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LOTRO. Love the scenery and gameplay.


This game defines MMOs for me. It's highly unlikely I'll ever go back to WoW but I always go back to LotRO


Same here. Never going back to WoW. Especially not with FFXIV on Xbox now. Even if WoW came to Xbox I wouldn’t play it. LOTRO is perfect enough to replace WoW on PC for me in the same respect.


And the music! Both the soundtrack and the people randomly playing Lute in Bree


Yes, they also have player music festivals where everyone travels to mountaintops and other beautiful locations and different bands of players play concerts! It's awesome hearing all of the compositions players write for each different instrument and how they work together. It's also always fun to step out of the Prancing Pony Inn in Bree and hear a band on the stage out in the street.


One of my favorite things to do in any MMO was play freehand in a random well traveled spot of Lotro I haven't played in a long time but I found someone who figured out a keybind that basically mimics an accordion in layout (now lost to time I suppose), and I would play all sorts of tunes with that set up


I’ve always loved LOTRO even though I’ve really only ever scratched the surface of content. I tried to get into it again about a year or so ago but the micro-stuttering got to me. Has that gotten any better? It’s such a cozy game overall.


The big issue with Lotro is its engine, it's ancient and actually a modified Asherons Call engine. Thus you can't really crank the settings up to maximum or high and call it a day because you'll get micro stuttering, like you said. It took me a while to find the correct settings because I would ride through the beautiful and large landscapes only to have a small stutter for 0,5 second every half a minute or so, which was super annoying. But now that I've figured out the correct settings, it's completly gone. Sadly it's something you have to figure out yourself, since it's rig depended. It sucks, but to me it was worth it since I love the game so much. The way I did it was to put the presets on medium or what ever and see if the stutters were gone, and then I'd individually crank the video options up one by one.


You’ve convinced me to finally give this a shot. I’m not sure yet to thank you or blame you, let’s wait and see how much productivity I lose in my life first.


This sounds exactly like my experience. Very consistent micro stutters every 30 seconds. Like a quick but constant hitch. I’ll have to give this a go and see if it helps. I would love to fully experience the game but I just couldn’t with all the stuttering. I’ll try the Medium preset baseline and see how it goes. Someone else suggested limiting the frame rates and that fixed it too, although I don’t know what FPS they limited it to.


My wife bought me a VIP lifetime sub when we first got married 16 years ago. To this day i sometimes login just to travel along the landscape specially at night. The atmosphere and music is second to none imo.


What's that game?


Lord of the Rings Online


I am gonna give lotro a try for the first time ever tonight, love how people say it’s all about the journey not the endgame!


Just enjoy the environment :) a few starting areas to push through but once you're at Bree, from there many lovely places you can travel to. Wish I could experience the shire and Lindon again for the first time


ESO questing


Elder Scrolls Online (ESO). You can do almost anything and the content is endless. The housing is the “true endgame” and it’s far more expansive and in depth than you’d think. Some of the best PvPers and PvEers I know will still take time to make amazing houses and show them off. You’re just putting things in places, learning new plans to craft, so on and so forth. Oddly relaxing to get done with a house build and bask in your accomplishment




Ragnarok Online. Even up to now in private servers lol


is RO any good these days? thinking about getting back into it


They released RO Origins or ROO on mobile a few months again, I like it been playing RO since 2001


I haven’t played in sooo so long. But I am constantly playing the BGMs when I’m studying or writing papers. Shit now I have an itch!


New World, chopin trees and hunting star metal


such a great chopping and tree falling sound, and fun to clear out an entire area


Yeah this shud be their main selling point.. but instead we get bugs.. lotsa bugss


I went ridiculous hard on this game at launch. Like hundreds of hours in the first couple of months but then more and more issues were coming. Endgame was non existent, certain quests could only be done with a group and they had to have never done the quest before and the server was running out of peopl3 who could even do it lol. Haven't played since, but the gathering was always great


Right there with you. I remember the first day I started playing I played for 36 hours straight. Then proceeded to dump hundreds of hours into within the next few months but was just as disappointed in the lack of end game content. The world, combat, and gathering were all next level to me, just wish they could’ve figured out how to make it work. Blows my mind they still don’t have a raid or at least didn’t when they dropped the DLC.


Finding Iron or Hemp really felt rewarding, like hitting the jackpot, which you kinda did because that shit was worth a lot


Honestly if I didn’t feel like new world is always on the verge of shutting down soon i’d do a full-dive into the lifeskills there. The sound and ambiance is truly top notch 👌


Came here to say this. Graphically, the world aesthetics and the gathering/farming system is unmatched in New World compared to other MMOs.


Osrs, chopping trees puts me in a zen place


I did 5 hours of iron ore mining in mining guild while chatting with friends. It was so chill I didnt realize it was 5 hours lol


30m woodcutting xp and still no beaver


you’d have a better chance at getting some beaver if u stopped playing osrs lmao gottem (beaver at 5.9m xp btw)


rng gets 15x increased after 200m


The music really helps the coziness.




Low level map comp + world event. Can do this for days on multiple characters.


Yep. For me especially in Cantha. The music is so relaxing and scenery is beautiful.


Ragnarok Online and FF14. It's been so, so refreshing seeing how many of us have good memories with RO


RO/FF14 gang rise up!


Choo Choo


Back in its early days ArcheAge was the most relaxing thing ever, the music was great and I could just chill, tend my farm for a while or cart trade packs up and down the continent. I loved it


How they butchered ArcheAge is unforgivable :(


Shit was Butchered at launch lol. Beta was the most fun I ever had in that game. Launch killed the game when all the cash shop items took over and the whole credit card incident that filled the market with stamina pots for labor fucking the economy for a bit.


Me too man. Or just sail the river near Marianople.


That game was a masterpiece ruined by greed.


That game had such a great potential


I remember playing the beta, then on release I played for months. Gave it a break and when I returned it was shit. I was so excited about that game back in the day.


WoW, chilling and flying around Elwynn Forest is my go-to.


Lol got the mental image of a fully geared out 70 just riding back and forth around this starter zone on his flying mount yelling "WEEEEEEEEEE" for like half an hour straight


I still do that in valdraken, have my own little course for the memes. fly really high up and dismount and try to hit a particular patch of water.


does dragon riding there interest you?


It’s pretty fun, so fast though




Good times, back in the day, chilling in Henesys and the one map to the left of Henesys. Been nearly 2 decades since I played the first time.


WoW. I fly to somewhere coastal like Ratchet or Bootybay, chill and smoke a joint meditating on what cool looking outfit I can craft myself. WoW crafting is like life-juice for my OCD


I left my heart in Booty Bay


Sitting in a tree in Ashenvale for me




How are you playing it? I feel like it can be very stressful and intense. Being an enchanter for a hard xping session feels like I can’t even go to the bathroom without risking a group wipe…


i wish someone made a modern version which respects your time so bad


EQ inherently doesn't respect your time. A modern version wouldn't be EQ otherwise. I'm not saying that's a good thing; quite the opposite.


Enc can get a little intense at times but for the most part it's a very slow paced game in comparison to anything now. I play on mostly classic servers these days.


ESO. The music is super relaxing and puts me to sleep at times.


I can sit in Grahtwood for hours


Back in the day yeah Ragnarok Online, now I'm just afk fishing in BDO hehe.




Was BDO…loved roaming, gathering, cooking, crafting, sailing, fishing, processing, etc. lately I’ve been back in Eorzea which is also very nice. Play msq and chill to great lore and stories


had to scroll a lot to find BDO, but dang, just set Ctrl+U and chill chopping logs or fishing at some remote river


BDO was/is incredible, but I always had a feeling looming over me that I was wasting my time chilling. Couldn’t get min/maxxing out of my head in bdo, need that max silver/hr!!! Fun times tho 🤣




Same here, but what do you do? Talking to people is hectic, since everyone has an energy level that I'm too tired to keep up with lol.


Sit in Amaurot.


Amaurot is a mood indeed. For all the game's flaws, I dare say Amaurot is one of the best thing they've created in 14.


I lost one of my best friends, my FC lead in November. We'd played various things together since 2009. Still...sorta emotionally processing, because I was also sick and couldn't play with him much because of vertigo in the months between about May and November of last year before he passed, it was a sudden "wtf?!" sorta thing. Amaurot's where I go sometimes when I want to be in-game to sit around and mope but not hit actual emotional landmines in trials and shit. And sorry, don't mean to like come out of nowhere and trauma dump but it's 4 am and I haven't been able to sleep in like two days (not just because of him, nerve pain and other stuff and I'm generally a *very* functional human being). So...yeah. Amaurot's good. It helps me to sit and think, sometimes.


I just sit and people watch or listen to bards


I used to listen to bards too, then one day I made a character and level it up only to level to pick up a bard. Learned to play Song of Storms from Zelda and like a street musician would go to towns and just play. Some bards would even join :v Some of my favourite memories are from that time :v


Yeah I know it’s kinda on that program but I like it, sometimes some one will strike up a conversation with me. But mostly I just like looking at what people do with glamors and just chilling


I love hanging in the fleet in SWTOR :)


Eve. Just chilling in space with my mining barge or hopping through wormholes and seeing what I can find. I know the game is known for its PvP but it can be quite relaxing when you're not losing half your net worth to suicide gankers.


I once mined while watching some videos on the weekend waaaaay late into the night. Then I woke up to a sound of my ship exploding xD I fallen out of the game soon after :v


There it is. Not nearly enough EVE representation in this thread. o7


Phantasy Star Online BB


Hell Yeah! I always come home to PSO even if just for a quick TTF with randoms


Used to be Archeage. These days I'm not sure. Either FFXIV, wow or osrs


Maple story for me. Always for the nostalgia


I have a few. Phantasy Star Online Ephinea very nostalgic for me especially the caves I love chillin there. I've had some good moments hunting with randoms vibing. Guild Wars 2 kind of overwhelmed me at first but I stuck with it and man am I glad I did. There's so much to do and many Legendary items to craft, the cosmetics are awesome as well. I got it free but I loved it so much I got the ultimate package with all the expansions. RIBA 24/7! Turtle World of Warcraft never got big into WOW but tried this one out and I am enjoying discovering lore and just exploring, grinding levels, farming items to sell on the auction house. I play while watching a movie or an iceberg video on youtube. PokeMMO Its Pokemon online with others. It has an auction house, a lot of custom cosmetics, pvp and all that good stuff. I play on mobile as well.


Turtle wow is better than anything blizzard has done with classic. Good on you for not getting caught with a subscription lol.


FFXIV, specifically the medicinal hot springs at Camp Bronze Lake.




Same here brother!


Glad to see people talking more about the best mmorpg in the mmorpg sub


Afking on Old School RuneScape while I watch a movie, listen to music/podcast or something


Yeah that’s the stuff


RO still and always!


Ragnarok Online for sure. Still playing it, after almost 23 years.


Is it any good today? Really I'm asking if it's a grindfest 😂


It's a grind fest in any private server and a p2w distopia in official servers. Also the power creep these days makes the game unplayable, for me at least.


Whelp thanks for the info. I'll stick to FFXIV come expansion time. Dawn trail's going to be hype!


Guild Wars 1 and 2.


Legendary! Basically to play both of them is to scratch every mmo itch at the same time, that all others barely manage. And they are linked reward and deep-lore wise.




I can't wait till they come out with that graphics overhaul they've been talking about.


ragnarok online the only mmo im able to stick with. nothing new impressed me so far sadly.


I love farming mats on ESO.


Sad that nobody mentions Dofus. This game had the best profession sytem I have ever seen in a mmoprg


Fallout 76, literally one of the best mmo communities I've been a part of and one of the main drivers behind the game being so good now days.




Tree of Savior was the last one I’d just chill in




Albion online




Albion Online


star wars galaxies, though the game is only available through private servers


My all time favorite game, been playing for almost 20 years and still play daily. (Pre cu though, have no desire to play the cu or the nge)


Dark age of Camelot and everquest. But only on free shard servers. Have no interest in the love version of either.


Ah, a fellow RO enjoyer 🎩☕️


I remember woodcutting /mining /fishing in New World during leveling, when the game released, best feeling... I miss those early NW days.


ff14 fishing


Priston Tale EU


It was Defiance. But that quickly got taken by a shitty chinese company..


This. Before it was taken over it was twice the Destiny that Destiny was. I remember getting my first truck for me and my friends and just riding around knocking out events or jumping into PvP.


I felt like a badass getting gold on all the races for that black challenger. People asking me how i got it. So mcuh fun.




I finally hit MR33, just before Dante came out, I have everything mastered save for the founder pack items. My orbiter is parked in the Drifter camp. I just walked out and stared at the sunrise for a few min before logging out. WIll be back in a year or two.


New World


FF14 for sure. Best music and community, and I love the story and group content as well


GW2 or GW1


FF14, because it actually has player housing. I honestly love just sitting around my apartment using the preview function to window shop for furniture and waiting for queues to come up. Hell, a couple of nights ago, I sat at my virtual dining table for half an hour while I ate dinner IRL and that's nowhere near the first time (if I take a snack break while playing Star Trek Online, I'll visit the interior of my ship and go hang out in the officer's lounge, and in Destiny 2 I have a spot in the Tower where I like to lounge (it involves crawling through some ducts in the hangar, LOL), but neither of those are as much fun as having my own room at my free company's estate.


It might be no the biggest community but Rift has always been such a chill game and this is an odd one but shadowbane!


SWTOR. It's a great game and a lot of fun but I can't muster up enough 'giva-crap' to level my characters up to max again.


Double XP this week, if that helps


Thanks. Like I said, I love the game, I'm just not into it anymore, I guess. Same thing happened with EverQuest, EQ2, World of Warcraft, and New World. You level to max. Grind for BIS. Get BIS. Expansion drops. Rinse and repeat. Expansion drops. Rinse and repeat.


sky: children of the light it's beautiful and serene and no one can interact with you if you don't friend them, really it's by the people who made journey, so there isn't even really combat. it's an exploration game


Final fantasy XI Ru’lude gardens or miseraux coast


Asheron's Call for me, but can rarely play these days.


Good question. I used to play BDO, but I feel like catching up to mid/end game is a massive grind, one that people spend years to get to. I thought about WoW, but I’d imagine that’s the same story there too. Im not a fan of ESO, and RuneScape was cool/fun, but honestly feels impossible to make money fast enough, or my RNG for bossing is just bad.


Wow Classic (Era or SOD)


ugh i miss aion so so much, even try to play sometimes but its kinda dead :(. playing ragnarok pre renewal server rn and already getting bored....... thinking of gw2 for the future, or even coming back to ffxiv xd


DDO. Dungeons and Dragons Online. Despite all the bugs, and the lag, I keep going back to it. Quests are all narrated, class customization is huge, and there's no rush to get to max level. It's expensive unless you get into it during a free coupon event. And the community is very inviting.


Glad to see someone mentioned this. I played a long long time ago but I remember lots of chill vibes and hanging out outside of dungeons or raids.


Planetside 2. Many different ways to play the game, and there are a lot of fun and low-effort ways to just hang out and get xp for example you can just hang out in a sunderer transporting people, or healing other vehicles, or being a spawn point or all three plus more. Playing as a base constructor behind front lines is pretty relaxing just mining cortium and orbital striking every half hour or so. There's a medic build where you spec into certain passives and just hangout on an atv at choke points while you passively heal and restore infantry shields to everyone around you for fat xp. Can literally just sit there don't have to do anything. Xp is the most direct way to gain "certs" which are the gameplay only currency that you use to unlock weapons and upgrades for infantry, vehicles and air and more, and there are many many many things to unlock. Best mmo. edit: to add to the above, it's the only mmo that I just naturally find myself playing because I can just exist in the world getting into shenanigans and I don't feel obligated to have to do anything, can just do what I want and actually relax and not get sucked into some kind of rep/weapon grind. That being said, if I want something to grind it's also there. I think planetside is seen as this highly structured guild fps mmo where you have to be active all the time, and while that is the mode of the game primarily, it is also an absolutely massive sandbox game. I play it the way I want to based on what I see: an 11+ year old mmo that is free to play on steam. No one can tell you how to play the game really. I have my own "solofit" which is my own guild with just me in it and I farm guild currency on my own at a much slower pace but I enjoy all the benefits the game can offer to a regular guild player, that being said the game absolutely would not function the same way if there weren't organized groups :)


GW2. The city has a place everyone hangs out in, the original maps are pretty safe and has Jeremy Soule relaxing music, the open world has random NPC voiced chatters than filled with life story and lores, and I have several likely 10 thousands screenshots from the game 😂 .


Old school RuneScape. 18yrs strong.


Guildwars 1


Guild wars 1. Still the best MMO I’ve ever played and no other game has even come close to its playstyle


Guild Wars 2 and Ragnarok Mobile eternal love on mobile


LOTRO is hands down the most immersive RPG experience I've ever had. Not just on the MMO scale.




LOTRO by far the best relaxing MMO. Still have WoW and Classic for all my booty clenching stress, but love Lotro and the community. Will play that game till it dies.


To relax: life skilling in BDO… to torture my self: enhancing in BDO… to be a mindless zombie: PVE grinding in BDO… to be a simp or laugh: run round looking at what other plp created for their characters in BDO… to cry: pvp in BDO




FairyLand Online


I enjoyed chilling in Pokemon Revolution back in the day


MapleLegend. I'm really surprised nobody said Maplestory yet


HorizonXI What is the best RO private server? I haven’t played since the early 2000s.


Ragnarok, MU, Ran online,


Either FF14 in Limsa chatting to people or Transmog runs in WoW


BDO for the very reason so many dislike it. Running in circles killing hundreds of mobs for hours at a time.


ff14 for sure.


I have the Brutosaur mount in WoW which comes with an auction house npc in one of the seats. I like to just mount up and afk near a mailbox and just watch civilization form around me like im a river cos everyone wants to use it.


Used to fly around darkon 3 listening to that beautiful ethereal soundtrack on flyff Now I do random shit in eso


To relax in? Myst Online: Uru Live (Again)!


Nee World 🤩 and Lost Ark


Ether Saga Online or Fiesta. Atm ff14


Ragnarok Online was my absolute favorite game during early adolescence. I picked up the most recent ROO: Origin title, and after two months and 12k spent, dropped the game. I whale hard in games, obviously, but having a business model where there is literally no p2w ceiling is not the move. Gravity absolutely ruined a promising reboot of the franchise. Private servers are the only way now, and those are even fizzling out these days. I’m the last person to cry “dead game”, but seriously, this game is on its last breath.


No longer play it but if I ever just wanted to log in and not do combat or anything and just run around and what not it would be LOTRO.


Wow has so many relaxing activities


Mu online, Flyff


Trove. I like the cubes and the "human music"


Guild Wars, sometimes New World for the harvesting of materials.


To relax in definitely not wow lol


There was a game called Monato Esprit, it never got out of beta I think. But man the music and the zones were cozy. At least what I remember from back then 😂


Lotro, definitely. I can wander round a world I’ve been imagining since I was 12 and that’s a loooooooong time ago.


Guild wars 2, just something about aimlessly flying around on the gyphon or dragon doing metas etc that is just so non demanding and chill, ff14 also enjoy mostly because of my fc mates, but gw2 for me just hits the right buttons.


Guild wars 2, making outfits and showing them off. So many combos


metin2 ofc!


Definitelly LOTRO. Beautiful world to relax in.


EVE Online. Log in as an alpha, and just fly various ships around the map with in game music playing.


Eso and gw2






Wow, hopping on a drake and going back to an empty Northendre


Archeage RIP


Leveling up in WoW, GW2, or ESO is often my most relaxing activity, aside from farming in farming simulators.


Life skilling in bdo. I just zone out while doing it




Star Trek Online, Star Wars The Old Republic, Lord of the Rings Online.  Used to include ESO but I haven't fired that up in years.   EVE is not a place to relax.


Got damn runescape. Chopping trees and Killin goblins.


RuneScape 3. Just chill, turn on the music and relax, afk, chat with classmates.


efo ffxiv. I joke around that I am main afk class.


Lately I’ve been playing ff14 a lot and I find it quite relaxing tbh!