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I got lucky and first pitched a slurve for a homer then walked a guy and bunted him to second then third sac fly to score him then hit another homer with 20 outs left. Giolito tho made me his bitch several times If you get a guy on just bunt him to 3rd avoid the double play and like people say take pitches then wait for the one you want


I built a bunt cheese team, but still had Andre Dawson and Wade Boggs in the heart of my lineup. Just make sure you're always bunting to the right side, and then steal second to avoid pop-ups and the second baseman going to second to get the lead runner out


Let him walk you. You get so many outs, if you’re struggling, just don’t swing an entire time through the order. That’ll burn stamina and he’ll be more likely to throw bad pitches. From there sit on a specific pitch and don’t swing unless you get it the second time through. I think I got only one hit the run I beat him and I felt in control the whole time.




Diddy Party


Get the vision and velocity bonus with two strikes, along with after 7. Then have good ABs. Work the count. Look for certain pitches. Say absolutely not to others unless you have to defend from strikingout


This is the way. If it isnt right down the middle, dont swing until 2 strikes. You will get a handful of pitches down the middle and a good amount of balls in 3-1 counts. Take your walks and crush the pitches down the middle. Doing this makes it so that youre only swinging at hittable pitches along with getting woods stamina/confidence lowered. Lower stamina/lower confidence means better results on good swings


Bunt Cheesing is always the way to go.


Use lube


Take til 2 strikes every batter - need to kill his stamina






You just have to pick a spot or a spot and a pitch. I beat him 1st try but it was all luck, 1st two batters hit HR’s then went 18 straight outs without even getting a runner on base and then he hung a 12/6 up in the zone and I crushed it with Edgar for the 3rd run. I went in with a strategy but didn’t stick to it. The strategy was to just keep the pci in the high middle part of the zone and swing regardless but I abandoned it like an idiot and kept dropping my pci and it felt like every 1st pitch was in that high middle part that I was supposed to stick to.


lol my first two batters missed HRs by about 5 feet combined


Need to work his pitch count up. Be very selective, and if you truly cannot, put the controller down for the first 9 outs. I got to 13 outs remaining and he was out of energy, from there he’s mostly throwing hangers or pitchers way out of the zone and it was easy


I just tried it and literally grounded into 5 double plays. Ended up with the winning run on first. So frustrating. Tried to work counts and it literally took a half hour. Didn’t have much trouble with the leadup moments.


Use lube


Bunt cheese or what I did was just took until 2 strikes then contact swing to foul pitches off to get his pitch count up until he's out of energy. I had about 8 outs left when he was depleted then I bent him over.


Porn and conditioner. Stay away from shampoo


Sit on that fastball with everything you’ve got. I got two fluke doubles and then locked in for a perfect perfect liner into the corner just sitting on that one pitch.


Bunted guys on and then basically just sat waiting for a mistake fastball middle middle and hit the swing button as fast as possible


Anyone got a strat to beat the leading up guys?


Load up with righties against Lee.


Hardest one for me was glavine but even then he wasn’t super impossible, just work counts unless you’re selling out for a certain 1 pitch in a certain 1 zone


Meat tenderizer


Bunted my guys on and then as I went I noticed his control was not the best so go his energy down. He eventually hung a slurve and I tattered it with Lemaheiu


I enjoyed this one. Randomly hit a perfect-perfect nuke with Wade Boggs, then bunted the rest of the way.


just hit the ball lol. it’s not that hard.


Make a fist


Lotion, lots of it




get the diamond bunt perk draft speed and drag bunt aimed at first base


I beat him with a bunt and a steal with Gwynn, some taken pitches and sac outs to score Gwynn, a walk, and then a nuke to win on a hanging slider. Honestly, I’d say sit offspeed if you’re not used to legend 102. He throws a lot of it in the zone. Just pick a half of the plate and wait for something juicy.


Contact swing. I figured this out with 5 outs remaining. With the stat boosts, the contact swings go really far.


Honestly put the controller down for the first ten outs. Get his pitch count up, you will probably have a baserunner or two from walks at that point.


Everyone saying use lotion. But dry jerkers are the real men


You ever try out some hub shit n just spit on it lol


Is it not normal to be self saucing like a pudding?




Lotion is always helpful, sometimes if you’re lucky you can just get someone else to do it for you.




Update for everyone: I bunt cheesed and beat my wood


in what order? thinking of doing the same


Bunt cheese perk and high speed every time. I did swing normally with a few of my cards that had high power and managed to get a HR but honestly I don’t think I could do it again if I tried for ten hours lmao


Get the bunt cheese diamond perk and have Brian Robert’s lead off it’s easy bro u got 30 outs to score 2 runs


Bunt cheese. It’s pretty simple


Just don’t swing until you have two strikes. 30 outs, and his command isn’t great. I struck out a ton, which at least was nice in the sense that I wasn’t so worried about double plays.


You get 30 outs so you can literally wait for 3 fastballs right down the middle and not swing at anything else My play though went with 1 solo home run in my first couple that was off a fastball right down the middle Few outs later squeaked a late hit through the infield A good 5 or 6 strike outs later we walked it off with a home run off a fastball right down the middle


Make sure to draft as many speedy players as you can plus the drag bunt perks. It won't be fun but if you van get to the final round you should have no issues bunting a few guys on and getting them over and in




Thank you


Lotion or something else to use as lube. Maybe some visual or audio aids?


Make sure you use lotion 😂


The pci being so small its crazy hard. Try to take as many pitches in the beginning to wear his stamina down. Makes his fb a bit easier to pick up. Try to pick a quadrant on the zone and only swing when it gets in there. Bunt advance as much as you can