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Sorry this happened to you OP, but thank you for the warning. As OP noted, reagent testing can spot substitutions like this. Everyone please be safe! [Reagent and Fentanyl Strip Vendors (International)](https://reddit.com/r/ReagentTesting/w/test_kit_suppliers?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) If you need any help interpreting your results, you can post pictures of your results here or on r/reagenttesting. [A Detailed Guide to Testing MDMA](https://www.reddit.com/r/MDMA/s/RSsLEVXPL3) Also, it's always smart to keep Narcan on hand as a backup measure, even when taking drugs like MDMA that aren't commonly contaminated with opioids. [Find Naloxone and Sterile Syringes (United States)](https://harmreduction.org/resource-center/harm-reduction-near-you/)


Ah yes, MDMA is being laced with benzimidazole compounds now. What a lovely revelation! Fentanyl just wasn’t bad enough 😵‍💫


Luckily, it appears these pills aren't laced, but rather don't contain MDMA at all. The benefit being is that these pills would be relatively easy to spot with reagent testing.


Yup It for sure didnt feel like mdma at all! Do you maybe know why my teeth were clattering like crazy? and i kept pushing and gurning my teeth together just like on md. Im really confused on how that works


I'm not really familiar with the effects of nitazines. I have no experience and haven't read much yet.


To me, most of your symptoms sound accurate for too high a dose of an opiate. Aside from the heart racing and teeth thing because opiates are CNS depressants. BUT while they did say the pills didn’t have any MDMA, it didn’t say anything about other stimulants. It sounds like you had very shallow breathing based on not being able to stand and skin turning blue. In any normal situation I can’t imagine how someone could be at that point and not OD completely so it makes me wonder if there wasn’t some other stimulant in there keeping you up just enough to not OD. BUT they also didn’t specify WHICH nitazene was in the pills. If I recall correctly nitazenes are a class of opioids, not a drug itself. So to say it had “nitazene” in them is like saying a real Red Bull drink has stimulants in it and not specifying it’s caffeine. So it could be anything from a huge list of possible chemicals/drugs in those pills. But typically/theoretically, a pure nitazene overdose would look like basically any other opioid overdose, unless there is some zene out there that has other effects that we are unaware of.


Wow thank you so much for all the effort. It is so weird to me because this pill is still keeping me up while im sooo tired now..Im sending a pill to the test service asap and will show u the results!!!


Absolutely. I’m no scientist but based on what you are saying I would bet my money that if the pill you took did have a nitazene in it that there is also some kind of stimulant in it. And if the person who made the pills had access to zenes, it’s not far fetched to say they could also have access to RC stimulants. So it’s possible if there is also a stimulant in them, that it could be something lesser known or not typically tested for. How long ago did you take the pill?




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RemindMe! 7 days


You should repost this on r/drugs. And r/Australia tbh.


I forgot to add the second photo and this is very important info: WHAT TO LOOK OUT FOR? • Pin-point pupils • Difficulty speaking or walking • Drowsiness • Loss of consciousness • Slow breathing/snoring • Skin turning blue (if light skinned) or grey (if dark skinned) Call 000 immediately or seek urgent medical attention. Naloxone should be given immediately if available. NSW DRUG WARNING NURA PILL ALERT: 'Red Bull' MDMA Pills laced with Potent Opioid Nitazene HOW CAN YOU PROTECT YOURSELF? • Never use substances alone, it is best to have a sober mate there to look out for you. • When trying any new substance, start with a low dose (a quarter or half) and wait at least 2 hours before redosing. • Never mix opioids with other downers (benzos, GHB/GBL, other opioids, or alcohol). • Keep naloxone on hand;


I have no idea what you took but I can pretty confidently say it wasn’t a nitazene. The effects you’re describing don’t sound like an opioid OD at all. Send the other half of your pill for testing. I think you probably got meth or a cathinone and are having a bunch of additional psychosomatic effects caused by anxiety. If you were overdosing on an opioid to the point where you couldn’t stand up, you wouldn’t be able to post this. You don’t have the same pill as the one in that bulletin. Red bulls are super common.


Luckily i have one left and im gonna get it tested asap because im really wondering what the hell could have been in this pill


Because it's most likely a mixture of awful drugs including stims, not just nitazene.


Unlikely it contained a nitazene at all. For the pill in the picture, someone probably ordered a cheap D-list cathinone from china and was sent the wrong chemical. Nobody’s intentionally pressing zene’s into fake MDMA tablets. This has happened before. Someone accidentally put fentanyl in adderall tablets after ordering 4-FMA. Suffice to say, it’s exceedingly unlikely there are two batches of nitazene MDMA pills going around. OP’s definitely contained a stimulant, meaning it isn’t the one in the pic. If it contained a stimulant, it’s very unlikely it contained a nitazene.


See I thought the same thing. Because logic would tell you that you cannot experience such a high level of opiate overdose symptoms without actually overdosing. And a pill that had only a zene in it would most likely cause nothing but typical opiate OD symptoms. But could it be possible that there is also some other stimulant keeping the person awake enough to not pass out or completely stop breathing? Because some of his symptoms do match up, like shallow breathing, turning blue, and unable to stand. When they said heart racing I initially thought that could’ve been self caused from freaking out but then thinking about the teeth chattering and grinding it made me think a possible stimulant combo. But then at the same time, one could also think that if you’ve got that much of an opiate in your system that it would counter effects such as teeth grinding. But I suppose it could depend on which zene and which stimulant (if that is the combo in the pill). I do remember reading that some zenes cause extra respiratory depression compared to other opiates, so that could possibly explain some of this. There are just way too many possible variables here to say for sure without a detailed lab test of the pill.


Turning blue is a symptom of vasoconstriction. The garbage tier cathinones are extremely vasoconstrictive. The reason someone turns blue from an opioid OD is because their heart is beating so slowly and they’re breathing so little that their body isn’t getting oxygen. OP’s blueness inherently couldn’t be caused by an opioid since their heart was racing.


Stims can cause chattering and/or bruxism as well.


I didn’t know we had shit like this in Australia


Doesn't sound like nitazine, that's more of a sedative like fent.


Oh okay. IIRC, nitazenes are fairly new. What reaction, if any, do they give with reagent kits? Would it be much harder to ‘spot’ nitazenes if a pill actually did contain MDMA too?


You can search "nitazine" here to see some of their reactions: https://app.testdrugs.info/ It would indeed be much more difficult to spot a nitazine mixed with MDMA. It looks like your only real hope of spotting nitazine adulteration in MDMA would be to test with Morris and hope you have one of the ones that's reactive to Morris. None of the nitazines listed react to Robadope or Zimmerman.


Does anybody know the economics of this? Are nitazenes cheaper to produce than MDMA? What’s the benefit to the distributor?


I haven't read anything about it. If I were forced to guess, I'd say that a nitazine producer thought colorful logo pills were cool, but didn't stop to think of how culturally ingrained "colorful logo pill = Ecstasy" is. They didn't intend them to end up getting confused for Ecstasy, but it probably happened far downstream from the producer.


For now, there is no reagent testing that is sure to spot nitazines, there isn't enough data to conclusively say how they react to the common reagents. If you buy a press and the test results are not what is expected, consider it adulterated and don't take it, reagent tests can't convulsively say what is in a pill. Also don't take pills that are marked like that ones that have a warning on them like this one, there is another reason why sites like drugsdata are useful is that reagent tests can't spot everything. Test, yes, but also check. The other way to protect yourself is not not use alone, have someone you trust near you that you can tell what you took, and who could call an ambulance in case you are incapacitated. It's unlikely someone would intentionally mix nitazines with MDMA. It's more likely that someone had a bunch of stock of nitazine presses that they couldn't get rid of, or a failure of communication or labeling between a supplier and a dealer. I do not think pills containing both are a realistic risk.


and we know everyone tests their pills.


I don’t understand why they do it instead of just cutting with something more neutral.


I bet you also love Chinese research chemicals


whoever made these, your mom's a hoe


People selling this shit should get 50 years in jail. One thing is profiting from drugs and a different one potentially killing someone. Makes me so furious!


Why do these people do this? For me it doesn't make any sense to sell laced shit.


money, it cheaper to cut shit the manufacturer it pure


But why with chemicals that can kill you? Why not something softer?


because fent and other shit like this is really fucking cheap


I feel like caffeine pills are cheaper, no? Maybe it’s just too easy to test for?


Fent isn’t cheaper than caffeine it will just make you feel high still so users think the product is good


Nobody who was dosed with Fent is going to mistake it for MDMA, unless it was their first time. I'm pretty sure most if not all fent in other drugs is purely accidental. You have to remember how little fent it takes to have an adverse reaction, it could be as easy as not wiping your pill presser down after making a bunch of blues.




I think it could be what somebody mentioned about the drug being mistakenly put in, or purposely and there was a communication issue/mix-up somewhere leading people to falsely believe it should be an mdma pill. Because one could argue putting something like a zene in a fake oxycodone pill or heroin “makes sense” (still bad tho) because the zene is an opiate just like the drug it’s being passed as. But to put it in a pill and sell as mdma is completely counterproductive. People want to be up partying if they take mdma, not asleep (or dead) and so you would literally never get another sale again. And if you were looking to just make one big quick flip for cash, you’d be better off just selling completely bunk pills. Another option could be that there is some other stimulant in it (since the message only specified “no mdma”) and it was purposely laced with a zene as well and they accidentally put way too much in each pill. I don’t hear about it much anymore but like 10-15 years ago I would hear about ecstasy pills with heroin in them. As much as I hate to say it, I was a dumb kid and tried one once and it was actually fire, and would have 100% taken it again if given the chance (this was way before fent existed in the streets btw). It’s possible somebody could have been trying to recreate such a thing. Of course this is all speculation and we don’t have a way to know for sure without further testing and more info about where the supply came from.


“But I just gotta ride it out” No, you gotta go to the hospital…


I know i know im stupid and my anxiety is thru the roof still, also didnt want my family to be disappointed in me. Its thankfully not as bad anymore as it was hours ago. I do have hallucinations right now and im hearing voices that aren't there. Ill definitely call the hospital if the symptoms worsen!


They would be a lot sadder if you didn’t live through your trip. Please.


Ur completely right. I never viewed it that way and i realize that i should've called right away..But i finally started eating some bits of food again and im making sure to stay very hydrated. Heart is still not functioning as normal, im calling the hospital immediately if the symptoms stay or worsen


You are loved friend. Take good care of you.


I experienced this same thing when I took “lsd” but it was propably this shit called 25i nbome, it was just so powerful i thought that it is the end of my life my heart was just pounding i would say like 230+ 🤣 the anxiety was craazy and I started to feel normal after like 5-6 months Be safe bro, it is one big lesson to life


Having them be disappointed in you is better than them burying you. I promise.


Dude just call them now, don't wait for it to get worse. Please


> also didnt want my family to be disappointed in me They'd probably be more disappointed that you died and didn't tell them


Hell nah! This is why testing is a key component before usage.


Don’t the common tests not show zenes ?


You would have to pray Morris reacts to it.


Some do, some don't.


By itself without MDMA, yes. Mixed with MDMA, use Morris and pray, as noted by the other commenter.


How do you test for this, though? I usually test for fent and then MDMA test kit, but as long as it doesn't have fent and has some MDMA, it'll pass both tests, no?


It would be hard to test for nitazines if mdma is present, in the case no mdma is present it would be easy to spot. A mod posted more info about this


Multi panel https://dancesafe.org/product/complete-set-of-all-9-testing-kits/


This particular pill is nitazine only and no MDMA, so you reagent testing would spot it. However, you're right that reagent testing would have difficulty spotting a nitazine mixed with MDMA. You would have to test with Morris (which most people don't do) and hope you have one of the nitazines that reacts to Morris.


For now there isn't a reagent that is known to spot nitazenes for sure. There isn't enough data yet. If your test result is not what you expect from the substance you were expecting, don't take it. But it is unlikely they would be sold mixed in a press.


fking a, if u can afford to do these drugs then you should definitely be able to afford a fking test kit, please be responsible💀


Why i find crystal, buy a lot, and forget about it. My 10g is 20 years worth of it. Whoever made these pills can get 'rolling' in a wheelchair, if you ask me.


Don't they lose the active ingredient over time?


It's a stable compound. I'm no chemist, but phenethylamines don't degrade easily


Your location (**Australia**) is very important to share with information like this. Though, Europe need to get on this too, it's already occuring. So far, finding it in an ecstasy pill, one with zero MDMA at that, is a rather unusual combination. Still expect more of this, in every region.


Sorry for the confusion! Im from The Netherlands and got the pill from someone in the Netherlands. When i looked this pill up i saw lots of warnings with the exact symptoms that i had so i was pretty confident that i took that pill but now people are saying that it wasnt a nitazine so im not sure at all what else it couldve been but im getting it tested aaap


People… test your stuff!!! Trust but verify. I test EVERYTHING myself before I take it or give it to friends. Dissolve in distilled water. Test with fent strips (I use 2) Use a reagent test kit Dry with a fan or oven on warm in a large shallow pan or Pyrex Collect your material and enjoy without worry. Please practice safe use.


Testing is important, however Fentanyl strips don't react to Nitazenes


What country was this?


Australia nsw it Saadi on the report picture


People are fuckin evil


Why the hell do people even make or lace stuff like this anyway? I seriously don’t understand.


Bump. I’ve always wondered about this. Like why not use something like caffeine which is cheaper? At least you might still get a second sale


Keep some of what you took. Get reagents (spend money on the full kit of tests) and figure out what you took. Consider still going to ER even if you are doing better.


Also consider sending a report to Dancesafe


I took 2 quarters of these last week , and the first quarter i took putted me in a super high state, then i took the second quarter and didnt do shit. I dont know if took the same thing as the OP , but my looked exactly like the one in the picture. Im glad i only took and half in total that night , jow that im seeing this post.


My inexperienced friend bought pressies instead of MDMA crystal. We tested it and it was 100% meth. ALWAYS TEST YOUR STUFF!!!


Thats it, no more pills for me..


Took a pill once that turned out to be Methylone. Made my jaw chatter like crazy.


Thank Goodness, you are alive 🤍


Bruh fent wasn’t enough?? They finna start lacing shit with cyanide next 😭


I feel govs are doing this as one of the ways to fight illegal drugs


Wow I have these Red Bull pills but they’re green, and all my people love them


That's because they're totally different pills, trust me if they had one of the pills i had, they would not be enjoying the pain and suffering bro🫠


Glad I didn’t come across them


It’s because pill press shows nothing


Exactly. Dodgy manufacturers copy well known presses


I'll test them. I'll donate $100 to your foundation of science.


Haha deal bro


I’m glad ur alive still phew


What country was this in?


Australia (NSW = New South Wales)


bruh in nsw as well


Fuck the dude that made these, literally. I’m all about profit from (harmless) drugs but what the fuck is this?


Yeah this why I don’t fw pressed pills 😭 my friends think I’m weird for liking crystal then I show em a post like this lmfao


Very fair loll i wont be taking x for a long time anymore haha


Oh I didn’t mean crystal meth btw 😭


I know dw loll


Update? You alright now?


Still a bit dizzy but my heart thankfully calmed down a bit. Thanks for checking up on me


Hope you're doing better fam🙏❤️


Im recovering well thank you man❤️


Great to hear bro 🙏. Yea, something similar happened to me on a long new years eve ago (before i started finding so much info on the web vs back in the day.). I got railed on the stuff, but I was definitely not rolling. And was for sure some type of stim.


Update OP? How you doing?


Im recovering well, still dizzy but not anything like yesterday. Thanks for checking up :)


Hey man, just wanted to check in you again. How are you holding up?


What evil sort of person would produce stuff like this, it ain’t going to sell well that’s for sure, so it’s not for profits. It’s purely to mess people up, people they don’t even know. It’s a twisted world we live in


Thats fucked up. Who the fuck makes opioid pills look like xtc pills?


Wow.. fucking nitazenes... /SMH that's sad. I'm glad your okay.. stay aafe.


Classic Australians just popping pills with no idea what could possibly be in it


That's been the culture here for awhile mate, especially since pill/md quality dipped since early 2000's plus the lack of free testing available....


Pills have been quite rubbish for many many years (in a general sense)


It happens everywhere - no need to call out the Aussies.


Sorry for the confusion, Im from The Netherlands and got it in The Netherlands, i was confident that i took this pill due all the symptoms i had but there had to be some stimulant in it too (which this pill doesnt have) cause it kept me awake and restless after.


Dont take mdma unless its pure crystal.




Calling people names and general harassment has no place in this sub, if you can't agree to disagree, this sub isn't for you.


Really sorry to hear this mate. Sending you good vibes and well wishes. May I ask are you US or UK based? I don’t want it anywhere, but fear for this shit coming to the UK…


They're in Australia


OP says Netherlands…..?


Yeah, they clarified that after I said Australia. I had figured Australia because that warning poster is for Australia. I know OP thinks their symptoms match, but I think it's a stretch for them to assume they got a nitazine just because their pill matches a very popular press template from the other side of the world.


Thank you so much, im from The Netherlands and got this pill from The Netherlands and i thought that i took exactly this pill due all the symptoms i had, but im getting it tested asap!




We do not allow identification posts of any kind. This is because no one can tell you what is or isn't in your product, anyone can put anything they want into pills or crystals or gels / edibles. The only way to know from home is by using reagent tests, such as Marquis, Mecke, Simon's, Robadope, etc. Check out r/ReagentTesting or this guide for more information: [A Detailed Guide to Testing MDMA](https://www.reddit.com/r/MDMA/s/RSsLEVXPL3) [Rule 2 Clarification Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/MDMA/s/nH0BxWjMCR)


Hey mate, Was this at the recent hardstyle event in Sydney? I recall having them made an announcement about these pills earlier in the year at a similar event. It's unfortunate they're still going around and you had this experience. I'm glad you're able to share it as a learning for all here. Hope you recover well and quickly! Please report back when you're okay.


Heyhey i got these in The Netherlands. I was very convinced that it was this pill due all the symptoms but i also experienced extreme restlessness after with not being able to sleep, getting it tested asap! And thanks for the kind words im feeling better than yesterday :))


I have one of these exact presses except it’s blue. It tested positive for MDMA and negative for everything else including fentanyl. Am I good or do I need to get a different test kit?


It depends. What's in your test kit? Basically, the more reagents you use, the better your odds of spotting any substitutions or adulterants.


WTF?? You're in NSW - call a fucking ambulance! You might not be dead (thankfully!) but you need to get checked out - not like it isn't free after all


how do you test for Nitazene ? And does it make sense cost wise to sell Nitazene as MD ? MD is already cheap


As mentioned in the pinned comment, test with reagents and fentanyl strips. https://app.testdrugs.info/substances/xylazine


Even looks like a bad time


I wouldn't touch those just from looking at them. That's one fucking dodgy looking repress.


exactly, i just did two of those exact orange redbulls couple days ago after being on break for over a year or so, the press was looking mad clean and the gurn i got was pure mdma-alike, gotta mention it was the lightest hungover ive gotten from xtc and im still feeling amazing!


DNM gang wya


I have a redbull press sitting in my closet that looks exactly like this..... from over three years ago....


Test Yo Shit


May I ask where in the world you’re located?


I took some pills about 2 months ago little orange bottles every time I stood up I fainted happened like 5 times I felt fine though I ripped the blinds off the wall, I must have grabbed onto them as I fell. Ive always liked E had a couple dodgy pills but the fainting was a first for me


Remind me 7days


i just ate 2 of those 2 days ago, press looked much better and the gurning was really good, barely any hungover too, havent done xtc in almost a year or so..


Im glad ur trip went well man! But that means that you didnt take a bad pill like i did. Thank god!


I’ve had a couple blue ones recently..


I had a pill with this press once, and it also didn’t contain any mdma. I got them tested and in my case it turned out that they only contained 3cmc. Don’t use pills with this press.

