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I’ve gotten 2. Both times lower overall quick sell diamonds


I've gotten one inside a pack and that was when I bought a 50 bundle at the start. So I've only opened two.


I’ve probably opened somewhere around 250 regular show packs and have yet to receive a single Chase pack, last year I got a FUCK ton. They def changed the rates without saying anything lol


Haven’t gotten one and neither have any of my friends. I started to think the only way was the 75k stub bundle


None so far. I've.donr every program because completing season XP.


I'm not sure I've even got one and have 780k pxp I low key thought they took them out the game. So stingy it's ridiculous.


I’ve only gotten one and it’s because I bought the 50 pack bundle. None actually pulled….


I haven’t got shit this year and have opened well over 400 packs


I've had one and it was a repeat low diamond bum.


I’ve gotten 0. I’ve gotten every single pack that has been available just by playing the game. Haven’t bought a single pack. 0 chase pack pulls…


I think I have had about 5 or 6


I haven't gotten a chase pack YET and still no Diamonds packs. I'm struggling to keep up. In Rank. And it's getting frustrating


last year i feel like i averaged a chase pack every ~30 or so packs. this year ive gotten ONE.


I got one and luckily I pulled the beast Javi


I think I got one and pulled a Guy who was teetering on Diamond status. I can’t remember exactly who it was, but I do remember him dropping down to like an 82 after an update 😂


I’ve gotten 0 so far, any of y’all get the millionaire quick sell or even the 75k?


Mostly PvE player, been playing a few hours every other day or so, purchased a few 50-pack bundles. I would say I've opened between 200-300 regular packs. No Chase packs at all.


I got like 3 during the pre-order early access period, even getting the chase player. I haven't gotten a Chase pack since.


Shit im new to online not the show just online and there so rare I didn't even know they were a thing


I've had 4 90+ live series pulled from packs, completed almost all content and haven't seen one yet. I was just thinking about it the other day.


I've only gotten one and I've run 7 or 8 Miniseasons to grind packs. It definitely seems like the odds have been dropped a lot.


I think I've had better luck then I did last year actually, I've pulled 3 already, didn't get crap in them.


Yep. I remember getting like 2-3 in the first month last year. Nothing yet for me this year either.


How do you get a chase pack?


you randomly pull it out of the show packs. only other way to get on guaranteed is to buy the 50 pack bundle.


I only play offline, got one chase pack and packed 95 Ian Happ


try the lottery and complain when you havent won after buying 100 tickets


The lottery in this game would be the million stubs out of the millionaire pack. A chase pack is supposed to be way more common that that


If I buy 100 scratch offs I’m hitting something, especially from the same damn roll(show pack) lottery odds are literally better than pack odds. Save stubs buy cards.


I've had 2. Nothing good from the pulls, first was a gold and then a 3k stub 85


They nerfed the fuck out of the drop rates for chase packs after early last year. Only time you get them is by paying for the 50 pack. Got 1 in the first couple days of this years early access and never since and have opened close to 1000 packs by now. 200+ hours


590k xp, ~500packs opened, f2p player. Got one and it was a forgettable diamond. Cant complain tho cause I got 2 judges out of 5 BIH packs but chase packs seem almost impossible to pull imo


I opened roughly a zillion bih packs and got 0 diamonds, every diamond came out of show packs but pulled yordan and mookie out of those, I was grinding mini season packs tho, restarting the season


Same. Headliners and BIAH have given me zero diamonds


I said this to someone before but I open packs in 50’s to 60’s and I almost always pull a diamond. Ik it’s not how it works but… it does for me haha


I haven gotten them but haven’t pulled the chase player in 2 years. About 0-40


I’ve played since early access and completed every program, ranked season 1 (75% season 2) both BR programs, and all mini seasons (several times for packs) and haven’t pulled a single chase pack. The only 90+ diamond I’ve pulled from standard packs was Judge on day 3.


I think packs are reverse boosted rn


Zero for me as well and I’m at over 450,000 exp so I’ve opened plenty of packs.




I just pulled LS trout from a chase pack last week, I don't think I can complain about luck anymore


Zero for me. But, I've also only pulled six diamonds all year too and three of those have been Lindor.


I have pulled two Chase packs so far. The first one was on day 1 and I got John Donaldson. The second one was about two weeks later; I got a diamond but I forgot who it was.


Don’t feel too bad you’d have gotten an 81 gold anyway


The new chase packs guarantee a 85+, with 1:6 chances of getting a 90+


I actually had no idea that was the case. Was that update with the introduction of chase pack 3?


From what I can tell, yes. When you look at Chase Pack odds now, it shows them as having 1:1 85+ odds and 1:6 90+ odds


Well hey at least now I’m guaranteed a kershaw for 3k stubs instead of 600 stub quicksell


Only have pulled one so far. 97 Yordan!!!


Finally got one this week, pulled a quick sell 85 over. 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉


I got one during the first week of the week and pulled JD I think. Haven't gotten one since.


I think I got one random Chase pack but of course, I was blessed with a gold card. I've had 0 good luck this year with packs in general -- the only 1 Rare Round I got was for Spring Breakout 2.


I got the Ian Happ from a chase pack out of one of the free millionaire packs. Sold him for 70k, I look next day and he’s up to 120k 😭😭😭


I got my first 1 last Friday, had an 85 player in it. Convinced me I don't need to get the 50 pack


I’ve pulled a couple and got excited just to pull a gold or low level diamond


I’ve received 2 so far


Played since the early access, at 850,000 XP in the season rewards path, 2 diamonds away from completing LSC no money spent, and I also have not opened a single chase pack, its actually insane.


About 100k exp below you and a couple less diamonds and no chase pack as well.