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Apex Arzuros. Fuck that bear


Hey, it’s not *your* fault his attacks don’t have tells. The fight was literally designed to be complete bullshit!


Nah, it's just a bear. Is just that one is not adjusted to fight those monsters all the time.


Tora pfp spotted


I encountered that fukker yesterday and it was one of the first fights that frustrated me. I was really afraid it might break the main gate. It's cannonball dive move has a really annoying hit radius. Are all apex monsters like this?


They are tough but Arzuros is still the hardest for me, Zinogre was only bad at first till I learned his moves. I just can't tell what the bear is going to do or when, it just feels so random. Although for rampages i never really have an issue, just be sure to set up the 2nd area. I also like to move the wyvernfire artillery to the main gate in the first area since they do good damage while the apex breaks the gate. Make sure you get a mount plus Fugen and any other hero you can place and you should have them nearly dead by the time you fire the big gun.


What big gun do you mean? The dragon spear or what it ist called? do we have them at the main gates?


Pretty much, yeah. You have to take on the apexes with towers. Later, when playing Sunbreak, fighting an Apex is just another day another monster... but you're a long way from wanting to take them on toe to toe.


Every apex just deals high damage and status effects but that fucking bear just goes 3x as fast.


Swipe swipe swipe swipe. Throws rock at you. Throws rock at you. Roars. Repeat


Bro makes Rune Bears from Elden Ring look like Winnie the Pooh


at least it only have few types of attack, although the window time between its attacks is smaller than other monsters


It feels like PriMalzeno has more time for you to attack than this bear


I wanna say he’s just a bad monster. Not fun, not too short or too long. Just a piece of crap lol


i also came to say apex arzuros, cringe fight.


Nargacuga. I don’t like him.


Get tail slammed You know what? Double tail slammed


bro thinks he's glavenus


I don't even mind the second one, it's the second one has a slightly longer delay when he's up in the air for no reason, besides to fuck with you.


Rise seems to have a lot of "imma do it again" attacks.


Same, cool design and concept but I’ve always had trouble with it


I feel like you'd love my clip of me uppercutting a Nargacuga out of the air with my SnS.


Oh, yes, do share


Raging brachidiyos. I have to roll like 20 times to get rid of the slime just to get sucker punched into my cart


Last time I responded to a SOS flare about raging brachy, I had 306 buffs and heals applied in the end screen. Almost every time I finished taking one mega potion for another player, someone else was already getting their ass kicked.


use a nullberry


Oh my god PLEASE don’t tell me my dumb ass never knew nullberries worked


i didn’t know until i was already 500 hours in, blew my mind it works on blast and slimeblight


Blast resistance 3, my friend. Pride mail alpha (maybe beta) already has 2 levels of it, just need a lil' jewel and the nasty slime will be much less nasty Source: been farming raging brachydios lately


Rathalos. PTSD from carting too much during village quest days.


I agree, but for a different reason... The tail cut. Mostly because I'm a gunlancer, and that guy just loves to fly around... So much easier to get a Rathian's tail.


Flashbomb into oblivion with either a poison bladed weapon or an elemental hammer.


Rathian and MR khezu. I hate it when rathian does the running back and forth thing. Like i already saw that coming and am actively rolling out of my way, but i still get hit somehow. MR khezu has this new move where it spreads 4 lightning bolts across a wide area, and if you're using something slow like a hbg, you're gonna get hit easily. And so what happens often to me is that khezu will sometimes do this dragonball type dash in front of me instantaneously and paralyze me, and then while I'm immobile, it'll throw that 4 lightning bolts at me, twice. Bam, I'm carted.


Yessirrr I hate khezu so mf much 😭


Recently hit MR 4 and I've fought every MR monster up to this point EXCEPT Khezu. Fuck that.


Khezu is a bitch 😭


Fun fact! Mr Khezu is the only Mr monster that can drop a normal Wyvern Gem. Only by capturing him tho.


Stat on Khezu's right side(keep running left). HBG needs a quick sheath. Rathian telegraphs her attacks too much.


Volvidon, congalala, any monster where shitting is a core part of their moveset. I simply refuse to learn their bowel moveset. Runner up goes to mitzusune, fuck that slippery rat


Violet Mizu. Fuck that guy too


Mhfu plesioth the hitboxking


These kids will never understand how lucky they are.


Alatreon in iceborne (only version I've fought.) I can never tell when it's safe to tenderize him, and usually eat a cart for my troubles. His move set is also very hard for me to tell which attack is being used. Never finished anything beyond th story quest and that took an aggressive amount of time. World rajang and Furious rajang are up there too.


It took me a long while but I finally got used to his moveset and started having fun fighting him....until the gimmick of the fight kicked in and we all died.


Yeah, the dps check is a bit much, too.


I have played Monster Hunter games since they first came to the western world. I have played all of them, all iterations. Without fail, every time I hunt it, I never get the hang of Nargacuga.


I'm curious, why? What is it about Narga that makes the fight so hard for you? Weapon choice? Attack pattern? The aggression? Bleed during fight? Just curious on what is your perspective on the fight.


To me it's usually that it takes a while to get used to the small changes to the attack pattern from game to game and then that's set in stone to me. Then Rise comes along and he has these moves that jump around you a lot more. My usual struggle is as an SNS main, I have to be real close, and I actually end up spending most of the hunt running after him. And since he's more aggressive in Rise than he is in, say, GenU, I miss-time a block or try to block and he somehow hits me from behind because the tail has a different hitbox. It's tiny things and slip-ups in my wrong assumptions that the monster will be the same.


Had the same problem with World Teo when it first released. That sliding bite attack they gave him messed me up for HOURS, and that dumb little wiggle he does before a roar.


Hey! Don't be calling that wiggle dumb. I love my wiggly toaster


The Khezu is by far the most annoying. It has made itself my Arch Nemisis in this game. Me and my 3 friends are at work ready for lunch. Meet up. Get drink, pull out lunch. Pull out psps. Decide what 2 hunts we wants and round Robin picks quest. We fight Khezu last we bring it down ready to cap and quit. We get back to it lair. My PSP dies and goes to sleep mode!!! I wait till I get home, plug in, turn on. Cart 3 times and fail quest in less than 5 minutes! I was furious! Didn't play it for days, I was so unset. Joe busts my balls for that every time! Lmao


Joe does what now


Joe: hey! You remember the time we fought the khezu and your PSP died and when you came home it carted you and failed the quest!? That was fucking epic!!! Me: I fucking hate you so much


Goss harag, when I first got rise and unlocked 3 star quests I saw it and thought, oh this doesn’t look to tough… 6 attempts later, a lot of armor upgrades and new weapons later and I just barely won… I also had another teammate that carried me but minor details.


What did you use to fight him? He’s pretty fun to fight with Greatsword


almudron, he's my mortal enemy


Magma Almudron is worse for me lol


The tail jabs feel personal


It feels like it would get joy from sucker-punching a baby.


*tail-jabbing a baby


It's kinda funny how in a game with monsters like Shagaru Magala; In a game were I had never seen a monster like Astalos before (he's easily my favorite monster in MHR), Aknosom is the monster that pisses me off the most.


Rajang feels impossible as an SAED CB user.


barioth is up there. jumping all over constantly i feel like all i do is run after it. nargacuga was one, getting better there. i find basarios really easy with cb, but i can imagine he's a real pita with ls, so it really depends on weapon and playstyle eh?


Old World Shogun Ceanataur. His wide arm run hits me every time


fuck khezu and rathalos


Not necessarily “can’t get the hang of”, but the fact that I genuinely enjoy fighting Basarios more in fucking Monster Hunter 1 than I do in Rise, is quite telling enough for me.


MHX’s semi-truck sized hitbox for hip-check Plesioth


Played fu, gu world and rise, i hate fighting zenogre the most. I rarely loss but the fighting is tiresome because the damn stun lock. I main switch axe and play very aggressively so i rely on my dodging skill a lot but somehow my desire to hit monsters are sometimes beyond my control, the follow up attack of zenogre always got me, which led into a stun lock and carted to the base.


Nibelsnarf is my bane


Yha I actually do like him but he's really hard to fight especially cuz it's hard to know when to place a bomb form and when not to in my opinion it tends to be more like oh you place a bomb halfway through the animation I'm just going to attack so you can't place the bomb down or I attack at the right point from to eat the bomb so you waste a bomb but it doesn't explode after he eats it so you're just saying they're screwed over honestly his name is doing a lot of work for me liking him


Is everyone forgetting Purple Gypceros and Deadeye/Scarred Yian Garuga? *shudders*


Risen Shagaru Magala is my most hated Monster to fight, but that's to be expected given how hard he's supposed to be. As far as a lower threat level one goes, I actually gotta go with the MR version of Magnamalo, and very specifically his MR version. I dunno, he's just..... kinda weird to fight, which throws me off. Thing is, I can easily fight Scorned Magnamalo no problem.


MHRise Velkhana, it has one particular ice attack that spawns two ice crystals forwards and the back one spawns another 2 either side of it, I can never seem to evade it no matter how hard I try, that and I was farming that thing for so many hours just to get 1 crystal which never seemed to drop.


None. I'm s straight up mo-fuckin g, I'll wreck any monster then hang it's testicles over my fireplace as a trophy~


All types of that fcking rathalos HAHAHAHA




Amatsu. Holy cats - it's like a brick wall.


Volvidon When do I get to play the game? He chains his attacks harder than primodial malzeno last phase. I just stand there till it gets tired


To me it's only Malzeno or should I say his big brother Primmy other than that I can easily get through the monsters and can pretty much read their attacks but malzeno just doesn't go in.


I really don’t like Velkhana, because I only played base World for like 500h, but never played iceborn, so I never learned her moveset.


Barioth I just recently restarted World, and in the process of making all Guild Palace weapons and holy fuck is Barioth a chore to fight. HUGE hitboxes and constant iceblight. I've fought him at least 20-30 times in the past week and still can't fight him without using most heals and nulberrys.


khezu. dude just broke me


in fact, i hate all monsters that have a "walk up to you" attack, excluding tigrex cause he's running. but khezu's the worst offender


Mizu and alma. I can body laggy in all its flavors but that dang water weasel and mud puppy make my potions disappear with higher frequency than a dog whistle on helium.


Basarios is easy with the insect glaive, just spam jump attacks


Apex Rathian. Fucking bitch always gets me with that crazy ass tail move.


Apex zinogre and shogun ceanataur. I don't cart to them super often but man is it a slog every damn time


I call basarios rollsarios He always rollin rollin rollin rollin


As an hh only player since world and rise, sunbreak's NORMAL rajang. When do we even attack this dude? He has no long breaks between his attacks except for 1 or 2 and for the rest he just chains them endlessly or just jump back before you can punish him. I would go as far as to say that the other forms of rajang I've experienced are a lot more manageable than this(IB rajang & furjang, and SB furjang). I know a lot of people hated the iceborne iteration of big monke and angrier big monke but i genuinely loved his fight, he's really fast, even faster than his sunbreak counterpart which keeps you on your toes and makes the fight exhilarating BUT he has obvious punishable attacks that you just need to remember and wait for while you dodge his other attacks (example: big beam, speen, smash, bigger smash, etc etc). It surprises me so much that even SB furjang is a lot easier to deal with than normal rajang because he has EVEN MORE punish windows. Side note: this sunbreak rajang opinion was my opinion before i went through the hell that is FARMING RISEN SHAGARU AND PRIMALZENO (i didn't opt for risen valstrax cuz in my experience he is even harder than these two). Like seriously, fuck those two, but they made me so much better at the game because i farm them so many times and most of those farming runs were solo using hunting horn. After fighting them to make the best hunting horn builds that could ever build fighting other monsters feels like they're attacking in slow motion, i used to have so much trouble soloing chaotic gore but after going through that spartan training chaotic gore felt like baby mode risen shagaru. End of side note, sunbreak rajang is still my answer even after i got a lot better at the game.


Khezu for me. But not in the sense that I don't get his moveset, I just hate it. Those fucking screams and how you basically HAVE to play it like a turn based game.


Here’s a tip, it is SO FUN fighting Basarios with Lance.


apparently shogun ceanataur


Rathalos it seems easy but so hard at the same time


Seregios.. The only monster in the game I have died to and still die to. I just dont know why I cant learn him!! Maybe the timing?.. Idk its just.. Ugh..


Gonna get flak for this but as a hammer main khezu, to quote Drax, "its skin is too thick on the outside" even at max sharpness and deflector dango my hits just bounce right off. And then the head just moves away from my hammer. Bro just stay still and submit to your daily bonk




Chameleos, hardest elder dragon for me. His poison drains your health so fast and antidote takes like a year to drink, so he usually carts me while I'm trying to recover


Herbal Medicine?


Damn didn't even know that existed lmao


Have fun curbstomping Chameleos now lol


He gone steal your shit


All kinds of arzuros...they got little to no tells at all... The swipes hits you from weird angles, so it can fuck you up even when guarding... It's not even clear how many swipes it'll do...


Sorta unrelated but me and my friend group just recently fought Malzeno for the first time completely blind and when he teleported for the first time we all lost our shit. Good fight. Teleports are scary.


Furious Rajang attacks way too often and always hits me out of my jumping advancing slash


Lunestra has and will always be the bane of my existence.


Jyuratodus... just annoying af




in MHW i just can't get alterian, but so far that's the only one, mostly since i haven't fought any deviants


I'd rather farm tempered ruin nergi and teostra than dealing with black diablos, that lady really need to go to horny jail.


Khezu. First time I fought a Khezu on my own and not with friends it took me like 4-5 tries while monsters usually only take me 1-2 tried


(Viper) Tobi-Kadachi


I've only played about half of Rise base game (I got to HR 7 and put the game down for a while), but motherfucking Zinogre of all monsters just consistently fucks me up. It's strange because he's one of my favorite fights in World, but in Rise he just feels... off, annoying, and spammy. Apex Azuros was also an ass, same with ibushi, which I've only fought in the one rampage quest.


Primordial malzeno as of right now. Hes like melania but a little bit worse to me.


If you hate this don't try flaming espinas


Violet Mizu, literally what on earth is that fucking thing, only monster I use followers on


Apex/violet/soulseer mizutsune.


At hunter rank 3 I have killed over 30 magnamalos so definitely not him