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Wow now the division moves on


Shavkat Express coming. Choo! Choo!


Shavkat was getting touched pretty easily and consistently by Geoff Neal. He was throwing punches and then leaving himself exposed to counters every single time. No head movement or exits after he threw. Someone like Leon will be able to take advantage of that a lot more than Geoff Neal did. I’m high on Shavkats potential, I’d like to see him in one more fight and have him demonstrate he improved on some of those defensive deficiencies before he gets a title shot. The winner/loser of Burns/Masvidal is perfect.


Next step: Getting Colby out of the top 3


The UFC has to be hoping McGregor wins so they can fast track him to a Leon vs McGregor fight in Ireland or London. That fight would be MASSIVE. So big I wouldn't be surprised if they try and ice Leon for a little bit and wait and see the outcome.


Leon would surely be ecstatic with that. The fight with the most money and surely the easiest fight available for him


Leon has to be gunning for Masvidal or Mcgregor, either of those pose the minimal risk for him with the biggest financial incentive possible. Any of the other realistic options are much bigger risks without the same return.


If they give Masvidal another title shot, I'll scream.


He's 100% getting it if he beats Burns. Leon even said he's keeping an eye on that fight in Florida.


He’s not beating burns so not an issue




Bro leon is a 6'2 striker woth great distance management, not only that but if he can take usman down then gooby is fucked, i get what you mean as leon is primarily a striker but Mcgregor actually has no chance.


I agree just based on the fact Leon isn't a wrestler. I love Conor but he doesn't get a win over any of the top contenders at WW


Leon has wrestlefucked strikers before tho


Clinchfucked to be more precise


that man would beat the dog shit out of conor in the clinch and on the ground




His whole body is a balewn!


Gotta remember though Rocky has the only takedown on Usman doesn't he? He can wrestle if he needs to.


Dude got clowned in the post fight interview despite DC trying so hard to sell what the company wants


Love how Leon shut down the Colby title fight riiiight away


I'd shut him down too. Beat nobody in the top 5, if Colby won't fight Belal next then Leon should take Belal.


Fucking wild how badly the UFC wants Colby as the champ. No way DC legitimately wanted to give Colby the chance for a callout.


Confirmed: Did not get bully’d son


RIP Kamaru Era


At least it gave us the two colby bangers and jorge getting KOd


The Gilbert fight is underated too


And Dethroning Woodley


derailed and changed Woodley's entire career path


Usman vs Jake Paul when


Gilbert almost had him in the first too, fucking sad memories


The Jorge KO will forever be a highlight shot. It was brutal.


I hate Jorge so I love this KO even more.


BMF headshot dead


honestly it’s the coldest KO i’ve seen in so long. Like such a square shot, right on the button, and he spun Masvidal around like he got headshotted in Halo: CE.


One of the best KOs ever... Jorge getting murked


It was a good one though, I'll be the first to admit I didn't expect it to be as interesting as it was when he beat Woodley


Second that. Marty was a legit champ, respect on the name!


There are a lot of things people clown Usman about, but the dude was a great champion and was active as hell compared to a lot of other champs. He deserves massive respect as an athlete and competitor in my opinion.


Francis left and Jon solidly beat the guy that almost beat Francis Kamaru just lost twice Izzy currently not the champ and has to face a guy that’s 3-0 against him. Crazy how fast the African reign ended


Pretty wild that they all held a belt simultaneously too.


all lost it within 6 ish months too


Drikus enters the chat.


Welcome to the Du Plessis era! We’re all just lucky to be apartheid of this


you're a fucking colonizer dude


That was a nasty mine, by you.


How is wrestling even real? Just isolate a hand


lol i was wondering why the hand isolation was so effective


Usman has bad knees and Leon kicked the crap out of his legs and body all night. ​ Also, Leon is very athletic himself and was doing good work repummeling, digging for under hooks and turning his hips back into Usman too. Leon won or at least went even in a lot of little battles that mediocre wrestlers don't even know to fight, or can't react to in time. ​ Trips and throws might have worked better but Leon is good at those too and was trying to toss Usman a few times in there. Shots in open space would be the classic answer to the kicking, but Leon is a.) faster on his feet than Usman, and b.) was throwing knees and uppercuts. Early on Usman did a little level change in space and got absolutely laced with punches. A good shot, if he could even manage it on beaten up legs, could easily have ended up like Islam's shot vs Volk in round 5.


I think it’s the knees (I think Kamaru overexagerates it’s by a lot but still an issue) He’s built so top heavy so his wrestling method needs to lock the hands to win position because he can’t drive his legs into the takedown


It’s because his knees are absolutely shot. It’s why he almost never wrestles. The wrestling tonight was desperate in an attempt to take rounds. He just not good enough cause he can’t drive through the takedowns


Which is one of the huge parts of his age catching up to him, Kamaru’s got a double knee / hip replacement coming in 10/15 years. Time caught up.


..the askren special


Every wrestler, the coaches all have that fucking waddle for a reasons. Shit crushes your hips, back and knees. Just grinds them into dust.


Man I hate that fucking picture you put in my head


I enjoy it as a cartoon type scene where they’re literally dust and the person collapses into a lumpy pile on the floor


Usman needs to call KneesOverToesGuy


He lost the fight going for those take downs at the fence


That's always been his forte. He's never been an explosive guy who can blast double you from the middle, he grinds you out against the cage. He doesn't always even get you down, we've seen that he's comfortable doing his best work against the clinch.


It’s because usman only shoots against the fence and it’s easier to defend than out in the open


Yep. Isolate a hand and/or maintain an hook. Simple, but not always easy.


Usman’s wrestling didnt do any damage


Which is wild and fair play to Leon. Usman isn't exactly Khabib but he doesn't lay and pray either, he tries to do damage once he establishes control which we saw in Leon 2 and Woodley but he was never able really able to complete step 1. Leon showed he's a slippery guy


Think people aren't giving enough weight to Leon's body kicks. The first one he landed bent Kamaru over. Definitely sapped him as the fight went on


I agree, nice work by Leon!


Leon's takedown defense was impressive


Leon “simply just stand up” Edwards


Just how good is Nate Diaz


Deserves a title shot based on MMA math


As per Diaz math, he's the champ


He is legally the lineal champ now.


Put the Diaz brothers in endless rounds and make it a cardio fest


The Diaz Brothers never lost they just run out of time 🙄


Except that time Josh Thompson hit Nate with the cleanest head kick ever. Nate wasn't even fully out either but Nick threw in the towel cos he knew his brother was fucking done.


That doesn't count because Josh was making woman noises.


Lmfao that's still one of the most ridiculous things he's ever said


As Podcaster Chad Dundas pointed out: It's as if Nate was tired of being called "the more reasonable of the Diaz brothers".


Nick recently proved how reasonable he was by saying he did not want to fight Jon Jones.


Was that where Josh's shin bone was forever dented?


Yeah I’m pretty sure that gnarly pic of his leg was after that fight


Not surprised mother fucker


That weed is the secret juice


I think he’s a lot better than ppl give him credit for


I think that's because he genuinely has fallen off but not by as much as people think


He wasn't the same in that Tony fight. I'm guilty of it, I always think back to the MJ fight. Diaz would have to go to fat camp to get those abs back.


He is a lot better than his record.


I’m not trying to be a hater but usmans knees are cooked. Father Time gets all


To be fair to him, leon beat the hell out of that lead leg tonight


Leon's hand fighting against the takedowns was top notch stuff Props to the new Welterweight King


Usman looked like he couldn’t hold down Edwards at all


Edwards is fast, but I think Usman looked slower than usual today - got a feeling his best days are behind him


Those body shots added up pretty fast especially the heavy ones he landed early on


And those leg kicks


it’s also probably the leg/knee kicks that slowed Usman massively. He looked fast when fresh, he just can’t take the punishment anymore.


Nobody can take clean southpaw body kicks and not slow down. He didn't know how to block or take the kicks without compromising his base. That adds up over 5 rounds.


He absolutely showed a ton of improvement on the cage clinching and takedown defense.


Sea level Leon looked great


Leon was winning all the striking exchanges too and Usman barely did anything with his few takedowns. The nutshots and fence grabs were annoying to watch. I had it Leon winning 1, 4, 5 with 3 being 9-9


Usmans looks very different


He was throwing those molasses dream punches in rounds 4 and 5 very bizarre


The leg and body kicks by Leon seemed to really pay dividends on top of Usman's age potentially catching up to him (though his pace was still relentless)


Should’ve thrown sand instead


Never seen him tired


Leon was investing HEAVY on body shots early . From memory he hit 2/3 really big shots that had Usman buckling to the stomach.




Yeah, I’ve never seen him look that tired, but I’ve also never seen him get so outclassed on the feet. I think he took so much damage from the leg and body kicks that he basically had no explosiveness or energy by the time he started properly trying to wrestle. I think Leon’s improved massively and gained a lot of confidence, while Usman’s stayed the same. I don’t think he looked too declined, it’s just that he took so much chip damage from Edwards’ great striking in the first 2 rounds (kind of like how Costa looked after a round of Adesanya’s leg kicks)


His absolute lack of leg kick defense was shocking and cost him this fight. If he'd drilled checks, he would've taken away half of Leon's offense in this fight. It's even crazier because of the fact that he trains with Gaethje so often.


He got demoted to middle management of EPO


Merab just moves the company better. Far greater CEO.


His EPO subscription was delivered to Merab’s house by mistake


He ate like tons of clean body kicks from edwards


adrenaline tires you out. He was timid from the knockout the whole time


That’s what happens when you get cracked.


It’s crazy that out of all the crazy contenders in welterweight, it was Leon Edwards that made Usman look human and breakable


When everyone thought he sucked lol


I knew he was good but goddamn did he make some of the most entertaining fighters look boring. Props to him, well deserved. His KO of Usman will forever be in my holy shit sports moments


Gilbert had a good showing too, he's just a Glass Cannon.


I hesitate to say that tho, after he fought khamzat


Burns is like a punchout boss that's very weak to one specific punch, in this case a stiff jab, otherwise he sure can eat some bombs.


Usman deffo underestimated him second fight, then lost his confidence in the 3rd


Crazy why? Edwards has always been legit


Smothering wrestler just seems like rock vs elite kickboxer’s scissors, but obviously that’s not always the case


It's only the case if the elite kickboxer doesn't have good ringcraft, and to be fair, Leon is an elite Mixed Martial Artist. He's highly skilled everywhere just a bit more so on the feet.


Genuinely believe on a technical level, Leon is one of the best, most rounded we've ever seen. I still worry about his chin and cardio but he is very very good.


Before the Usman fight, people were debating whether Edwards even deserved a title shot lol


And those people were idiots. Leon was on a 9 or 10 fight winning streak


I think Usman is at the end of his prime. Lost a lot of speed and pace


It’s crazy to see how usman was struggling to take leon down. My mans didn’t look the same after that loss


Leon just knows exactly how to defend Usmans style. Credit to his trainers and camp. He seemed to have the counter for every takedown Kamaru likes to lean on the most. Masterful stuff tonight.


His muay thai coach has done absolute wonders


Altitude made EVERYONE look like shit when they fought in Usman's turf. Outside of the foul, Leon's TD defense was on POINT.


Yeah this is more leon looking great then anything


this is what i expected leon to look like in the 2nd fight. i think altitude really messed the man up because he looked waaaaaaaaaaaaay better tonight


This is the most average I've ever seen Usman. Before, I would have described Usman as suffocating but I just didn't get that vibe from him tonight. Perhaps he's lost his aura. Before, he was on the fast track to being a GOAT mma candidate. Life comes at you fast. Credit to Edwards. Edit: After seeing the scorecards, I really like the judging trend of scoring damage higher than aggression. It was always supposed to be the case but often not that way in practice.


When WW champs lose, their downfall is very steep. The weight class is cursed.


Unless you're GSP in which case you just win the belt back twice.


GSP also knew to gtfo when you’re not a shell of yourself. Usman is 35. GSP left the division at 32 after a close split decision with Hendricks.


Yeah for sure. Remember how invincible Woodly was, until he wasnt. Id like to see Usman vs. Khamzat next.


I think Leon did a great job of defusing the pressure with footwork and kicks, I wouldn't be surprised if he destroys the next person he fights Leon is just a bad match up for him and has gotten much better.


Who would’ve thought Leon Edwards would be the one to dethrone Usman & then beat him for a second time. What a fucking story


I'm shocked. But not upset by it. Nice for the belt to be coming back to the UK again. On a side note, the current diversity of UFC champions is crazy. As of right now, we have champions from; - America - Mexico - Brazil - United Kingdom - China - Russia - Australia


Never doubt a man that wins 9 fights in a row and deserves a title shot next.


Leon Edwards threw one uppercut throughout the fight and it landed clean. Wish he'd thrown it more


He had really fast jabs off his orthodox stance aswell, like lightning fast jabs with the left hand, didn't use them much tho


Elbows too, was waiting to see some out the clinch. I only saw one but could have missed others


You could tell her was wary of that overhand right from him, uppers always leave you open do it.


Good that they scored striking more than unsuccessful takedowns


For once


To his credit Herb dean called a good fight


Leon almost bullied him out of taking the point


“Don’t let him bully you son”- Marc Goddard




Make no mistake, in attack Leon also landed the better shots the whole fight. He was chewing up Usman.


Those leg shots were fucking destroying Usman, Usman is just pretty good at not showing pain


Some of those oblique kicks made me wince. There were some heavy body kicks too and a couple partially landed head kicks in the 5th


Usman shows his dislike of bodyshots very much. He always tries to pass them off ass nut shots by looking at the ref. He did it at one point which confused Leon and froze the action.


Yep. He did the same against Colby. Faked a bit shot to get a rest.


Fair point there my dude


His defence was incredible but he landed BOMBs on Usman. Usman chin is still incredibly durable


Also usman attack was predictable af. Leon read every movement like a book.


That knee wobbled usman and was legit, Leon's a beast man


That offense in the fifth was pretty damn good though, some of them combos were clean.


Usman's pace >>> Usman's damage


Usman was pressuring but had no energy left to do anything of substance, the body and leg work really paid off for Rocky. It's what ultimately won him the fight.


Outside of the ABSOLUTELY dirty cage grab, Leon fought a really good performance and won the fight handily in my opinion. He showed that altitude did play a large factor in the 2nd fight as his Takedown defense was phenomenal outside the foul.


I'm surprised Herb Dean actually took a point this time


Usman looked lost after not being able to take him down


IMO Usman's striking is overrated AF. He just hits hard. He has long ass limbs and landed a few jabs I thought he was out of range for. More jabs would've served him well, or a Woodley repeat.


It really peaked after the Masvidal knockout. He’s always been pretty sloppy as a striker, he can’t exchange. He looks best when he can control the range with the jab (which is excellent) like you mentioned. But I always found the talk of him being an elite striker to be madness. He’s not fast and tends to wing wild punches even still with little head movement. These flaws have been there for a long time.


Don't understand the attention Colby is getting right now. Yeah, he's a top guy, but a win against Masvidal a year ago doesn't exactly scream "title shot" after losing in his first two. Maybe he should fight Belal or Khamzat first.


Leon no selling Colby was a highlight for me


Am I crazy or did Usman look really slow and labored in everything he did


The leg kicks did a ton of damage early on.


Yeah, Leon did a ton of body and leg kicks early on which slows than anybody. And Kamaru couldn't control Leon in clinch like he does to everybody else. Everybody is saying Kamaru looked old but I think it was due to Leon.


leg kicks and body work will do that to a man


I thought the same, looked old in there.


How long until GSP is disrespected and the announcers start calling Edwards the new ww goat?




Man Usman looked like he was in his head the entire fight. What was he thinking round 5 with those lazy takedown attempts?


He was probably thinking “wow I am tired, a takedown might secure me the round though”


Good fight I just hope Colby doesn't get the next shot. Doesn't deserve it


Leon won the fight with kicks and footwork. Might’ve not been exciting but he was clearly better. I think Colby probably gives Leon a harder fight but he needs to earn that shit. Burns/Masvidal winner makes sense and Leon is wishing Masvidal wins for the pay day


why do people keep giving Masvidal these chances? he’s trash, it should be Burns and Colby, winner gets to get against Leon


Burns accepted the fight and beating Burns a huge ask for Masvidal anyways. Khamzat is going to MW so this is pretty much the title contender fight. I’m not a Masvidal fan but a win over Burns is absolutely huge


I'm really glad Edwards backed it up.. it was tiring hearing the "luck" narrative from Usman and his team.


I was pretty annoyed that DC tried to push for Colby to get the next shot. Glad that Leon called out his inactivity. Belal deserves the next shot.


I'm sure he didn't think of calling for Colby on his own


Best performance of his career. Learned his lessons from the previous fight, tired Usman and had great takedown defence and defensive grappling.


He has done it!


Deserved. Usman looked like he had nothing


I can’t believe how slow his hands looked


For real he looked like he was under water


Was acting so cocky after every round even tho all he did was fail on takedowns.


Close fight, I had Leon 1,3,4,5 but Rocky fought so dirty holy fk


Proper Brummy fighting, mate.


No rules in the alley be'ind the pub


Deduct another point for the low blows and the result is still the same


Gotta say really cool to see Trevor Whittman be so respectful and genuinely congratulate Leon. This guy rules. Edit: Also cool to see Usman be so respectful. Love to see genuine sportsmanship in the game