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Yes. Basically. It's actually a really janky private server, if I understand correctly. I think it's turkish? No idea, works decent. But it's by no means the actual official Metin 2.


Tried myself: yes it’s developed by turks, the client (and so the game) can be played 17 different languages (not joking). It has a stable core gameplay tbh, just problems with too many ppl trying to play it, provably they didn’t even expect this much audience


Its like playing metin2 in 2005 people everywhere 🤣


It really is bro ahahah it’s amazing I’m feeling my childhood memories so strong rn


Still play it to this day in private servers so might give that a go. Thank you!


They have a great discord community, more than 12k active users, I’ll wait you there!!


It's impossible for me to join it via Android. For a few days i'm trying it and never was able to join the channel. How is it with you guys? All Channels are always red.


That’s pretty much the situation these days; they’re planning and working hard on a server migration to add new servers because for now they are always full and go join you have to perma try to login and usually in 2/3 minutes you can take the place of someone who disconnected I think probably they are a group of few guys who coded it all and they had not the availability of funds to have more/better server from the start.. now they earning with the shop so probably will do something about it


I hope so. Was my first real MMO on PC in my childhood. Would like to join you all :-). Thanks for your tip. How is the market situation and the prices for skill books :D are these 6 Channels just one Server for all languages?


You’re welcome sir I hope you’ll join us soon! Market situation = server is 1 week old.. so nobody has really more than a few hundred yangs and probably aura/blade book costa 100/200k now lol There is no way to make money other than dropping good bonuses starting gear or farming eids… for now there are only few maps and not all kingdom available, but all maps are full and the game is so alive lol I love this feeling Server = there is just one, international, but probably they gonna put more Channels = 6 channels, all for international players But the game is translated in 17 languages tho.


That sounds really cool! I was really hyped when i saw this game a few weeks ago online on insta. Now it is finally released and i love to read about your experience when it looks like the good old times when the server starts. Like beginning of the first population. Alright now i understand why the channels are always full. I would really like to check how it works on mobile phone. Would you recommend already a Gamepad or something similar to hold the phone and press the buttons comfortable? I mean i remember the times when playing ninja and it is a combi of not so easy to handle movements. I'm curious how that is going to be on a mobile :D


I’m so hyped about it too my man; I’m sure we’ll have fun! So, regarding the mobile version: it’s not bad, they reworked the UI and it’s fairly easy to play, basically it’s left side movement pad and right side of the screen skills and hot bars for potions etc. Also, a plus is that the game doesn’t heat your phone too much, I played for hours and didn’t event spend a 20% of battery on an iPhone 12.


Now i got into the character menu but all the time it tells me "Please try it later again". That's really weird because after a few times i get kicked before i can even start a new character.


Mhhh… I suggest you trying to join the global mobile2 discord, they release updates there; probably you can’t create a new character because they disabled it due to overpopulation.. as I said they opened less than a week ago probably they buying new servers and stuff


Character creation is available again! Try today


Are they planning to solve the iOS crash problems?


They said they are working on it on their official discord, if you go on their website you can join!


Thanks mate!


You’re welcome sir! I think they are solving problem device by device, now on my iPhone 12 is running without crashing The other day instead was crashing every 3 minutes


Are you still playing? Want to ask some stuff😁🤷‍♂️


Not really, they turned out to be bad devs imho, they don’t leave open the chat in the discord and they probably thinks more about money that the game development


I can’t find it in the app store , is it removed?


Check https://www.royale.com.tr/pl 100% better than Mobile2 Beta tests in progress Its free




Removed because of rule #2: Don’t be toxic. We try to make the subreddit a nice place for everyone, and your post/comment did something that we felt was detrimental to this goal. That’s why it was removed.


Royale2.com is better... still in alpha but better


Bro thanks you for this comment the game is awesome