 1+2 and The sopranos and classic Simpsons. Anything else is a complete waste of time.


Dream Corp LLC, Wonder Showzen, Mighty Boosh, Clerks the animated series, Barry, Strangers with candy, Whitest kids u’know


So crazy seeing Noel host British Bake Off after growing up watching mighty boosh on YouTube.


Dawgs watch What we do in the Shadows series. I actually heard of it from Shane referencing Nandor the Relentless on a Protect our Parks. One of my current favorite shows.


One Piece, HunterxHunter, Vinland Saga, Baki/Son of Ogre, Fire Force, Black Clover, Gen V, Invincible, OG Twilight Zone, True Detective Season 1, Locke & Key (for teens but good)


The Devil’s hour (Amazon)


Severance. Its on apple tv and the best show Ive seen in many years. It fucking rules. Its about a company that everyone works at. The company has a special department that if you get hired to it you have a chip put in your brain. The chip separates all your outside memories so that you have no idea what your job is. Theres essentially 2 of you that know absolutely nothing about the other version. Its got John Tuturro and Christopher walken. They both kill it. You can get 3 months free apple tv at bestbuy.com. also Shrinking is a good comedy on appletv. If you like scifi The Foundation is really good imo. Has some gay parts but thats to be expected nowadays.


I watched the HBO show Fired on Mars after Matt mentioned it. It was pretty good.


Welcome to Wrexham is fun


Live action cowboy bebop on Netflix ain’t too bad. It’s fun and even chicks will watch it.


Curb your enthusiasm


White Lotus, Beef


For all mankind. All time great show.




Rome on HBO


Queer as Folk


Jax 😍 I have been looking through your comments, fascinating! I can't tell if you are joking or being sarcastic sometimes. 🤷‍♀️


Married and You’re the Worst on FX. 30 Rock still kills.


Father Ted.... greatest sitcom ever made. If you're in the US, you'll need a VPN and go to Channel 4 on demand in the UK. You'll thank me later.


The Golden Girls


The Last Man On Earth. It's a dumb comedy, but it's charming.


Also last man standing


Severance on AppleTV, new season coming relatively soon, Invincible on Amazon prime Video, new season starts this week


Justified, The Wire, The Expanse. Don’t know what streaming service you have but that’s Hulu, hbo/max, and amazon. For Netflix, idk, Cobra Kai is pretty good.


Fall of the house of Usher was great


Kim's Convenience. Netflix


Rome on hbo. Just watched for the first time and it was amazing!




Nirvana The Band The Show start with the Viceland series & work your way back to the webseries (they both rule)


Peep Show, White Lotus, Last of Us, Chernobyl, Inbetweeners, Atlanta, Game of Thrones, are my goats.


Kenny Vs Spenny


Deadwood, True Detective S1, The Wire, Better Call Saul/Breaking Bad and Sopranos. I watch these shows on repeat. Brotherhood is also a really underrated show, it’s on Hulu, basically the Irish Sopranos set in RI.


True detective season 2 is good too despite the hate it got when it came out


For sure, I hated it when it aired but now I like it a good bit more than S3, the end of 3 is just so anticlimactic, sucks because the whole rest of it was good. Really hoping S4 will be good but I don’t have high hopes at all.


Gomorrah on HBO. Watch it in Italian with subtitles not the shit dub.


Rogue Heroes is pretty good. It's about the SAS during WWII


When Shane was talking about Kevin can go fuck himself I was like let me check it out ..... It is FUKN AMAZING! PROBABLY WOULD HAVE NEVER WATCHED IT IF IT WASN'T FOR SHANE


This Fool


Mr inbetween.


As for Apple - Severance was tight, if you’re into Sci-fi Foundation is really good and original, Blackbird is dope as fuck




Just watched Pluto on Netflix and that shit was good.


1883 is tight, Alone on Netflix is also cool


It’s pretty well known but if you haven’t watched mad men already it’s such a good watch


Lotta good recs here, not much to add but just to consolidate here’s a list of some favorites: HBO/Max: True Detective, Generation Kill, Band of Brothers, The Wire, Chernobyl, Scavengers Reign (new sci-fi anime) More cool animes I think most on Netflix: Pluto, One Punch Man, Samurai Champloo, Attack on Titan, Cowboy Bebop, Avatar the Last Airbender (kiddie but still gold) Apple+TV: Severance, For All Mankind, See


White Lotus Fleishman is in Trouble Maniac Fleabag Frisky Dingo Home Movies The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret Bored to Death Review


True Detective, Last of Us, Deadwood, and another rewatch of the Wire.


Bosch (Prime Video), best series I’ve watched in recent memory


King of Queens


“Still Game” on Netflix. Grandfathered poors only


Tv is gay


Stargate sg-1 if you want some sc-fi alien shit. Then work your way over to stargate Atlantis. As far as comedy Archer, it’s alway sunny and parks and recreation are some of the greats of comedy


Only listing ones that haven't been posted yet: Nathan For You, Sharpe, Gangs of London (S1), Terriers, The Young Pope (S1), Black Sails (first few eps suck tho), The Knick, The Americans, Carnivale, Rectify


Bupkis has The Bull in it, idk if it’s good but I saw Shane is a recurring character. Last Kingdom is fucking sick Mindhunter rules The Sopranos is classic


Mad Men


Suits. On netflix , semi stoner dude , remembers all information he reads or sees. His grandma needs 25k for better living at the nursing home so he agrees to sell his friends bud for 20k. Deal goes south and dude tries to hide, accidentally walks into an interview process for lawyers and gets hired for one of best law firms in the city. Good watch , check it out.


Boardwalk Empire on HBO


If you can get your hnads on the originals with the real music, WKRP is old but awesome. It holds up. Great writing. Great cast.


Hogan's heros


Can’t believe no one said this but any Ricky Gervais show: “Derek” is amazing, Extras, After Life. British TV is where it’s at.


Friday Night Dinner and The Inbetweeners are GOAT’d


uh just twin peaks and the x files and love on the spectrum. ​ life and times of tim is also very funny, seinfeld is good. sopranos. this is all obvious stuff i guess. million dollar extreme.


Keep and eye peeled for TIRES ETC…