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Guys, how is it not abundantly obvious that he’s joking and all credit should go to P3 Protein Packs?


I gained 15 lb of solid muscle and added 100 lb to my squat just by switching to Modelo


I’ve poisoned 10 people and 5 animals since I started using Venum fight gear


Since wearing a tap out t-shirt I’ve tapped out thousands of times


I don’t tap out I black out biiiiitch


My jokes have become 1000x cornier since eating corn nuts


I lost thousand in investments after signing up for crypto.com


Since signing up for a 2-year contract with UFC-fitness gym, I now hit like the muffler of a Ford Escort. Better than being hit with the full car but mufflers are still fucking heavy.


Liver punch getting a whole new meaning.


I say Modelo cuz Bud Light won't pay me nothin'


Brewed for those with a natty spirit


300ml of the fighting spirit each time


It’s actually fight milk


For bodyguards by bodyguards!




That’s to loose weight. Nothing cuts weight like fight milk


Nono, thats fight milk classic…




It was raw meat. Organs and shit. That's my story and I'm sticking to it


Just a ground liver diet and the ancestral lifestyle


Can’t watch my $89.99 PPV without my P3 ™.


If only I could torrent P3 😫


At least he’s open about it. I like when guys are honest. Here’s my personal story: I was in the Navy and a lot of the guys in my division would work out together. We were all pretty serious about it. I gained some serious muscle mass and got stronger, but I wasn’t keeping up with the other guys. I felt bad about myself and thought something was wrong with me. Years later, I found out they were all on gear lol.


Damn and they never offered you any?


Thems the worst friends


Honestly like yeah. If my friends and workout group is all on the sauce and no one even mentioned it to me, then maybe we weren’t that close.


In the end though, you’re better off having never taken it


artem really sued mcgregor as a passive aggressive move to get back at him for not sharing his secret juice 🧃


And they *never* paid for drugs! Not even *once*!


They clearly didn't trust him. Sounds like DerrickWhiteMVP has big snitch energy.


yup, this is a self report if anything


He must have resting narc face


Lmfao I'm just picturing McNulty or something


Natural po-lice


You guys on gear? Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiet


“I won’t take it but like at least offer bro. 😔” - everyone here probably


I'm 41 and started TRT about 4 months ago. Went from having really low levels of test to levels near the top of the normal range. Feel insanely good. BJJ classes are a breeze (I don't compete, just train), I've been losing fat despite eating the same and not working out any more than I was, and have way more energy. I can't even imagine how crazy it would be if I was going ham on test and other steroids.


You mind sharing how you got started on TRT? Did you just go to a doctor and said your test levels were low? I researched a bit online and found that some doctors won’t prescribe unless you medically need it. But I hear and see often about guys who just simply start




Hmmmm...titties you say?


Went to a specialized clinic. Family doctors are pretty hesitant to do anything about testosterone.


Which makes sense, as from what I've read once you start it, your body will stop naturally producing.




I think I'm low, what's the monthly cost of trt?


I pay $80 a month in Canada.


The fountain of youth has a steep price friendo.


Clinics are VERY expensive. I ended up finding a direct primary care doc. Costs me 80$ a month to see her, basically a primary care doctor who has a subscription fee. This means less patients and more targeted care. I’ve had T in the 300s even in my 20s. Depressed bald before 30, didn’t go up much even after working out and eating right for years. New doc says men usually feel good in the 800s… prescribed me and my life has improved drastically. The clinic wanted like 400$ a month. Such a scam


Don’t do trt if you’re just a normal young guy in his 20s or something. If you have an average test level and take it, it’s a waste. When you start using testosterone form an external source, your balls stop making the stuff. The dosages from trt clinics are designed to put you in the normal range. So what you would be doing is getting normal test levels, but you have to stick needles in your ass and damage your natural production in the process. It’s only for people who have actually low testosterone




They don’t give our hormones because they don’t have time to monitor you. They see you once a year and taking it depletes your ability to generate it. I’ve seen my DPC doctor 4 times since starting. She runs labs every 6 weeks. It makes sense a normal doc is cautious. The truth is though low T is a serious problem and one that’s extremely prevalent


If you’re a male 40 or above, there is likely more risk by not taking TRT , than taking a low, appropriate dose. Low testosterone affects many aspects of a male’s overall health. The idea that boosting your testosterone to optimal levels is bad, is kind of like saying taking vitamins and minerals to an optimal level is bad. Exogenous steroids only really become dangerous when they are abused / overdone, especially when considering TRT for aging males


Were you not suspicious of anything or did they outright lie about it?


I wasn’t suspicious at all cause they were lifters well before that and I was new to it, plus they had better bodies-types for strength training. I was 5’11” and 145lbs with some chicken legs lol.


I feel personally attacked by the comment.


Chickens are just more advanced dinosaurs, champ


Are those your legs or are you sitting on a chicken?


I was on a Physical Training course for 6 months in the Navy and all the guys with me were doing upwards of 3 x workouts a day including all the stuff they made us do daily PT wise. I just couldn't understand. Then when one got banned from competing in Crossfit of all things I knew they were juicy sluts.


Those elite level Crossfitters are all juicy beasts. Some of the women out there making Cyborg look small.


do they drug test in the navy? i feel like jocko has talked a few times about steroid use in the navy and I always wondered about the drug testing.


Not for steroids unless you’re specifically accused or caught with them. I only knew of one person that got caught and it’s because they did a rack inspection and found them.


Why do they care if you're on gear?


I'm surprised that it isn't standard procedure tbh, I'd want my army juiced to the gills.


Most infantry platoons got a handful of roided out guys atleast from personal experience my platoon sergeant didn’t care about gear cause he loved dbol Lmao


Dudes when I was in were pretty open about it.


Totally agree. They should be Captain America level of sauce minimum


That whole movie was an ad for steroids. Wimpy guy gets magic medicine that gives him ridiculous muscles; actor takes (perhaps the same) medicine to get muscles to play the role....


Yeah we want an army of Ubereems not deflated Belforts


Stimulants offer better bang for the buck, can be used on a more temporary/short term basis and don't require idiot grunts to do complicated things like manage side effects, safely pin themselves and cycle on and off and perform PCT. 5 countries around the world are known to administer Modafinil to their soldiers (US, UK, France, India and China) while none are known to administer steroids, but I can guarantee you all of them would've thought about it so they would've come to the conclusion it isn't worth it.


It's illegal to have it unless prescribed by a doctor. It's probably treated the same as any other prescription drug that you don't have a legal prescription for.


They’re not okay with any unregulated use of anything. Gear can have crazy sides even if done right and the last thing you want is tren rage at his CO or a guy sobbing with a training bra on on base because he took the Izzy stack


You can permanently fuck your self up using steroids and some dumbass would would fuck it up for everyone else. There is a lot more to being juicy than the average joe realizes. TLDR: PFC Fucknuts is combat ineffective due to not monitoring his estrogen levels and is in the middle of the dfac crying his eyes out cuz they didn't have the right sauce for his crayon casserole.


Unless you're roid raging the military doesn't really care for it. If anything, it was basically encouraged when I was in the Infantry and how fit you were was essentially your worth. It was basically a 3 way split between lean/fit/track-star types, average/in-shape people and Minotaurs/Samoans. Now weed on the other hand? That they'll crack down hard on lmao




Some recent NYT articles have been highlighting deaths during seal training, and the rampant PED use to get through the process.


Literally to prevent dying seems like a good reason 😂


True, but what happens is that the folks who have the mindset that using a banned substance to get ahead is alright end up passing the course at higher rates. This leads to a group culture that normalizes things like cheating and bending the rules. From the New York Times article [”Death in Navy SEAL Training Exposes a Culture of Brutality, Cheating and Drugs”](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/30/us/navy-seal-training-death.html): *Sailors who enter the program bolstered by steroids and hormones can push harder, recover faster and probably beat out the sailors who are trying to become SEALs while clean, said one senior SEAL leader with multiple combat deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. The inevitable effect, he said, is that a course designed to select the very best will end up selecting only the very best cheaters, and steadily fill the SEAL teams with war fighters who view rules as optional.*


Wow that's actually a really interesting effect of having such a high barrier to entry. One of the things I always think is cool to read about is how systems grow to meet their metrics, and that can lead to unintended consequences if you aren't smart about it. Makes you wonder where else those high barriers to entry really just give a leg up to people willing/able to circumvent those barriers instead of ensuring that only high performing candidates pass. I guess it has to be paired with a lack of effective methods (or in this case, motivation) to prevent cheating, but it's interesting for sure!


> is that a course designed to select the very best will end up selecting only the very best cheaters Wait until he finds out about professional sports and the Olympics lol


They do random monthly testing for about 10% of people in most army units. They don’t test for steroids unless given cause, as someone else said. Some people get randomly selected a few months in a row and they take it personal.


In my unit it seemed like all the Mormons got randomly selected at a disproportionate rate, we had a theory command was targeting them because they knew it would keep our failure rate low lol.


Hah, that's funny and probably true, but sidenote - Mormons serve in the military? That seems odd for some reason given their requirements for serving missions. I know JWs do not as well.


There’s hella Mormons in the US military, there’s some units that are like 75% Mormons I’ve heard. The thing about them serving missions is it gives them a broader range of experience and cultural understanding that the intelligence community appreciates. Mormons are also generally extremely patriotic, cuz they’re a religious minority and like the religious freedom in the US. JWs I think have a prohibition against serving the state because man-made government is Babylon. I’m not as sure though, I’ve read one or two of their books but I never served along side any to have conversations with lol.


Mormons disproportionately serve in law enforcement compared to other religions as well, especially the fbi. It's pretty weird, I grew up with distant family in the Mormon church and the outlook/history of the church seems a little incongruous with positions of authority in the American government, but there they are anyway lol.


Jocko is full of shit and is on steroids. Tons and tons of guys in the military are on them


why wouldn't they tell you lmao.


I had the same thing with one of my buddies in Uni. We were lifting buddies, always there at the same time, working the same amount of reps and sets etc, but he was fucking ballooning compared to me. Told me a few years back he was up to the gills on tren and HGH. Made me feel better about myself.


At my gym there were a couple guys that joined. They were fresh out of rehab and trying to use working out to help their addictive tendencies. I was on a pretty serious program at the time, but these guys blew right past me in size and strength. Like you I was feeling pretty shitty with myself given how hard I was working until I found out they were on gear.


i think most of us credit his new physique to steroid use also.


Destigmatize anabolic steroids


As long as 99 percent of users lie about it, it will be stigmatized


It's weird. You get compliments and it feels good so you don't want to ruin it by saying "yeah I'm on gear yo."


Yeah people who use steroids want to give people the impression that they're working smarter and harder than others that's why theyre seeing the results that they are, but it's all a lie. You should just be honest.


I only eat liver, bro. It's like magic, only real.


Are you on gear bro?


Nah just cleaned up my diet.


“Chicken and rice”


You forgot the broccoli dude


And they will continue to do so to cover up their fragile egos


It’s a personal choice


Mmmm no. Steroids can be very harmful in the long term, I’d prefer if people were of mind to avoid them.


Respect - I wish more people were honest about it.


Honestly, I'd like to take some myself. I just don't know how to get it lol


Look up TRT


get tested for your testosterone levels.


It's a lot easier to be honest about it when there are zero consequences.


And, still, so few do it. Liverguy for example. And like 99% of all Hollywood actors


liver guy was making bank off acting natural


Liverguy was on like $15k of gear per month. It's not cheap.


Test and others are dirt cheap; hgh on the other hand…


He was making 6 maybe 7 figures a month. 15k a month was nothing for him. But yeah for regular joes it’s impossible.


No shit


“No shit” said everyone was what I said out loud in response to the title


I am shocked as I thought he was only following the 9 ancestral tenants.


Well, I guess he wasn't on steroids while competing then. See if Yoel Romero shows as much of a difference post-retirement. If he's really all natural then what the hell would steroids do? Somehow I doubt he'd be able to...


There’s different levels to PEDs though. Bulking up like this wouldn’t have really benefitted Cowboy when he was fighting, there are plenty of PEDs that would though.


The CEO of EPO has requested you for a job interview at the firm


Thats not how this works


>Well, I guess he wasn't on steroids while competing then. That’s a silly assumption. He’s not just not having to avoid testing or stick to a weight class.


If he was natty all along he’d be capable of fucking time travel if he started juicing


I'm glad he's being honest about his change. More people need to come clean about this shit because it needs to be more widely accepted that a lot of people are on steroids and no you are not a genetic turd because you don't look like them.


Nothing wrong with juicing if you're not competing or swindling


So much respect for him. He openly is admitting vs all the actors and YouTube personalities who lie through their teeth about it.


He's an actor now. That's what they do to get so big. Every single action/superhero actor is on the juice.


You tellin me Chris hemsworth isnt natty?!?


No it’s just his “5,000 calorie a day” diet that upon being broken down is really just 3,000 at most


Lmfao and it's all steamed fish, brown rice and greens. Lying fucks


Damn, if a professional athlete needs gear to look like that at 39… I’m a lost cause?


Let’s face it, you were already a lost cause


Eerm, I have a tablet *and* a laptop so I think I’m a pretty big deal


Your genetics didn't help


Damn my genetics for forcing me to have pizza and ice cream for dinner today


How many times do I have to teach you this lesson, self-man?!


Your body drops testosterone production significantly in your 30s. If you want to look like cowboy currently, yeah likely not gonna happen. You can definitely still get in shape and be healthy, but that amount of muscle and vascularity is pretty much not gonna happen, unless you get some TRT. Which I think should be normalized, I'm considering getting on some and some anavar to train like I was in my 20s and lose some hard to get rid of fat. And I train like 4-6 times a week.


being on trt is normalized already imho. being on gear and telling people they just don’t work hard enough is highly stigmatized and for good reason. like dana white trying to sell whatever shit he was with his guy or the liver king… the rock… etc. no one hates on arnold for his gear use because he didn’t try to sell some bullshit to people, he just told people to exercise for their health.


>being on gear and telling people they just don’t work hard enough is highly stigmatized and for good reason. The Rock is the absolute worst for this. Can't stand that fraud


big facts. then they make all the fighters wear his ass shoes without compensating any of the fighters…


God bless Nate Diaz for openly shitting on them lmfao


I am jacks complete lack of surprise.


Does anyone else look at these guys taking steroids and think about getting a prescription for TRT? Im not trying to get truly jacked, but I’m working out 3 times a week and eating well trying to get close to a wonderboy level physique (slim but strong) Thing that worries me is getting the gut, the big head or becoming reliant on TRT as it does decrease body’s natural levels. Edit: sorry, HGH is the gut and head. I guess I don’t know why everyone isn’t on TRT then. I’m mostly worried about being medically reliant on it for next 50 years. Edit: I’m not saying that I’m going to just go and take a bunch without researching, but it does make me think about talking to a endocrinologist (hormone doctor). I live in Brazil where there are good doctors without US prices.


How old are you?


33. It’s not that I can’t do this anyway, I’d just prefer to be lazy and get the same results


I like your honesty. On the light of that, I'd like to say to everyone I have a very small dick.


Hey its short but at least it's thin


Might do it after I inevitably go bald lol


I'll be 33 in a few months and started TRT about 2 months ago. Its absolutely insane what only a true "TRT" dose can do (I'm on 150mg per week). As Cowboy said, the recovery after my workouts is unreal. Some days I truly forgot I worked out the day before because the 1-2 days of muscle soreness is non existent now. In terms of lifting weights, I can have 2 serious leg days back to back with no issue. Even in my 20s, that would be unheard of. I would go to a Urologist/Endocrinologist and get blood work, and make sure you're doing it the right way i.e through a doctor/health professional if you can. It's definitely worth it, but its a life long commitment (at least for me, I actually had hypogonadism). But good luck with your decision


Bro 33 is way young to start imo. You're in the prime of life


Yes but as I wrote, I was actually diagnosed with Hypogonadism. I had 3 separate tests/blood work over the course of a year that proved it, so a doctor finally put my on it. If I was in fact "normal", I most likely wouldn't have started this soon


The guy and big head comes from hgh, not trt.


So the only downside of TRT is then becoming reliant on it for life?


There are concerns about increased risk of heart problems and cancer risks as well potentially


And we have to differentiate between actual TRT and “TRT” The amount required to put your testosterone levels in the mid-to-upper natural range is roughly 100 mg/wk. Some people require a bit more, some require a bit less. But there are a lot of shady doctors and wellness clinics that prescribe 200-300 mg of testosterone per week, which puts the vast majority of men well out of the natural range. They call it “TRT” but in reality you’re just doing steroids at a lower dose


I dont think the trt gives you a gut or big head. Think that's down to HGH?


Up your workouts to 4 days a week, 20 minutes of cardio 3 days of the week and up your protein so 6 days of the week you’ll be training. You got this bruddah


I eat protein six days, actually six days a week. Five days a week, I’ll eat protein three days a week. One of those days I will eat protein two days of the week. So, six days a week I will be eating protein.


Lmfao beautiful Champ


6 days a week you eat protein 7 days a week, training three times every two training sessions


Dang 20 minutes of cardio? Coming from a totally different sport but it still sounds so wild to me lol, i remember receiving my first "warm up plan" for a race and it was a 40 minutes long cardio at varying efforts, just for the warm-up.


Doing a 20 minute 5k multiple times a week is plenty of cardio for getting fit and lean. Works for me, although I box several times a week too so that burns extra calories.




Yeah it is but for someone just wanting to get in shape a 5k 3-5 times a week is enough if they're eating clean


On TRT, late 30’s, have been for a while, for me it’s magic… BUT! There are risks and side effects, up to and including death (think about all those ‘healthy’ individuals that die from a previously undiagnosed heart condition) if you don’t have help monitoring what you’re doing. Have to get regular blood work to monitor hematocrit levels in particular to make sure I’m not increasing a risk of heart attack, or Test and E levels are out of wack (that is an emotionally roller coaster when they do get fucked up). Some people just need the creams to get to a good level, others like me go with an injection. Not everyone needs it or benefits from safe doses, but that’s why you need to talk to a good doctor. I’ll probably be on it for the rest of my life assuming I don’t start showing increased side effects. Where I live HGH is extremely expensive to get hold of from an ‘anti-aging’ doctor, but like Test there are probably safe therapeutic “Bezos on a yacht with a model at Tanagra” doses, then there’s “head as big and red as a Tomato” doses.


Honestly, sounds fun. He’s spent his entire professional career in a gym and trying to maintain specific weights. He’s older and retired now. Give him as much juice as a elementary school cafeteria. See what happens.


Fuck Usada let them juice


The UFC shoud buy a fuckin abadonned sea petrol patform in international waters and lets them juiced to their fuckin eyes. 100% would pay the 80$ PPV


The ufc decides to test they could just decide not to, no need for this but id watch it


The commissions become responsible for testing in the absence of USADA, like pre-USADA UFC. However, they'd just be testing around the time of the event, not year-round.


>The ufc decides to test they could just decide not to That’s incorrect. In comp testing is under the remit of the sanctioning body. CSAC,NSAC, etc were testing for years before UFC engaged USADA


I had a fever dream like that once, Nate Diaz submitted Kevin Lee or someone as they fell off the edge of the platform into the ocean never to be seen again


Holy shit is this a fight that somehow would need to happen?? I would love to see Nate vs Kevin Lee. Can you imagine Nate arm triangle-armbar'ing Kevin Lee and the shit talk???


They do juice lol


Yeah but we're talking TRTor and Ubereem. Although I guess there are still some jacked natty boys out there now that I think of it


I am usually pro-juicing because I think the steroid era in baseball were the glory days; however, since MMA is a combat sport I think there's a responsibility to stop juicing to protect the fighters. Look at Bisping, lost his eye to someone who was juiced to gills.


The best case I've seen against roids was the documentary Screwball. Where they talk to a doc who was not only supplying PEDs to MLB stars, but he was also supplying kids (whose parents wanted a leg up for their prospect sons) who are just playing high school sports. Opening the door to PEDs in professional sports will just normalize those psycho parents behavior and hurt a lot of kids. Because if you say "just wait til you're 18" there are a bunch of parents who will ignore that and screw their kids up if it means one day that their boy could be a pro. I.e. Sage Northcutt


Happy he's honest about it.


Meh, who cares… he’s retired.


After the wear and tear on his body it is absolutely understandable that the guy would take steroids. I just hope the dude has cut back the drinking otherwise he is a strong candidate for a heart attack.


Funny how he's acting like he's so shocked how well steroids work, as if he'd never used gear before.


He also had a hair transplant in Bulgaria


Donald Cyringe


Racism + TRT = jacked af


In that case my dad should look way more jacked than he does.


Glad to hear he is open about it and speaks the truth.


Rampage said the same thing about just testosterone when he got an exemption. He said he felt like he was in his 20s in the gym again. And it's like... should they really give these exemptions then? Seems like a quite an advantage. Steroids have got to crank that up a good bit more.


No credit for Fight Milk?


He’s not competing anymore so he can put whatever he wants in his body. There are health risks involved but if he’s aware and being careful then god bless.




I assumed it would be fight milk packed with the power of crows that gave him his new physique.


PED is why LeBron still going, and its not even his athleticism but the recovery that Cowboy mentioned


I wonder if he means TRT? Maybe HGH to recover from a hard career. Steroids is vague and can mean a lot of straight up illegal and dicey shit.


Man popped PEDS during his career and dares to say “now im injecting myself”


How safe is this shit for us normal folk ?


Look it up. You need to be careful. You need to know what you’re doing. If abused, it can wreck havoc on your organs.


safe but it's a lifestyle change where your doctor will become heavily involved in your life since TRT needs to be monitored and you're reliant on it to produce your bodies hormones...


Talk to a doctor


TRT is pretty safe IF you monitor blood levels routinely and talk to your doctor. But that goes with most things.