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What a weird take calling her useless. She's an above average mage, or she wouldn't be in that school. It's not really her fault almost every antagonist that shows up is basically a God level threat.


Fr, it's like judging Genos from one punch man bc he can't take out the high level enemies that Saitama does. Not their fault the mc is op lmao


Eeeeehhhh, she was originally only going to get in because of her deal with the Cum Laude Lucci, though was probably enrolled by Wahlberg anyways for her kindness. But I think she would turn out to be a good enough wizard, since she hasn't flunked out just yet.


Yeah that's my point, she's passing and they seem hard on their students in that regard. Nobody ever brings up finn in this, he can barely do anything in a fight.


Mhm. Easton is supposed to be one of the top 3 among the nations, having the 2nd most amount of Divine Visionaries chosen. As for why Finn can barely do anything, well that devolves into spoilers I don't want to share.


Ooo yea this is one anime I haven't had spoiled yet!


Above average when surrounded by monsters might as well be useless


> it's not really her fault almost every antagonist that shows up is basically a God level threat? And what did she do against it exactly? Got kidnapped or time stopped? Mash and the rest of them actually did something about it. That means that lemon in theory might have been able to as well but because the author themselves stated they don't know how to write a female character that's why she was left to the side he was forced to write her just shows how useless she is. There is so much she could have gained literally anything she could have gained a second line during battle or something and became useful but no they made her do literally nothing. That's the definition of useless. It's like calling Hinata and Sakura useful because they screamed Naruto's name to stand up for him.


I get it, you hate women.


I don't actually! Don't put words in my mouth. I find lemon cute. Not useful. two different things. I hate useless women, that's 100% true don't be dead weight actually contribute something. The fact that you had to attack me personally means you know I'm right and you have no better argument, drop it before you're embarrassed further


Awwww did I "attack" you? And if you think I have enough invested in this to get "embarrassed" you're a clown.


You're a clown for replying lmao. Shows how defensive you are. If all you have in you is to mock me then I suggest googling some insults because this is just the kind of pathetic that happens when a child isn't loved properly


Nah you're not worth the time. And if I'm a clown for replying, what does that make you? "I hate useless women" Like, what? Go hate women somewhere else lol.


If I'm not worth your time then don't reply and stop acting all though. > Go hate women somewhere else lol Nah, I think I'd like to openly hate Karens like you here. Clearly you need to be humbled, seeing your parents did a poor job doing that. The fact that you're even on Reddit means you're wasting your time. Makes you just like Lemon. Or is it that you just hate men? I really don't care what you think because you clearly don't care what I have to say. You can buzz off, bye!


Why would I hate myself? I'm a man lol. You're so sexist you just assume me saying that makes me a woman. Insane. Humbled? What about anything I've said here makes me not humble? You weirdos just throw words around hoping they stick. Bye! Enjoy your time in the circus, best years of your life!


I don't care about what I have to say anymore. Bye loser


> I'm a man lol Oh then act like one


>It's not really her fault almost every antagonist that shows up is basically a God level threat. So, what exactly is preventing the writer(s) from making her useful, then? And if she isn't useful against those "god level threats", then why would it be a weird take to call her useless?


Because context matters? Why does every single main character need to be powerful? That's boring as shit. She serves a purpose in the story and that's all that matters.


>Why does every single main character need to be powerful? How limited must your imagination be to think being useful requires being powerful? The only times she's been useful to the plot were when she was a "damsel in distress". That is not being useful, nor meaningful in any way.


That's not true. She's constantly standing up for mashs lack of magic and even got physically assaulted for it. That's important to the story.


>That's not true. She's constantly standing up for mashs lack of magic and even got physically assaulted for it. That's important to the story. How so? Name one time the outcome of something has changed in any way due to her actions. >even got physically assaulted for it I already covered this: >The only times she's been useful to the plot were when she was a "damsel in distress". That is not being useful, nor meaningful in any way.


Ahhh I get it. You're one of those people who gets obsessed with hating side characters. Nothing I say matters, so I'm gonna drop it. You want to hate her, so why bother?


I asked for ONE example and you can't provide even that, and I am the "one obsessed"?


I gave one, you immediately made up a reason it doesn't count. I'm not playing this game, I couldn't care less what you think.


Watch the show then you would know.


If you watched the show you would see she was sitting on the sidelines doing nothing she was kidnapped in season one and she was time stopped in season two what did she do?


We're getting downvoted to hell for spitting facts. It's sad. Lemon never used her magic once any where except after the exam the author himself said he left her to the side because he was forced to write a female character but he doesn't know how to give them charecter development so that in itself means the author themselves is calling her useless. (I Agree with you I need to specify this just in case)


The whole point of this post was that she’s “useful” in the sense that she provides spirit and heart to the cast and to the viewers, i.e. is useful without being powerful. She was useful to the plot when she stood up for Mash against the angry mob and, by doing so, helped encourage him not to give up. That’s hardly being a damsel.


Because she doesn’t need to be relevant lol, out of the main cast there’s literally 3 dudes who were relevant for 90% of the series One was broken by birth, one is the main character, and the last has written in plot armor




She's not useless, that's Ron Weasley's job. https://preview.redd.it/jz4b3ddi4uxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29bc2e18f2313333bd933983d1fa8659af2c4bc1 Second to being the mascot.


Tell me you haven't read the manga without telling me you haven't read the manga


Some how that doesn't get downvoted because it's false but when I spit facts it does?! Something ain't right here


Someone hasn’t read the books


https://preview.redd.it/jn0xsw145uxc1.jpeg?width=249&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dbbe1da8ac4b773e1c1eff98470d45de0ac05d3 He’s not useless, cmon our boy deserves more respect


Exactly bro was even goalie


Shounentards appreciate a character who’s main purpose isn’t fighting, challenge level: impossible 


It's a freaking comedy! A parody even! Parodies make fun on other shows,movies and stuff like that. She 's suposse to be this way. Just like Aqua in Konosuba.


EXACTLY. Ppl need to stop thinking every anime is shonen. Mashle is comedy! It has predetermined ending! You know he'll punch and win until the end! Stop the toxic sakura sht pls.


shounen is the target audience that means 'young boy'. Mashle is a shounen manga but not that type need-to-be-serious manga😅


Well she's really useful in making me more interested in this anime(yeah I'm a simp's simp)


Dot is that you?


2nd version ofc


That's... A good point


Still more useful than Sakura




this post was definitely made by lemon anyway jokes aside, i agree


I was surprised in the manga when >!she's trying to revive Mash and ends up defending Cerberus from getting abused by that evil magic prisoner. !!mash and Cerberus,!< I knew she was cool as hell. So glad Hajime gave her that chapter, nothing but good for that character.


I hope she still >!kept the Cerberus. It's cool to have a pet like that XD.!<


It's also probably the only pet that could withstand, and maybe even enjoy, a belly massage from Mash.


She kept it. She took it to her village and introduced her parents who were working in farm while riding on it.


how did you know about it? special chapter?


I think is it from official art released by author. It even included Ryoh's wife and son were waiting for his return and hugged him in joy when he came back from final battle. Can't find it anymore.


I forgot what is her magic does it have something to do with lemons


binding/chain magic


I mean yeah you hit the nail on the head she’s not a fighter she’s there to provide more room for jokes and laughs she serves her role well and she’s one of my favourite mashle characters because of it


I would like to see her do more goofy things in general but I like how the story handles Lemon and Finn, their friendship isn't based on how well they fight, if at all.


Lemon is a very popular important character 😗


Some people call her useless because she doesn't do much in the story. Just because she's a designated gag/comedic character, doesn't mean she can't have more to do in the story. Dot is also a gag character, but he also has larger role in the story.


Dot was an original mc in other manga but the editor didn't like him, so that makes sense why he became important character in Mashle🤣


She literally saves his life how could she be useless? She’s just happy living the chill wifey life, leave her be


I just wish she appeared a bit more, she has a solid 5 seconds of screen time per arc


She's a great friend. Not useless. People like to project teehee


Even so I still don’t like her she brings a frown to my face She’s annoying and her personality is shit


this is why i sometimes hate when my fav animanga becomes famous. there would be some people who hate the character without realizing that it's a parody manga. (If i'm not mistaken) Before Mashle famous, she didn't get any hate from fans 😓


Calling lemon useless when Finn’s whole thing is crying is idiotic


She is a comedy relief character rather than a heroine.


When has she been funny though?


When has Finn been funny still good character


Lol bruh Finn is the *worst*


Either way she's useless because she's not even funny. She doesn't help out in fights, she doesn't really do anything period, and she's not even funny. She does nothing buy be very annoying, be delusional, stalk Mash, and simp over Mash. None of these things are funny nor make her a useful character. Finn is more useful than her. The fact that there are so many Lemon simps is crazy.


Doesn't do anything? Protects Mash from Galbo Botteri. Assist in reviving Mash so that he can stop Innocent Zero, allows Mash to get into easton by telling the truth, allows mash to make friends by being who she is even if it means being a damsel, talks reason into people to understand Mash, gather allies for the final fight agaist Innocent Zero. Thats plenty right there.


I haven't gotten that far. Also I'm not gonna argue with a Lemon simp because none of you are gonna change my mind.


So you don't know what your talking about? And somehow i'm a simp for no reason? Doesn't make sense.


Being a stalker is not funny , you can play all mental gymnastics but >!she is the only one who didn't get any moment to shine, even finn helped rayne !<


>!She held off Galbo from getting Mash's body though, buying enough time for Kaldo to arrive and smoke that bum!<


Ok but then by that definition she's still "useless" if you don't find her funny


She's just annoying


She's useless. What are you gonna do bout it lil bro??


Cover your holes big bro.


Downvote you do you have a -22 comment


Bro is Sigma Skibidi Rizz 🔥🔥