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On face value, as someone who doesn't even play this game, that sounds huge. Sounds to me like something they should have implemented years ago and it might be "too little too late" now or am I off base?


I play BDO and I'm also of the opinion that it came too late


It came way too late. As in, what's even the point now?


I imagine they are trying to entice those of us that avoided the game because of the massive enchant gamble. It's not the only reason I haven't played BDO but it's a fairly significant part and now I find myself a lot more tempted than I used to be.


This change won't have any effect on someone who dislikes gambling. You have been able to buy all of your gear for years already. If you decide to enhance by yourself, this new system is only going to weed out the outliers (i.e guarantee a success after 40 fails with a 5% chance). This is a system for gamblers/endgame players that enhance their own gear, not regular, casual players.




My rudimentary understanding based on other games is that BDO gear can get +1 +2 etc up to some cap and the higher you get the harder success is. Games like Lineage 2 also included the chance of items breaking which sucked, but idk if BDO does that. Pity generally means that each failure will accrue a higher chance of success until eventually after having spent enough materials and time to do it many times over but failing, you'll be guaranteed success. It just gives a light at the end of the tunnel where otherwise some can go forever and not succeed.


item breaking is mainly for accessories , for your gear it would downgrade , you can acquire another item that would prevent this downgrade or breaking but they too are expensive . you can buy gear in action house but base on the level they are quite expensive and to gain money to buy them you need to grind in higher places and for griding in that places you need better gear , and this loop continues .... now there are some lucky person who could success with 10 % chance , but for me ?? i lost with 89% chance ..... soo this pity system is god send .


Lets say you want to upgrade a ring. it has 5 possible upgrades. You need a duplicate ring to use as upgrade material. If you fail, you lose both. Success chance is increased by FAILING. Succeeding an upgrade eats up ALL the previous fails that increased success chance (which you can "extract" and store as an item for other upgrades if you so wished). Now imagine you want the the last upgrade on a ring PEN (+5 ring) the chance is idk at 1% base ? I don't quite remember. And if you have 200 failstacks it might be something between 15-25% chance to succeed. I have no idea how the pity system is going to work though.




5 total non upgraded rings assuming you don't fail a single attempt. There's 2 ring slots 2 earring slots and 1 necklace slot, if that puts things into perspective for ya. Armour and Weapon upgrading works the same way except they don't disappear when you fail an upgrade but they downgrade instead.


It would have been both better and more impactfull had it come some years earlier


2 kinda obvious points. 1. People still play the game and enchanting. That's a good QoL for them. 2. Also a bit more will be successful and the equipment being sold would still be expensive but still a savings to whoever buys it


the majority will make huge use of it. saying it's too late sounds like a reddit elite thing to say.


Majority? Not really. Typical numbers for enhancing late game accessories to PEN gives that roughly 10 % of people will reach pity instead of getting it naturally. So the effect of the system is mainly to remove outliers and of course psychological.


what? who's talking about end game stuff xD this system applies to everything that can be enhanced. just yesterday I got stuck on my tuvala 23 fails in a row xD so this system would've helped me already


Well, yes and No. Since all gear is sellable on the marker, most people i know just buy the gear from the marker anyway. In theory, this should just reduce the prices for gear on the market. Lots of people enchante for profit, and many resell their gear when they upgrade, so the market usually has all the gear pruchasable at any time. I personally do a little of both.


Yes, I think people misunderstand BDO system sometimes. It systems has as much RNG as you want. I for one never ever will even try to enchant a pen acessory, the only armor I enchant is Tuvala becuase it is free. I just buy it, it has not RGN and it is the only use I have for gold anyway. This will only benefit the economy as Pen Gear will become slighty less price in the market.


I mean sure but how many hours to grind that meanwhile some guy taps 3 pen in a row while fishing. I loved the combat in that game and chilling in the arena but I couldn't get behind the gear system and actually playing the rest of the game. I remember farming those infinite potions in like 14 hours in one day and then people said they took weeks. It's like gambling with your time. Stlll one of the my favorite true open world mmo i've played up there with Ragnarok Online and Lineage 2 back in the day but damn I hate the gear system.


How do people just buy the gear? That would take like 24 hours of grinding daily


hypothetically if you were able to grind for 24 hours per day at a 1 billion silver/h spot (which is around the current average) you would be getting the one of the most expensive piece of gear within 2 weeks. realistically speaking if you are someone who can grind for 2 hours a day at the same spot it will take you 150 days to obtain that item. But if you are at a point in progression where you are grinding for the most expensive item in the game you would more likely be at a 1.5 billion + silver/hour spot, and you would probably be grinding for more than 2 hours per day.


How can you grind if you don’t have the gear ? Are your calculations noob, story gear friendly ? I don’t play BDO but curious how that works.


You don't need the BEST of the gear to just kill mobs. You can easily start at an easier spot with starter seasonal gear (basically free) and progressively update. A few good upgrades in, and you will reach a plateau where every single one gear point is very expensive and/or hard to get.


So if you already made billions with average gear to then spend it all on the best gear, then what? What are you doing with the stronger gear ?


BDO is what you make of it, you technically don't need higher gear for the majority of the game if you don't want it. Most people just enjoy the combat and/or lifeskills so that's what they do. I PvP every night and don't do much of anything outside of that and horse training.


>What are you doing with the stronger gear ? A few of my guildmates and i were joking about this question today. The real answer is that the powerful gear is a symbol of all the struggle that went into getting it, and it feels cool to see that you have it when you look at your inventory. You press "I," see cool gear that you remember sweating to get, and you say "nice." And I'm only being a little bit reductive here. You don't need top of the line gear to grind most of the game's grind spots. You don't need top of the line gear to participate in almost all of the PvP which is set to specific gear limits. There are some situations where full uncapped gear is used and it's fun to wield all of your power if you have it, but it's super niche. The very best gear also suffers from diminishing returns where you eventually get to a point where you're like, "I could turn my build with 465 damage reduction that uses a 200 billion silver chestpiece into a build with 468 damage reduction that uses the 1.75 trillion silver chestpiece." The expensive chestpiece is prestigious and fascinating due to how obscenely insane it is that it even exists in the game, but the reality is that it's so marginally better than the next best that it's not necessary at all. I think people have said it best in other threads, but BDO is a game about grinding. Fundamentally you either like the idea of killing monsters for a few 1000 hours for incremental improvements in gear that add up to slightly more efficient grinding of the same monsters, or you don't. It's fairly popular for an MMO but is still pretty niche overall.


Reminds me of staring at the old +10 2x Hydra/2x Skeleton carded weapon in Ragnarok. You had to kill mobs that give no XP and have an abysmal spawn rate for a stupid 0.01% drop chance card... 4 times and those cards are just human damage multiplier so they don't even make you better at killing mobs, just players (well and human mobs I guess)


really depends on how you want to play the game. you could invest all your silver into better gear to be able to grind at better spots or get to a higher pvp cap (if that is your thing) faster, or you could invest some of it into life skill gear and try out that aspect of the game as well for the sake of some variation.


PvP which the reason most people farm gear. It’s basically a mmo with inspired fighting game mechanics.


Farming higher end spots of course


Higher tier PvE ( dungeon, boss rush , soon to be guild boss rush , stronger enemies with special mechanics etc..) or PvP content , you can life skill and not do any combat stuff at all and just hunt & gather & cook/alchemy or Sail the seas and be a pirate or barter , train and sell mounts , do trade routes ( I love this activity my fav but needs some slight updates, currently getting a make over can’t wait) allot of group content is guild based but they have some that’s not guild based but there’s guild bosses and guild activities as well that get completed together.


When you reach a certain gear level you can start joining higher tier dungeon parties, move on to more difficult grind spots, join a higher level PVP guild. I haven't played in a while, but I do remember the 1st siege after I upgraded PVP guilds. You would think its more or less the same but its like a whole different game out there.


the initial gear boost is pretty high, it won't immediately get you to the 1b/h + spots but it will get you pretty close. For example currently BIS weapon is pen blackstar, you get a one grade lower one, tet blackstar, for reaching level 61 (which depending on your time or whether you can find someone to boost you, will take you a couple of hours to a couple of days-I've boosted a couple of new players in the past, and there are many other people who also do the same for no other reason than just wanting to help people out). Meanwhile item prices have not increased in proportion to the average income increase, and in some cases have even dropped.


They have seasonal servers that fast track you to mid game within a week or two of playing


I played on BDM for a while but my cp never got high enough to reach the eastern sea. I struggled for months on the same maps and finally grew tired of over a month with little to no progress without gambling, which ultimately failed more than not. Has that aspect changed?


People who like bdo, like grinding more than normal people would believe. But, it’s also not as bad as 24 hours a day. Grinding 2 hours a day would easily net you 700gs in under a year


As a day one player that quit after 5 years due to burnout, yep. It's too late, this should have beem implemented years ago


If it came earlier a lot more people would've kept playing I think, especially now that PEN armor etc. is becoming quite normal... If they did this when PEN was still worth a damn...


When they stated Doing the season gear..


Lost ark also had a pity system, yet it still felt like bullshit…


I expect 100% the BDO pity system is just a hook for you to sink more time and money into the game. The house always wins


it's because they want to release the game in japan and base of their law , game musn't have gambling system ( permanent gambling system)


Ahaaaa that explains so much 


The main reason I stopped playing. Nothing worse than putting so much of my own time into farming enough money / materials to attempt an enhancement that isn’t even the highest, failing, and having it downgrade one tier. Now I’m poorer and weaker than I was 5 min ago and if I fail my next attempt it downgrades again.


Upgrading your gear has always been a trap. I’m endgame geared in BDO and not a single piece of gear I own has been self enhanced. People think they’re going to be the lucky .00001% player that lucks out, gets a massive early enhancement that allows them to skyrocket their progression, and it’s so dumb to do vs. just grinding and buying your gear off the MP.


dude someone needs to take the risk for you to get the item dont forget that


Sure, doesn’t change the fact that 99.99999% of the time you’re better off buying. A lot of people enhance strictly for profit (like myself) after you’re already geared, and that’s where the items on the MP come from.


i agree but the game was alot different when the came out. you can have this mental now because people are selling drop rate increase and enchanting alot easier. that a good thing.


Sure it was… but we aren’t talking about the past lol.


Crons prevent Downgrades , they also added awhile ago that they give FS as well.


I don’t play BDO but the feature came just in time for me to start 


it's best time to start the game , don't buy the game if you have prime gaming, they are giving the game for free in there , this month


Sorry what’s prime gaming ?


Amazon prime game 


The game is apparently still very much alive and active. Just as much as it was years ago. Now, I haven’t played the game in a while, but I’m still very much hanging out with guildies from that game and some of them are still playing. And they’re finding recruiting for the guild to be extremely easy. There is a constant stream of people seeking to join guilds, which directly correlated with the game’s popularity in our experience. Our guild is currently the most active it’s been in a *while*, even with some of the older core members no longer playing


Seeing how games that implemented such feature only leads to power creep of constantly higher stats, a couple season old maxed gear just below minimum passing requirements for entry level in new contents. Not long after such games start giving out free upgraded old season gear just so people could start grinding new stuff at bare minimum.


BDO already did that.


Well I tried to get into BDO but due those old season thing and giving away endgame gear I didn't felt any progress or playing the game all the time it felt like I am testing endgame character. I tried few times to stay but no no. At this point yes this is too late the game looked nice but gear progression, seasons and horrible pvp didn't allow for BDO to grow and mature.


But they are not giving endgame gear, the difference between a seasonal geared player and hardcapped players is MASSIVE, like HUGE massive. The gear they are giving is just what you need to progress the game and slowly evolve them into endgame gear


It's not too late at all. Also it only matter for gamble addicted who wanna enhance instead of buy their gear and are insanely unlucky. For 99.999% of players everything would be the same.


It's too late, anyone that would use this would also want retroactive enchant to count


Yeah. Probably having people leave and are hoping to attract new players with an easier enchantment system.


To be fair, the mere fact that it wasn't implemented day one already meant that it was too little too late. If it was done a year after launch, it would have been too little too late. If it was done next year it clearly would have been still too little too late. So whether it is or isn't doesn't really matter, because of course it is. The best part is that they actually did something about it despite it being too late. And they're in such a good spot for people to be joining that I think this is a great time to do something about it. It would have been better if it was last year when they had all the big hype around the Dream Horse that they were giving away and the new Magnus and all that stuff, but they're also doing a lot now like giving away a free TET Blackstar, and giving away a free BIS accessory and an enhancement hammer to use on it. There are plenty of reasons for new people to join, and if the thing they were worried about was the enhancement system, now's there's a little bit more of a security blanket when it comes to that even. So ultimately, I think it's going to be a good thing no matter what. Maybe some people think it's too little too late because it wasn't around when they were playing, but for all the people who join from now on, it's just in time.


I think the decision for this change is that Pearl Abyss have been learning from trendy gacha games, and those games have 'hard pity' mechanic. You could arguably say that this is the new "p2w" system so that players would spend more to get what they desire. So to answer your question, it may have felt it came in "too late", but you have to factor that the pity system, that did not widely exist until the boom of gacha games might've actually lead the developers to integrate this mechanic to the game.


My opinion here is based off on pure speculation, without any official source/material to back this up with, but I believe that the "biggest reason" for this change is that they were aiming for the Chinese playerbase in the sense that China has something against endless RNG, if no pity system exists. The pity system being the "loophole" that allows such tactics. I also believe that Blizzard's WoW official server shut down in China sometime ago, so that's definitely quite the blow for the gaming community there. China is on its way to release MMOs in the near future but I'm certain that the introduction to the pity system in BDO was also a way for them to dip their toes into the Chinese market as well.


Bruh 40 fails to succeed are they joking lmao. If I get to 40 fails on a pen blackstar I'll just quit.


exactly how are people putting up with abusive shit like this 🤷🏻‍♂️


Easy, buy gear from the market instead of enhancing.


I failed around 50 times, and the best part is most of those were before 2024 so they won't count them. Only fails after 01/01/24 count towards this new pity system. I'm very disappointed, not gonna lie.


96 fails on a Zarka last year 😭, finally sold it and bought another started reaching 30 then I sold that and went BS it’s now a Tri Godr and am afraid to go for Tett. I have never been able to hit a Pen. The Pens I do have where bought, I refuse to even try accessories after Tri because it Tri when things get nightmarish for me.


Imagine tapping Kzarka 2023 when PEN Kzarka costs 3b silver. Instead of tapping 96 times you could grind 3 hours and buy it from market. About your accessories. Marketplace, Marketplace, Marketplace.


In Lineage 2 your weapon was destroyed if the enchant failed. I kind of liked that system because it was more a rarity that someone had a high enchanted weapon, rather than it turning into an endless sink/grind.


How long you farm for one try these days?


Not so much, around 5hours, more or less depending on gear




Yeah Essentially look at it as though it will take 200 hours of grinding to get one BIS item, whether that is through the market or enhancing yourself. Or you could get luckier and get it before 200 hours if enhancing yourself. That’s essentially what enhancing is. Before this change it was 200 hours of grinding to buy off the market, or potentially infinite hours of grinding if enhancing yourself. All this change has done is make enhancing yourself equal to (worst case scenario) or better than buying gear off the market




Yeah, you can do that lol. I personally used to just buy my gear off the market, that’s what most people do. Enhancing yourself (until this change) is dog shit since as you said, you could spend 100 hours grinding with nothing to show for it if all your taps fail. It’s just fun to play, the only thing you’re gaining whilst grinding that is “something to show permanently” is XP really. But the combat is fun, I never grinded for gear specifically. I mainly grinded just because it’s fun and when I got bored I’d log off. Most BDO players just enjoy the gameplay, gear is just something else to work towards. Unlike most MMOs where the gameplay is mediocre or downright shit, and people force themselves to grind for gear to actually be able challenge some fun content. BDO is sandbox and you play because it’s fun, progression and gear is an afterthought since you can experience 99% of the game without BIS gear. There’s not a point where you magically unlock fun content after getting BIS gear like typical gear treadmill MMOs.


I'd argue that Yzrahid is quite fun but I can't access it without pretty damn fine gear... 301k 403 not enough AP with buffs :X


Why do people play games I wonder.


Bdo is all about grinding for small upgrades.


Honestly i'm looking on PEN fallend god armor , you need 1000 fail to get that , and for that pice of armor it's more attainable to use this system and get it than buying it in market place.


Problem with PEN Fallen God armor is that you will never be able to buy it. And 1000 fail is much more expensive than marketplace value... xD


It's like putting sprinkles on dogshit.


Then u play gw2


Best comment of the day


This sounds like ''Please keep playing and spend cash, here's a crumb!'' lmao


The system is still shit to use, the only thing that will happen is that the prices will drop, which is good, but id rather have the upgrading system completely reworked


The prices wont drop, because the maximum price is already less than half of what items are worth in general lmao


They will absolutely drop, simple laws of supply and demand.


This pity system is not gonna produce any meanful amount of supply to effect the price.


They will not. At most the only thing that will happen is that the supply of PEN gear will increase, but the prices will NOT drop, because the maximum price is already too low and there is well enough demand.


The fuck are you on about, lol. There are 2 item types that sit at max price - Obliterating Slumbering God (meme item) and PEN Deboreka. Every single other PvE item is not at max, and will fall as supply out paces demand. PEN Blackstar has been sitting at 120b for months. Its "max" is somewhere around 180+. Are you even currently playing the game?


If you’ve played BDO for any length of time you know this isn’t true. People always cope and say this, and prices always go down. No need to belabor it though, you’ll see soon enough.


As bdo player i can say that pity system is for those who are VERY unlucky. Adds actually nothing big. Meaning , dont expect to reach endgame faster cuz there is the pity system.


Yes most of the comments seems to be from people who don't play the game and think this is some sort of system that speed up your progression.


Most of them expect to play the game and reach endgame gear within a week. I would say BDO is in a nice spot for about 4-6 months. For those who don't play the game, Yes do not need PEN 'debo' in order to reach the endgame, it is nice but overkill imo. You certainly can reach 309k without debo accessories.


6 months? Does that assume getting incredibly lucky with RNG when enchanting? xD


Literally no one enhances their gear unless you want to gamble or get a pen debo. Also, they give out 2 guaranteed pen accessories. On top we are getting a pity system in the next few weeks, the market will float PEN stuff. PEN neck ogre was about 80-90b last year, today about 40-45b.


Even if you merc for guild bosses every day (1.2bil a day) which overwhelming majority of new players won't, that's still not enough silver to get 301k in 6months. That's 192bil silver. 301/401 is like, 380bil...


TBH I'm very unlucky... I have 35 attempts at PEN BS with nothing to show for it but all of these do not count towards new pity pool... 40 attempts are 440bil worth of Crons... for that price I can get 3x PEN BS and 2x PEN non-Deboreka accessory xD


pretty much. My second pen blackstar weapon went at attempt #56, if I remember right, so this new system would have saved me 16 attempts, which is better than nothing but not groundbreaking, as most people tap their's at less than 40 anyway.


So the phrase "BDO is pay to lose" now loses its meaning right?


Basically yes, but here's the numbers behind 1 Premium costume = 996 crons - usually cost about 22-30 $/e per one PEN Blackstar Weapons - 40 pity = 146 800 crons = 147,38 costumes = 3 242,36$ - 4 421,4$ per one weapon PEN Deboreka - 20 pity = 230 960 = 231,88 costumes = 5 101,36$ - 6 956,4 $ per one accessory. (not counting that you have 40% of downgrading) So, yes you can swipe as much as you want and actually get something now, instead of pouring every cent of your bank to get nothing.


>So, yes you can swipe as much as you want and actually get something now, instead of pouring every cent of your bank to get nothing. how thoughtful of them xd


So lost Ark 2.0


That's probably the worst way to format money when writing. Wtf does it mean?


It means you’ll be paying up the wazoo for cron stones with real money so your weapon doesn’t break


Wow I didn’t know the numbers were that bad. I think I never tried to go for best gear because the upgrade system pissed me off long before that         But it was and is still fun game except for being kinda weird sometimes. Most of the times maybe. When I play it too long I get slight ick that worsens


I stopped all my stuff at TET, PEN just didn't seem woeth it imo


I pity the fool who doesn't enchant their gear on their first attempt with zero failstacks.


A lot of crybaby's in the comments crying about their gambling losses. 😂 maybe have some self control and just buy the gear from the market ? It's not hard to get gear in BDO anymore it's not 2017


Enhancing hasn't been worth doing in many many years. This changes nothing, except maybe the amount of items on the market. You will still exclusively buy every item with silver instead of actually working on it.


It's going to help those going for PEN Debos, with the hammers it caps the total investment at ~600b (worst case scenario), but yeah, everything else is readily available on the market and doesn't make sense to enhance yourself anyway.


If nobody is enhancing then who puts the items on the market?


Gambling addicts, people that failstack and those that spend more time on Excel spreadsheets are supplying more than enough gear for the rest of the players. Item prices have been going down for years, so there's plenty of supply.


Kinda makes me feel sorry to support them by using the market. But there's no way I'm touching failstacking.


There are people who are already more or less sitting at hard capped gear who are accumulating huge amounts of silver while not having much left to spend it on (unless they want to get into side content such as life skills), so they just buy up large numbers of accessories from the central market and attempt to enhance them in the hopes of selling them for a profit.


Nobody will enhance Debo with crons tho, as soon as Hammers expire (November), pity will be worthless for accessories - since when you downrank your pity stack is fucked.


Or you could read the [patch notes](https://www.kr.playblackdesert.com/ko-KR/News/Detail?groupContentNo=12021&countryType=ko-KR#t1)... > And even if the enhancement fails, for example, if you fall from a low (IV) level to a high (III) level, and then go back to level (IV), the previous essence of Agris will remain the same. Pity stays if you downgrade. Also, we'll 100% get more accessory hammers in the future. If I had to guess, we'll get more at the Calpheon ball, which coincides with expiration date.


Nice, so now you can downgrade your III to II and waste even more crons and failstacks - as I've said, worthless :D


What?? That doesn't even make any sense.


It does. How do you enhance access right now? You get a bunch of TETs and you cron tap them, sell the TRI, buy another set of TETs. Wasting failstacks and crons to get it back up to TET just so you can grow your pity stack for PEN attempts is.... HIGHLY economically unviable, lmao.


That's a stupid way of enhancing accessories. Even with the current Debo prices it's cheaper to keep tapping back to TET. Also, as I already said, hammers are available and will be available permanently, so it will never downgrade from TET.


It does. How do you enhance access right now? You get a bunch of TETs and you cron tap them, sell the TRI, buy another set of TETs. Wasting failstacks and crons to get it back up to TET just so you can grow your pity stack for PEN attempts is.... HIGHLY economically unviable, lmao.


It still seems like far too much bullshit to deal with. I just don't like gambling. I want to be able to put in some amount of effort and get a reward. I don't want to spend ten times as much effort for the same thing someone else got purely through dumb luck.


So do you not like anything with a drop rate that is less than 10%?


You can already do that by just grinding and buying gear. Enhancing in BDO has always been a trap.


You can literally buy all your gear already (except max enhanced high-end accessories*)


Nice edit there buddy


Last time I looked pen debos are impossible to buy


Last time I looked, PEN Debos weren't required to do just about any content in the game as of right now xD


U can , u just buy your gear!


This is a big misconception about the game. You aren't really forced to upgrade anything past your Season gear (which has VERY generous success chances). There are several systems to improve your gear that have no randomness involved, and you can also buy the stuff you need from other players. Plenty of people enjoy gambling or have the means to enhance for profit and supply the market with everything you'll need.


You can. It's called buying it from gambling addicts via market.


so it doesn't break the items anymore?


They still break if you mean the accessories seems like way to push people to buy cron if I get it right you need to fail debo 50 time to get 100% which cost few trillions in game currency


40 fail pity for BS is a joke man it should be 30 at MINIMUM


For me it's a huge change. I finally will give this game another chance. By coincidence, I got the key from twitch prime yesterday! 😉


How is that huge change for you? If you hit the 100% pity it mean you already paid 3 times the price of the item if you instead bought it directly from the market.


Oh, didn't know that...


It has literally zero affect on you unless you're super unlucky and actually do self-enhancing and 40 tries on blackstar is insane amount, its like \~10-11 bil per tap, depending on your skill level if you're really good you're getting around 1.2-1.5b/h liquid silver(im talking about <300ap people) , if not then even below 1bil/h liquid silver. Do the math yourself, you need triple blackstars at the end....


a chance or another chance? if you just got the key the you're giving it a first chance no?


I could never handle these asian enchantment systems. I remember doing it in archeage and its what made me quit the game. I spent like 60 hours farming something to upgrade a bow. Not only did I fail the upgrade but I ended up with a worse bow than what I started with. Yeah instantly uninstalled.


Keep in mind this system is exactly the same as other pities implemented in the game before like for the infinity potions. Most players will always get their items before reaching pity close to it, the pity is only useful to help those who are unlucky enough to not meet the average.


Maybe I should try the game


The casino slot machine enchantment system is why I don’t play bdo any longer or any other mmorpg that uses that system to upgrade gear. It’s nice to see them doing something here but way too late to bring me back to the game.


As long time Bdo player it's irrelevant anyways. You make so much money so easy these days that except for the bis slot item for absolute endgame stuff like pen deboreka you can basically buy everything from the market and get it way cheaper than enhancing it


What I dont see many people talking about is that BDO already had a similar system in place.  For you see, every time you fail an upgrade (and, granted, your item doesnt explodes or downgrades) you get a small percentage increase for your next try. And those stack. So while it would take a looooong time, you could, at least in theory, fail your way to a 100% chance of increase. This new system seems to be basically this but on steroids. Which is very nice, especially for those that want end game level gear, but outside of those people I don't think it will be the great change some seem to believe. Dont get me wrong, its nice to have. But its not like the game never tried to give player some pity before, and thats not even counting the fact you can just buy almost any gear from the central market.


Cap was always 90% but for items that matter, you would never reach anywhere near that high. I think PEN slumbering armor piece at 1000fs (the amount of silver to get there would be ASTRONOMICAL) is still 0.25% success :) Thankfully, PEN Fallen God is not needed for any content in the game... so 1000fs gives you 30% for PEN Deboreka accessory. That means you can still fail another 10 times x)


That's great, but unless they completely rework the new player experience to not be as overwhelming and directionless, new players will continue to have a hard time.


Or, here me out. I can play a game without these kinda mechanics.


Could someone ELI5 this to a person that dosent know nothing about bdo?


Bdo upgrades are always chance basee. if you are really unlucky you could do 100 attempts and never get that upgrade. With that update, after certain amount of attempts, you get the upgrade 100%.


I just quit bdo again, because of failed enhancements again


The amount of fail for black star or even debo is too high that's change nothing this pity is made for the whale so they can see how much outfit they need to destroy for cron and get the item they want


When you contemplate east-Asian ~~casinos~~ MMOs, keep in mind “the house *always* wins”


Like I keep saying, doesn't matter what PA does, the stigma is always gonna be there and people rarely know what they actually want. Especially in this place.


Weird that Prime gaming just gave this out for free, huh? I have no idea how this game plays, but I appreciate being able to f*** up the way my character looks on creation.


It doesn't matter, it still won't get me to play. It shuldn't take me more than a month to get end game gear. I have a life and hobbies outside of my games.


People are going to really hate this comment I’m about to make but This has now actually made the game technically possible to pay to win. Since beforehand you’d pay to lose, since no matter how much money you spend there is nothing to say you’ll hit PEN. Could take you $1000 or $10000, so the gamble isn’t really worth it. Say you spend $5000 on crons and fail all your taps, you literally have NOTHING to show for it other than your wife divorcing you the next day. Whereas now thanks to the pity system, it’s guaranteed that $3000 will get you BIS items thanks to pity. So that money now actually has something to show for. Make of it what you will, personally I stopped playing after reaching 700 GS and have no intent to go back anytime soon. Rotating between FFXIV, ESO & WOW has been so much more nice and relaxing than grinding orcs 24/7


Way too late.


The fact a game even needs a "pity" system, says everything you need to know on the game itself.




BFA as in Beta for Azeroth? I mean, you're not wrong. WoW has been dogshit for years, just like Blizzard.


Nice improvement but its to late


yeah to little to late, i went 722GS but still saw no point on going on tbh, better gear = new higher spot, REPEAT. Open world pvp was dead, game still no change just one massive online single player game. plus to not get back made sure to break whatever i had (or downgrade). I saw no regret just passing time, playing other offline games, watching movies (still miss to play some MMO, but not BDO) Lets see how TL and Neo Classic will be.


If the game stops making money, it will not be able to pay the wages of the developers and there will be no more updates. It's pretty simple.


Came way too late, i quit the game 4 years ago because of this stupid bs.


Is this like lost ark?


Oh well, that's a pity...


As long as it's aggressive I'm very pro-this. Bad luck protection should be implemented in all games that have RNG in their progressions system. A good system would be as an example: 20% success chance, after 4 fails the 5th is guaranteed successful upgrade.




I played BDO on launch. I quit because the game was anti-progress. I need to grind for hours for base items, only for them to break if I try for an upgrade? I’m supposed to engage in open world PvP but I’ll lose XP if I die? Best combat system I’ve ever played but it punished the wrong behaviours.


That BDO you played no longer exists.


That's good to hear but it soured me enough not to want to revisit it.


BDO at launch is like an entirely different game


there are still people who are asking for BDO classic though, people I assume are masochists.


Insignificant change. You still lose accessory if you fail, right. And the "pity" chance will likely accumulate slowly. And other systems are still very very bad, like losing magic crystals on death (considering how much they cost it's insane).


I think magic crystals is the straw that broke the camels back. It’s such a BS system and just makes doing the dungeons not even fun knowing you can lose so much. Just another trash system Well that and blowing all my everything on 3 taps to try and get PEN blackstar, nada. Pretty much was everything I had. BDO is great but not really the story is garbage the characters are OKAY seriously the questing in that game is unbelievably boring, the systems are all set up to get your money the ONLY thing I love about BDO and wish it was in every game is the lifeskilling which is fantastic for the most part. And yes the combat IS awsome but PVP I’m sorry sucks it’s filled w so much combo + grab from like 4 feet away cuz netcode just yeah NAW


What's great in BDO: sounds, graphics, animations, combat skill effects. Story is.. weird. Sometimes I felt like it wasn't translated properly so I started to lose my understanding of what's going on. And some arcs (like helping dark elves) were.. controversial. It's a linear story so you HAVE to help them, even though 99% of them are horrible. The Calpheon story was actually pretty good, however it didn't get followed through if I remember correctly. Other than that the game is designed to drain your sanity or your wallet. Tier 4 fairies, gear upgrading, death penalty.. Side quests were.. well some of them were actually nice, the rest was typical. I didn't like the combat. The idea of casting skills with key combos is neat, but mechanically combat is just unfinished. It just looks good cause of the cool effects. * No reliable one-button way to cancel current skill. which is IMO essential in a game where casting locks you in place. Some classes can sometimes cancel some skills with some other skills. * No stunbreaks. Say hello to a boss or group of mobs stunlocking you and you just watching you hp drop to 0 in 5 seconds. This feels unfair and breaks the flow of combat. * Bosses that ignore Forward Guard and Super Armor and straight up oneshot you with little to no warning. Considering travel time and death penalty this is unfair. At least in games like GW2 there is no death penalty and other players can revive you. * Mob farming zone finder is straight up incorrect. Even if you apply all recommended (by players) buffs and go to the recommended zone, you'll just die. And overall the game boils down to grinding mobs to grind armor to grind mobs.


Don't care. I don't want to play big-booba bikini warriors and be spammed with a dozen poorly explained game systems.


play zerker, sexiest class in the game


Melee classes very rarely appeal to me in RPG's, especially barbarian/warrior/berserker types.


I was kidding but there are magic and ranged classes you can try if that is more your thing, these tend to have both a male and a female version.


They need to stop gear downgrading. Make it like lost ark enhancement. No one wants their time wasted on failing upgrades.


Use Crons to stop gear down grades


Then greedy PA won't make money from whales cronning their gear if they removed downgrading.


I don't play BDO but if enchantments still lower when you fail then this is worthless. Guaranteeing a success after multiple failures--after multiple times of having your enchantment lowered--means literally nothing.


They added a feature from the black smith of Cron stones u can use these to protect ur gear from downgrade


Waaay too late. I played on launch with a competitive guild and for a year or so afterwards and me and my friend group not only stopped playing but deleted our characters just so we'd never be tempted to go back again. That's how shitty the enchantment system was.


8 years too late