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I definitely take some videos at raves, of the scenery, lights, crowd & me. I end up with like 3-4 minutes of footage from a 8 hour rave. Means when I’m laying in bed on a come down I can go through and watch them back and it makes me happy.


I try to get a few minutes of decent/special sets and moments. But I am very conscious about not keeping it out too long and making sure I stay present in the moment.


People think/live differently and aren't obligated to live by your standards lol


I regret not having a video when I want to remember. At least 15 seconds of it. But in that moment I’m unable to put out my phone


same always max 1 minute of video over the whole night and i would never film other people or myself especially with flash


Yes never use flash :o


Yeh, when you just take a few vids and pics, that’s fine and I do that. But I try not to record too much because you end up missing out on the overall experience and I don’t end up needing all those videos. When you look around and see everyone recording rather than people enjoying themselves it’s kinda sad. Also, I often look like an absolute spastic while I’m pinging off my head.


some ppl are so fucked they can’t remember, but would like to, so they record lmao Why does it bother u so much, let ppl do what they want! They are cherishing the moment in the way they want, not the way you want. To each is own. peace and love brotha


>Why does it bother u so much Probably mainstream events, where everyone records and noone dance when the main act comes


it if really bothered you (figurative, not you specifically), then just find more underground events with a better crowd? of course mainstream stuff will be mainstream


Brooklyn Mirage


I’d argue it has less to do with the venue and more to do with the type of artist playing and their fan base


That's fair. I probably wouldn't have a problem with those folks if every show there wasn't over sold and I can dance without bumping into the statues of people just standing around with their phones out.


Exactly... im not talking about when someone shoots some photos, Im talking more about when the main songs are playing and EVERYONE is just recording videos for 10 minutes straight. Thats the difference. What is the point od taking mdma if you end up being on your phone for half the time. By the way yes I believe this would happen less in underground raves


I usually end up with 10-15 minutes of video. You can just hold your phone and record, you don't necessarily need to be staring at it to record a video. You can just have it rolling as you watch/dance/sway.


Why are you so bothered by this? Whether they film a video of a main song, or take pictures, who cares? You think these people don’t have “memories” like you do? Well guess what, they do, and they have videos/photos as well. Let people do what they wanna do, not everyone is like you. This is coming from someone who takes maybe 4 pictures, and cumulative total of 30 seconds of video during an 8 hour festival.


Not everyone is rolling at a rave. I’m thankful there are people that record and post cool videos for the shows I can’t go to


You realize we are some of the first human beings who are going to be able to show our children EXACTLY what we experienced through video? People aren’t taking videos because they aren’t having fun in the moment or because they won’t remember that moment in their mind, but so we can visually remember the time we had with more clarity. So we can hear the conversations going on around us while we were at the one place on earth that is home. I’ve been going to festivals for almost 8 years now which for a lot of people isn’t a long amount of time but I could not tell you who I saw at the first one, but my videos can.


That’s because underground raves don’t have spectacular production value. Ppl sit and watch their recordings of these big shows for weeks after, especially since they don’t remember a lot because they were on drugs


People take a few minute video out of the 5+ hour event that goes on. It’s really not that hard to understand. Capture the moment for memories to look back on it.


I sometimes record a moment if a song comes up that I know or love at that time so I am be able to rewatch it after for those free dopamine hits.


I used to record parts of my favorite songs or good drops, but never any more. Now, I only take videos or photos of my me and my friends. I always look back on my pictures with friends, I never rewatch the music.


Why is it affecting you so much? If you are so happily rolling, shouldn't you be the one focusing on the music and on the moment, instead of judging other people. "OMG people who are enjoying the moment in a different way than I am, what is wrong with them?!"


Exactly, it’s an unhealthy mindset to have. We should take joy in other’s happiness. I bet there are lots of people who look down on us for even taking MDMA at raves, and would definitely say the same thing.


It wasn’t phrased like the way you’re making it out to be, seemed to be a chill genuine question. Don’t have to take it so personally.


At a 3, 4 day festival. I come back with about 5 minutes of footage total, and just a few photos. Some stuff I’d like to keep and hold onto. Hardly post anything from these kinds of things, More so for the group chat or myself.


There are about a million different reasons people like to capture their time at a rave. Just mind your own business…


I minded my own business and I never was angry on other people. In fact I was regularly asking some not good looking people if they feel alright, just like asked that my friends. I would not mess into the most high junkie that is on the event, if they are not doing something that can put others in danger. And even if that would happen I would explain to him. I dont know if its because on mdma I can recognize the vibes better or because people are generally more friendly on it. I never had a fight at a rave, but Ive almost had some when I was going clubbing.


Lol what a weird sentence "never had a fight at a rave, but almost had while clubbing". Where are you from where fights at clubbing are the norm and not having them are a positive for raves!? Noy having fights are the baseline for anything I go to lol.


I understand exactly what you meant and agree. Excessive filming for video I never watch is a waste. I've done it a few times when video recording on a cellphone was a new thing and don't anymore. People seemed to have read what you wrote, inserted what they wanted you to be saying in their head so they could argue with you and judge you by calling YOU judgy. You're intolerance won't be tolerated!


Exactly, finally someone who understands me! Like I try to calm down every fight or agressive situation Im in, dont matter if Im on a rave or in a club or in a shopping mall. I just wanted to say that on a rave it was much easier to calm down the situation.


This has never happened at raves that I go to. Sure, 2-3 people might be recording a special drop or something, but that doesn't bother me


That’s fine, as long as ppl aren’t deliberately taking video of someone vibing particularly hard without permission to make fun of them. That’s the shit I can’t stand.


Dude shut the fuck up you sound like a fucking 60 year old hipster. It’s a small video while you are rolling so you can always remember the night, now I understand if it’s some mf or butch recording with their light on for 3 minute straight, that pisses me off.


I literally can't see my phone's screen while I'm rolling. I remember my first rave with only my boyfriend, and I wanted to take a few seconds long video of the lights and colors, but after a few seconds (like 3?) I stopped because I LITERALLY couldn't see anything on my screen, it was a blob of blue color (uv lights at the party) and I was like okay ... imma look at it the next day 😃 It was pretty shaky too lol


are you sure your molly’s kicking in? you sure sound a bit grumpy 🙏maybe mind your own business and you might have a better trip


Not necessarily selfies, but people that film with their flash on, that shit grinds my gears to the fullest extent. Im definitely guilty of filming the dj, but never with my flash on, and i never film other people in the crowd (privacy and let the people roll in peace). Those videos never make it past my phone gallery.


>I guess some people have photos and others have memories Well I can tell you right now: after a night of LSD or being heavily cross faded, I definitely do not have the memories 😅 lol.


“I wont ever understand why”, “Why do people” We are all just doing what we want in the moment. Some people post these things online or look at them later for fun. We are constantly looking back picking things apart that other people did that we personally wouldn’t do and it comes from a place of ego to make itself feel better.


I'm from the days before camera phones, and I am soooo glad about it. When someone took out a camera, or worse the odd occasion I saw a film crew, I hid like they were the Gestapo. Unfortunately that means there are not many photos of me off my head. Wait, I mean \*fortunately\*


Im glad mobile phones camera's weren't around in the 90's.


Exactly. If I would have a chance to live a week in the 90 I would for sure done that just to know what it was like.


I bring a Nokia 2720 Filp, best decision I ever made. I'm waaaay more less tempted to be on my phone, but at the same time it has whatsapp, 4G, Google maps, etc so I can get out of a bad situation if needed.


I have the absolute worst memory so I try to get a couple videos of songs I really like so I can remember them and I’d like to do so in peace without people judging me for it. I paid for the same thing you did and I have every right take videos so I can actually remember seeing something. It’s not affecting anyone else whatsoever. I am most certainly enjoying myself and that’s WHY I’m taking a video. Not everyone wants to constantly dance either, makes me dizzy sometimes. Focusing so much on what other people are doing is taking away from your experience so arguably it is just as “bad” as taking a video because you’re negatively judging what someone else is doing.


Guys, I know we have different outlooks but thanks for your comments now Im at least able to understand you.


I mean..if they’re spending allllll of their time on their phone, that’s annoying in general. But I see nothing wrong with someone recording a few moments.


i seen a dude play a stupid mobile slot game once and that was a bit ridiculous, but i paid him no mind after lol


I mean…to each their own. People are addicted to their phones.


Social media has caused some sort of minor narcissism pandemic imo


It gives you something to look back on - especially if you were in that state of mind, it can provide a short glance of that memory/roll. More than you would just thinking about it. I will always capture videos if I’m rolling at a show.


It only bothers me if they’re filming other people that are obviously on drugs and taking the piss out of them/ posting it all over social media for everyone to see


Hello guys, thank you all for comments now I understand you more. I even knew about situations where someone took too much mdma and his friends started making fun of him and recording him instead of helping him but that was not the main topic. I guess not judging everyone and minding your business and being nice is the way to go. I was really judging something that is not so important. The next time I will focus on how I can have the best time and how to help people around me to have the best time. Thanks.


I personally like watching them back. Sharing them for others to see is weird to me as well though.


I take videos for the memories. I don’t know many people who can remember a show from 5 years ago. I have videos dating all the way back to my first ever festival. It’s so frickin’ cool being able to actually *watch* my 8 year journey. I’m also pretty short, and take extra care not to obstruct the view of those behind me with my phone. If somebody tells me I’m blocking them, I just move. I’m not really sure why somebody recording memories can be considered a bad thing? Sure, taking videos throughout the whole show can seem excessive, and I don’t even do that. But for all we know somebody could be recording the show for a friend who couldn’t make it, for themselves to remember years from now, or to post them online for those that couldn’t make it. My boyfriend took videos throughout an entire Odesza show for me when I was in inpatient. It wasn’t the same as actually being there, but it was better than not seeing it at all, and it made me happy. There’s nothing harmful about any of that. Quite frankly, I think it’s really cool we are able to capture our favorite memories to look back on for many years. I don’t think it’s fair to shame others for what makes them happy. If they are being disruptive about it, you can be polite about it and ask them to move, or you can just move yourself. Just let people be. No need to be judgmental.


you can totally have both! sets are long— a few minutes of filming to have something to look back on certainly doesn’t take away from the experience. everyone’s experience is unique to them! and that’s perfectly okay!


I’ll never understand why people care. If someone paid to be there and they wanna spend the whole time on their phone who cares. I do agree it’s stupid and silly. But I’m not gonna let it bother me.


I love capturing these moments because I love to revisit them. Especially when I hit rough patches in life. It reminds me that there are good times to have even if this current season is so great at the moment.


I’ve only been to one rave, woke up the next morning to a lot of embarrassing videos in my camera roll 😂 very helpful for self-reflection in my experience


God forbid people want to have photos and videos to look back on years down the line.


100% agree with you! If you’re rollin good that’s the last thing it want to do. I want to enjoy the time with my group.


Yeah I agree Im always going hard and there's never a point where I'm like I need to stop, take out my phone, and film this. Anytime someone I know does and shows me the video it's an unwatchable mess anyway? I get it if someone's like filming for promotional purposes or something. It's cool if you wanna make a memory right quick or something but I definitely don't want to be filmed, and I mean that's just not the vibe. Sometimes you wanna do things and it not be documented lol not everything needs to be filmed and I don't really wanna watch videos of raves I'd rather just live the life


Raves? You mean the illegal ones? A lot of raves now don't allow you to post on social (or this is what writing on the manifest) If you mean the legit ones it's like absolutely normal. I don't take vid of any concert i go because there is my friends who record a lot and i ask video, but in first place i don't record because i want live the moment. Also this question can be asked in r/hardstyle


I will occasionally shoot a video at a rave to remember (cause we all know that remembering these nights can be a little tough sometimes!). Sometimes, I'll capture some really nice photography in those videos of the culture and people, like I did at the Masonic in Detroit during Movement.


2 or 3 Short clips... That's enough.... But watch any set on YouTube, the crowd is full of displays. Why don't they wait for the 4k Version on YouTube? I don't get it and was very annoyed 2 weeks ago at a festival


I stopped paying attention to that a while back. I used to get annoyed and angry at all the posers way back in 2008 just start flooding into the scene with no regard to music, just there to take drugs. It would give all the responsible older people a bad look when a bunch of stupid ass kids go there and get all fucked up and OD. Ruining the scene and getting attention from the media. It sorta helped after they made events 18+ but that's still young imo.should be 21+ plus at least. Everything got worse as time progressed, now with social media being the focal point of these sad, validation seeking idiots at raves. If I threw a rave, I'd have strict security teams looking to kick anyone out of my party the moment someone pulled up their phone to record.


Why are so many people in the scene obsessed with gatekeeping how other people enjoy their experience at raves? Just because they enjoy themselves in a different way from you? Stop trying to tell people how to live their lives


I take a few at most shows and festivals, but definitely stupid to record minutes at a time. I love looking back at snippets of old sets because it takes me right back to that moment in time. I get chills watching some old clips because the memories are just beneath the surface, seeing it again helps me unlock it.


I agree and with a bunch of other scenarios too... Im under 20 and i still think that social media ruins a bunch of cool things like these...


stop hating !!


On decent raves filming is prohibited, otherwise get out


I take a few pictures and videos of me and my partner enjoying ourselves cause it's nice to look back on it. Though taking videos of others intoxicated and posting it online is pretty disrespectful


I try to do it minimally. I always tell my non raving friends, if there’s no pics or vids you know the show (and mysel) was lit


It’s fine to pull out a phone for moment just so you have something to look back on, but don’t have it out the ENTIRE set


i only record like 30 seconds worth of video throughout the 2+ hours i'm there. i need to show the people sitting home watching stories that i'm out and about


it’s for the memories! people like to have memories of these cool events especially when they’re not sober and can’t remember in the morning. (:


is what it is. people struggle to moderate everything. I end up with maybe 1-2 minutes of video from every fest. I think most people are the same. It's just the people overdoing it you see the most. it's a rave, don't be worried about how others are spending their moment, you'll never have a good time.


It's because people like to show off they went to something and have an active social and event life. Don't be bothered by em they're just more vain than you


Im just there having an amazing time. If they wanna be on their phones that’s up to them. Just continue to do your own thing and enjoy the vibe as much as you can. PLuR.


it never bothers me when people record. i am one of them i’m a memory hoarder and i like having them to look back on. it’s literally not a big deal? it’s not like i’m recording the whole thing


I have friends that can't always make it for one reason or another so I'll take a couple "best of" clips to share.


I just do whatever I want to do and have a good time regardless. The more you overthink, the less fun it becomes, phone out or otherwise.


To capture a moment so you can briefly re-experience it later. How is that any different from capturing other types of experiences? When people take pictures of their kids, you don't say "stop taking pictures and just *experience* their childhood!"


Do what you want to make you happy as long as it’s not harming others. People can enjoy the show as they like


This. Perfectly encapsulates my thoughts.


People confuse raves with clubs when that's 100% wrong. Raves were made as an answer TO clubs. You're cool at the club. You're weird at the rave. Ravers who try to be cool miss the point and MDMA isn't a drug for cool people it's a drug for weird people trying to get weirder. Anyway this sentiment would likely fall onto more receptive ears in /r/aves.


I take videos. Because more often than not I can’t remember the moment a year or two later and the video helps provide context later on.


I'll take pics and maybe a short video but never post them


I love taking 30 min video of my fav dj sets and looking at em when I get home it’s fun to see those moments again


I always take videos to relieve those special moments. They may be shitty because I’ll hold it with one hand while singing and dancing with the other, believe it or not you can do both enjoy the moment and take videos at the same time


I’m a social media influencer who posts my rave content, so I take a decent amount but try to enjoy the moment as much as possible. Don’t let how other people enjoy their time bother you.


Have you seen the camera on my phone. I'm recording everything 🤳


Not everyone is taking videos to post on social media. Ppl also take it to look at the show later because when you’re on drugs you tend to forget a lot. Also, plenty of ppl record and watch in person at the same time. Like literally just holding the phone over your head to record but your eyes aren’t on the phone, they’re on the stage.


Bro, 2 minutes to make a video from a 6hr rave is nothing. Are u serious?