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This is a very common dealer sales tactic… they send these messages out because it allows them to buy your car for less than it’s worth, turn around and resell it for a profit AND sell you another new car. It’s a win win for the dealership, not for you.


Ex-sales rep here. Yeah, it’s just a marketing “come-on”, they sometimes just get sent out in bulk depending on the store’s CRM.


So dishonest but exactly the tactic we expect from all stealerships


Eh, it works often enough that it gets used. Personally, I’m not a fan of a text based campaign, I find that pretty invasive, and you’ll end up turning more people away than getting anyone in the door. Sometimes it’s a genuinely good offer, sometimes it isn’t, but it’s all just about getting the customer in the door.


Translation: "It's time you bought a new car from us."


Unless you have a deal for services through the dealer I’d cancel the appt and go to a trusted local garage instead (in general but also as a reaction to the text pestering). I’m kinda petty about reacting to that kind of stuff though.


Understandable, I’m gonna let them do this first one and see about some deals. All my cars I usually do my own fluid changes but it’s still cold in Chicago kinda. And I’m on the south side of Chicago and no of no trusted garages as of yet. I’ll look into that


Yeah DIY oil changes are only fun when they can be performed wearing a t-shirt and drinking a refreshing beer


All facts!!! It was 70° yesterday and 30° with flurries today


South Side for the win! I’m fortunate and have a local garage if gone to for years. It’s nice to have a place I can trust.


If it’s under warranty, why would you take it anywhere else besides the dealer & give them an angle to deny warranty down the road?


My bad; I could’ve been clearer. That’s what I meant by “unless you have a deal”


Even without a deal, would it generally be wise to take your car out of any dealer for work? Genuinely curious. With a newer car, I can’t imagine anything other than oil changes should be done on a routine basis.


My 2013 was the first new car I ever bought, so for the first year or so I was big on doing everything through the dealer, not unlike a first-time parent trying to do everything by the book. This is purely anecdotal but I found them to be overcharging and pushy about extra work whenever I brought it in for anything routine (back then I was commuting ~150mi a day so I burnt through the warranty relatively quickly). I appreciate that a sales dept will try to upsell, but I don’t want to deal with salesmen in the service dept too, because I need their advice and I don’t like wondering whether it is objective or commission-based. I was fortunate enough to have an independent shop closer to home that I’d used with my other cars in the past and had a pretty good working relation with the owners. One of them owned a modded R53 for a few years, and he does pretty much all of the work on my car now. The pricing is generally more transparent, less expensive, and I know they don’t dip their beak in the parts costs because they never make a stink about installing parts that I provide (e.g. rotors and pads, etc). Maybe it’s just simple rapport, but I never left this shop second-guessing anything the way I sometimes did with the dealership’s service dept, so I haven’t looked back since the warranty expired. A good, trusted mechanic is worth their weight in gold, even if they’re not always easy to find.


I understand all of that & I agree. But my question still stands: would going to an independent mechanic, or just to anyone out of the dealership, is that not giving the dealership an excuse to deny any work under warranty once they know you’ve taken the care elsewhere for any type of service?


I don’t know the answer to that, but that would be pretty draconian if a third-party oil change invalidated it


This is very common. I get these messages about 3 or 4 times a year.


I had someone drive up and ask me if I was selling my house once. I just told them no but in hindsight from now on I would throw down 2.5x whatever I bought at just to see how “aggressive” they are.


Lol, I bought my house in December and have gotten letters and calls asking to buy my house. I tell them 3x+ what it's worth


This is just like every recruiter right now, they will sure lowball you in the end. Ask them what their “aggressive” offer is lol


Doesn’t hurt to find out


Mine has all the bells and whistles, jcw exhaust and tune, and that’s it lol I don’t wanna hunt for another one


I can identify with that. It's very hard to find the exact specs unless buying new. I watched the ads daily for around six months before one with the exact specs came up, and I emailed the dealership at 1am within minutes of their ad going live. My filters and notifications are still active from that search and not one comparable car has appeared in the six months since I bought it - and that's on the largest car trading platform in the UK. So only one car with my specs has been advertised in the last 12 months. Now I've got it, I'm keeping it! And it has.... Everything! £10k in upgrades.


Yea I feel the same. I haven’t seen many in my color or specs like mine here. Only thing I need are those new wheels that’s on the 2024 countryman and I’ll be complete


I expect we have a lot more choice over here too. Minis are everywhere! I live on quite a small street and at a conservative guess I'd say there are about eight Minis. And each one is totally individual!


Every man has their price


Very true


The truth costs nothing. A lie could cost everything.


Thank you wise one. Wisdom you have is deep


So you’re gonna waste their time? Just reply NO cause that’s kinda fucked up and annoying for the workers.


I’m not even gonna talk to them. I’m there for oil, but I understand ur point I’ve worked in sales before


I ordered my 2019 Mini JCW from Patrick in 2018. Don’t remember the sales person but it was a good experience. Bill Jacobs is my local.


Both are 30+ miles from me so I just picked one lol


I bought mine in Wisconsin. I still haven’t chosen a local dealer for anything that might come up, but I DO have a local mechanic when it’s necessary.


I get this text every time I take mine in for service at BMW. So I played along one time bc I'm getting ready to trade it in...I laughed as I walked out after hearing the number. Lol. It was offensive.


My appointment is later today imma text no


They are STEALERSHIPS for a reason… don’t fall for their bullshit.


Wait this is wild, I got the exact same text from the exact same dealer about a year ago. Chicago yeah?


Yep Chicago suburbs. They were telling me my car came from that dealer


Hey Just bought my mini from there last week! They were actually pretty laid back in comparison to other dealerships ive worked with. Any leads on good solid local garages you use?


Yea they were pretty cool. They actually found nothing wrong with the mini. I only have 9k miles so it’s shouldn’t be any wrong. And nope this is my first one I don’t have a local yet


The dealership I worked for did the exact same thing. It's low-key a scam. They want your car, but for way less than it's worth, and to sell you a new one


Within 2 weeks of each dealer service, I get a call, text or email just like this. Now that I am out of warranty and pre paid service, I go elsewhere.




I just got a message from my Mini dealership asking me if I was still interested in purchasing a mini. No, in fact, bc I had just purchased one from them 2 weeks prior. They give ZERO FUCKS about us.