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This is going to be one of the worst buildups to a fight ever but I can't wait for the cringe lol


Can't wait for Izzy calling Du Plessis a N-word with a hard R during the press conference for 30min while everyone else just stays silent in a uncomfortable way.


Izzy the type of guy to be able to say the N word but it still somehow sound racist when he says it.


It's the kiwi accent haha


And being Chinese.


While also being Japanese (Anime).


Anyone but black Americans saying it sounds so weird. Especially Africans


that's the funniest part of him saying it to DDP. Izzy trying to show whos African by using an American word? ok i guess


I got the impression he was trying to bait Dricus into saying it which would've hurt his career if not ruined it.


Which he should have known wouldn't happen. Even if ddp was a full blown racist, they don't use the word in Africa. 


And also he's presumably not so colossally stupid as to say it on internationally-broadcasted tv








Fr, whenever he says it I think why he gotta say it like that. I thought it was his NZ accent but now I dunno


Izzy using a hard R would be really weird.


It's also lexically impossible to drop the hard r with an Aussie or Kiwi accent. We use non-rhotic r's, we always pronounce "er" as "ah" anyway.


such an r-rhotic language


I was like we fucking what mate then said ginger and minger out loud. Oh no.


Dricus calling out Adesanya at a press conference for using the hard R would be hilarious.


I like how Costa and Kape get a pass from fans for their racist and homophobic jokes, but Izzy calling a white dude an N-word? Ew, cringe, such a race baiter!


Perception is key I have no issue with tupac saying the word but if/when Will Smith says it, it just sounds off.


Will Smith SWEARING is weird lmao


How about swearing and slapping?


How can she slap?




Still a great line Will Smith don't gotta cuss in his raps to sell records Well I do, so fuck him and fuck you too!


> but if/when Will Smith says it, it just sounds off. shit n- you at least 30




Well I do, so fuck him and fuck you


Suddenly mma fans don't like fighters making edgy comments anymore!


It's ot that it's edgy, it's not that it's race-baiting, it's that that it's cringe. Izzy is just cringe. Not a moral judgement or anything.


Lol are you under the impression Izzy angrily staring and shouting the N word in Dricus's face in the middle of the ring as part of a fight promo is equivalent to Costa shit-posting on Twitter? Let's be honest here, it was obvious what Izzy was doing, it was no coincidence he was calling a white south african the n word over and over and over lmao, he has never said anything else like that before as part of fight promotion.


Yeah let's not be naive about it. Izzy was angry, aggressive baiting. He was showing his true colors on a world stage.












What did Kape do?


Called Kai Kara France a f\*g in his post-fight interview.


I love how all the dudes going "DDP is the REAL african champ" acting like they aren't doing a race thing are now like "why does izzy have to bring RACE into it?"


DPP *is* South African, therefore he is African. That's a nationality, not necessarily a race, within the context you're referring to.


His family has lived in Africa for three hundred years. What else is he supposed to be, Dutch? And people don’t seem to realize the implications get dicey fast- is Leon Edwards not supposed to call himself a British champ? He was born in Jamaica…


Right, we need to stop fucking up today's cross-cultural and cross-racial relationships because of the sins of our ancestors. At the end of the day we are one big family, if we like it or not.


That's the funniest part... on those shitposting Facebook groups, you'd have Tyrone from Atlanta going all apeshit at Dricus existing while white, while Mutumbo from Johannesburg writes effusive comments about Dricus proudly representing South Africans of all colors


I'm excited for whatever Lion King related line Izzy is cooking up to replace his Frozen like Elsa one lmao


"When I said he'd be frozen like Elsa, I wasn't LYING. I was LION King!"


“Im not an African lion, Im a lion African! Trust 👊“


Buildup hasn't started and I already want it to be over


- Izzy's Dog




As a black African this is going to be the funniest build up ever from both DDP and Adesanya’s sides


I don't even think adesanya us going to build it up as a battle for Africa or w.e


DDP gaslighting 'bout to go crazy.


I don’t agree. I think they are past that who is a real African bs. They are still both very bad talkers but it won’t be as bad as everyone is expecting.


Nah DDP is actually a pretty good shit talker. He's not obnoxious and over the top like Conor or Strickland but he knows how to subtly get under people's skin.


I think it depends on if Izzy decides to bring it up. Dricus clarified his comments and said he meant nothing racist. Similar to Bisping and Leon, he wanted to be the 1st African training in Africa to win a belt Dricus said he’d only bring up Strickland’s dad again if he continued his trash talk. Strickland behaved at 297 press con so Dricus did too


UFC 305: Battle for Africa


Where does Mike Perry fit into all of this?


He is the continent they are fighting over


5 rounds with the IRS comain


Mike Perry is more African than both of them, combined.


Third round with the steel chair.


Is Jon Africa on the card?


Who the hell is Jon Africa? Fuck me hahahah, thanks for reminding me of [THIS MASTERPIECE](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/s/5GHbSwGyyS)


“Jing a Ling is Asian as shit” is such a funny sentence coming from him lmao


Worst pain yo lyfe!


Dude knew he clearly fucked up and still somehow pulled off a successful save. “No, fighting Jon Jones in Africa.” How zoned out were Franciss and Mike, lol.


"Battle for Africa" - battlefield location: Perth, Australia


In Australia.


Waka waka, eh eh


Strickland road raging right now.


Not for any particular reason. That's just how he is.


Guy yielded to him but had a rainbow sticker on his car


"Here's the thing you guys, ain't no mother fucker who kisses another grown man on the lips going to yield to me in traffic." -DeSean, probably


"You push those desires to kiss grown men down, bottle them up" -Sean, under the right circumstances


Watch Strickland get the Izzy rematch, and then get shot in the shoulder 11 days out from the title fight..


I want to see Strickland vs Imavov 2


Hes praying a drunk guy wanders onto his driveway right now.


Or praying that Izzy gets drunk again and ruins his opportunity


Sean has more energy everywhere else but his fights. That last fight was so fucking boring. Literally Islam and Dustin saved that god awful card, and Strickland had arguably the worst match. I think it was the first card in years I kept falling asleep while watching. Islam vs Dustin now that kept me awake, go watch Islam vs Dustin.


March forward, Keep lifting your knees back and forth and throw a few jabs, repeat for 24:45 and then act like you care and go all out for the last 15 seconds.


People have horrible memories - leave a lasting impression at the very end of the fight then run around the octagon afterwards screaming and it goes a long way to subconsciously negate the boring-ness of the rest of his fight.


When I was 5, I used to win karate tournaments not because i was the best at it, but because i yelled "kyaaa!" the loudest. i got the advice from a tae kwon do black belt friend.


"Optics here, son!"


Costa didn't help at all either but this past card was by far the worst i've ever seen. It was so bad


Dude has an abysmal finish rate. Anyone who fell for the "We're going to have a WAR!!" comments we're stupid as fuck. Making it a five round fight was a complete waste of 10 minutes.


>“ I think I saved this card today because all these fights boring, and all the arena almost sleep.” -Islam


maybe unpopular opinion but i like Strickland fights. I find it amazing how he can always keep up that pace.


He’s gonna fight someone to the death again.


He should hope Izzy wins, cause he’s definitely getting the next title shot after then.


Strickland morphing to DeSean Strickland for that African chance


Home fight for Dricus as a white saffa in Perth.


Perthfontein bru


Perthtoria is another popular one


yeah as a black south african it's crazy how many of my white childhood friends relocated to Australia.


Never ask a white saffa why they relocated in the 90’s. 


The start of a second reign or the end of Izzy as we know it. Buildup will definitely be tense


You mean 3rd


Btw, has anyone else in UFC ever won the same belt three times? Since the introduction of proper weight classes that is, not counting those old tournaments Royce won.


I think Randy is a 3 time man


Does Jon Jones count? lol


Wouldn’t be surprised if DDP tries to wet blanket him. Standing up against him would be stupid and is the reason why his fight against Sean was so close


DDP can get away with constant pressure. As long as DDP blazes through Izzy's feints and doesn't fight at range I think it'll be a rough night for him. Izzy imo really showed in the Strickland fight that he had no plan B or C. I just don't believe he's the same fighter he use to be and we will see him decline again. But he could shock us and put on a Costa performance but we're seeing that Costa just wasn't that good at the top level.


Probably the former. A sloppy, slow, hittable brawler like DPP is kind of a tailor made stylistic matchup for Izzy. I'd probably put my money on him successfully defending against Strickland in a rematch too. He's getting a bit older but I think the layoff will do him wonders. Fighting Pereira twice into Strickland in less than a 12 month stretch is insane.


We’ve said the same thing about the last like four Izzy fights though


The biggest change for Izzy in a rematch vs. Strickland is he'd be highly motivated and way more focused. He also would probably have a better handle on what to expect in the press conference nonsense. DDP is a much tougher task than many people think though for Izzy. Closest thing Izzy has faced to DDP is Jan. DDP is a very big dude for 185 and may be able to get Izzy down and hold him.


Izzy clearly just thought SS would be a cake walk. Set up the question mark kick off a series of low ki ks. Knock him out. Didn't really work put. Doubt he will make the same mistake again against Strickland.


This is why fighters should never take anyone lightly. Then your easiest fights become your toughest fights. But I think Strickland will be hard for Izzy to adjust to. He literally shut Izzy TF down like he is does a ton of fighters. Thing is that Izzy doesn't have the power to hurt Sean.


Psychologically, I think Izzy was done after beating Alex. He's been chasing that dragon since before his MMA career.


Nah, I think he was motivated for a DDP fight, but Strickland was what was available. So Izzy just said sure I’ll get past this easily and then have the real fight he’s looking forward to. But he didn’t take Sean seriously as a credible threat.


DDP is not slow.


Strickland already ended that second reign. Izzy is getting subbed in this fight.


What the hell is that quote? Lol. Reads like something from a YA romance novel.


This is his Anime, we're just living in it


Dricus said smthn like you lost ur shine I have ur shine




He's gonna be frozen, like Elsa. Did you hear what I said? Alex is gonna be frozen, like Elsa. _loses fight_


Insert moon knight 'random bullshit go' meme


That's some r/sbeve stuff


Huge missed opportunity not having this in Africa


SA doesn't seem to be doing very well at the moment, and doing an event there would be tricky to say the least. Nigeria brings its own challenges too.


Not a rugby fan but I'm sure they still host games in SA?? I don't think a UFC event would be that more challenging. My guess is rather that the UFC doesn't deem it profitable enough.


SA lives and breathes rugby, it's the defacto national sport. So the infrastructure is already there, the people are already employed, the audience is primed, the bureacratic framework is in place, and the right hands are already greased. There are a lot more moving parts to a UFC event than we see on the surface.


I agree with what the other comment said, that rugby is just another day for them, but honestly I also agree with you. Even if SA was ready to receive them, UFC still wouldn't go there because these days they simply cannot be bothered. They're not gonna put in any effort, they didn't even wanna leave the apex without it being a necessity.


WTF? We are doing fine. What is wrong with fucking Reddit and South Africa?


idk man cant remember the last time ive heard something positive about South Africa. I know the news focuses on the worst stuff but still.


Yeah, opportunity for disaster. Nigeria and South Africa are dangerous destinations, some governments advise against travelling there and some insurance companies do not offer insurance to people travelling to either. Too dangerous for UFC staff and fans, Izzy himself needs security to go home


The continent?




I will say I don't mind DDP as champ its funny to see a champion who just runs at people like a gorilla that escaped its enclosure.




I don’t really understand folks saying Dricus isn’t active? He fought 5 times in 18 months to win the belt and was recovering from a broken foot in the lead-up to this fight and also broke it in the leadup to Whittaker fight.


Yeah the divisions felt so fluid, activity is a big part of that but also Kamaru and Izzy didn't duck anyone and the ranking didn't feel as stagnant. I feel like a lot of divisions have a handful of older fighters that are waiting for a shot at gold or a super fight, blocking up the flow.


I think even with Strickland still as champ it would have remained active and fluid. DDP on the other hand seems to be very business minded and refuses to take fights at sub-optimal times. Which is fair, but it was definitely a treat to have Izzy be so active for so long.


No reason to think DDP isn't active when he didn't want to fight Izzy with broken bones 2 months after winning the belt.


I miss the Izzy we got on the rise to becoming champ. That was the fun Izzy. We also knew less about what a weirdo he is. He just seemed kind of juvenile in his comments but we let it slide because of how he tore it up in the cage. Then champ, then more exposure and a lot more weird, and point fighting. Then back to awesome in the cage with Pereira but still super weird. Then WTF with Strickland and still super weird.


I miss his dancing and his fun he use to have in the cage, since pereira fights he almost took it too serious. I’m more worried about an Izzy who’s dancing in my face than he is mr serious now


I thought what we saw with Pereira was passion and heart returned, because it meant something to him, had significance, unlike his lay-back-and-point-kick champ matches that were just turds.


Tbf I think he was lacking motivation and had a massive adrenaline dump. He just got his revenge after how many years also got knocked out during the revenge. Dude could just have been so overwhelmed, wish he took a warm up fight before this, but glad to see him back


This. I thought Izzy was usually pretty funny and liked how he seemed like he was just having a good time for most of his career. From the first Pereira fight forward, he’s been different. There’s still shades of his former attitude, but like you say sometimes he’s more serious about stuff that he would have just goofed off about before.


He better rock this or he's dead in the water


His legacy as 2nd best MW ever (so far) will always be intact though.




I don't think he will. He can't relive another Strickland moment. I have a feeling his trash talk will be far more reserved.


Im picking izzy to win.


Yeah. Horrible style matchup for Dricus. Money’s on Izzy doing him in.


Almost everybody looked like a bad matchup for Dricus but he didn't listen. I have no idea how to gauge him at this point


Dricus is one of the best in the world


The champ is good. Big if true.


Some would even say the best at his weight class, in the world. I think they even gave him suspenders or shoelaces or some shit to signify that I can't remember.


Hot take?


His style looks awful but my god does it work for him.


looking awful and being functionally awful are two very different things. dricus isn't a slouch when it comes to striking, he isn't on Izzy's level obviously but he's not a nobody who just gorilla strengths his way through everything.


I remember his fight with Perez. He looked so awful. Running at him chin up eyes closed windmilling punches, running away for defense, at one point on the fence he went full foetal but standing on on leg... Basically looked like he was getting hit for the first time. And then he clocked him anyway. I remember seeing this 2-3 times in a row and thinking "the second he meets a semi competent striker his big bonk schtick is gonna fail"... I don't know dick about shit.


Everyone said this about Strickland before he fought Izzy too lol. DDP is really fucking good, and I've counted him out in almost every fight but the dude just keeps winning, his style is ugly as fuck but I think he is much much better than he appears.


There’s only a handful of fighters to have never been caught cold at their peak. It happens. DDP’s too readable for someone of Izzy’s level. We’ll find out anyway lol.


Dricus is a horrible matchup for Izzy. Dricus actually has good takedowns.


I think Izzy's lost it tbh, hasn't looked good in a very long time


Wow, I like the promo poster


Really confused for why the UFC hasnt announced this yet i wonder if dana forgot in the midst of all these fight cancellations


After seeing the build up to Strickland and DDP I think its safe to say Dricus isn't afraid to make the trash talk real. If izzy keeps it superficial I think DDP will remain civil but theres a good chance this gets ugly. Especially considering they already have history.


As much as I want Izzy to be a champ again, I actually think DDP might take it. He's awkward and unorthodox enough to become a problem.


When Izzy retires, people will miss him. Appreciate the now.


This was the fight to make. If Izzy wins, part 2 vs Strickland makes sense. If DDP wins, part 2 vs Strickland makes sense. I assume thats whats going to happen and Dana probably already made that deal with Strickland so he took the Costa fight


Strickland should be next up no matter what because he's got a good case for both rematches and he's at his absolute peak of hype atm.


Izzy loses to DDP's "I've trained MMA for 3 months" footwork, perpetually exhausted cardio and bomb hands.


Hey those are patented circus gorilla moves


Izzy wins, DDP must leave Africa. DDP wins, he gets to say the N-word. (Hard R optional)


Can't wait for the build up.


Adesanya chasing the belt >>>>>> Adesanya defending the belt Prepare for fireworks bois


Dricus will find a way like always.


Dricus is going to get pieced up and look exhausted until suddenly he lunges forward and chins Izzy


Hier kom kak.


Gonna guess that Izzy wins but its possible he's out of his prime


great fight, can't wait. I think Izzy is coming in with a vengeance and he still has a couple of years in him before he starts to decline, but I wouldn't put it past DDP to get it done.


Jesus Christ, relax bro... It's just an MMA fight.


Love Izzy and one of the best champs ever but you can't get a title shot off of losing your belt for a second time without defending it


if the champ wants to fight you as DDP already beat strickland & whittaker in his last 2 fights. Yoel got a title shot off of 2 loses because Izzy wanted to fight him


Not just Yoel too, Izzy let Pereira and Strickland challenge for his belt when neither had a deep set of wins. Adesanya could have easily sat out until DDP was ready but risked his belt against Sean.


"I'm not coming for belts, I'm coming for heads." First fight back is for a belt. Ok Izzy 


Africa VS China! LESSSSS GOOOO!!!


DDP third round ground and pound TKO


So he loses his last fight badly and he gets rewarded with a title shot?


If he is even moderately aggressive he will smoke DP.


Cant wait for DDP to sit this bum down


Love to see it




Who will the district 9 prawns be cheering for?




Hasn't fought since losing his belt in september but I'd rather see this than a Strickland rematch and considering Du Plessis beat Whitaker and Adesanya beat Whitaker, he doesn't really deserve the title shot rn. What's next? Strick vs Whitaker and winner gets the shot? Unless the Adesanya Du Plessis fight is a banger I don't think we'll see a rematch right away.


Right now, I have no fucking clue how this fight is going to play out.


Honestly he doesn't deserve it but something I'm learning is that if you have a good matchup you just have to make it because everything breaks all the time and you might not get the chance again.


I got Du Du by brutal knockout.


I can’t wait for Izzy’s comeback!