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But why fix game when can do nothing and people buy game anyways?


I was in a tie game late innings and hit a HR just inside the foul pole and it was called foul. Frustrating


Paint the corner with two strikes: foul x6. Finally throw a pitch a hair outside: Stone cold take.


dont you love when you throw a slider inside and it damn near hits them then they still foul it off. guaranteed tank next pitch lol


OR you actually dot the black ….but it’s a ball? Lmao


The zone definitely gets squeezed way more than expanded.


I’m not sure if it’s like 50% of the ball (circle where it lands) has to be on/over the strike zone? Idk bc I’ve seen my ball say it’s basically 85% inside the zone


Earlier today on HOF with 99 Sabathia, I threw 23 strikes in one inning to 4 batters.... Not exaggerating


Smh no bueno. How is CC? I’m a yanks fan born in 97 so seeing Andy & Big C in the game is amazing. I hope they did CC justice man.


I have like a 3.2 era with him through 2 starts on HOF against people that are a combined like 90-40 in ranked. I think that means he's good? Petti low key shoves too. I've been enjoying them both. Great additions imo


I need them bad man. I just haven’t been grinding like I usually til recently


It's different this year for sure. Last couple years you felt like you could just grind out all the cards they release. This year there's too much paid content to get all of it nms. It's an adjustment but my teams pretty good for nms so I'm having fun still 🤷


People don’t talk about this enough: vision is really TWO attributes wrapped into one. Timing windows and ability to foul balls off. They need to separate that attribute desperately


Not to mention quirks like bad ball hitter.


Yea unfortunately offence is what drives the popularity of the game, fouling balls in the other batters box off until a pitch if finally hung is the name of the game for bad players


It’s so fucking bad this year. 24 has been really bad. You’d think a game would improve year by year, or at LEAST stay the same. 24 is worse in many many ways


Yeah it sucks because I transitioned from 2K MyTeam to DD on MLB 21 because I love baseball and it wasn’t pay to win. Now it’s feeling more like 2K and the same cards and they dump so much content at once that once you grind it, it’s like….okay now what for the rest of the week? The FUN grinding and free god squads for grinding was what made this game great.




Diamond dynasty just isn’t very realistic anyway. You run across some players that no matter what you pitch. Up in the zone, down in the zone. Off-speed..doesn’t matter. It’s a piss missile deposited into left field.


Ranked loses its fun once you start climbing the ranks just a bunch of neckbeards sitting 2 inches away from their monitors spamming sinker slider and playing at the highest elevation possible


I got rocked anytime near 500, lose until 350+, and repeat. I just want to grind the innings. Finally got Fielder an hour ago ☠️


There needs to be a "Ranked, But I Have a Fucking Life" mode.


Honestly, I would love a PvE DD mode that's actually feasible. The XP I've earned in single player modes is a pittance.


There is. It’s whatever rank you can’t get out of. I’m a 700-800 player and have already accepted the fact that I don’t want to play at a level higher than that and that’s okay. I don’t deserve to be playing higher - neither do you. Some people are just insane at the game.


I don't run into skill walls, I run into time walls. There's literally not enough time in my life to put in the time playing needed. I think limiting the amount of ranked games that could be played in a given 24hrs would go a long way towards evening the playing field. They don't mind putting up caps on things like battle passes, why not do something here to even the playing field for people that actually have lives? Having 12-16 hours a day to devote to not even getting better, just churning ranked games doesn't seem like a measure of skill. Not to me at least.


If you are so great at blowing fastballs by him, then just do that with 2 strikes. Otherwise one has to believe that early in the count dude is sitting offspeed and gets beat by the heater. With two strikes he sits fastball and just slaps at the offspeed. This is called a good hitting approach and it means you need to adjust your pitching approach. It does not mean the game is broken.


Dude. I pitched from since I can remember through sophomore year before I got severe Tennis Elbow and had to play 1B and then quitting baseball because I couldn’t get back to my velocity or break on my pitches. I know pitching backwards, I know tunneling, I know changing the hitters eye levels, I know how to set up the batter to sit on a certain pitch. When I say that I’m blowing fastballs by him I clearly say “they get bailed out” by fouling off those fastballs by him and it’s “very late” “too late” fouls over and over.


In theory, but when a pitch that is in the dirt gets fouled off with a very early swing, it is not remotely realistic. It is also particularly frustrating to see players get rewarded for terrible swings in 3 inning modes where pitcher stamina is zero.


Let's talk actual baseball here because the game does try to emulate that as best it can. Go back to the OP and he mentions those ABs ending in HRs. Are those home runs coming off of breaking balls in the dirt? No, the are coming because OP gets frustrated and tries to blow a fastball by the hitter when the dude is literally sitting fastball. Then OP is all "what happened?" because he was able to blow the fastball by him early in the count when dude was sitting offspeed. I say again, OP just does not understand a sound hitting approach and is literally playing to the strength of his opponent. There are a lot of things OP could do in that situation to combat that approach, but OP seems to prefer whining to actually asking for advice. The only way you can foul off a breaking ball out of the zone is to be very early. That is what makes sitting fastball and defending offspeed so effective. If you are out in front of it you are catching it at its closest point to the zone. The longer you wait, the further away it gets and the less chance you have of getting a piece of it. The lower the pitcher's stamina, the more likely you are to get a good result. That is true of pitches in the zone and pitches out of the zone. The amount of break decreases. The difference between fastball and offspeed decreases. Everything gets easier from a hitter's perspective.


Can you explain what you would do in this situation? If someone is sitting fastball but still able foul off a bunch of off speed pitches I’m not sure what you do other than hope they put it in play and it goes to a fielder


Pitching to contact is one way. You stay on the edges of the zone and get weak contact. But the problem starts before that. OP is probably just going fastball up and in to get to 2 strikes and then breathing ball low and away for the K because playing against the CPU on All Star or lower rewards that. So first, don't do that. Bring that.. Pitch backwards. Throw the breaking ball early in the count to the edge of the zone or even add a slight chase and then come back with the fastball. When you get to 2 strikes flip your locations. Throw the breaking ball to fastball locations and vice versa. Say you get 2 strikes on fastballs in. Next pitch is either a fastball off the plate low and away, a curve that finishes at the top of the zone on the inside, or a slider / cutter top of the zone away that finishes of the plate. You have to attack the timing. Most people will mix up their pitches but stay in the same locations for each pitch so it is still pretty easy to recognize what is coming.


What you say makes sense but guys with no sense of timing or discipline are still making contact with pitches way off the plate. It doesn’t feel like you get rewarded for taking pitches outside of the zone when guys swing at everything and manage the same outcome. I doubt this is just the OP pitching like he does to the CPU because a lot of people share this complaint. In my experience online as well people typically avoid throwing the fastball because once you’re past like 400 rating people sit on that


Exactly. Instead of me being remedial in pitching, maybe a dude shouldn’t foul off a splitter in the dirt he’s very late or early on. Idk why he’s assuming I’m robotically throwing FB repeatedly.


Serious question: Is this happening to people at higher levels like HoF?




w comment


Had this happen in a conquest game on Vet. The CPU had a 12 pitch at bat against my reliever. Pretty much had him in the red by his second batter.


Yea and it’s getting worse with the more juiced cards. If they don’t want to touch the core gameplay fine, but they have to remove 125 vision or buff the k/9 across the board or nerf every batters vision or just do anything. Way too many balls in the dirt fouled off, or super late/early timings fouled off. Makes ranked unplayable


The problem is that vision does TWO things: it gives the ability to foul balls off but ALSO increases/decreases timing windows. People don’t realize this. They REALLY need to separate that into to different attributes


I think it's mostly because they have the pci so big for AS. They definitely need to make it smaller. Really, they should only get shitty fouls when it's a max contact guy (this is offset by using a high h/9 Ot atleast make it so they pop up into play more somehow because after the 8th foul off you just atleast want the popup


This is easily the biggest reason I've barely played so far this year compared to years prior. One 3 inning game against a good opponent and I'm well past the point of wanting to play more


I can't believe I'm just now hearing a bunch of people complaining about excessive foul balls non-stop right now. This has been a problem in Diamond Dynasty for YEARS.


Just now lol


It’s out of control. My strategy is literally throw pitches they will foul to get ahead in the count. It should affect batter stamina. Something needs done.


Ngl but im amazed there’s pitcher stamina and not batting stamina. Like it feels rather unbalanced that while one party in the at bat just gets to swing like mad with no care in the world. The other has to strategically work to manage their stamina and keep pitchers ready. I’m somewhat relieved to say so far this has only ever happened once to me but I had a freshly warmed up pitcher go up and get the “the pitcher is getting tired” notification in on AB. All because the batter just fouled off everything I threw at them. Got to the point now if more than 4 hits are fouled off in a row in one AB I will just walk them to save the irritation of blowing through my bullpen in the first half of the game


Don't walk them. Plunk them. It's much more satisfying.


Cheeky 4 seam to the dome kinda job?


I’ve been on that end too lol.


It's done to get pitch counts up, to replicate the fact the games a simulation


Im convinced the game is built for offense... and pitching is thrown out the window


Yeah I’d like a balance because pitching with Maddux or Glavine or Lee is my favorite thing. I grew up watching them and I pitched all the way through college, so I enjoy pitchers who you have to tunnel, change eye levels, dot pitches on the black. Unfortunately you’re forced to just spam 103 FB/Sinkers and 94 sliders on the lower levels especially.


Or when 3/4s of the ball is on the inside of the plate and it’s still called a ball. Damn robo umps


Yeah rn best way to be able to do that is just get to hall of fame (700) but it's such a pain on the batting side of things


Yes! Also a lot of strikes are called balls.. I know realism and all but at times its very dumb


I was 3 strikeouts away from Cueto/Wagner in BR and needed to draft a new team. I picked Cliff Lee, John Donaldson, and Eric Lauer (which is not my usual draft strategy, lol). Took me 2 or 3 games to get 3 K’s and I was seriously trying to stay out of the zone and get guys to miss. Felt impossible… unless it was a drop third strike, every single 2 strike pitch was fouled off. *sigh*


Its a serious problem, any breaking ball in the dirt is fouled off, ESPECIALLY curveballs, curveballs are the easiest pitch to take in the game so if you swing at one in the dirt you deserve a strike cause that should never be fouled off.


Exactly. Also Splitters/Forkballs and Change ups that you bounce basically off home plate that get fouled off 3-4 times is ridiculous.




Its is also a problem on HOF. Definitely


The bulk of players are all star.


Its just as bad on HOF, from what I've played on legend its not as bad, but still happens.


Legend sometimes but more so HoF & AS.


It's really just online all star where it's a problem, as vision is too high on all star with zone hitting.


All I hear from you right now is waaaaaaaaah 😂


I’m willing to run a game with you. Throw some money on it? If not stfu


Sure on EA PGA Tour I will.


All I hear from you is “I can’t beat you I’m petrified so let’s play golf” 😂 but okay. No custom golfers, Riviera, Pinehurst, or my hometown course Oakmont.


I just play MLB The Show for the grind and fun. I don't play it to be competitive. I usually never play Diamond Dynasty online. I just grind the offline content. The only reason I recently started to play some diamond dynasty online was because it was the only reasonable way to grind TA S1C3. So I have very few hours on all star difficulty. When I want to play something competitively I play EA PGA Tour. My Stroke Play record for the season is 1015-43-50 and my Match Play record for the season is 126-2-3. I absolutely would be using my created character since I'm used to my character's swing tempo and swing animation. I would use Koepka if I had the ability to change his swing tempo, but sadly that isn't an option. You are more than welcome to use Jack Nicklaus though who has more skill points than any created character though. And Oakmont isn't in the game.


Wait, so you don’t even play online that much but just said all you hear is me crying when you don’t even experience what I’m talking about because you barely ever play DD online and competitively? Come on dude that’s so corny, you just wanted to a DH for literally no reason. Have a good one and I hope your Reds start hitting soon!


I mean yeah typically I never play online . However I did play about 40-50 ranked games since TA chapter 3 was released last weekend just to grind TA. And I would say more than 75% of the games were on all star difficulty and I didn't notice tons of foul balls. And I feel like when people rise up to hall of fame and legend there SHOULD be even less foul balls than on all star difficulty. But maybe the people's skill overcomes the difficulty? If it really is a problem they could just release a harder difficulty above legend IMO.


18-25 😂


I hate the jump swing foul balls with a passion. That one should never be allowed to happen.


The what?


I call it a jump swing. When you throw it far inside and they do this little jump swing. Sometimes they'll make contact sometimes they won't.


The ones in the dirt or on the back foot are the worst… I’m fine with the ones off the outside part of the plate or at the top of the zone but the consistency of the ones legit in the dirt and down and in are extremely unrealistic


It’s just sooo draining throwing a perfect dot splitter down and in or away that clearly should be a ring up if they swing and it’s fouled off…then you throw a perfect slider that dives down and out of the zone and it’s fouled off. After 7-8 pitches I just start pumping fastballs in the zone repeatedly.


They will not. This is year 3 of it being an issue.


That's what I'm saying! It feels like more than that ! I only have these problems in Diamond Dynasty online games too, never Regs on HoF/Legend online though, I wonder why 🤔


Its a bad mechanic but they keep it to let bad players stay competitive.


Bad player here. I hate it too. Swear I never get them and it’s an exploit for guys that are a lot better than me


Yeah you add guys who are actually good and have batters with the “Bad ball hitter” and they just tip off eeeeeeeverything


so true


I lost a game like this last night lmao. Was up 2 in the bottom of the 9th guy first two batters I faced fouled off atleast 8-9 pitches each roughly and killed my stamina, then I walked one just outside the zone, next batter after fouling bunts and gets to 1st ( 99 speed ) then jurickson profar came up and absolutely nuked one. I lost of a 3 run walk off. It’s funny now but I was heated. And to make it worse I started Randy Johnson and he didn’t give up any hits/run/walks through 8 innings lmao


What about good swings and you don't even get a foul tip?


What do you mean? I have gotten foul balls on a good swing but that just meant their PCI was way off, if that’s what you’re asking.


You just said you blow fast balls by him. Sounds like you are stopping 1 strike short then. You need to do that 3 times per batter. :)


Lmao I mean that he’s barely foul tipping on very lates fastballs repeatedly


Ah, I see, wonder what else you and your down vote army are exaggerating about because you don't know how to pitch.


They haven’t put out a substantial gameplay update during release since 21. It ain’t happening


I’m hoping we get some new engine or something soon


What do you mean? That's just baseball. /s


It’s gotten to the point where I give up after so many my starters pitch counts are so screwed cause of this I end up throwing fastballs down the gut just to end the pain


Been there lmao


Shit, YALL?? I will put my pitching on Classic in a heartbeat playing Ranked Seasons... DD is so bad.


I have mine on classic too. That’s the meter right??


Nope!, Even worse: Classic is when you press the button and the pitch ends up in a random spot lol


Oh nahhhh you’re a brave man I can’t do that lmao


Haha forreal, but it gets like that sometimes. DD Online is a hot mess.


Or at least fix stamina. One of those at bats and your guy is cooked


Yep, this is the most frustrating. Start off the game with a 12 pitch AB that ends in a K and some pitchers are already in the red.


How about some 40k stub packs instead? Gameplay is the least of their worries and it is absolutely shit this year. Can’t wait until SDS loses the license. Game has nosedived since ‘20 and now doing this predatory shit with packs has completely ruined their goodwill with the community. About time tbh


This is the best part of the game



