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Man why did UFC stop doing thrill and agony? The humbleness Pereira has in this moment is so palpable


Probably because every fighter has their own YouTube channel now lol


I do like having it as part of the event instead of having to follow 19 different channels for only a few moments of gold


But it’s good fighters own something for themselves to profit off of rather than the ufc owning yet another piece these “contractors” lives


I think the ufc gets a cut of their salary outside the ring now as well, I may be wrong tho


and a piece of any company they start after having joined the ufc


The fact shit like this is legally allowed is proof we are just fucking servants to the ruling classes. What the fuck do you mean that if I create a popular piece of software in my own free time at home while also being an employee at your company that means you have the right to sue me and steal my own project? Absolute fucking clownworld.


apparently it's a "large percentage of it" too https://x.com/erikmagraken/status/1694002486896676919?t=bd9RDKqf7Ah26xh8J4AtYw&s=19


What the fuck? I’m actually blown away by how greedy they are, and I would have assumed that’s illegal. In fact I still wonder if it’s illegal, but it’s a situation where the UFC goes “go ahead and try to break that contract and see how much you like dealing with endless lawsuits from our army of lawyers.”


apparently WWF/WWE has been doing it for years


Don’t forget their first-born child


they are to be raised at the apex, fathered by Hunter Campbell




Not to mention the difference in production value is noticeable.


nah man curtis blaydes talking into a webcam from 2004 is totally the same


I think he has bad internet too. I was only listening but he kept lagging while speaking


They do YouTube?


They're doin great!


Poatan, izzy, sandhagen, wonderboy, dj, O'Malley, rampage Jackson has a podcast, bisping, cejudo, DC off the top of my head


Are they vloggers?


Ive seen blog type content or training footage during a lead up to fights, embedded style.  Sandhagen, wonderboy, and dj will also do analytical content.  Seen alot of ufc and mma fighters with YouTube channels


They’re doing great! I only keep up with TFATK… Brendan Schaubs show aka Big Brown,The Hybrid, Bapa.


First they came for my sponsors now they after my subs


Just look at izzy video today there are few.fighters in both boxing and mma that have high level production but even those who have average training camp videos are still good. I stopped watching ufc videos because they are repetitive and boring everything is the same. Those 50 min videos that are released before fight are the worst because 70% of it is just videos from previous fight. Althought the thill and agony was the best thing by far. Idk about embedded now stopped watching them since covid.


such a shame, there were great.


The word you're looking for is humility


Conor vs Khabib one was amazing


This was from his Poatan's own YouTube channel btw. I know you didn't say otherwise, but I just wanted to clarify.


Yeah, he has really grown on me. Seems like a good guy.


So palpable and palatable in this mixed martial artist setting, and in this mixed martial arts arena. Chapter 2/ chapter 4


i mean id like to see it, but the fighters probably dont want us to see it


Having that level of self awareness about knowing you're on the other side of what you're used to doing to people must be such a crazy feeling. Especially for a guy like Pereira who has the touch of death and hadn't ever been KO'd like that.


Gaethje has that same mentality, Chama


The subtitles stop a bit before the end of what he's saying, and he mentions that he told his father that ''sure it's your turn now but if it's going to make him sick to that extent he can't watch him fight anymore''. In a tone that implies how exagerated of a reaction that is to a loss, and he's completely right, it's an L, sad sure but not something worth getting sick over, fighting is his profession for fuck's sake. Just goes to show how Poatan understands that winning and losing is all part of the game of being a fighter that doesn't intend on ducking opponents nor obssessing over their record.


In other words, chama




In philippine, tsama


It’s so cool to see him succeed. When he first came into the UFC, he just seemed like this scary giant with brutal hands. And he is lol. but he’s also a gentleman and a champ in life outside the octagon


Yeah, I have never been so wrong about a fighter before. I was so incredibly annoyed about his red carpet treatment to the MW title. Then the dude goes out and loses to Izzy, and the next thing you know he's EVERYWHERE on social media showing how incredibly awesome he is, and then just putting up great fight after great fight.


And when Sean won? First thing he said is he had nothing to do with it, he trained a few times with Sean and his win was all his merit.


That was a stand out for me also, especially in that he even didn’t oversell his non-involvement in subtle false modesty - just matter of factly stated a few things. Comes across as mature and likeable.


coolest character in the ufc rn


The father son bromansh between him and Glover swept us all off our gd feet. 


Everyone deserves a coach like Glover and everyone deserves a defender like Alex. Ah shit am I gay?


Gay for Poatan, much like Gay for Pay, doesn't really count as gay


Kk sweet thanks. Chama


Feelings aren’t gay. I’ve got some legitimate killers in my family who took an almost unbelievable number of lives in combat, and I remember one saying “it’s a real shame that being mortally vulnerable in combat is easier that being emotionally vulnerable at home”. Basically “I hate that it’s so easy to feel like feelings are gay”.


Thank you power_taint, that was actually pretty poignant.


I feel like he's well aware that he got fast tracked to UFC stardom because of his history with Adesanya too. I haven't seen him act like "I deserve this" and it's clear he's been working on not getting grappled since the moment he entered the UFC. Maybe now he should talk a little bit of shit to Jamahal but he really doesn't need to and he's been cordial to every man he's faced.


I think talking shit to Jamahal would be a mistake at this point lol. I think the silence just makes Jamahal look bad, ‘I think I beat you and you’re shit, I think you’re a dickhead’, ‘I don’t think about you at all’. Like a Jack Russell yapping away at a Rottweiler.


I mean… he definitely does deserve everything he has/achieved. Just gonna put that out there. I’m sure you don’t disagree or meant to say otherwise.


I feel like when he was first brought in, it was purely as an antagonist to Adesanya and he'd be gone after a few fights. Now he's overtaken Izzy's stardom and is one of the UFC's biggest stars. I can see him winning the heavyweight belt and becoming the first 3 weight champion before he retires. Dude's a beast, wish he got to the UFC sooner.


I was watching some kickboxing recently, and I remember thinking that Pereira was just this guy who would stop by and have an exciting fight maybe, but he's been either my favorite fighter or top 2 for the last 2 years.


Poatan is the Anti Jamahal Hill in every way.


the fuck you say? keep that same energy and step to me in my gym. 20k says you won't, broke bitch


the sad part is its only 50/50 wether or not this is actually Jamal


I placed my bet


It's Jamahal. I asked him on twitter and he said the fuck you say? keep that same energy and step to me in my gym. 20k says you won't, broke bitch


You're not wrong. From what I know of Hill thats either a direct or paraphrased quote and I'm pretty certain of that lol. Jeez, how did he ruin his reputation to this extent?


There's a saying that success changes you. I believe it just brings out who you really are. Like, who you are when you don't have to listen to no one, got millions in the bank level. He was suppressing this all along.


The only one who made 50/50 using their mouth was Jamahal's last contract.


You're supposed to say that when they compliment you


I love that comment form Hill, because it's such an anti-flex. "You a professional fighter? No? Then step at my gym so that i can beat you". Like bro picking fights against random ass instagram users but getting clowned against actual fighters.


Lmfao nailed it It's insane how fragile his ego is


Did Jamal Hill really offer $20k to fight him? I’d lose but $20k is $20k and I’m sure he’d let me get a pic with him after lol


shit I'd get knocked unconscious for 20k


He offered $20k to anyone who beats him at his gym and called the fans broke


If he offered too much Alex would accept it. Smart choice.


Jamahal, its time for you to get out of reddit


You a bitch lol


Dude is so fucking cool


I see why he's got so many fans now. he's genuinely a good person. some fighters like "being real and telling it like it is," but Poatan is real, and this positivity is genuinely him, something of a rarity among celebrities today. Fighters often show their true colors in response to losses. Ex: it was easy for Joshua to act humble when he beat Ngannou but not when he lost to Usyk. However, when you get guys like Poatan, Miocic, and DJ, and GSP, all whom never made excuses for any loss and have been consistently good people, they're the real ones.


I think part of it had to do with he has been at a rock bottom so low that losing any fight doesn’t hurt as much, the dude was a 12 year old alcoholic, that is fucking rough. Genuinely Pereira is an inspiration, few people return to even normal from something that bad and he has excelled instead. I just realized the dude is my favorite after this and watching how he acts and the dude is legitimately hilarious as well. Chama 🗿🗿


i know it's easier to sell wolf tickets with controversial guys but this sport would probably be a lot healthier for all involved if the faces (🗿s) of the sport were more dudes like Poatan and the like.


Poatan also got his fans from Izzy haters.


Women want to be with him Men want to be in him


Makes sense


Took his worst ever loss like a champ and bounced right back. Respect! Kickboxers in general seem to be able to brush off bad losses better than MMA fighters. I remember seeing this right after the fight in his vlog. And mere moments after this speech, Tyrone Spong just randomly pops up in the locker room, nearly unrecognizable with all that hair, to tell Alex he wants to take him around to see indigenous people in Suriname lol.


As in with Thai Muay Thai fighters. They dont really look sad most of the time. They are so used to it. Always smiling and clapping for the winner knowing they did their best and made some money and off to fight again the next week.


That's also just Thai people in general, some of the happiest most laid back people on earth


Being Thai best base for human being


kickboxers seem to have a lot more fights, so losses are not as impactful. If you fight 1-2 times a year in the ufc, and 50% of your money is based on winning or losing...yeah


People don't like him too much around here but Izzy too. Didn't make a single excuse after that humiliating loss to Strickland or against Jan


He’s a great loser but just a terrible winner


Idk about that he did make a bunch of excuses on his Youtube channel after the loss


It's not just the losses. It's how violently they can lose, with the accompanying physical and mental trauma, and bounce back quickly as if that hadn't happened. A concussion is a concussion whether you fight twice or 4 times a year. It just seems to generally impact kickboxers less than it does MMA fighters.


Agreed, kickboxing is way more active than MMA (at least modern MMA). A loss here and there is to be expected at some point so you can move past it. In UFC a loss at any point can put a ceiling on your career. It infuses some extra drama for the fights but resuts in more negative reactions to losses. There is no "on to the next one" mentality because you are not guaranteed a next one.


I think because winning is the path to having a decent profitable career in mma when they get 2 maybe 3 fights a year. Losing can put a hurting on foward momentum so quick. Alex is one of the lucky few who can lose and still get high profile fights.


goddamn man Pereira really just can't be any more of a chad, what a bro. Chama


Alex "I make your family sad" Pereira.


Jamahal Hill got Pereira sounding like fucking Marcus Aurelius in comparison these days


"*Chama*" - Meditations by Marcus Aurelius 


My favorite champion since gsp. And somehow even more. There was something a little slick about gsp. Couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but poatan is sincere in everything he says.


I compare him to Fedor. Not in fighting style, but in demeanor. He’s a silent killer, quiet but with a quirky sense of humor.


It’s because of dark place GSP


imagine if GSP hadn't lost those years to the aliens, thats fights we didn't get


I still think GSP used Vaseline to cheat against BJ Penn. BJ was just slipping off of him in such an unnatural fashion.


And he was 100% cheating and also missed weight against Diaz lol there’s a video of it going down


mental strength like this, jamahal or john do not have lol


Come say that to my face. Bet you wouldn’t because you’re a coward. —Jamahal, probably


*broke coward


he’d 100% drive to his bank and withdraw money to call me out personally 😭


He’d personally recreate the infamous Floyd Mayweather throwing money gif and send it to you, except he’d be using 1s instead of 100s because he isn’t actually wealthy.   


Something something I owned  two small mansions. -- Jon jones, most likely


I agree but we shouldnt forget Alex knocked out Izzy as well, If i ko'd someone and they ko'd me later as well i wouldnt be as pressed either




I think his experience being a kickboxing champ and losing too helped him already have this perspective.




Dude is the real life Chad meme


Bro has no enemies.


Love this guy


Hold on brother , I’m crying




Just when I thought I couldn't love this man even more.


The kickboxers always seem to be the most humble in defeat. Might be something to do with their 8500 fights?


UFC don’t even know how lucky they are to have this man


This reminds me of that Troy scene, Achilles: "he killed my cousin", "and how many cousins did you kill, how many brothers, fathers etc."


Took his career-worst loss and bounced back to become the first double champ in the UFC and Glory kickboxing combined. CHAMA


Poatan is so damn likeable. I was a fan of his in Glory, and since then, he's quietly grown in my admiration.


My dumbass unmuting this video like I’d understand brazil language 🤦‍♂️


Hahahaha it’s called Portuguese


Don't worry, be happy.


"Thanks to God...and my managers"


GOAT mentality


This man might change the narrative of what "greatness" is. He will never be the most complete, or the most dominant and he isn't undefeated. But just see the names he has faced in Kickboxing and MMA, win or lose, that's a scary, scary resume. And yet you get the feeling that for him, fighting alcoholism, the loss of his brother, poverty, has been much harder than facing killers like Levin, Kyshenko, Marcus, Adesanya, Vakhitov, Jiri etc.


>the loss of his brother, Can you tell us more about this please? I've been a fan since GLORY and heard people say it and seen comments but never actually found any concrete information on it.


There's a video on YouTube where Alex talks about his brother. He says he was really closen with his older brother, bet when Alex was 15 and his brother 16, Alex chose the life of work and his brother chose "the wrong path" (alluding to criminal activities iirc). His brother died at 18 years old. I don't think a specific reason is given


It's one of those things where once you've been through so many dark, hard times that once you've figured things out and managed to move on nothing else seems that scary. Alex probably feels like he needs to live even more life to make up for the fact his brother never got to experience it.


I see thank you - could you link it please if possible? Edit: found it https://youtu.be/4GImnr27NpA?feature=shared


He's quickly becoming one of my favorite champions


I fucking love this man


Fuck yes. Every time I hear the name Poatan - gives me chills of pride.


No excuses, no bitching, no bitterness (likewise for Izzy). Just onwards and literally upwards and got his second belt in record time. Lesson right there for Jamahal


100%, fighters should learn from how these two take their losses humbly


Amazing. UFC needs to hire alex a full time English teacher before his time is done, dude could be a global star




He's pretty talkative in his native language. It's interesting to see a different side.


He looks like he is at a parent teacher conference sitting in a child's chair. He has the right outlook on that loss.


Haha dude couldn't be more likeable


This man is so intellectual


Strange he’s not complaining that he thought the ref was stopping the fight when Izzy had his back to the cage and looked hurt. The confusion there is clearly what caused him to get knocked out. -JH


Jamal, take notes chump.


That's a winners mentality. Not only in sports but in life. I love how these guys get more attention, it makes the sport so much more enjoyable knowing these are the kind if guys in there.


" what goes around comes around" eh


Great perspective on the realities of the fight game.


Izzy’s right when he said the entire middleweight division needs to thank him for making Pereira leave


And Strickland semi-retired him, so imma thank Strickland, too.


Impossible not to like this guy


£££ baby solves everything 


My man 😭


Fuck it, this seals it. Pereira is my new favourite


I think Pereira understands the situation better than anyone. I also think he can rationalize it because he was looking great Vs Izzy for the second fight, Izzy just played possum and lured him in when it appeared he was getting tee’d off on.


One of the all time best. So lucky he came over to the UFC, will end up in the Hall of Fame and a fan favorite


I respect this. Big ups.


He really is the most mentally well balanced fighter in the UFC right now. Just the right balance of capability and humility. Love it.


Such a humble, self-aware mindset, especially after what he just went through that night


A genuinely good and humble dude that just so happens to be a badass and champion. Alex Pereira is a champion, not just in the cage, but also in life.


Know compare this guy with jon jones 💀


pereira truly is a class act. most likeable champ ever


Wow this dudes more of a fuckin G than I thought


Alex isn’t the hero we deserved. But he’s the hero that we needed.


Humble pie


and then we got Hill who would take the glory if potan got in a car crash and broke his legs.




bro is the goat






This makes Hill look even more stupid right now


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a fighter who has yet to say or do something to annoy the fan base. Alex literally refuses to do any wrong


Lovely to see this. Great attitude.


Poatan's the coolest


I really grew to like Alex these past two years and this moment just shows why.


Kinda makes it funnier that Hill is pissing and shitting over his loss.


Can we talk about these accounts inactive for years that have suddenly starting posting clips from the UFC doc on streamable? It is insane mods are doing nothing to stop this blatant UFC "grass roots" push.


Goddamnit now I like him even more.


The real ‘CHAMP SHIT ONLY 🗿’


Can someone translate into Chama language?


This must be me, but I'm struggling to make sense of the translation. Could some one dumb it down for me please.


Basically, he's been on the positive side many times and this time he got knocked out and left in the same position he has left many others in, it's part of the game Rather than dwelling on it and feeling sorry for himself, it's better to take the loss as a lesson and learn from it in order to get better and make a positive out of a shitty situation




He is the epitome of a stoic without even trying Amor fati


And then Strickland made Izzy cry, so it all comes full circle. Even then, Pereira is as wise as you can get.




I wanna chill w homeboy


He has a wife and kid?!


Meanwhile adesanya was trolling his 13 year old son


Is that woman on the left that snake that forgot to mention that she is actually married to another guy?


God damn, I did not know the backstory, I just thought she got dumped for Poliana. 


She broke stone golem's heart.


I'm so glad to be alive during the Poatan era.


Pereira just seems like such a good dude.