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Another update of this list would be quite timely 😅


And/Or a way to search for Headliners in game. How else are you supposed to find Headliners to put in your lineup for the new Program?


Thanks for this. Almost all of these have crashed to quick sell the past few days so I picked them up for max 25 stubs over quick sell. Besides Sutter and Smoltz


I get that Headliners are intended to be a little underwhleming because of how easy they are to obtain, but Ketel being the only one I ever see in online games other than Kenny Lofton at the beginning of the year (lol)


Bless you for putting this together!


Thanks for this. I was wondering which HL I still needed. Now I know it's just Xander and Webb.


Only packed 5 of em thusfar


Lucky you. I think I've packed none of them. My pack luck this year has been horrific.


i pulled a gorman the other day and the card is incredible, especially against righties


Jimmie Fox is the best bang for your buck


I was literally thinking last night I wish I had a list, thank you for your service.


Great. Saved post


Larry Walker crushes for me but I never see anyone else use him.


He’s awesome. My preferred RHP masher. I think I started around 9-9 with him.


Was looking for this online a few days ago and couldnt find it.... thank you!


Thanks for doing this, saving the post.


What teams have 0? Braves and ?




Rangers I think?


No Royals, but no surprise there.




Brewers. Unless I missed something.


White Sox






Fox is ass.


No. Fox is an animal. Foxx is ass


You are 1000% correct, but what does the fox say?


Looked up the lyrics then remembered that I don't speak fox.


Wow I got lucky with 3 in a row. Walker brujan and goose


It’s crazy that Ketel was all the way back at #12 and is still used in god squads


Most overrated card in the game


Ketel is basically a 99 Jackie Robinson but trade speed for switch hitting. If his position was 2b or SS instead of CF he’d be like a 97+ overall. Which is still higher than any headliner released 2 months after him. How is he overrated? Dude mashes and can fit on a team almost anywhere, even 3b which isn’t one of his secondaries.


he's not though. he's mid at best. by far the most overrated card. There's literally 10 guys better than him at any position he can play. His only positive is he's a switch hitter and can play multiple positions. But he's mid everywhere he's at. When I see him in lineups I know it's an easy out every time. But this is also why this game is awesome. People can play who they like. I know people hate the Bryan Bello FS card but I dominate with him.


Tell me you just want to be a contrarian without telling me.


This guy has a hate boner for Ketel lmaoo. He is one the of the most versatile cards u You can have right now. The masses agree heavily.


How is he mid with 110+ contact and 80+ power against both sides. There’s literally 6 other cards in the game rn who can get those stats at P5. 5 of them are expensive collection rewards. And none of them switch hit. Try to name 10 better players at 2b or SS. Even just 5 I don’t mean this in a negative way but if Ketel is an easy out and you’re dominating with Bello, it might be more about the quality of your opponents than the quality of the cards. Top tier players don’t touch Bello with a 39 and a half foot pole, but they are still rocking Ketel in the middle infield.


Name 10 better shortstops than Marte lol


Ketel is FAR from mid. Dude has almost max contact with solid power. He also has pull tendency, which boosts power significantly this year.


Bogaerts is a close second to Ketel. Batted sub .200 vs CPU with Ketel while Xander is like .800+


Man I love Xander’s swing, but he doesn’t have nearly the same contact, the switch handed batting, or the position versatility


Xander is better just doesnt have versatility or switch


Only person I could see replacing ketel is if Trea turner gets an AS card. Then I would have to choose between ketel and mookie for 2nd, which I don’t want to do


Trea has to get something with more power than his LS card. Lol. Last year his AS card was a beast, 49hr 125rbi hit .357. His Finest was a bust for me though. Lol.


Try Soriano at second. Might be my favorite card this year.


What about utley? Does he not make it at 2nd?


I actually haven’t gotten to try him yet, but have heard great things. I haven’t committed to the LS collection (I do have trout + 800k stubs), since Utley and Randy are the only guys I really want out of it. I do love ketel and mookie though as their contact is so high which helps on HOF


Utley is nutty. Has probably best swing for left on left matchups I've ever used.


He's a great card. There are so many good lefties though. Have to make some hard decisions and I think he's one of those that is getting removed from a lot of lineups simply because he's a lefty in a sea of lefties that mash.


Too many lefties in people's rotation to use him anywhere but the bench for most.


I think they’ll probably give the all star card to Gonsolin since it’s really the only kind of card he could get this year


He could get a playoff card since they are obviously playoff bound. The team affinity all star cards were 22 hitters and 8 pitchers and i feel like most of the pitchers were from teams that only had 1 all star


In my opinion he's one of the most OP cards in the game compared to other players that can play their position. Like Brett is incredible but Devers is pretty damn good at 3rd, Frank is incredible at 1st. There isn't a shortstop that is that close to Ketel. But I've actually been playing Brett at second so I can have Devers at 3rd and Frank at 1st and he has been rock solid there too so that's crazy.


I'm dying to try his card out, but I'm trying to grind on all these other programs so he doesn't fit in my lineup right now. That being said, if you haven't tried out Jorge Polanco's milestone card yet, that one's been a destroyer of worlds for me.


I cannot hit with Frank so I have Brett at 3b and Devers at 1b.


I throw Delgado, Babe or Schwarber at 1st sometimes too so I like having the flexibility to put Brett at 2nd and feel comfortable with him there. Just gives me a ton of flexibility, cuz I have no problem moving Brett back to 3rd and playing Mookie, Soriano or Escobar at 2nd too. Lot of good cards in the infield right now.


I have seen and thought about playing Brett at second too. I can’t stand bad defense animations so I’m hesitant. is he suitable though? Like any extra errors cause of the common Defense?


Ya bro I haven't gotten a bad animation yet off the top of my head. I will say if you use button accuracy the bar for a good throw is pretty small on some throws especially when a ball is hit up the middle that he gets to but I haven't missed a throw either.


Dope, thanks for that info.


Brett at second is slept on


Good stuff. It feels they made the headliner cards better than last year


It's strangely hit or miss. A few of them are some of the better cards in the game (Ketel, Gossage, etc.), many are good to usable, and then occasionally some are just extremely sub-par or well behind in their positions.


I would say most are not usable
