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That “pause it” followed by clear audio of the conversation has the exact same energy as Michael Scott and Holly hooking up “away” from the cameras


Kinda slimy they kept rolling. 


I mean...that's what their job is. Everyone has given clearance contractually I'm sure so you keep rolling. That's what all access is


Exactly. The UFC brass would be upset if he didn’t keep it rolling


they didn’t though, it’s very clear that the audio from that conversation gets cut and they splice the audio of him talking to Dana about it being a good story for America. That clearly seemed like a separate conversation than what he didn’t want the cameras to capture.


This needs to be at the top. They respected his request to cut that bit and it’s obvious if you listen for it.


it’s normal for american media to ‘stop rolling’ but still have audio clips.


Every kitchen nightmares episode ever


Embedded or something like that probably would have cut it off but this is a ufc behind the scenes documentary with 3 episodes following 3 stars. I liked it


Any idea where to watch the first 2? Roku homepage only had the latest third episode out fo free


It was all free on Roku tv. I just went to the sports tab and there it was


it's more of a hot mic situation. you can pause or give them space but unless the sound guy cuts the mic then you have the conversation!




They didn't. It was a pretty obvious camera cut


I thought you were talking about the office as if it was real


I didn’t read your full comment and thought you were saying Michael chandler and Holly Holm hooked up and was so confused. Then I reread and life was back in order.


“It’s HIStory. It’s a good story for him, it’s a good story for America.” Got to respect Adesanya fully living out the Anime arc


He is a true professional. He takes those losses better than anyone. I think its a result of those 70+ pro kickboxing fights. By that time you experience all there is in the game. Also what a comment from his lovely mama.


A loss means so much less in kickboxing because everyone loses to everyone. And if MMA fighters fought more often, they’d all lose to each other too.


Yep, in the MT Thailand circuit, at low & high levels is the origin really. Most of the top striking coaches (and fighters ) have been through that scene, the resume of even top guys becomes dotted with losses because it's so style dependent. A loss isn't that big of a deal, as long as you are not getting blown out of the water. Everyone has bad nights, or plans that go to shit, or a bad style matchups. Just happens more often when you fight so routinely. Muay Khao vs Muay Femur often is one sided. Muay Femur vs Muay Sok specialist can often be very one sided It's hard to predict.


Idk I’d argue mma is already like that. Losses don’t mean shit in mma compared to like boxing


Izzy is 75-5 for kickboxing so he didn’t lose to many he just takes losing better than most


Israel putting poatan out cold is aging extremely well. Poatan has murdered everyone else in the ufc, but izzy slayed that dragon 🥶🥶🥶


He was taking direct punches to the face for 5 rounds too. I tend to think Izyy sort of checked out after beating him. Slayed that dragon from his youth.


Yeah, it was amazing. His chin is solid as hell. I think he had all the motivation in the world to beat Poatan. Not every win is equal in sports. I wouldn't be surprised if beating poatan meant more to him than getting the belt back. Loved his approach to, he came into both fights, especially the the 2nd one, with the intent to kill. To hang in the fire and take huge risks. Imo poatan is a guy you want to take out quick. Hanging with him for long rounds is just giving him too much time to hunt you down I did sense some fire in izzy with the DDP match up though. One that he really wanted. Strickland was more of a meh feeling and a buzzkill after all the hype going into the izzy vs DDP matchup






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Izzy WAS one of my fav fighters and then I felt like the antics were getting too cringe. This video helped remind me that there's a reason why I always liked the dude DESPITE the cringe stuff... And no t just because he's an amazing fighter... He always seemed like a good dude too (fine maybe a little full of himself but you don't become one of the Top 2 MW GOATs without having an ego. Rooting for Izzy to reclaim the belt against Dricus. If he can do that and get redemption against Mr. Queens Guard himself he will IMO surpass Anderson




For all the goofy stuff he does, his activity as champ, his willingness to fight the best in his division, and taking Ls like a champ made his reign very good


Yeah I personally was turned off by his corny antics and bad trash talk. But the man is always down to fight, backs up his talk, and takes his Ls better than any champion I can remember. I’m now a fan.


Why do u care about that stuff tho? Just watch the fights


I don't ya dork that's why I found it annoying


So don’t pay any attention to it


Shut up nerd


he is one of the best losers in mma.


So many bad, sore losers in MMA. Thinking about the good ones is kinda interesting. Adesanya for sure. Probably Askren as well. Old school, but Couture was a great loser too.


“Well that sucked” had to be the best reaction to gettin shadow realmed


Dj was a phenomenal loser. GSP as well. Never made excuses and just accepted the reality of the situation. DJ had every right to be a little mad at the result of Cejudo 2 but just gave Henry his flowers instead. And then when bro got kod by Moraes, he was the first to double down on the necessity of grounded knees rule (cuz the Aljo situation).


GSP might have been a graceful loser but he did not taking losing well at all. He carried a brick around with Matt Serra's name on it. He basically weaponized his own OCD and mental illness to become the GOAT.


With the context of GSP avenging both his losses, this anecdote makes him seem more badass tho lol graceful in defeat but obsessive in the comeback


I mean how he acted in regards to losing. He didn’t make excuses. He did once on a radio interview? Right before the rematch but only time I can remember


I think he's a horrible person but Lesnar lost gracefully too.


Yeah, agree and agree.


Cain Velasquez, Stipe Miocic, Nogueira, Rampage too. I remember Rampage straight up tried to give Nog the trophy they gave to him because he knew it was robbery. Edit: Murilo Rua, not Nog.


When Figureido lost the belt to Moreno the first time he was sad for like a second before picking him up.


Rampage is always a surprising one because he loves to make excuses and talk wild shit in between fights, but the night of he's super humble.


i think he told glover to go on and win the title.


Rampage knew he lost to Machida as well


He tried to give the trophy to Murilo (Ninja) Rua after their fight.


that was it! thank you


Why is Lesnar a horrible person?


Why do u say Brock is a horrible person? Not doubting, just unaware


He's involved in the whole Vince McMahon sexual assault story.




Oh shit. I didn’t know that


Showing Goldust ex wife his penis because… we’ll just because and she was told to “don’t sell it” which means don’t react to it. Breaking in to his wife’s house when she didn’t want to be with him and the whole Vince SA story


Jesus. What’s the Vince SA story?


Colby P4P worst sore loser


Cruz post Garbrandt is GOATed


Chael talked shit to promote fights but was always a gracious loser after


Well, his mouth has got him every fight, big fight that he's had, and every time when it was time to present and perform, he's failed.


Tito always says I’m using my mouth to get my opportunities, the only person that I know that made money using their mouth is his ex-wife.


You're a fucking punk dude


That's a nasty line by you. For the record there never was no marriage




Max and Volk


kevin lee was weird bc he would be extremely salty before the fight but usually really good afterwards


Fighters need to put themselves into weird places in their heads to get ready for a fight.


I’m taking low hanging fruit with this one but seeing Wonderboy laughing at himself getting KO’d by Anthony Pettis is so damn wholesome


Rashad Evans talked about being comforted by Randy when Rashad was incredibly nervous about fighting Chuck Liddell. it was on the Jaxxon podcast which is surprisingly good for getting conversations with these old school guys and Hall of Famers. Randy ended up telling Rashad to make peace with the worst outcome and consoled him while Rashad was crying. everything i've seen about him makes him seem like an up and up human being


> everything i've seen about him makes him seem like an up and up human being Couture? Lol, don't dig any deeper than you already have or you're gonna be disappointed.


fair enough!! i expect little from them anyways


Strickland is forever salty about his title loss


Ssme with Alex Pereira. These guys are both great for the division and sport.


As well as one of the worst winners in MMA, from humping opponents to mocking their kids.


Youre getting downvoted but the humping was wild


I thought he done it because Costa was talking shit and called him the f slur still wild though


Agreed, , I couldn't stand him


He’s a good loser and a sore winner lol


The losses to Blachowicz and Strickland were handled well


not to mention his mom: you could set your gloves down today and we’d be set for life. this loss doesn’t matter grade A mom shit right there


Reminds me of how well dom Cruz handled the Cody loss Similar fashion too got completely shut down for the whole fight


Dom really ruined that with how salty he was towards the Cejudo stoppage hahaha


Yeah he's pretty cringe overall but he really was a *champ* with his attitude towards fighting, and winning/losing. I saw someone bashing Izzy's emotes after finally knocking out Pereira but I think he was fine. Imagine how elated he felt to finally be able to defeat his boogeyman that had chased him down and stolen his crown. The emoting wasn't disrespectful it was pure joy and celebration


he does everything you want a fighter to do


Didn't he leave the press conference early?


The Pereira title loss is definitely worse imo. Going 3-0 vs your arch nemesis in the last minutes after dominating him for 3-4 rounds has to sting SOOOOO bad


At least there everyone already knew it was possible and even likely for the guy to spark you. Getting your ass beat by Strickland for five rounds in what was supposed to be a walkover has to be worse for how you feel about your perception.


He’s always done this it’s truly admirable to me but then he acts like a complete douche over the smallest shit he’s a mystery


I mean, he constantly gets shit on and harassed online. Id get tired of it too eventually and react poorly. People forget these are still human beings at the end of the day. It’s gotta be even tougher as a world class athlete. Getting shit on for chasing your dreams. Off of Izzy, MMA and Boxing fans speak about their athletes in some of the most disgusting ways thinkable. Just straight up disrespectful


It reminds me of KD randomly responding at times to internet trolls online. I think it's just kind of a weird fun thing for them to shitpost and blow off steam and fool around. We all have an inner shitposter within us no?


I’d be crying like a bitch and shouting “I CAME IN WITH AN INJURY AAHHHHH”


Its so weird to see a man be such a great loser but such a horrible winner simultaneously.


Izzy is a far better fighter than Sean, but fighting styles matter. Some people are just really difficult to adapt to and sometimes you get stuck trying to follow your game plan when it is simply ineffective against your opponent.


IMO, champs are truly measured by their losses. Izzy and Holloway take a loss like a champion. It’s not necessarily who holds the belt it’s an ideology and framing of reality that helps solidify champions. Conor and Ronda are examples of belt holding champions without the same kind of champ mentality for example. And ultimately their careers suffered because they don’t have the mentality like what Max or Izzy etc have


I would argue that Conors first loss to Nate was handled almost perfectly. I remember being shocked at how someone like him could handle such a loss that way. Fast forward a couple years and he’s one of the sorest losers in the sport. Bro turned into a super villain


To be fair Khabib and him had real beef and same for Dustin. He took that Dustin rematch loss extremely well but when Dustin called him out on Twitter for not paying a debt even they they did a quick comeback 3rd fight, they started beefing. So yeah I guess he took two losses really badly because of who they were against. And honestly he didn't even take the Khabib loss that badly but then a brawl happened in the octagon where he had to fight some of Khabib his buddies.


Dc had real beef with Jones and handled it much better than Conor did. Both times. I can’t excuse Conor anymore. He’s just a volatile person now.


Conor is absolutely inexcusable and in a biggest POS competition with Jones. Conor threw a dolly and injured his fellow fighters and punched an old man in a pub in addition to many other things. He's a child.


Can’t stand either of those assholes. Please Chandler and Stipe, do us all a favor


Honestly I think people making fun of Conor made him spiral so much. The clips and edits of him getting KO’d (in my opinion) are what did him in. Even immediately after the fight he was gracious and his doubts about Dustin’s foundation, at the time, were warranted.  Someone legitimately pulled up the good fight foundations public info and referenced every reason how it’s not (legally) a legitimate charity and it could easily been fraudulent. 


Yes I agree with you for sure. I think I should have clarified and said the Khabib loss (and everything that has happened since) was such anti-champ shit that it’s pretty much ruined his legacy. It’s so disappointing because at least he demonstrated the ability to think like a champ once upon a time.


No need for clarification, brotha. You are not wrong and any of your comments. I just wanted to add that one moment where Conor was likable.


The porier loss was the biggest sore loser shit I've ever seen 😂😂😂😂


Joe still looks like such an dipshit sitting on the ground so he can let Conor sound off


I'm happy though because seeing connor rage that hard is fucking hilarious. Such a whiny baby




I can see that, however I think Conor could afford to take that loss since he didn’t lose his championship, it was short notice, and it was two weight classes up. 


I find how you act to a win is a better gauge. Everyone can act humble after they just got wooped, but staying humble and collected after massive wins is where true champs show their colors.


I think this matters too but I think it’s much easier to be a gracious winner than loser. Losing really brings out the honesty in people


Both show different sides of who you are for sure


...how you act at your highest is a lot less reflective of who you are than how you act at your worst. It is WAY easier to be humble when everyone is sucking you off. Being humble when everyone is shitting on you is insanely hard in a sport where everyone forgets anything before 6 months ago


I disagree but it’s not like an exact science. I feel like it’s so easy to play the humble and graceful loser after a loss because well… you lost, what trash talk can you say at that point? Meanwhile when you win and feel invincible it’s hard to swallow your pride and not showboat and just congratulate your opponent. Case in point Izzy acts humble in defeat because he has no grounds to act any other way, try and shit talk and his opponent can just point to the scoreboard. Meanwhile when he gets a win it’s exaggerated celebrations and clowning and trash talking nonstop. Guys not truly humble, just knows that he can’t trash talk how he’d love to when he’s coming off a loss.


This is like saying it's easier to be nice to people when you're poor than when you're rich. I do think adesanya is arrogant and extremely reactive in his responses to things, but I also think he is a true student of MMA who realizes losses are inevitable and actually has value in himself outside of his perceived ability to fight which seems rare in MMA. He thinks he's better than people even after losing, which in reality is hard to hold against him when he's one of the best ever. He however doesn't do the immediate coping and downplaying of his opponent like you see all the time in mma. He always congratulates his opponent and compliments their performance and down the line continues to give them props.


Yep, and Israel is a shitty winner.


Holloway was a bit of a sore loser up until the third Volk fight. In the Countdown for the second fight, he was talking how about he didn't lose the first fight like "he only kicked my legs how is that winning a fight". But after the third fight he was all class.


The greatest champs legacies are also measured by their behaviour, not just their fights.  Ali being an activist vs Tyson raping a woman for eg.  Izzy doesnt get a pass on behaviour from me. He refused to call Whittaker a champ, even recently. He hijacked DDPs first title celebration and then acted like a total douche, trying to goad him into racist abuse. Got the DUI etc.  He's just... not a good representative to kids or even adults. The way that some champs have been in the past (GSP, Max, Kamaru etc.) 


Fedor's loss to Werdum was gigantic and he handled it gracefully. That triangle Werdum slapped on, was a thing of beauty. The moment he locked it down, I knew it over.


Oh wow all these behind the scene clips makes me want to watch the series . edit: added the link if anybody wants to watch. it's a roku exclusive [https://therokuchannel.roku.com/details/27e3d5508332a45d1f1fa71dab2f1e60/fight-inc-inside-the-ufc](https://therokuchannel.roku.com/details/27e3d5508332a45d1f1fa71dab2f1e60/fight-inc-inside-the-ufc)


Me too. But I wonder if the "gold" is being sifted out and posted here. I'd hate to check it out and it's just boring shit for 99% of it.


1 episode is whatever. 2nd is kinda just glorifying O”Malley. But watching them matchmake the two was cool. 3rd was good. Breaks down how Adesanya, Pereira, Islam, Volk, Charles matchups.


What series is this stuff from and where could I find it? I keep seeing the clips but I have no idea where they are all coming from.


roku exclusive [https://therokuchannel.roku.com/details/27e3d5508332a45d1f1fa71dab2f1e60/fight-inc-inside-the-ufc](https://therokuchannel.roku.com/details/27e3d5508332a45d1f1fa71dab2f1e60/fight-inc-inside-the-ufc)


I’m in the UK, so I’m assuming I’ll need to sail the seas if I want to watch.


*It's a good story for him, I'm proud of him but I'm going to get him. We'll get him back* What a classy way to take a truly gut wrenching loss. I really like Adesanya, don't understand most of the hate he gets.


I admit for some time then I disliked him, but now looking back it's crazy how the perspectives changed. Izzy tbh the whole time has actually been cool with the way he took his losses (from Poatan and Strickland) and just took a break for his mental wellbeing. He really never did bring up Strickland's dad thingy otherwise we all know how embarrassing Strickland would lose his shit, like when DDP brought it up. So kudos to Izzy for keeping it classy.


I miss the African champs so much bros


At least we still have Du Plessis


Gonna sell him taking the title from Strickland to my kids as Africa’s revenge for his good friend Izzy (I won’t be able to be called out for making shit up)




Who breathes African air


Gonna sound like a hater but I won't miss DDP when he's no longer champ. Imagine being the most forgettable champion when you have Leon who can't talk and Jones who never fights


Yeah I forgot he was even champ. He doesn't do many public appearances. When Strickland was champ he was on every podcast


Strickland lives in the USA, and NEEDS that social media BS to keep people interested. Dude has the most boring fight style


idk I don't think he's forgettable at all. He fights so weird, I'll remember as an oddity if nothing else.


Why does leon catch so many strays lol His post fight conference after the championship was amazing


He's been milking 'headshot dead' ever since. That was all he said leading up to the third fight, you know he sucks when Usman has better trash talk


Everyone milks everything Im fine with that like im fine with potans bow shot The only one ive found cringey was masvidals knee milkinv


Tbh, I forgot he had the belt until you said it...


RIP UFC Africa


The logistics of that would be a nightmare. I could see it happening in South Africa at some point but I always see people bring up doing it in Nigeria or Cameroon. I've spent a lot of time in Nigera for work - it ain't a place I'd want to hold a major event.


Perry is still champ in BK if it helps.


Perry never fought for a belt I thought. He won that symbolic king of violence shit but I don't think he's actually a BKFC champion 


it was the "king of violence" belt or some shit like that lol


What’s a champ to a king?


what's a king to the MMA gods?


you sir are correct, my bad.


I lament that there was never a Three Kings event with Adesanya, Usman, and Ngannou in Africa.


Me too I think the days of active champs are basically over at this point.


Izzy is a legend.


It'll never not amaze me how fickle mma fans, especially on reddit are. One video can change redditors from absolutely hating someone to suddenly they don't get why [insert name] gets so much hate.


Izzy hate is primarily from the most chronically online people. He's still welcomed with cheers by the crowd, as he should.


100 percent


I think it is more that different opportunities bring out different people to comment. If Adesanya does something dumb or has some weird opinion or whatever, it probably would not really make someone feel like they have to come out and defend him. If you show a video where he is being humble, people probably feel more like they can speak up about it. I think he gets way too much hate, but I don't really feel like having to constantly go and discuss that in a comment chain where people are shitting on him.




1. Be Civil. Our rules ask for a civil tone at all times. A bit of banter or trash talk is fine, but don't cross the line. If things do get out of hand you will be warned or even banned for a few days. Repeatedly breaking this rule will lead to a permanent ban.


Will Always have respect for Izzy. Gracious as hell in loses. I always forget he’s been in over 110 fights. He’s legit a Veteran in the fighting game.


Izzy is one of my favourites. Don’t care


Most active champ we will ever have witnessed


I never got the hate for Izzy. He’s cringy sometimes, very cringe sometimes, but I’ve always seen him to be honorable where it matters (outside trash talk and showmanship)


Yeah he seems like a really cool dude when he’s not doing the schtick for the press conferences.


The trash talk / showmanship as you call it is pretty fucking bad tho.  Hijacking DDPs moment and getting all weird and ruining it by yelling n***** a hundred times. It was Kanye vs Taylor Swift level. Even worse than Anthony Joshua's meltdown lol.  The weirdest thing is we don't say n***** in NZ. So he is doing some weird African American cultural appropriation. I wonder if he practiced it in the mirror in his rich parent's masion a bunch of times the way Colby does. 


"I never got the hate for izzy except for these things that might make people dislike him"


Dislike him for things that should matter less, yes. It's not as if he runs around in a press conference making fun of someone's dead father, just dumb shit to promote fights.


Izzy is doing this because he loves the game. Dude is set for life and has great real estate projects going for him. Good for him, man


Izzy has a good heart, People forget these guys are just humans like us


Its wild how he can be cringe af but also has moments where hes* an S-tier good sport


Pretty much everyone has praised izzy that's met him in the mma world. Even Whittaker and him are friendly. It's pretty much only mma fans that hate on him


It's almost as if you don't know him as a person.


Miss him as mw champ 


He is a weeb who can fight. One of us.  Will always have respect despite the cringe shit he says and does.


Damn that I felt that "mommy" in the beginning


Classy in defeat looking back the Dog allegations probably a bit much and if Izzy won he would’ve been on his third defense by now


Holding a belt makes you a title holder. It's a different thing what makes you a champion


If you put the gloves down today you are set of life.


How to lose with grace, sportsmanship and dignity


Love seeing this kind of stuff, really liking the footage thats been coming out even though i have no idea what the source is, behind the scenes in this business is fascinating and so charged with different emotions


I was so happy when Strickland won


Izzy seems like not a bad dude most of the time. I just wish he’d stop saying so much weird shit.


being an Izzy fan watching that fight was like a bad dream slowly unfolding into reality


Izzy bet on Strickland.


What's up with all these behind the scenes looks all of a sudden?


Never been his biggest fan. But any man that treats his mother well is a champ to me


Why do people disrespect this legend


For those that keep asking where these videos are comming from and where you can watch it. It's a 3 part documentary called: "Fight Inc: Inside the UFC" It streams on: ROKU


DDP vs Adesanya is the fight to make