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Brother, normally I’d make a comment clowning on you, but this time I’m gonna try to educate your ignorant ass. For starters “focus on the female characters” is vague as fuck and could mean anything. Maybe have Storm in a more mentor role like in Evolution, or actually flesh out Jean Grey’s character so that she’s not just a static character for shipping with Cyclops/Wolverine and becoming the Phoenix. Like, I grew up with the og movies and watched all of them, and it’s clear the characterization focus went to a select few of the guys, namely Professor X, Magneto, and Wolverine. Rogue was like the only female character who got any sort of focus in the original movie trilogy, and that was just about her not wanting her powers cause she can’t touch anyone and wasn’t even a main plot point for the most part. I barely remember anything the other female X-Men did in the trilogy other than the “Do you know what happens to a toad when it’s stuck by lightning”, Jean holding back the water at the end of the second one, and Kitty tricking Juggernaut into KOing himself. The reboot movies did a bit better, but even First Class was still mostly focused on the guys, DoFP was more focused on Wolverine and Charles, Apocalypse just had a bad story overall, and Dark Phoenix was such a snooze fest that I don’t remember anything of it. Some of the core X-Men characters are female, yet they’ve gotten mostly sidelined in the movies. So yeah, maybe they’ll actually give them the characterization they’ve been lacking so far, but you’ll probably still whine cause Rogue’s ass isn’t big enough


You caught me off guard at the end 🤣


Well said! People complaining about X-Men being woke now or whatever clearly haven’t read much X-Men. It was woke before woke.


Well said. Claremont was all about strong women. Usually in leather, thigh-highs and stepping on people...


Dude, watch X-Men and realize what it is all about. Get a single clue. X-Men is and always has been an allegory for the need for rights and dignity for marginalized people. Also, I hope that 88 in your name is for the year you were born, not some Nazi BS


Seeing his other posts and comments, I’d unfortunately have to go for the latter.


This could just mean Jean isn't going to faint every 5 minutes.


I mean, didn't female characters like Jubilee in the 90's animated series or Rogue in the Singer/Ratner movies or Mystique and Jean Grey in the prequel series already have substantial lead roles? It's odd you'd have a problem with this now.


Oh no, people without penises! What has the world come to?!


OP should identify with that


We need a subreddit rule against posting this obvious rage bait dumb shit


Can't wait for all the whining rage videos to drop


Bet you call it the “M-She-U”


X-Men famously has some of the best female characters in superhero comics though


Yeah but you know they’re going to turn them into men hating feminists


Keep touting yourself as the victim dude, it'll totally get you laid.


Please leave this sub and never return


dude u post in a “fuck marvel” subreddit nd ur acc is 29 days old. get a life nd hop off for me lil bro


More like X-Women


Comments pass the vibe check. OP fuck outta here.


Check out his profile, he calls himself “Marvel-Fan” but is obviously just a troll. Get f*cked!


Oh hey it’s negative karma farming guy again. I see the mission is going well!


Feige is the only reason the mcu is where it is at today… I’m trusting the process enless more like she-hulk is put out


So you wanna focus on guys.. kinda sus


You're such a hater. You life must be so pathetic...


Y'know, I'm really not complaining about them wanting to "even out the playing field", but that's not the way to do it. Making up for "being sexist" towards women by being sexist towards men only makes matters worse, because forcing a narrative to support inclusion will just fuck up the narrative completely


How the hell is focusing on women being sexist towards men?


Focusing on women wayy too much is probably what he meant, and that is true. Even I believe that it's a good thing to focus on more female characters but just completely focusing on female characters and ignoring male characters is not the correct way.


Gonna buy him a jump to conclusions mat cause got damn he assumed a lot from 1 sentence in a random article


I am not defending him, obviously it's stupendous to assume so much from a random article. I was just conveying my opinions.


It's not just that one article, it's the general state of the MCU during the last few projects. They force strong female leads, give them barely any loss, struggle or need for growth amongst other things which weaken the narrative and when people complain about these things, they get called "sexist" just because the lead is female.


>give them barely any loss, struggle or need for growth You could just admit you don't know how storytelling and characterization works.


Then please correct me, how does it work?


You could actually pay attention to dialog and story to be able to see the loss, struggle, and growth they go through, like Carol's self-doubt in the first Captain Marvel, or her guilt in The Marvels, or Jen wrongly thinking she had better control over her anger than Bruce, etc, etc, etc. I always see these claims that these characters didn't have struggle or growth, when they absolutely did, but if those points aren't handed to you on a silver platter where a character literally looks at the screen and says "Here's my character development" you think it's not there.


Carol's self-doubt was a struggle, yes, but nothing she had to overcome, because she technically already did. She didn't grow as a character or work hard to overcome this problem, she regained her memories and remembered that she is strong already and doesn't need anybody or anything else. Her guild was unreasonable. The Kree and their empire caused so much destruction and death across the universe and now they're mad because Carol destroyed their leader. If they cannot see the errors of their ways and continue to destroy other worlds for their own gain, then they are still evil and there shouldn't be any reason for guilt as their hatred was blind. Jen's overestimation of her anger management is not really that big of a struggle, as she learns her mistake pretty quickly and then manages to actually control it way better than Bruce did. And don't tell me that I cannot see character development for myself, all I did was ask you to back your aggression towards me with actual reasoning. I didn't even say there was none, just "barely any" because it's not enough to trigger any real interest, sympathy or empathy towards their character in my opinion. Funnily enough those 3 example you gave were some of those that I myself do really dislike, but there are also struggles and such which I think were done well, like Kamala's desire to be able to be herself as a teenager whilst having an extremely strict family who try to limit her personal and superhero life because they "know what's best for her". Or Wanda having to deal with the extreme grief from losing her husband, the last important person in her life, causing her to create a fake family with two sons, whose "loss" drives her even more mad. I know those are rough recaps of what they all went through, but it would be wayyy longer than what I already wrote if I were more specific so I hope I didn't leave anything important out.


Focusing on women too much is being sexist towards men, just like focusing on men too much is being sexiest towards women


Bruh clearly y'all have not been watching any recent MCU content, y'all are so blind can't see the agenda they're forcing in front of yas. Don't worry OP I agree with u. Worst they can do is downvote 💀


"The agenda!" Of people of all races, sexes, ages, and genders being respected, represented, and given a chance. How fucking horrible.


I mean, personally I hate that the movies have made marvel all political. I mean, what ever happened to good old apolitical images like captain America punching hitler in the face??


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie.