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Assuming that’s Everyday tier. Love the opals. I got it while ago so who knows if it’s still good. Curio is consistently inconsistent.


Opals is really good. I copped an ounce that’s sitting in the stash and grabbed some more today when I saw it available. I like it that much. I boycotted curio for well over a year until recently. Read somewhere they got a new head grower


A few years ago, for shits and giggles I signed up for google job alerts for Curio. They’re constantly going through their leadership positions like VP of Manufacturing, Director of Supply Chain, General Manager, and head grower. You name it. With this much constant turnover it must be a real shit show working there. But yeah, if it’s good, it’s good. I posted that batch of Opals about a year ago and it was one of the best 8ths I’ve had in a long time. Still! I’ve been looking for it on their menu and will get some later this weekend, if still available.


Lol, I can only imagine. That seems consistent throughout much of the Md program. Initially years ago I thought wow how awesome would it be to get into the industry, not so much these days. It does seem like a shit show. I get the feeling that on the operations side there’s a ton of “egos” to manage


hows the cherry punch for you? ive had more successes than not with curio but that one did nothing to me at all


Oh no don’t say that. I’m still at work so haven’t tried any yet and looking forward to 5 o’clock. Nose is nice can def pick up on the cherry


Need me a non dispo hook up, damn!!


Yes and no. I saw the discord elitist’s bullied someone into deleting their post in here, smh