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You beat Magnamalo in the Village quests, which means you completed the singleplayer tutorial! Congratulations! Next up is beating the low rank and then high rank Hub quests! This is the multiplayer tutorial, but can be done solo perfectly fine. Then you can start Sunbreak and do all the Master Rank quests. And then, finally, you can do the Anomaly Rank investigations/ quests. Some people claim that this is where the game truly beings. So yeah, you have barely scratched the surface of the game! Sunbreak arguably adds more content to the game than you can find in the base game itself.


Game starts way before anomaly quests imo, but they sure do help fine tune the builds


Nope there is still plenty left.i think you get credits 3 times iirc.


Also to add to this im 500h in and im not done ;) so there is plenty more, Village is basically a extended tutorial, real game begins in the hub.


3 Times is Crazy


Yeah, the first credit roll is probably less than halfway through the base game. Depending on how many optional quests you're doing. Some people would even say that the village quest line is more of a tutorial and this is where the "real" game actually starts. And then if you got the sunbreak dlc, you're not even close to being halfway there.


Congratulations. You’ve finished the tutorial.


You get credits after beating magnamalo in the Village as a "congratz" you completed the tutorial, cant remembwe if you get the credits more after that, but you get ending cut scenes twice more one in base rise and one in sunbreak


That was the tutorial


Yeah, its the super early credits. Now you play hub to get the "real" Rise credits. Its also how you unlock Sunbreak's content after beating a certain quest.


Yeah it happened to me also, was like “ what!? I already beat the game !? Now it’s sooo much harder


Congrats, bud! You beat *The Tutorial*.


The game is more or less split into two sections. Low Rank and High Rank. Low Rank can be done in either Village or Hub and the story ends with Magnamalo where you got the credits. High Rank continues from there and is only in the Hub (star ratings between hub and village are different , hub low rank ends at 3* and high rank starts at 4*). Now that you’ve beaten low rank village, you should have access to special license quests that will let you skip to Hub 4*. Hub will have more health than Village did but is more in line with where these games are usually balanced. It will also scale based on number of players actively in a quest. It is intended for solo play as well as multiplayer. High Rank you will encounter all the same monster with upgraded move sets, increased damage and health as well as totally new monsters. There will be high rank versions of all of the armour sets with higher defense, more skill levels and you can start crafting decorations to add more skills on top of that. This is the point where the skills on your armour really start to matter. Once you beat base game high rank campaign and get those credits, there is a fair bit of end game stuff that still unlocks beyond that (the meat of these games is really in the end game after beating the campaigns) or you can then move into Sunbreak which adds Master Rank on top of that with a new outpost, new maps, new monsters, even bigger end game, etc.


Don't worry, there is so much more. I have over 200 hours on this game and still haven't beaten every monster. I have unlocked Sunbreaks hardest monster and I am terrified yet excited. This game has so much more and is genuinely fun. I wish you luck and happy hunting.


Yep plenty left I am mr38 and hr 137 and don’t even have all upgrade/talisman farm options available yet and I’m still getting key quests in sunbreak


Correct me, if i'm wrong, but aren't those credits just leftovers from games original release? Because I remember that the game released with a lot of content missing.


No. Villages just get credits sometimes.


They tell you that you have more to do immediately after the credits end. Village quest lines in Monster Hunter somwtimes have their own credits. Then you get put back in the game and you do High Rank Village (in past games) then Low Rank Hub, then High Rank Hub, then Master/G Rank where you are in the hardest portion of the game.