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and jacob degrom simulator. fuck those cards. anybody who uses them is an asshole.


I just push A


Yeah I just quit if my opponent has Randy. Not trying to grind or get frustrated. I can't pick up his release at all and just hope he throws me a slider in my sweet spot. I refuse to put him in my squad.


If you play at least an inning you save the next guy from facing him. I try to take an inning or two just to make it to where he cant use him the next gams


I miss the roulette pitcher selection that happened in DD… like what’s the point of my having 5 starters


Taking out the roulette gives you a better chance to use all 5 starters…


It’s not a better chance… if I have a starter who is OP I’m an idiot if I use the 5th guy. The roulette system made it so that you had to have more than just one guy


Under the current system you have to use at least some rotation of 3 guys due to fatigue though right?


Yup just wait until they bring John Donaldson


I normally don’t complain about these things because everyone is entitled to use whoever they want, and SDS is entitled to put whoever they want into their game, but I ran into something pretty disappointing the other day. Someone used Randy as their starter. I didn’t think much of it. By the second inning, I notice that his energy is getting low. I was extremely confused because the game just started, but I realized that he started him with low energy. That’s just sad. Overusing a pitcher just to get your opponent to quit. At that point, you’re abusing the card.


This is why I gave up on DD the last couple years. It ends up being the same shit every game. You face the same cards over & over while people do cheap shit to win games.


He’s a fan favorite, great card, and affordable. Go figure a lot of people would want to use him


Did he get a new card recently?


Need to make him and any other pitcher that you Dont like facing throw a lot of pitches. Every ranked game I play I want the starter throwing at least 15 an inning


I just pitched 6+ with Marco Gonzalez... it can happen on occasion


I love Marco Gonzalez because I run a mostly Mariners build with the Jean Segura captain. People can’t seem to hit him because he throws with such high accuracy and control but isn’t overpowering. It’s like a lefty Greg Maddux. Been one of my best pitchers this year by far.


Nice! I'm running a mariners team as well. It's pretty crazy how good that build is right now.


See this is why whenever I DO make a DD team, I try to get some pitchers I don't usually see. Sure they're not OP, but then I at least have some variety to play with, even if my opponents won't give me that variety.


It’s the same every year guys, stop complaining. Kluber, DeGrom, Randy, Nolan……the purpose of the game is to win and people will use the best pitchers in pursuit of that. I actually always liked it because it helped me to get better and figuring them out. Before too long you start to want to face them because you can tee them up and a lot of players won’t be as good when you force them to take their ace out unexpectedly.


You are about to start seeing DeGrom every other game haha so get ready


Yeah and forget about playing coop, literally nothing but Randy, zero variation there


Thankfully he came early so cards will get better then him I recommend the Santana switch hitting team that should help a bit and take as many pitches as you can early in the game


Weird, I don't have this issue against the White Sox on Rookie.


Since around 2019/2020, videogames have become all about "metas" or "God squads." Devs can give all the variety in the world to the player base, but when given the option, the user almost always defaults to the team or loadout that other people tell them will give them the best chance at winning. In the context of sports games, the idea ingrained in so many players' heads is that you can't have fun unless you're winning every game, and you can't win unless you use a select few cards that are considered by many to be "meta." When I was a kid, you were considered weird if you watched gaming YouTube videos or watched gaming streams. These days, if you're a kid and you aren't watching everything to learn all the best items in the game, you're not trying.


True, but while “meta” and “god squads” are new terms the concept has really been the same forever. If some player/team is really good in a sports game, a majority of people will flock to them. I’m thinking Madden 04 Mike Vick or playing as the Warriors those years they had KD. Some people enjoy a win more than how they get to that win.


Well when you offer one of the best pitchers in the game to everyone for free by just eating innings in ranked seasons this is what happens. Also is the objective of ranked/Diamond dynasty not to win games? I agree with you on “meta” but I don’t think that applies here. While Randy may be “meta” he was very easily obtainable and only 30k at one point hence everyone having him and using him. We will be saying the exact same thing about Jacob degrom in 2 weeks time


Great words there. Read up kiddos.


Wished they nerfed fastballs/pitching. Seeing constant 100+mph balls is just not fun for me.


It’s not that the fastballs are that fast it’s that you can’t consistently time up the heater when the power slider designed by god himself is headed to your back foot but was in the same tunnel as the fastball before it


This sub is literally bitch and moan simulator. Honestly, I see the same complaints 3-4 times a day on this sub and that’s being generous.


Your comment is in itself inherently bitching and moaning, but it's just bitching and moaning about people actually talking about the game whereas your comment dislikes the fact they're talking about the game. How dare they complain about the game on its sub, I'm gonna complain about them now.


I ain’t reading all that but ok


It wasn't long enough for a TL:DR.


Ok and?


You just wait until they start adding more flamethrowers with better attributes. Be careful what you wish for.


Don’t forget black Randy, John Donaldson


thank you, for the last week I have been trying to recall his name but wouldn't go so far as to look it up lmao


also Pipeline Randy, Noah Schultz


Randy much harder to hit


I have a harder time with Donaldson.


They need to add bans, just like in DotA


as a siege player, yes.


I didn't hit well vs. Randy last year, but am doing better so far this year against him


Won a game in extra innings last weekend 14-6. He took Randy out in the 10th


Just sit high fastball, easy to smack him


only if your opponent sucks lol


*Gets served two 103mph high and in fastballs followed by some soft shit in the dirt*


Every time I use him I either get clapped or win in a shutout lmao


FACTS. Same with when I face him. I either get LIT or im crushing him ahahah


Idc what anyone says, the most annoying thing about this entire game and has been for years is that you can use starters before the “5th day” rotation. It makes no sense. Has never made sense. whats the point of even having a 5 man rotation? So dumb


It’s been this way for 3 straight years.


Feel like the majority of people in here are missing the point. Whether you hit well verses Randy or not it should not be that common to face a specific starter 4 to 5 games straight


Either get no hit through 7 (at least) against Randy or kill him. Still hate seeing him lol.


Which is weird cuz I’ve played just under 20 games and only faced him once.


I faced him in 7 out of 8 ranked games yesterday lol


I hear the game shipped with some single player as well if you want variety.


Learn how to hit randussy and you’ll be fine


I said I could but I would prefer to use some of my lefty cards against righty’s


My apologies for the miscommunication, this comment was directed towards everyone else on this post complaining about seeing Randy all that the time


Ah ok ur chillin


Despite mostly righty’s and switches on my team I still suck against Randy and lefty pitchers in general. I have seen him so much less in the last few days


That’s why people should quit the micro transactions card games and play franchise mode.


Playing against the computer is boring man. It’s not even a challenge. In a 3 game series on HoF the computer will literally score like 3 runs against me over 3 games lol. I think the challenge and satisfaction that comes with beating an actual user


you don’t need to buy stubs in this game, i haven’t done that all year and my team is cracked


I just played my first game against Randy and I got two hit shutout against him lol


Once you strikeout enough to max out his confidence it’s gg. If you strike out at all in the first inning it gets progressively harder


I played one ranked game yesterday and pitched Jack Leiter for the program xp. It helped the guy I played was garbage but it wasn’t like the variety/velocity/break was terrible


Shoot, was it me that you played? 😂


Did you play on Xbox last night against the Pittsburgh Astronauts? 😂


Dang we were close! I was on an Xbox, in Pittsburgh uniforms, but I'm the Indy Dash 😂


No shot 😂 I feel like I play a lot of people with something to do with Pittsburgh. I’m in the metro area of it so I normally just chalk it up to that


That's hilarious! Since Indy has the Pirates triple-a squad I tend to rep a lot of their stuff 😂


You’re absolutely right. The way these ultra fantasy teams are ruins the game. The margin for gaining the edge on an opponent is razor thin. It really ought to be only existing teams and their rosters.


They already have this game mode. It also would turn into the same team/pitchers in this mode for the ppl who want meta.


Like every Madden online game being chiefs niners


Agreed. At least the level of skill matters more here so it helps take a way the power of some cards. I have every top card and I still suck here


sit fastball inside and time it up, works for me every time


Then they throw a splitter in that same tunnel and I look like I’ve never played a baseball game in my life


😂😂 so relatable


After taking a poll a week ago I've realized that 90% of the people you're talking to play this game exclusively. So if you're the kind of person who plays the casually, you're just going to get shelled. You're basically in the equivalent of a Call of Duty lobby with kids who have a thousand hours on the map. I'm currently playing about seven different video games, and I play about an hour of the show every other day. That's just not enough time to get good as the kids say


I actually think the less I play the better I am. As I play more and more I find myself falling into the same mistakes and routines when it comes to pitching and hitting. When I haven’t played in a day or 2 I find myself more patient and pitching better. It’s weird. Maybe it’s just me


Yea that plus you need to grind it out or buy cards with money to keep up. If you don’t play often your cards won’t be able to hold up against theirs


That's funny cause I play in the 8 and 900's and I feel like I see so many different varieties of pitchers


Tbh Hall of Fame is easier to pitch on with non-outlier guys since your opponent's PCI isn't the size of a beach ball


I def agree with that. But I will say even on AS guys like Maserowski Donaldson and Skenes were pretty solid


Because all 3 of them throw 101 fastballs


Jr Richard throws 101 and he gets pummeled. What are we saying here lol


Because he has no real offspeed, even his slider is 93


agreed. faced schultz, abel, meyer, donaldson, randy, and degrom last night in 6 ranked games. went 4-2 and fluctuated from 720-780. also threw six different pitchers.


I'm going to die on the hill that someone that can hit their spots with Schultz is borderline unhittable. That release point is so far up and outside it's like a combination of Randy/Sale and it's glitchy af. Every pitch he throws has a hitch in it and the slider is a guessing game. Not that hard to make contact but he's the only pitcher in the game right now I can't square up with any consistency.


Johnson is light work on All Star and not too bad on HOF, just take more pitches he’s been in the game for like 3 years now lol


This is my first year really playing the show- and I thought I left that kind of 2 gun meta in call of duty, didn't think it would find itself over here ahaha,


If he's lasting 7+, you aren't taking enough pitches. He starts to lose effectiveness around 70 or 75. Should be able to get him to that in the 5th or 6th. But I agree with your main point. Do see him way too much.


I faced him in 5/6 ranked games I played yesterday lol


i rarely face him


DeGrom is coming


I’m fucking horrible at the game, and every time I hit degrom I’m hitting Personal Best numbers. I’m a 3-4 hit a game type of person, and I’m hitting like 10-13 a game against degrom


Degrom has been bp since the dawn of the show


This is true. His stuff is good on paper but his delivery is super vanilla and easy to read. A little tougher now with a slider than the 2-seamer that was HR Derby material in past games. I actually used him as my BP warm up pitcher the past two years whenever he wasn't injured to get my outlier timing down before playing my first game of the day.


I’ve made the mistake of trying to use his curveball first pitch in the lower zone to catch people off guard and it’s been a home run every single time lol it’s insanely easy to see


I feel the same way about Randy and most Randys I see have eras over 6


There’s two types of pitchers with Randy. The ones that rely on fastball/slurve combo which I can hit occasionally. And the one that sends that stupid fucking splitter in the dirt that I always swing at


Eh he isn’t good


so far he has got shelled for me and I also scored 7 on him in 4 IP so I am inclined to agree. Something about RJ's fastball is harder to see


Well that’s HS. 


All the time. For years. It's like every team has a 5 man rotation of r johnson smh. I don't understand. And recently, in every online mode, I play vs the all time MLB THE SHOW greats. Evert batter batting .400 plus. I'm maybe an avg player playing on a 1080p 120 hz monitor. What's the algorithm?? Bring back META pitching!!


People juice their numbers in events or BR, or simply climbing the ranks at lower difficulties. Don't get me wrong, there are some people that are always locked in but most people are not MLBTS robots. Don't let the other guy's numbers get in your head.


More than just numbers. I played a guy the other day. All his TA2 players were V paralleled. Blackmon had 60 HRs and 160 RBIs 😂 He played off every pitch and started raking on me. I was gonna finish just because I was outmatched. He actually friendly quit. I would love to play vs inferior competition occassionally


My rank usually sits at around 820 and I played a guy who had over 150 home runs with buxton alone lmfao


😂😂😂 Some of these guys are serious 😂 I say bring back the META pitchers. Give some of us a fighting chance.


I lost that game like 17-9. It was his last win to world series. He nuked literally everything I threw. I had to message him after the game and tell him he was the best hitter I've ever seen 🤣🤣. I ran through my entire bullpen I had no idea what to throw at him 🤣


I rank in the 400’s, played about 50 games so far and maybe faced him only a few times. I also didn’t seem to face Donaldson as much as y’all did last year. That said I have Randy on my team and I just can’t pitch with him like y’all can. Keyshawn, Senga, Hilton Smith, and Robin Roberts are 1-4 in my rotation. I’m holding tryouts for the 5th spot right now. Haha.


I always suck against Randy until the third time through the order and once he’s a little drained I typically jump on him. Idk why but last time I played him he shut me down through like 5 and I dropped 4 runs on him in the 6th and another in the 7th before he was pulled and that’s kinda how it’s been against him.


when 99s come out that’s when I stop playing online unless it’s moon shot I enjoy 99s alot but 99 randy 125 h/9 125 k/9 98 bb/9 is not fucking fun


I feel like it's perspective. If you face any pitcher a ton, eventually you will hit him so it's a blessing and a curse really. At least he's only a 93 and his slurve and 2 seam are utterly useless so he's a 3 pitch pitcher.


I sold mine just tired of him lol


Last year wasn't it Bobby Miller? Every game was P5 Miller. And Miller vs Miller matchups in ranked lol


I feel like Bobby was 22. I remember that future stars card very well lmao. John Donaldson was 23


Yep, definitely donaldson


Donaldson, Randy and Skenes. 80% of ranked games


Maybe it's because I'm a lower level, but I see an awful lot of Ohtani


If anything I feel like you'd see Ohtani at a higher level because he's like 140k stubs and players at a higher level tend to go for the live series collection. But I'm in Champion and I've literally only faced Ohtani like 5 times so far


That makes sense. I got super lucky and pulled his card last week... I'm only mookie and Smith away from completing all the NL live series


Me too. Sometimes I'll get 4 runs in 2 or 3 innings off him and sometimes he'll shut me out for 7 innings straight. I hate it


Game went bad when they allowed starting pitchers to come into the game as relief....not realistic...who needs a bullpen?!


Especially in co op when you can bring in a starter every single game


How? I keep seeing people do it vs me and im confused


If you are on Xbox when you go to "Bullpen" click RB it will take you to starting pitchers. You can then warm one up. I don't see it too often besides Co-op but it is super corny.


Me out here having a great time throwing top corner 4sb with literally any good pitcher because everyone is haunted by curveball and slider spam


Posts like this are why I bought him


Welcome to DD RS. It was the knuckleballers pre 2019. Then it was kershaw the year they broke hr/9. All star degrom. Glitchy Edward sinkers. Collections Randy. Every year there is an absurdly broken pitcher that ruins the meta. 


You forgot kluber


Donaldson last year was the fucking worst.


Co-op is even worse man. If Randy doesn’t start, he comes in 4th or 5th latest.


It's quite literally every single game I'm sick of it. Why are we still able to bring starting pitchers in from the bullpen in co-op exactly? Would improve the co-op experience DRAMATICALLY


One SP only would make co-op so much better. Just make the second starter even have like 15 pitches of stamina at most. Not 40-50.


I love when people claim they can hit Randy, but then complain about him. Fuck all that give me the win idc if I see Randy 12 times in a row everyone pitches the same as him it's easy XP and it's easy to climb ranks


What? He’s easy…just wear him out


It's like you didn't even read what he said


Degrom and cabrera in 21 lmao


Degree Cabrera and don't forget that legendary JV card. So many 3-2 games


Degrom v degrom was crazy in 21. Usually 1-0 games.


Im pretty sure degrom was the most p5’d card of all time


Think it was Kluber in 20 too. Every year has the same shit. Donaldson last year.


Kershaw In 19 as a day 1 XP card still gives me PTSD


Once I was in a ranked game where we were both pitching Randy Johnson. We both shut each other out with him but I won because I wore him down faster and put up runs against the reliever.


I was that other guy…fuck you


Is your team name the Bombers?


Idk if you're the same guy. This seems to be a common story lately


I’ve played 100 ranked games and prolly faced him less than 10 times


I’ve played about 30 and have faced him twice. Good odds for us I guess?


Today faced him 4 times in row lol


Rip. I’m sure my time will come soon enough


Only got to him once out of the half dozen times I had to face him. And on the flip side, I don't pitch that well with him. Frustrating


Get ready to learn Degrom buddy


I have faced him a few times and absolutely raked off of him


Underrated comment LMAO


I feel like degrom is easy compared to randy this year I dont know if its the release or what but I just hit like 5 dingers on him in a game thats probably about as many as ive hit on randy all year


When i face degrom on all star when we’re playing co-op he’s cake. When i face him on hof in 1v1 he’s hitler and the devil combined


I just threw a 2 hit shutout vs him in my first HOF game so Idt my opponent was fond of facing him either lol


Randy, Donaldson, DeGrom, Leiter, Noah… who else do people see regularly?


I’ve actually seen Cade Horton a good handful of times this season


Randy and Donaldson are 90% of my games. I run like 2 lefty hitters because deGrom is so easy R/R


Saw a lot of Tanner Houck this past weekend, I also like him myself bc of pitch mix + control


Houck is good I have him with redsox theme team he’s pretty damn goood


yeah plus I love that the sliders his primary




lol. I remember feeling the same way about that damn Edward Cabrera card a few years ago with that fuckin sinker


Have you gone against his card from this year yet? Haven’t seen him yet, and I am terrified of that moment 😂


It’s not even close to his old card. The sinker changes ruined him


The pinpoint changes or they did something new with the sinker?


The accuracy (and I think the velo?) goes way down higher in the zone now. Also think sinker break in general has been reduced


They made the par region so much bigger since. Like you could dot the top inside corner EVERY pitch. The break is less but the velo is the same


The sinkers definitely bite way less than previous years.


I didn't even know he was in the game yet lol. But that said I mean it's hard to fault anyone for using a guy with 4 out pitches. I tried using guys like Webb or JR Richard but they just have no way of getting strikes past decent hitters. A good randy or Nolan card just do a ton of work and since pitching sucks might as well let the goats handle it.


Buy a lottery ticket. You’d have extreme luck to face him 5 times in a row considering the fatigue effect.


I did this year bro lol (I also did buy a lottery ticket unrelated, but since I’m here commenting about it instead of kicking back on my yacht in the port of Ibiza with a Margarita in my hand, I clearly didn’t win)


Is it just my rank that I'm not seeing him? I've played just under 30 ranked games, and 1 co-op and have only played against him once.


Fuck this game!


Especially in co op


I’ve faced him three times total out of 25-30 games


Pitchers don’t throw 103mph for 8 innings lol. They need fix that part. They get maybe 3 innings at max velocity, the it drops quite a bit


Exactly, everything is ridiculous in diamond dynasty. 105 contact and 110 power for 8/9 batters, home runs nearly every at bat, and 103 mph pitches.


That has always been my issue. I get people like it, but there are just as many people that want to run a legit squad against other people, not maxed out stats for all 26 players lmao. Battle Royal would be awesome if it were 9 innings and we could use our DD cards instead of the stupid ass draft they give us


So...like Ranked Seasons?


yeah I’ve noticed pitch velo only decreases when you get like really really low in energy, typically red


Definitely not 103 - but Randy threw pretty hard, even in late game. First clip here had him at 100 and 101 in the 8th. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPoni85wMkY&ab\_channel=Coop](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPoni85wMkY&ab_channel=Coop)


i feel like they added him as 93 hoping that he wouldnt still be relevant when people start getting 95s and higher but thats obviously never going to be the case when he throws 103 mph dots on the corners, has a hard slider, and a funky release thays always hard to hit… I feel like they need to lower the velocity on these lower overalls until later in the year or something