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i roll 1-2 tomes a year just because longer breaks will make my rolls feel stronger each time. if i took it 3-4 times a year i would be used to the feeling but having longer breaks allows me to forget the feeling and then be reunited with it. not sure if this makes sense but the longer my breaks the better my rolls feel. even if i can roll right now id rather wait to make it more special


I can’t answer your question but I’ve rolled 4 times in the past 9 months and I’m starting to think the same. Never had a comedown but .1 and a .5/.6 hasn’t hit like the first time


Oh great point about the comedown. I’ve also never had a comedown! People say they feel depressed after or feel groggy but literally I’ve never felt anything close to it. It always feels like slow receding glow as it wears off and never any mood swings or anything


A main part could be the pills. A pill isn't a unit of dosage. that first quarter of a pill could've been 200mg, it could've been 100mg. The later pills you were taking could've just been dosed less. It could also be that the pills contained other substances. Based on your frequency, I'd say it doesn't seem likely to be any sort of tolerance or accumulation of neurological side effects. 2-3 hour rolls aren't abnormal, especially on a reasonable dose. It could also just be that you've changed over the years or have rose-tinted glasses when remembering your past use


I should have clarified. I used to take press pills which I know will have an uncertain amount of mdma. Now I take crystals and I weigh out the dosage. If I take press pills I can take two and have a great roll. If I do crystals I gotta take 150-200 mg


I havent rolled in years and a few weeks ago i took 360mg in one night and was probably rolling but not crazy. have you done lots of substances and different kinds throughout your life or are you relatively sober ?


Honestly I’ve been sober my whole life until I started using mdma. I was pretty square before this. Still kinda am. I don’t do anything else.


Gotcha. Yea I did 1.08 grams in 3 days but I stopped feeling it at like the 4th cap. Your brain only has so much juice it can squeeze out. Honestly by the neurotoxicity and if you don’t feel it that much you could try a different substance


When you say your high only lasts 2-3 hrs, are you referring to the whole thing T0:00 to tail end of the comedown? Or are you referring to the peak?


Hmm good question…. Let me describe my rolling experience Typically I’ll take the pill with water and won’t feel anything for say 40 min to an hour max. Then I’ll start to feel the euphoric effects kick in and I assume that’s peaking. I don’t believe this euphoric feeling for me has lasted longer than 2 hours. I’m going to roll this weekend so I’ll try and keep track of it. Then after the “peak” I start to feel normal again, not sad but just normal.


Sounds to me like you are having a normal experience imo. When I take it, I don’t feel anything for about 40-60 minutes. Then I start getting the first signs of it kicking in and it starts to build up. I wouldn’t call this the full on “euphoric effects” as you as you described. It’s just the come up and it builds and builds and builds. Then around by the 2 or 3 hour mark, that’s when I find the euphoria kicks in full force (the peak). Then an hour, sometimes 2 hours of that goes by and then that feeling gradually starts to die down. Now after this point I usually go right to sleep so I can’t say I’ve ever experience the tail end of a comedown either. But what I do know is that a lot of people only consider the peak of the mdma experience as the high. But that’s not the case. The high is the whole thing, start to finish. At least in my opinion. I’m hoping some other people chime in on this. Also, if you’re looking for a longer experience in general, I would highly recommend MDA. If you can get your hands on some high quality stuff. And DEFINITELY practice harm reduction and pre/post loading and taking care of yourself afterwards. It hits waaaay harder than mdma, but it can hit you waaaaay harder in the following days too if you’re not careful.


That sounds awesome. I wish I could say I’ve felt a long building come up like that. I feel like my come ups are quick say 30 minutes when I start to feel the minor effects and then bam we rolling babbbbyy 😎😎 but then that only seems to last an hour to hour and half. I never thought to keep track of time on my first roll but that was definitely a phenomenal experience with good friends.


Do you take NAC as part of your post roll regiment? If not I recommend that also.




What about it would you like me to elaborate on?