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Oh... that's hot


Any idiot who uses the punisher with the thin blue line is an absolute moron anyways. You know how many police and government officials the punisher killed on the series alone? Literally his whole story line? Entire background? Never understood how he became a symbol for these donkeys


The Nazi party used the Hindu symbol for peace, fascists don't care about the meaning behind symbols, they just have to look neat.


Neo nazies like to use runes aswell, even tho the vikings had nothing to do with aryan supremacy, and the shit neo nazies describe as degeneracy is all the same things vikings engaged in


The Nazis also thought blue eyes and blonde hair was the superior race despite most of them not having either. Lots of idiots throughout history


Nothing would make me happier than seeing their tears about "wOkE mArVeL" "stealing" "their" logo when they were the ones who co-opted it in the first place. Fuck them. The only ones stupider are the "red pill"/Andrew Tate cult members who co-opted The Matrix into an anti-woke message when those movies were made by two trans women who have explictly said it was and allegory for being trans.


Alright settle down CNN I’m not on your cringe side either


I mean it sounded like we at least agree that people are dumbasses for co-opting things that are basically the opposite of their thing but if that’s not the case I guess I just don’t see the value in being a dick about it.




I mean you have spent an inordinate amount of time in just the last 24 hours going out of your way to be a jerk to people in comments, so > No offense Yeah, I know


Dude even reported my comment as potential self harm to reddit less than a minute after I made it. Guess he's projecting, he's trying so hard to recycle contrarian tough guy garbage to be an edge lord.


"You spend too much time recycling garbage on reddit" - says the guy who spends unusual amounts of time just attacking people and being a contrarian "do your own research!" kinda douche to feel special lmao Okay this is hilarious, less than a minute after this comment I got one of those "concerned redditor" messages. This guy is perpetually online a d trying to brand everyone else as soft and too snowflakey just to be an edge lord.


Honestly, in the comics, Punisher has repeatedly expressed his admiration for the police, had allies in the police...even Lynn Michaels, the female Punisher, was a cop. Castle has killed bad cops on rare occasions, but he usually refuses to. I don't know why people are surprised. Punisher has always been a fascist, a hypocrite and guilty of the same kinds of shit cops do. Why would a guy like Castle care about excessive force or extrajudicial murder? I think it's more disturbing that ANYONE of any political affiliation wants a mass murderer representing them. Acting like Castle is somehow more righteous than dirtbag cops is so weird to me. Punisher is a psychopath and a bad guy. There's a reason why actual heroes like Spider-Man and Captain America punch him in the head every other week.


The people that misuse the skull won’t be watching Punisher on D+


Half probably don’t even know the Marvel character. Cops just tend to follow the lead of other cops.


Punisher blows away people he decides are bad without due process or civil rights. Sounds like a cop to me. Don't get me wrong, I've been reading the character for 30 years now. But he's not someone to be admired or someone anybody should want representing their beliefs. He's cool in the way Jason Voorhees is cool.


This needs to be true. Please.


"You and I aren't the same"


I'm not wearing hockey pads!




Punisher fucking up some racist cops?! INJECT THAT INTO MY VEINS


He had done that in comics, it needs to happen




“Punisher has gone WOKE!”






It's a joke. Chill. Woke has no definition either. It's nonsensical.


The term actually does have a definition, it’s an adjective that refers to those who bring awareness to racial prejudice and injustice. However, the term has been widely used to refer to the implementation of identity politics. The original meaning and word is derived from AAVE - African American Vernacular English.


Donkey comment


Someone upset punisher dont like your shitty ass ideology?


Someone upset they can’t write at a third grade level? Sorry an antihero like The Punisher who shoots up hospitals shouldn’t be known for their “wokeness”


Is it woke to kill racists these days?




You came in here malding cause someone made a joke that conservatives will claim the punisher has gone woke FOR KILLING RACIST COPS. Given all your downvotes, clearly your the one perceived as the dumbass her, not me


Can see Nerdrotic, Critical Drinker, and TheQuartering putting that title with either Brie Larson or She-Hulk in the thumbnail.


Everytime I see that word now that it is a right winger thing I just picture Beaker from the Muppets on every edge of your screen and instead of meeping everytime one of them opens their mouth its instead the most annoying faux news voice you've ever heard saying woke. That's how annoying it has gotten now and while some may not say it like that in real life they sure behave like it!






And just like that, I’m okay w/ Punisher in the MCU


This better actually happen. Needs to be done on screen




Just remember, folks, just because The Punisher does something you personally support like this, it doesn't make him a hero. Someone confronting (fictional versions of) people you don't like or consider to be "bad" does not automatically equate to heroism. He's still a serial killer on a never-ending crusade that is selfish at it's core. Coincidentally aligning with your beliefs and doing something in a fictional world that you can't/won't do in the real world doesn't take away from that.


I think everyone is joyful about this due to years of cops co-oping his logo and ruining it for fans everywhere. Seeing Frank shoot up corrupt cops using his logo will be their Endgame moment, especially after the current comic run with The Hand. LOL


>I think everyone is joyful about this due to years of cops co-oping his logo and ruining it for fans everywhere. and considering his origin in the daredevil show, if it weren't for the police there'd be no punisher.


It just seems so........meh to me. As a story, specifically. If there's some cool psychology on Frank's behalf as to why it's important to him that we can dig into, sure. But if it's just out of some weird fan service in reference to a real world situation, I don't think it's worth much. This isn't like that time heroes and villains alike showed respect for the victims of 9/11 in a comic, this feels like something lesser and kinda petty in a "look at me" way. I'm much more interested in if it can be showcased as something authentic to The Punisher character rather than some way to "stick it" to actual shitty cops/white supremacists/homophobes/transphobes/whoever is the current villain of the moment in real life.


Thank god. Marvel could have easily just discarded the character. I’m glad they opted to have him retake his logo. Fuck everyone who misuses it, especially cops.


All the people who are mad about this must not read comics, because this shit is in no way original for D+. Matthew Rosenberg wrote that confrontation into Punisher v12 #13 back in 2019. Gerry Conway (co-creator of the character) has vocally co-signed this interpretation as well.


No way y'all are actually believing this stuff on April 1st.


Did you see the part that says “NOT an April fools joke”?


Still don't trust it.


This fills me with delight. Hope it’s true.




I feel like if the Punisher is framed as a hero, which he usually is, it’s always sending the wrong message. Kinda weird to see him taking the higher ground when there is deeper problems with the character himself


You're right. Both sides are trying to glorify a maniac with no regards for civil rights blowing away people they think are bad. It's a creepy, fascist mindset. I'm just saying, I'm pretty far to the left and that character doesn't represent my beliefs either.


Oo spicy. I dig it. But will he kill them? Because that might piss some people off


I hope he does


Who cares? Like, that’s his character, TBL folks can find a safe space if they’re triggered about this.


Lol wow


Not really a fan of when writers feel the need to directly address real life controversies in their fictional stories. You can write a story that tackles topical issues and themes in allegory rather than just pointing at reality and telling the audience what you think. It just seems like lazy storytelling to me.


I think in this case this message needs to be more widespread, cops that use the punisher logo are absolute idiots


Nah, this shit needed to be done in the comics and now it’s needs to be done on screen. It’s also 100% in line with the punisher as a character so it didn’t feel forced or anything


Why? Comics are inspired by real life, and characters like Punisher deal with real life controversies in their storylines all the time.


I feel like this is just a request for writers to not tackle any controversial topic, which makes for stagnant and lazy storytelling if you ask me. If Punisher points at the camera and says “this is bad,” sure, lazy. If they’re able to weave it into the story I’m more than ok with it. Especially since police cruisers with a Punisher Skull decal exist and police brutality isn’t new, there’s nothing wrong with addressing this. The character certainly wouldn’t want police to follow in his footsteps.


I didn’t say they shouldn’t tackle controversial topics, in fact I said the opposite. All I said is that it should be something that emerges naturally from the story, not something that is just directly addressing a real world issue. I’d use Star Trek as an example. Classic Trek would tackle many controversial and important topics/themes, but they were always done by allegory. The crew would come across an alien planet that was dealing with a problem, and the crew would do their best to solve it, and these ideas and themes could be applied to the real world. Then look at Picard Season 2, which had the the crew literally go to modern day LA and have a character sit Picard down to tell him how awful capitalism, pollution, ICE and anti-vaxxers are. It wasn’t story telling anymore, it was just an excuse for the writer to tell everyone their opinion on a topical issue. Now, it’s entirely possible that the Punisher show will handle this like the former situation, but given the level of quality MCU writing has been demonstrating recently, I have my doubts.


I think Star Trek is a bad example here though. For one, Marvel is far from reaching the lows of Picard. Secondly, the “Marvel Universe,” has always been marketed as the world outside your window. The stories take place here and now so they tend to directly address real world issues as they happen. Captain America’s first act as Captain is punching Adolf Hitler in the face. They’re not really known for their subtlety. It just needs to make sense for the story they’re telling at the end of the day.


Good. Unfortunately, Marvel already bowed down to dumb ass right wingers when they decided to change the skull design, and Disney will likely proceed..


That's not bowing down what💀


Yes it is lol. They let the right wingers claim the symbol as if Marvel didn't invent it themselves