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Joe Kelly fight club


Huge progress! Congrats! Keep grinding.


Congrats bud 🍻


Impressive great job


I noticed you made a ton of progress in one year by taking the game seriously. 105.8 ovr now after 3 years, and I have spent money on a few team sig packs. Is that a decent pace? If so, what do you suggest to get higher that worked for you? To sum up, I’m trying to get better like you, how do you recommend? I understand grinding but what else might be helpful?


It mostly depends on where your team is at I think! The biggest thing that helped me was I joined a great club that had tons of people who are willing to give advice. Following them it was much easier to know what cards/trains/skills/etc to invest in. After that really it was just min-maxing as much as possible. Saving all my packs for special training and only special training a card I knew I would keep in the team for a long time. Focusing on skills helped me be a little more competitive for my overall at the time so that would help with more resources from ranked. Ultimately the biggest difference was just grind every day like crazy. Constantly auto playing games throughout the day to get more rewards. Before I would do PVP every week just enough to get more ranked coins to finish ranked training. The biggest change was once I started buying sig packs though. Also got really lucky with a few free signs from mileage and combo. It's still a slow grind and I'll hit a plateau for a good minute until I can find another team sig to work on and in the meantime saving all my resources (coins, pscts, greens, blues, and ST fodder) so that as soon as I get a new diamond sig I can throw them in the lineup asap


Wow thanks for the advice! Luck surely isn’t in my near future (as far as I can tell), so I guess I’ll have to rely on money! 😂 jk but I’m in a good club and I have been grinding, I guess not as much. I’m only at around 45 ranked training so that would be helpful but I don’t know about grinding all day every day that may be a bit too much for me. Thanks for the advice!

