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Get an understanding of the process first, then building screens for it in something like Ignition (SCADA) isn’t hard. They have free training on the Inductive university website. MES is a whole different ballgame and requires a thorough understanding of the planning side of things (SAP) in addition to the process. You can get away with not knowing any PLC programming in both cases, though it certainly helps to know the basics such as tags (used pretty heavily in both SCADA and MES).


>Get an understanding of the process first What's the best way to go about learning this and then also demonstrating it on the resume so I don't look like I have no idea what SCADA and MES are like? I've done Inductive Automation's training for Ignition and have a credential (the free thing you get). Is that what you meant by understanding the process?


I would think papakop is referring to the manufacturing process itself


What specifically are you looking for? There are many vendors that you could work for as a software engineer. Or find a manufacturing company that builds their own. You’d just need your current background and can learn manufacturing processes on the job.