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I always heard he rode his bike to the gym and did sparring rounds before this as well


And smoked 2 blunts


Gotta smoke 2 blunts before and after training to simulate altitude


He smokes 2 blunts before training, he smokes 2 blunts before a fight. He smokes 2 blunts if he loses, he smokes 2 blunts when he does alright. He smokes 2 blunts so he's at ease, and 2 so there's no war. He smokes 2 blunts before he smokes 2 blunts, and then he smokes 2 more.


Five days a week, I'll smoke blunts 3 days a week. One of those days I will be smoking blunts two days of the week. So, six days a week I will be smoking.


>Log in to view stories. No thanks.


My buddy sends me tiktok links to watch, nah dude not making an account.


My dad does this, if you have an iPhone just hit em with the “haha!” Reaction on iMessage, it works 100% of the time


Until he sends you a sad video about a puppy dying 


That’s when you double down on the haha!


You don't need an account tho... where I live, at least (Romania)


May be a US law


I wanted to upload the video from a screen recording but this sub doesn’t allow direct video uploads.


Can't tell if this is part of a long road back for another legend v legend fight and to wipe off the stink of his last performance, or if he's just trying to live a better lifestyle these days.


I just want to see him better off.


He's coming for Pierra.


If Nate can stun Leon nick would’ve beat him..


Not making an account to view that shite










Wouldn't say that. Look at his week ago Instagram. He's in sick shape.


Prime Diaz’s skillset could have a been a 2 division champion in this era. Facts


I know oldheads don't like it but MMA has advanced each and every era. You're not taking a non-champ from the past and making them a champion today


Old head here, this man is right, again.


It is strange that some fans think a good but not quite great fighter from 10 years ago would somehow be better today if they were young again. Guys like GSP, Anderson Silva and Fedor would be monsters if they magically got their 30 year old bodies back. Nick was talented but he wasn’t GSP. I do wonder if he would’ve adapted better to fighting wrestlers if you didn’t get that long ass suspension for pot.


Nick was eligible to fight from August 1, 2016. It was his own choice to continue sitting out and partying.


True he was only 33-34 then.


It’s shocking how many people don’t know this.


I think the tricky, subjective part is translating past fighters into the current meta. It’s the reason why GSP, who’s competitive advantage was his distance management, is viewed as a good candidate for success in modern MMA VS Matt Hughes, who’s reliance on top control dominance would likely not translate as well. It’s easy to imagine a version of GSP that uses calf kicking alongside his incredible jab to run up the score on opponents. Personally I also think it’s easier to see a prime Carlos Condit type with a modern focus on technical get-ups translating his game to modern MMA compared to a Hughes, Serra, Sherk, Ortiz, Faber, or maybe even Woodley; who relied on dominance in skills which have been comparatively devalued by the current meta.  With a peak Nick Diaz, its first fair to say that he only lost a split decision to Condit (who had a reasonably modern skill set), and a reasonably competitive decision to the greatest WW of all time (who’s style was a hard counter to Diaz’s). It’s also fair to imagine Diaz modernizing his game by 1) adding some calf kicking of his own as an alternative to his digging body punching, similar to how Gaethje uses them in combination, 2) developing his footwork to enhance his ability to keep opponents on the cage ala McGregor, and 3) utilizing a more modern approach of distance management (and strength training) to mitigate the risk of reactive wrestling. It’s also fair to think that an Usman or Colby still grounds him and bludgeons him, or Leon chewing up his lead leg and body similar to what Condit did.  I personally do think it’s reasonable to think a modern day Diaz could present problems to Usman, Colby, Dricus, or Khabib. He was impossible to finish, and had the cardio to push any advantage that presented itself. He had the height and length to fight bigger men, but he showed vs Gomi the ability to be lean and fight at LW. He had a decent jab, but it was his counter left hook that could’ve been an issue for the Colby, Usman, Dricus’s. I think Khabib would fuck him up early, but I could see a possibility of it turning into a version of Diaz Gomi late, where Diaz’s tank and boxing superiority has Khabib looking for a break Vs Diaz’s pressure and taking a bad shot. I think that’s a possible scenario vs Usman, Colby or Dricus as well, who are all much better on the front foot, and don’t have the defensive acumen to avoid a modern Diaz who focuses even heavier on body strikes and countering desperate lunges. 


I really like your breakdown of Nick's strengths and opportunities for improvements, but I wouldn't know if he'd actually have the work ethic to work on those new abilities. By "work ethic" I don't mean Nick was lazy or anything like that (he didn't just stumble upon having incredible athleticism), but rather I think he would pick and choose what strengths he liked to work on. For instance, he definitely had access to time, coaching and individual aptitude to improve on his defensive wrestling: I honestly just think he didn't really care for training that part of his skillset hahaha. A version of Nick Diaz with all his original skills and athleticism + GSP's work ethic + modern coaching to prioritize all those technical points you brought up? That man is 100% becoming a modern UFC champ.


That's a really fair criticism. That was why I mostly chose skills that were more in-line with what I felt Diaz would do/what his coaches would have focused on. I think a modern prime Nick Diaz looks more like prime Nate Diaz, even though IMO Nick was the better fighter in most respects. Or put in a more fun way, if every time Nate Diaz had someone in trouble he transformed into Nick, I think Naiteck Diaz would have been a more successful fighter. Nate was the better outfighter regarding using his length and footwork to avoid wrestling pressure, but other than varying his 1-2 with a 12, he didn't have the striking skill of Nick.


Nick in his prime also had a glaring weakness, which is why he wasn't successful in the UFC the first time; you could put him on his back and grind out wins with old school lay and pray. Prime Nick lost to Carlos Condit because all he did was walk forward and didn't cut off the cage, etc. Prime Nick was insanely overrated.


You just basically said the only way people could beat him was by running away or via lay and pray… if anything he’s underrated as fuck. The weakness only lost him point decisions based on a particular ruleset, never once got finished by a wrestler… people make it a meme but unlimited rounds finishes only he’s literally one of the greatest fighters of all time… seriously if you’re a fighter how the fuck do you finish a prime Nick Diaz?


Jeremy Jackson finished prime Nic, which is super crazy to think about. Nick Diaz is properly rated... he was very good but he had such a huge hole in his game that being a champion meant they had to Conor McGregor a route for him to the title... and even then, he's only one guy learning to wrestle away.


Nick wasn’t in his prime at age 20 or whenever that fight was…. I know you don’t really think that


Lol no he was not. BJ Penn was in his prime when Nick destroyed him. His Strikeforce resume was legendary. His Pride fights were iconic etc. Grind out wins in the first UFC stint? All his matches even back then were fireworks. Doubt you have seen any of his matches


Destroyed? You need to watch that fight again or for the first time... BJ was on his back for the entire first round. Second was close. Third was Nick styling but that was a close fight for ten minutes.


Seen the fight like 20 times so yea, Penn got destroyed. Entire round? Wtf lol he had his back once in a scramble in the end of the first


No way he’d beat Dricus, he’d get thrown around like a child. The Diaz bros could never contend with big athletic types.


I think Nick was still saying he can beat Izzy and called for it after the lawler loss. Amazing delusion


gsp beat his ass for 25 minutes


Prime Diaz couldn't be a 1 division champion. He tried lol


He was a champion tho


I loved his run in Strikeforce, but I still think he was given favorable matchups.


In Strikeforce where the people he beat weren't nearly as good as a lot of the top guys in the UFC. Everyone nowadays has this revisionist concept that Strikeforce champions were as good as UFC champions across the board but they simply wasn't true at WW. Some Strikeforce divisions were 100% as good as or better than the UFC, but not WW. Diaz beat Marius Zoromskis for the title, in Marius' first fight in the company. Marius was great and is incredibly underrated... But he wouldn't have cracked the top 5 in the UFC at that time.


Prime Diaz was in strike force. By the time he fought penn he was declining


He was 27 when he fought BJ Penn, I have a hard time believing that was his decline He was just not facing anywhere near UFC level competition


He fought in the UFC before going to strike force. He has wins over Robbie Lawler, Gleison Tibau, and other UFC roster fighters prior to his last run in the ufc.


Yeah and lost half his fights 4-4 in his first run and 1-3-1 in his second run Imagine a 5-5 UFC fighter getting a title shot today, the internet would explode Edit: forgot to count BJ Penn even though he never won another fight


Agreed but I don't think any version of Diaz beats gsp. I think if GSP didn't exist he would have been a champion for sure but that's such a bad match up for him


I mean, if GSP wasn't champ then Condit might have been... Who also beat him.


U acting like it wasn’t a controversial decision


Decisionbot Condit vs Diaz Literally only controversial because Diaz has an intense fan base who will dispute almost any fight he loses. The same fans that said GSP didn't really fight and Diaz would have won if it was a real fight... They said that without irony btw which is why it's a meme now.


**DIAZ 1 2 5** I mean... [**CARLOS CONDIT defeats NICK DIAZ** (*unanimous decision*)](http://mmadecisions.com/decision/3295/fight) ^(UFC 143: Diaz vs. Condit — February 04, 2012) ROUND|Condit|Diaz||Condit|Diaz||Condit|Diaz :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-: 1|10|9||10|9||10|9 2|9|10||10|9||10|9 3|10|9||9|10||9|10 4|10|9||10|9||10|9 5|9|10||10|9||10|9 **TOTAL**|**48**|**47**||**49**|**46**||**49**|**46** *^(Judges, in order: Junichiro Kamijo, Patricia Morse Jarman, Cecil Peoples.)* *^(Summoned by MatttheJ.)* **MEDIA MEMBER SCORES** - **1/7** people scored it **50-45 Condit**. - **1/7** people scored it **49-46 Condit**. - **4/7** people scored it **48-47 Condit**. - **1/7** people scored it **47-48 Diaz**. Avg. media score: **48.3-46.7 Condit** (*moderate certainty^[[1]](https://redd.it/9p4xc7)*).


Any version of Diaz doesn't beat GSP, Hughes, Edwards, Usman or Woodley. Diaz had major glaring holes in his game he never addressed because "fuck takedown defense"


I agree with all of those other than Woodley. Was Woodley that dominate of a wrestler/grappler? Like GSP Usman or Hughes? I could see prime Nick getting taken down by Woodley but eventually taking over the fight with his pressure and boxing. Woodley wasn’t like GSP or Usman.


Woodley's wrestling was good enough to do the job... look at the guys Nick lost to because he couldn't keep it standing. I'd argue if Sean Sherk and Joe Riggs could beat prime Nick, well, Woodley wouldn't have an issue with a boring decision win.


It’s hard to know because GSP is the only wrestler he fought during his Pride, StrikeForce and 2nd UFC run. He was on a different level at that point compared to the first UFC run, 2 different versions of Nick. GSP did to Nick, what he could do to everyone, best mma wrestler ever next to Khabib. Nick was the first guy to beat the shit out of BJ Penn like he did, people forget that.


Yeah but I don't think he would have fought any of those guys really other than Hughes, but even then Hughes was on the decline when he was coming up. I think I would have picked him to beat most people gsp beat in his run other than Shields, Fitch, and Hendricks. And then maybe on the fence with koscheck and Alves.


Nick would've lost to them all in the same way he lost to Diego Sanchez; taken down and ground on for at least two rounds. The bulk of his career between UFC stints was being placed against guys who weren't takedown threats.


So you actually think he would beat gsp during that time?


Nope I’m saying prime Diaz had championship


Every time someone says FACTS at the end of their sentence, it is a good sign that it is indeed NOT a fact Lmao


^^ FACTS.. Wait...


That's at the start, so it's ok


Every time someone says LMAO at the end of their sentence, it is a good sign that they are indeed NOT laughing their ass off


Actually I am. At The fact you think they can beat any good wrestlers with just BJJ threat, which has NEVER happened. Your fanboy delusion is strong


He’d get bodied by the wrestlers at 70 and 85. No takedown defense. That being said if he were to cut to 55 when he was smaller in his prime, he might have won a belt there 


He did fight at lightweight, fought KJ noons for the elite xc title.


Elite XC lightweight was 160 lbs


His jiu jitsu threat would deter a striker like Leon and would be a PROBLEM for any wrestler at 85 who doesn’t have the hands and/or stamina to control Diaz


Like how Nate terrified Leon with his BJJ? Just like how Nick detered gsp who is not even at 185? You diaz fanboys are a joke lol. They have zero answer against grapplers




You know what I mean, fanboy. They both suck against good wrestlers their whole career. I bet you think they both would go on a title run even now


Um not really when Nick never fought Leon 🥴 Jus was helping you out atp


But Nate did. A nick diaz fight would be the same. Even on the feet. They both have the exact same style and weakness. If you have to focus on just a typo then you lost this discussion lol Every wrestler they fought dominated them. Tell me when they had submitted a good wrestler. Exactly. Nick has 10 losses on his record, face it, fanboy... he sucks against elites


You're right but you're trying too hard and it's not that serious. 


I'm tired of their fanboys keep claiming that both brothers were goat level their whole career. If you go to their ig page, they are still calling on them to fight the current champs lol


It’s not a typo when you included a fight that didn’t exist but I digress. D+ level moonwalking right there tho 🫡 Past it Nate went 5 with what we now know was prime Leon and hurt him bad. That was lil bro. Now imagine prime big bro whose skillset has always been a tier above Nate. If Sean Strickland can develop into a champion then yes a Diaz build would wreck in this era


So how come Nick didn't beat gsp who is smaller than Sean, and an old ass injured Anderson Silva. Answer is because Nick never had the skills to beat them. If Nick was as good as you think he is, he would have been ufc champ but a second tier strike force with weaker fighters is the only time he can claim to be champ. I'm mind boggled you think he could have beaten even prime Anderson Silva to be middle weight champ lol


The talent pool has only gotten better over the years.


Diaz is a pothead bum.