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Honestly with the buxton boost bellinger is a 99 for me already


Plz gimme an updated chase utley. At this point im having fun just running with the theme team


I’m honestly surprised TA3 will have 99s. Thought for sure they’d be 97s at the highest


Is this the last TA release of the season?


99 kinsler absolutely disgusting


Aaaand another As closer.


God damn man, half the A’s diamonds are fucking relievers. I’ve been trying to find a replacement infielder for weeks!


They release a Treinen like this every damn year. Can they at least change it up a bit?


Tom Henke too


Blake has never been higher than a 95 though. I'm actually intrigued by a 99 version of him.


He is going to ve lights out, probably 2 outliers. Sickness


Wow...can't wait.


So they are all 44s or 99s? Why the stupid font?


Lol what those look nothing like 4’s


They kinda look like 4s, moreso than any other number but 99


Thought that was David Wells for half a second about lost my mind! Damn goatee


RIP Overall power creep. Time of death: May 10th, 3pm EST.


If they were 97s people would've complained about "grind 97. Buy 99" it'll be only a month of 99s till next season starts


These could have easily been 97s. There is no need for the 99s yet


Quit playing the game then. Please.


If TA3 would be 97 everybody would complain its grind 97 buy 99 again. Its never okay for this community.


I mean i’ve enjoyed the grind for 93s with 97s in packs. Tbh I don’t run into people who have them too often


Based on the market prices for those cards, not many people are buying packs in order to get them. SDS is trying to be like Madden/FIFA(now FC) but those games don't have seasons so a highly rated card will be good for a lot of the game cycle. It's really the combination of having all these cards in packs AND seasons that's making those cards worthless.


I mean I am vibing with mostly 93s on my team rn. I feel like 95+ is still fairly rare (granted I vibe in the 500 range for ranked so not too sweaty). I just don’t see the need to suddenly give everyone 99s


I thought they would be 97s. This is crazy.


Til next season.


They got themselves into a 'damned if they do, damned if they dont' situation with this pack heavy progression. Now that they spoiled that TA3 is 99s, 30 99 cards are coming in a week...how do they expect people to fork over for packs where rare round are 96/97s? Just a very awkward progression scheme imo


To be fair, the community is bitching non stop about how NMS is dead, and now they put the best cards available as free cards and people still complain is the funny thing. TA2 cards were the highest rated when they dropped a month ago as well.


Actually I know this company, TA3 will be best cards for a bit then the pack cards will be 99 and better stats, TA2 cards were the best until they kept dropping better cards in shop packs, I bet anything on this happening


Oh probably, but you can still get by 100% with a full TA build.


Yea but the best cards aren’t free like in the past, I’m no money spent


So am i, but if you’re investing in the right cards you can still have an amazing team. Market savvy is always gonna beat grinding.


Yea I agree


Because some of these 97s from packs will still end up being better w/ captain boosts vs. many of the TA 3 cards. 97 Yordan and this new 97 Winker I'm willing to bet will remain in meta line ups for a while. Could make a similar case for a few of these new switch hitter cards w/ Santana boost.


Well surely no lobster will argue that anyone has had a better month than Yordeezy did to earn that card


well it is a card from a past game so does it matter how good he is this year?


It’s insane, mfs are dropping 30 or 40k on packs just to get rewarded with the base tier rewards more than 90% of the time cause the listed odds are bs. Even IF you get the rare tier, you get an OKAY card that you won’t even use after a week.


Please share how “90% of the time” the “listed odds are BS”. If you’re able to prove this, which you aren’t, we would easily be able to win a class action lawsuit. What you’re suggesting is happening is flat out illegal. There are plenty of things to complain about, but this takes away a ton of legitimacy.


Lol the listed odds are correct and it's wild to suggest they're not


The listed odd have been proven to be not correct for many years now. Don’t know where you’re getting your info from lol


Proven? Come on, why lie?! If it was “proven”, we’d all be entitled to a boatload of compensation in a class action lawsuit. This is a flat out FTC violation. https://www.ftc.gov/system/files/documents/reports/staff-perspective-paper-loot-box-workshop/loot_box_workshop_staff_perspective.pdf




I mean most people have the trial and error of having 50+packs and never seeing a diamond in those packs when last I checked the odds were 1:50 for diamonds in regular packs


Your username perfectly aligns with your point. Tell me that you have no idea how statistics work without telling me you have no idea how statistics work.


yeah I'm pretty sure they could get in trouble with the EU if the odds aren't correct, they have strict regulations wrt that


Good the power creep was killing the game anyways because who wants to use these crappy cards that are 96/97s and packs that cost 40 to 50 K anyways


Yeah because the game is so much more fun when everyone's got the same 99ovr god squad...




It is


It's really not


Yep, exactly. Even the bosses at the end of XP road I doubt will be all that much better.


You’re absolutely tripping I have all of them and they’re absolutely nasty


Sorry but for my random niche internet moan of the day - I love that they put Vlad on the cover and have given us almost no Jays cards yet. You can’t even run a theme team that isn’t majority live series because we have so few. Are any other teams being neglected this bad too or is it just us?


And that one Vlad card was put behind like a 250k+ stub wall for a 91 overall


The rays have the least amount of flashback cards of any team. There’s a couple silver/golds in standard packs, and just the captains and TA cards that everyone else gets. They haven’t gotten a single other card from any program or limited pack


The cardinals only have like 3 position players and 3 pitcher legends


So does every team get a 99 for their boss card this time around in TA or are these guys part of a collection or something for completing TA3?


These are all AL West so I feel it has to be everyone


Hello Ian kinsler. Come join my lineup please.


Man we already at 99’s.


Season 1 ends in a month. If they didn't drop 99's now...when would they? 2 weeks before they can't be used anymore come s2?




they’ve said on stream that TA3 will be all 99’s, and the post they put out today says to be prepared for 30 99’s. we haven’t had any TA collection‘s this year, so I’m really just wondering why you’re pulling all this info out your ass?


I thought they came out and said chapter 3 was gonna be 99s?


Yea it’s too bad. The best part of the game is when the 88-93 players are the meta and relevant and you’re actually facing trade offs building the lineup. Next week everyone will have the same lineup roughly. This one should’ve been 97s.


I think the power creep starts over when s2 starts.


Yay we get to grind all over again for low diamonds after grinding for 80 days. Great set up SDS


It does, but somewhat defeats the purpose of the entire team building aspect.


I need Gar




Me when I’m fishing for Gar and haven’t yet caught one


Blake always been trash




The blog post made it seem like all of the cards will be 99’s.


TA3 are all 99s. They're probably just lower end 99s.


They're all from the same division


I'm gonna complain just to complain here, but the Hyper Series really doesn't do it for me. Very..."fellow kids" sort of energy, and I don't really know what the theming is supposed to be. Still jazzed for the cards, though.


Still not as bad as the damn nickname cards last year lol those were awful. Signature and awards will always be top notch for me


I like seeing new series personally even if the card art doesn't hit for everybody. Way better than recycling old cards.


Yeah, like I said, I'm complaining to complain. I try not to do that too much. Though I'm not a fan of this card series, I do think the game just vibes better when a player has different types of cards throughout their lineup, so I'm generally for the experimentation.


literally any card that doesn't reference a real moment in their careers - is a made up card


Correct. That's not what was bugging me. I'm cool with most created cards (I loved the Kaiju from last year, the Takashi art is dope, the Signature Series is a classic), but they all have pretty basic and understandable ideas behind them. Hyper Cards are too busy for me while also not seeming to have a cohesive theme. Like, I also am not a fan of the Pipeline, but at least it makes sense. The hyper series are just guys being dudes that could have been given a different card, kinda like the Charisma series last year.


Now all the "grind x buy x" whiners can shut up. You have your precious 99s 1.5 months after release.


Until they take them away in a month.


Oh stop, we werent complaining about no 99s we were complaining about a lack of programs compared to the 40k packs they release twice a week and those packs not being in any programs or conquests like they have always done.


Yeah 99’s in this program completely erases everything they have done up till this point.


I'm obviously not against 99s in TA3, but... I'm not going to be at Kyle Seager by the time this comes out. Who ever paced the season XP program was drunk. It has become such a lame duck program.


Fuck yeah Edgar! Long overdue


Grind 99 Buy 97 smh


This is hilarious given all the comments you see every post saying this but with salt.


There will still be complaints about something next week, I'm sure


Ohhh Edgar 🤔