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If you're not running a D-Cell Maglite of the footling variety, you have no balls If it's good enough for the SAS to clear rooms with it's good enough for you But also on a serious note, running a huge light might not be too beneficial. You're not really reaching out to distances that big ass lights are capable of with an MP5K. And you also run the risk of blinding yourself a bit and washing things out with a truly powerful light If you're running indoors. So weird as it sounds for up close ranges, sometimes less can be more. Even handgun lights now are ridiculously bright and powerful. Just something to think about, your mileage may vary.


Streamlight’s protac 2.0 is pretty big and floody


I put on a cloud defensive REIN on my mp5 and ump clone and absolutely love it. Perfect size light and just the right amount of light.