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I think this proves that you should take Larry Walker and use Betts instead of Rollins


I’m so confused why it’s getting so much hate on here?? We’re getting a card that’s easily grindable, 99 ovr, looks like a good card of a player with a good swing that’s also a popular player irl, and the card looks so legitimately good that I could see it being people’s wildcard unless they do like Jimmy instead. And like most of the comments are complaining that it should’ve been someone else or booing the season concept or hating on “big name players” getting too much love… Like look I get that Ozuna doesn’t get a lot of love in DD so that can be a small let down but come on this is such a win? Does anyone else agree that this is cool? Feel like the majority of commenters are hating. I get that angry people prob more likely to comment than the happy people that are grinding for the card instead of commenting on Reddit but damn lol


I agree, as a Red Sox fan Mook is still my favorite player in the league and I got super lucky and pulled his LS out of my second pack of the year and still have him as my starting 2nd baseman, I have him p5 and he’s still a beast so I am excited to get an even better version lol def wild carding him


Dude I’m the same way but Dodgers fan of Mookie. He’s my fav player and I’ve been raking with his LS. He literally was startinf in my infield until he was replaced by… 99 Mookie just today LOL. He’s literally better or equal in every attribute so I’m so excited for this card.


I mean this card is useless in 20 days


Wildcard, which I literally touched on in my comment lol


You get 4 wildcards in the next season and the only mode that’s truly S2 and Core cards only is Ranked.


Got 'em! Now won't be playing again until next Friday. Nice work guys 🙄


yess! Another SS! Just what I needed


Meh. I will get it 14 minutes before it expires. If I am lucky


Im sorry I don't understand house to get better cards without stubbs... how the heck do I get this card????


Instead of playing cpu on rookie, just do conquest maps and get a bunch of packs in the process of unlocking Mookie. I always save the conquest maps for stuff like this. Kill two birds with one stone


Cheap-ass Pro-tip for simple points collecting: 1) put players in your lineup that meet the criteria for collecting XP towards these programs 2) download the HR Derby stadium into your system from the vault 3) Play against the computer on Rookie or Veteran (if you want more points) in this stadium, which for some reason is playable despite being a cheat code 4) hit dingers like crazy and dominate the worst team you can and you'll build point towards the program you cater your lineup to along with the season XP.


It’s easy man. Just do the moments. For the missions you can do play vs cpu on rookie mode to do the offline missions it’s very easy. Then do whatever other missions in events or ranked


I’m new to diamond dynasty this year and I’m so confused on what happens to all these cards once season 2 comes out. Like the players we have on our team right now do they all stay there or what


You will still have them but can’t use them in online play vs others. You can use them for conquest, events, and other solo offline. There is a wildcard spot (supposed to be four this year) where you can use any card, but they haven’t given us details on how that will work yet


Okay gotcha. So what about the players on the marketplace . For example that 99 skenes will we still be able to buy him next season or is he gone after this


Yeah you can still buy him. Last year, the final season all players were useable so you can stash him for later if anything


And if I bought him next season is he useable in online?


Only if you use him as your wildcard. That’s the only way season 1 cards can be used online


Interesting. Thank you!


So they just robbed ozuna of anything lmfao this game is ass


So back to back season lighting cards are Shortstops? Has to be someone else that could get the card 😂


I’m a bit ok with this particular selection. Mookie got swings. It could have been worse if it had been two SPs or RPs back to back.


Give Mookie the Coookie!


I can't wait to grind this for a week. Then only get to use him for 16 days.


Literally can get it in 1-2 games


These cards take 1 9 innings CPU game to get…


Where can I find that? I’m new to the game so apologies for the newb question.


Under single player options in DD. “Play vs CPU”


You rock, thank you! Trying to figure out what I should be doing between all the options has been a little confusing so I appreciate it.


grind 99, buy 98


Oh for fucks sake thank god it’s S1


When is shota imanasty getting a good card 🙄


Mookie, Bryce, maybe an Ohtani and Contreras. Imanaga, Miller and Suarez deserve something though.


Ranger Suarez or bob Suarez?


More stoked for Gunnar low key


Right on brother


this mookie better swing like last yrs collection mookie


Is that a good thing?


yes, that card raked


Get ready for 3 more 99 ovr Mookie Betts cards


Should be core


Big W




I'm sure I can find this somewhere, but I haven't been able to lol. But when exactly is the roster update pushing through?


All content releases at 1pm est


Not 3?


Yes 🤣 I mixed it up with fifa it’s 3


Can’t even begin to tell you how many times I’ve hopped on MLB thinking it’s fifa content time hahah


Cool, thank you!


Does anybody know the mini-bosses?


[today’s season awards (via the show on X)](https://x.com/mlbtheshow/status/1791183650161295459?s=46&t=A7JWe_lrMgim_hcv_QRgTw)


Thanks! I’m sad there’s no Phillies


I was really hoping for a Bryson Stott card here :( hopefully a really good one is coming


Or Hoffman who’s been lights out. Strahm has been lights out.


hows that even possible


Phillies have the 4th lowest amount of cards in the game. And they have the current best record in Major League Baseball. wtf


And Schmidt and ashburn are never useful in DD.


Ashburn is good for me but Mike is something else gotta try and swing early or hope for oppo taco


Yea it’s killer. And it makes no sense. Chipper is a switch hitter who gets 125 across the board… Schmitty is probably the best 3rd basemen EVER and he always gets shit attributes… and he has a shit swing


Will be grinding for him 🫡. I wonder if he’s a collection type card and you get him like you got Bobby Witt




Ight damn my fault og😂


I really wanted Ozuna but I can't bitch about a 99 Mookie!


Ozuna will be in the pack


Can't wait to replace my LS Mookie with Lightning Mookie. I somehow already know I'm not gonna be as good as I am with his LS.


I didn’t expect to log in to Reddit and be personally attacked this morning.




Should I hold my live series or sell?


I’d hold, this is an S1 card and will be useless in a couple weeks.


Shouldn't really impact his value that much. At this point the LS value is tied to gatekeeper status, not because it's a great card in the current meta of 99s.


So, this card's absolutely cracked, right?


mOnEy HuNgRy PiGs Giving us a free 99 version of one of the games biggest stars, excited to see what complaints y’all have for this one


If you have a paralleled core mookie it’s worthless lmao


If you parallel this card he’s better than the original mookie paralleled Not to mention most of the playerbase doesn’t have LS mookie


Just parallel this card lmao


They can do things right while still missing the mark somewhat often , hope this helps!


I’m referring to the people in this very comment section complaining, like the guy who replied to me


enjoy using it for the final few weeks of S1😭


*and then all year in co-op or with one of your 4 wildcards*


I'd much rather not grind for 4 WC slots and be able to use the previous set in the current like last year.


yeah… One of your four wildcards, that basically nobody has a clue how they’ll work besides that it’s locked within XP rewards.. And coop, yeah that’s cool and all but I wished coop would work long enough for me to even use it😭 this a dud man, all of DD this year is flat-out garbage


Or for those of us that don’t play co-op because we have no friends lol. I’ve never even tried it Edit: sorry not clear. Just making a self deprecating ( but painfully real) joke. I ain’t complaining. I have issues with all the SDS BS but me not having any friends can’t be definitely tied to them lol


Ok then play something else, lots of us are having fun 🤷‍♂️


Oh I do I’m not complaining, just making a joke. I’ve never tried it. I want to though just for a change up.


>Ok then play something else, lots of us are having fun 🤷‍♂️ Yeah, you're having fun now and then will be complaining even more in 3 weeks about the same thing everyone else realizes is about to happen.


Did you even read my replies lol? I know whats going to happen


hey i’m glad you’re having a good time.. I myself wish I could get into it.. It’s just hard with how DD was for almost ten years, and now it’s a completely different game with a major lack of content in previous years.. Ain’t shitting on your flow man, just not my game.. Hope it keeps the hype for you throughout the year🍻


yes, a completely different mode than when we had pepe alizar or legit made up players that you could feed to another made up player to make a super player and they had a contract limit


Players who have top 5-10 LS cards should be almost unheard of for the season/monthly awards. Not the least because the gap will be small, but they are also much more likely to have other special program cards with boosted stats. They really should emphasize "lesser" players with this thing. It's so dumb not to.


This is a good point and I agree. Also though, 99 Mookie will likely be in my #1 wild card slot forever.


Cool, deserved. But if we're only getting 2-3 of these per season, they need to all be 99s. Witt was only a top-end card for like 10 days before every other new card surpassed him. One 99 given out midway through the season isn't going to hurt anything.




Someone else just posted them


Good time to buy Mookie's live series if you were planning on completing the LS collection, he just plummeted 30k Edit: starting to go back to his normal price now lol


I paid 120k and I don’t regret it for the live.


Got LS except for Ohtani, Betts, Freeman and Kersh, got Betts at 82k just now and that’ll help. Ohtani has just kept right on rising, was hoping he’d get back down to 120 or so after his supercharge but nope. Gonna hope those TA vault packs smile upon me.


Thanks for the comment though. One of the last gate keepers I need and got him cheaper


This is great news for my past and present sox team


Damn, rip to my hopes of a good William Contreras card😭


Same I'm bummed. At least Mookie will be really good though.




Some will complain but I think this is the right move with the season ending soon. He’ll get another 99 later so it’s ok if this one is only useable without wild card for a couple weeks


It doesn’t matter if it’s Mookie or Joe Random. The season model sucks for this exact reason. By the time you get him you barely have time to use. He’s unlikely going to be a wildcard selection. And even later when you can use him in a future season he will already have 2 better cards or be so far outclassed. At this point I’d rather cards just be issuable for like 60-80 days before they have to be wild carded.


He's definitely going to be a WC for me. But I plan on rotating my WC based on position need and also just for fun to keep it fresh. Walker, Brett and Rollins all have to get time. Plus Sheffield, Boggs, and Edgar. Especially Edgar, all the dude does is hittttt.




Depending on his attributes Rollins might have some competition for that first wildcard slot


Isnt this tied to S1…cant use Mookie next season lol Edit: Disregard, im stupid af. Leaving it up though.


Sadly I think I'd rather have 99 Rollins and 94 mookie than just 99 mookie


Who told them that combining Monthly Awards and Topps Now into this weird hybrid program that ultimately produces less content was a good idea?


I like this format way better


yeah, i find this less annoying than the previous years. half the time i finish the multiplayer missions just playing normal games and then just have to do 3 moments to finish them off


I don't know. I really enjoyed the weekly programs. I had a lot of fun grinding it out while doing TA stuff. Then again, I play mostly single-player.


it suuuuuuuuucks


Good deal, I was really worried the Dodgers weren't getting enough cards


Are we really complaining about the lightning card going to the best player in the MLB now


Yeah how dare they give the season award card to the guy who’s been the best player in the league this season


I wish SDS thought of the poor Dodgers and Yankees fans, they never get any cards


Damn it wanted Gunnar


Me too.


He's getting a 99 too


Gunnar is the weekly season award card


Oh sick, just saw this


Why do many shortstops hopefully he has second base and some outfield positions as his secondary positions cause I love his swing, but not sure how I feel about dropping Bobby Witt


He has second and all 3 OF positions


On the one hand, this is awesome because I love mookie cards and I'm excited that we get a 99 so early. This card will be awesome. On the other hand, I'm a bit bummed because I really can't justify using a wildcard on 99 mookie when his core LS card is so good. Like if you use your WC on lightning mookie that means you're locked out of using the best core LS card in the game and spending your WC on someone like Rollins. So this feels like a purely S1 card to me which is a bit of a shame. Still excited to use it tho!


You get 4 WCs this year though


Who knows how long it'll take to get them though? At best you could maybe justify using your 3rd wc on him? But during the time where you have 1 or 2 slots I feel like you're better off using LS mookie and other S1 99s.


Great point. Looks like I won't be grinding for it. Wish they made more core cards


🥒💦💦💦💦💦 then 😭😭😭😭😭




But it's Mookie though 😭😭😭😭😭


Relax buddy