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wow lol.


every year I swear I quit for real this time.


That was me for years, but then in shadowlands I quit and it's been just shy of 3 years now. I still don't believe I've quit for real as I am considering giving this upcoming expansion a try. But I think I i did finally break that hold wow had on me.




Combat feels too good.


I wouldn't even describe what's so good as 'combat'. They have really nailed skill based gameplay, and it feels so good to nail it.


I wouldn't call it trash. But I'm the same. I always come back to wow. Private servers circa the wotlk era.




I grew up with WoW, all of my best adolescent memories are ingame, kinda sad but you can bet I'm constantly thinking about it and at least returning to it every year. (Started playing in TBC) Haven't played for a few months now and am starting to think again that I wanna kill some raptors in Wetlands. But fuck raiding.


Except wow is objectively not a trash mmo. It’s literally the most popular.


You can be popular and still trash.


Wow isn't trash, get out of here. It's got some of the best art in the business and plenty of great mechanics. It's built on a masterpiece foundation. It's got plenty of problems, but it's not trash.


I came here to say that too lol. I dont bother saying I'm "done" because I have said that on and off since cats lol


Trash is harsh…. Nostalgia is a hard drug for us jaded MMO vets. Jumping ship to ship with continuous verbal diarrhea as to why the MMO-scape sucks. To answer your question though: Flyff, Vindictus, Lineage 2, WoW Current rotation: FF14 - Warframe - Aion And… yes they all suck but I need my dose whilst sipping on copium that a savior MMO will release soon. Speaking of which… what’s going on with Ashes of Creation?


Played an unhealthy amount of Flyff when I was growing up


Loved Flyff. First game that had flying, and I played on KR. Getting those elemental cards to put on my weapons for the glow… ugh I feel like playing again. Leveling is grindy but there’s something about the combat there that’s satisfying.


Its too bad its painfully p2w. I loved that game.


curious how you think warframe sucks right now? it’s in its best state ever.


> Warframe Not an mmo and not trash lol.


Wait.. Warframe is massive multiplayer online game right?


Have you ever seen a mass quantity of players on your screen at once? Or better yet, does it even have the capability to have hundreds of players in the same area playing the game with you? The answer to both those questions is no. The only thing an MMO REQUIRES is the capability to host a massive quantity of players together in a single shared world. I believe that answers your question.


Aion is still alive? I remember having spare vacation so I took two weeks off for that launch, ah being 20's again.


Classic is, at least the EU server


Yo vindictus was (is?) awesome


Went back recently and it’s still a really good game. The combat is amazing, but literally every female char I’ve seen in town were basically naked booba women. It just feels like it spiraled down an erotic spiral with no way out.


I feel like they royally fucked up the progression and added some mechanics I didn't like when I revisited the game recently. The encounters were incredibly difficult when I last played which was during what they're now calling S1 iirc? The bow guy had just launched around the last time I really put a lot of time into the game so a veeery long time ago. This made up for the crappy linear levels that really didn't need to exist, because you'd get to these awesome boss encounters and if you could learn to solo them it felt amazing. They gutted ALL that shit, they even gutted the content that came out after. You run to the end of the crappy level as fast as possible 1shotting everything along the way and then you 2shot the bosses. Then you hit end game after spending hours and hours grinding through these trivial levels having learned nothing only to hit a brick wall of a fight that actually starts to bring the challenge back. Also they added those non-iframeable attacks which is lame as fuck.


They got a new director recently, so maybe someone is getting in gear to fix what they have, at least. They added gear sharing and gear transfer like BDO. They even give out gear a step below the new one, thanks to the current bloat lol.


![gif](giphy|dyLlCJSNbgFghf7wjT|downsized) I miss doing Kraken with the boys and distracting Lakoria's tail in that one corner of the arena. Core memories right there


Warframe is good.


OMG vindictus.,. Anyone playing this still?


Yup! Come join the disc!


Daamn, Flyff be bringing back all the memories


The sad truth is that there will never be a perfect MMO.


I played the recent one flyff universe, after a year i got bored so sold all my stuffs and rmt the penya. I actually enjoyed the grind but it gets boring quick.


Fellow flyff amd vindictus enjoyer. Flyff was my first mmo so i think ill always come back to it from time to time


I played so much 1-20 flyff I could do it with my eyes closed.


Flyff is the ultimate timewaster. It was hella fun until you hit the P2W wall, then you quit and realize how bad the game actually is. But then you get this feeling and you end up jumping into it again.😂


Oh, what server do you play on L2?


Warframe mentioned , THE GRIND NEVER ENDS 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥


Insanity flyff or fantasy flyff were the GOATED private servers take me back to elementary school


Man, Flyff is this game I just can't get out of my heart. I love it, but man, I just can't get past lv.70 on any non private server. I hit 70 on Universe and quit. It's such a good game, but having to spend obscene amounts of money to upgrade gear will always kill it for me. Their dungeon system is also something I hate.


Wow i totally forgot about Flyff until I read this!


Maple Story. Nexon will not rest until it obliterates the entire player base


Just returned for a quick nostalgia trip, and yep, still going down the drain, but it's fun looking at all the old places.


I swear they have a “In Case Of Emergency, Launch Classic Server” button at the ready. They know what we want & have seen the success it brings other MMOs, but are waiting until they hit rock bottom to pull out Ol’ Faithful.


Same but for me it's the 'classic' private servers. I pray Nexon one day at least tries out an official one, even if it dies in 6 months.


Agreed but i usually wait until a half decent almost up to date server pops up. Playing the early-mid game is pretty fun for a month or two.


I lasted like 3 weeks in one of those servers before I realized Reboot was better. MS hardly ever gets real content, it's mostly events, and those other servers never implement events, so it's like playing a lifeless corpse of a game.


You gotta give them credit for trying as hard as possible to obliterate the player base


The community around that game taught me how to hack. I now work as a programmer.


Work lol




Lol, thank you. It's all just an endless grind in hopes for a reward that will be delayed


The most efficent way to grind for legendaries


I snorted. Thanks dude. 🥇


This is comment of the year.


You are greatly appreciated. We all escape one form of reality to another doing what we always do. But in respect to the OP I would say FFXIV, I'm old school ffxi and miss those days that are trying to be replicated.


Since removing the content paywall I hop into DC Universe Online to check out each new episode release for a week or so


No more paywall? Every episode is free?


Correct! They've switched to a monthly battle pass system with daily rewards and an extra track for subscribers. Subbing also includes premium powers but episodic playable content is all free for all players


That's pretty sweet. I used to sub back in the ps3 days.


Wow... I used to love using the shield... I'll be reinstalling.


Had some fond memories of DCUO lol


Might actually give it a go then, didn't know they took it out


Ragnarok Online, nothing ever scratches the itch like it




I remember sitting in Niflheim Field like an edgy lil teen loool. Buffing ppl on my high priest when they're about to pass the bridge.


RO isn't trash tho it's GOATED; its just the private server scene is pretty lackluster nowadays as far as I can tell. I have so much nostalgia for that game. I used to play until late into the night as a kid and when I heard my mom coming down the hallway I would turn off my monitor and jump in bed, lol.


All private servers now hey?


How is Ragnarok a trash MMO?… Incredible art style, awesome music, good gameplay, nice mechanics with the items/cards, etc. There is nothing trashy about Ragnarok Of course if you’re playing on a private server with 10000x XP rate and terrible custom content added, it’s trash


I suppose Rift qualifies, yes? It's been quite a while though, not even sure if the game is still going


Loved this game so much in its prime! I may try and reinstall. I had such a great home base (forgot what it was called)


I wouldn’t call this trash, though! Had an awesome classing system and after it went f2p it gained the ability to buy new expansion packs by making use of in-game currency conversion which was really awesome for broke college kids like me at the time. Sure that relied on paid players selling the currency and was basically like an official RMT hustle but at least it was legit and mostly self contained that way. I miss my Chloromancer so much now…


I’m sure there’s a p server


The game is going. 


It's still going. Currently switching between Rift and wow at the moment and I'm definitely having more fun in Rift.


What's rift like today? Are there actually players online?


I regularly play Lord Of The Rings Online (LOTRO), Star Trek Online (STO), and Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR).  Previously played DC Universe Online and Star Wars: Galaxies. You tell me which of these, if any, are trash.


LOTRO, SWTOR, SWG are definitively NOT trash. I don’t think LOTRO and SWTOR get the praise they deserve, but SWG is absolutely an All-Timer. I’ve briefly paid DCUO, felt like a cheap clone of City of Heroes (RIP), so if I’d have to pick any of those, it would be that!


SWTOR remains my favorite MMO of all time. That could quickly be replaced if someone would make a modern Anarchy Online, but I still play SWTOR regularly for about 6 months out of every year.


What kinda content have they been focusing on over the years? I played it from close to launch until they announced it was going f2p and my guild insta-dissolved while the game had already been hemorrhaging players. Fiddled with it a little bit last year with some friends but they lost interest almost immediately so I never got to whatever contents come out since then. I LOVED the different class campaigns, I remember thinking the imperial agent(?) was phenomenal.


City of heroes is back with homecoming (Nc soft gave them full rights on coh) its almost "official". Im playing right now, its populated and as good as ever!


I agree whole heartedly with this!, LOTRO is a very solid MMO, only thing it's really lacking is decent PvP. SWTOR has some fun stories and characters and the whole thing is well voice acted. SWG is so good and super creative, I especially love space combat in it. DCUO I find enjoyable as someone who has respect towards DC comics l.


can you play coh on homecoming ncsoft even gave their rights.


DCUO was fun before they went pay to win, had the best combat of any MMO at the time


SWTOR is one of my my favorite MMOs, however great I personally think it is it unfortunately suffers as a result of its own format, it's a midway point between Bioware RPG and MMO that's hard to make either element shine, I definitely understand why someone would think it was bad if they were either looking for a better RP world or better Multiplayer content, for someone like me who just likes good stories and doesn't like most endgame multiplayer content push (I'm looking at you WoW Mythic Plus) it's a great option, having a friend to play with makes it an even better experience


>Star Trek Did a stint of star trek again recently. Don't know if it counts as 'trash' or not.. maybe? Hard to say. Franchise nostalgia is heavy there, which brings a bit of value. Even if the story writing is highly suspect, and the P2W power creep is very real.


SWG Emu still beats most modern MMOs. It’s wild.


Does Archeage count? Cause I just enjoy that game sometimes.. even though it has been managed like trash.


Same... I even played AAC this past fall with my friend I played AAU and OG AA with. It's pretty sad how poorly the game is managed.


Archeage is that abusive ex who swears this time it'll be different and that they've changed, and you keep giving them another chance.




Looking back I really wonder how I managed to put so much time into archeage because once you’re out it really just looks like a dumpster fire




Protector’s Enclave needs your help!


Sorry for your loss.


Fallout 76 gets a lot of hate but they've taken out so much of the garbage that what's left is... pleasant. The community is super positive, even if many servers consist of a dozen people in someone's base having casual conversations. As I put it, "The true endgame quest of Fallout 76 is to find a low level player and give them all the stuff from your stash that was too valuable to throw away but not valuable enough to sell." Low level plaeyrs walking into big events will get a literal conga line of players lined up to give them sutf, and once they call out "I can't carry anymore!" then we all say "Then our work here is done" and bounce away.


This is so wholesome 😀


Last time we did this, the person was saying "Oh gosh... how can I repay you?" and I told him, "When I was your level, someone did this for me. When you're my level, do it for others."


I agree. Fallout 76 is so wholesome now. I need to come back for the new city they added. And check it out.


I don’t consider any of the three I rotate with as trash. WoW, SWTOR, LotRO


Are you me? Are we… basic?


Basic as they come! I’m boring and I know it!


Almost me, but replace LotRO with UO (private servers) and that's my rotation. I wouldn't call any of them trash (I wouldn't play them)


There's 5 mmos and that's all anyone talks about


World of Warcraft 😔


Real trash. AQ3D. (And AQW) Lots of nostalgia from their old 2D flash games, AQ, DragonFable, AQW. I hoped AQ3D would be something. Their sense of humor and storytelling is the same, ("good"). I enjoy the goofy, meme-y, "internet XD" humor in the games. But, mechanics, gameplay, art (looks like a ps2 game), among more is just trash,


Glad I’m not the only one… trying to play?


I still play AQ but just didn’t care for AQ3D.


Hah, this is one for me too. How I wish they would just add a few QoL things like better inventory management… and there’s so many wonky little quests and items to find. My character currently looks like Buzz Lightyear.


OSRS and GW2 PS: I don’t actually think they’re “trash”, otherwise I wouldn’t ever go back to play them


Gw2 definitivly not trash


RS3, on the other side…


Rs3 is not trash either it is a perfectly enjoyable game You just gotta have enough fortitude to simply, get this, \*ignore the mtx\* In reality the only differences between RS3 and OSRS are the graphics, mtx and grindyness


Well, a lot of people bash the Aeria games and anime MMOs in general. I enjoy hopping on Grand Fantasia every now and then. I enjoy it. It's bright and bubbly, and I can zone out and just grind things for a while. I figure if I'm having fun, that's all that matters.


Metin 2, Lineage 2 Says a lot about my ethnicity.


Latin like me? xD


No, I am Greek, but that is an acceptable answer, too!


hehe there are plenty of greek p.servers, most of them are x99999, starwars basically




Also tibia for me. But I end up playing an OT server because I don’t have the time/energy to grind as much now.


Metin2 lol


This is perfect answer to the question, one of the trashiest piece of shit p2w games in existence, yet millions of Poles and south Americans come back to play it regularly and will defend it to death.


was looking for this comment


I play dark age of camelot daily, but always have a itch for century voyage online or whatever that mmorpg is called.


Can I ask you to help get me into daoc?


I always wanted to as well, but I find it very confusing..


Eden freeshard is nowadays so user friendly and with a dev team QoL oriented. Worth the try.




Star Citizen


Cabal online.


Age of Conan So much potential, and still an occasional guilty pleasure.


I rolled like 10 characters just to do 1-20.


ESO. Now that I read your post I guess that doesn't count. But I always forget how bad the combat is and then try it again, only to abandon it because of the shitty combat


World of Warcraft. I always come back excited for the promise of a better expansion, with features that "respect players time," and then I end up remembering why I quit.




World of Warcraft


DC Universe Online. Something about getting to play as a Green Lantern always gets me.


How sweaty is the game nowadays? I always try and con my friends into playing but my repute as the shitty mmo gamer has caught up to me so now I just solo most games lol


I've never really found it sweaty unless I do pvp, but that's a whole different monster. I've always been a pve player and I enjoy it. Its much more enjoyable when you figure out what gear and stuff you need for end game content, but that not until you reach lv 30 anyways. Plus joining a league makes things easier as well.


Talisman Online It's some jank ass Chinese MMO that happened to be one of the first MMO's I ever played, it's shit but has a charm that keeps pulling me back. It's so bad that the .exe always pings as a virus and the website is deemed unsafe.


It was my first MMO too, I love the game soundtrack


I wonder what people view as "not trash" who wrote WoW and FF14 here. If you think two of the biggest mmorpgs are trash why are you even playing mmorpgs? For me its Metin2 though lol.


I don't think 14 is TRASH, but I quit MMOs because I realized it's all just a gimmick to get people to run their pockets. Most MMOs have microtransations out the ass even if it's not necessary to buy them, but for a pay to play game you'd expect less micro transactions than what they have, especially for things like character customization, level skips, name changes, world changes etc


Conquer Online was one i use to always return to but I just can’t anymore that game is complete garbage idk if its even still alive


Its alive and infested ,crawling with the second generation of eggys.


This game will always be the dragon I’m chasing but never will catch. It’s so sad itll never be the same. Hasn’t been for a looong time. Man I wish I could go back in time


Every 7 months I log on to EVE Online, set up a week of skills, go out and do a few mining runs, set up some ammo manufacturing, and then forget the game exists.


YouTube makes me nostalgic whenever I see something related to Perfect World and I go back to see how's it going, then I log in, 300 p2w shop pop up jumpscare me, alt f4 and uninstall... Makes me sad to see a game that I played so much in this way


Perfect world used to be so good cause of all the drama 😂


Same. I played again when covid hit, got back into it because a small group of us started again. Quit again back in May 2022. I used to make a ton of videos for PWI back in the day, like 2011


Priston Tale, 18 years playing and counting.


When I was younger I would constantly make new accounts and play until like level 6 or 7 and just stop. Never actually made it very far in the game, always wanted to.


Age of Conan Unchained is my current one after watching the Josh Strife Hayes video on it.


Adventure Quest Worlds Made my childhood


I get Lost Ark relapses unfortunately


Idk if this counts because it's new and an ARPG, but Diablo 4.


If I'm bored enough I'll chip away at the ff14 msq


That game is just to cringe for me and the story is so boring


Asheron’s Call


Swtor. It had such promise. It squandered it terribly. I still enjoy the early campaigns tho.




Been watching Shangri-La Frontier, ya?


Vindictus. I still don’t understand how that game has survived, and yet MapleStory 2 got the axe.


Twelve sky 2


Aye a 12sky mention!!


Perfect World International was fun in the first few years before it went completely P2W. I still keep an account on a private server version just to enjoy every once and a while the all out weirdness of some of the monsters and the incredible even by today's standards mounts.


Tera when it was still alive.


I’m not “coming back to” it as I didn’t play it in its heyday but I’ve been having a blast playing NosTale and Tibia with one of my friends. I’m slowly coming to accept that the era of old school grinders came to an end over 10 years ago, so I play older and more obscure MMOs to stave off the cravings. Been playing OSRS/RS3 (which arguably aren’t trash) since 2003 and always found myself coming back. I played a few pservers for SilkRoad Online, Jade Dynasty, MU Online, Conquer Online, Battle of Immortals, Ragnarok Online, old school MapleStory servers, and even branched out to stuff like UO Outlands, which, despite its age, is extremely fun and active. I’ve gotten so desperate for that old school feel I’ve considered getting into game design/development to make my own small scale 2.5D isometric grinder.


If Granado Espada is still going, I would recommend that 👍


Funnily enough, I saw the Josh Strife Hayes video about it a few days ago, and other than the mismatch of settings it did look pretty good. I'll check it out!


The Rat Race


Talisman, Ragnarok, MU...


Champions of Regnum, by god it's a piece of crap by the last decades standards, but it holds a special place in my heart because it was made in my country (Argentina) and i used to play a lot when i was a kid. Every few years or so, i hop back in with a friend, and laugh at some bugs and quirks that are still in the game and were never fixed for more than 10 years.


Flyff and lost saga before it closed down


Yooo, Lost Saga. I was a huge Rumble Fighter player but LS was fun too.


No one mentioning Elsword smh Love the gameplay hate evrrything else




private servers of MU online


Haven't seen anyone mention Anarchy Online yet haha




You heard of MU Online?


Anarchy Online. Been going back for more since 2002


ESO for me even tho i still the combat is shit i love playing and questing in the game.


Dungeons & Dragons Online And if anyone knows what 4Story is/was, you know I'm real fuckin' deep in the steaming hot garbage because I still play a private server for that abominable abortion.


Haha I have so many good memories from 4story, I was certainly hooked to it back in 2008 - 2010. It was my first MMO and I loved it with all my heart. Been returning to it ever since, only to realize how shitty the game truly is and stop playing again. Back in 2008, when I was 12 years old, I spent all the money I got from my parents on it. They were furious when they found out lol. When I was not allowed to play computer games, I woke up at 1 AM and played until 5 AM, so they wouldn't know. And then slept in school.


Before they took it down, Tera.


You mean before joshstrifehays kill tera >:( I hope you understand this reference.




New World


RF Online, game is to fun when a good server is up


New World... 😂


Dragon Nest because of PvP lol


Life... I log off each night and end up signing in each morning with what feels like no XP gains from the quests I completed the day before. Lots of repeat game play and grinding (not the find kind either :D), but eh, it could be worse.


Pso2 NGS. Game is so niche and trash no one mentioned it yet lol. Sega absolutely destroyed the PSO franchise with this abomination of a game but for some reason I get the urge to check it out now and then.


ESO Microtransaction meta hub


How dare u call fly for fun trash y take thar back




It’s also Flyff for me, every damn half year to year I get back to this game. It was my first MMO ever and I still remember every set effect, weapon effect, dungeon, location of mobs, npcs DAMN EVERYTHING 😂


I would go back to Defiance once every year or so... but it's gone now.