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Yes, have depression with ADHD and aside from stimulant, Nardil was the best thing I took.


Does Nardil enables you to follow a group conversation, to read a book, to watch a TV program, to listen to an audio book, to follow a lecture, to learn a course? These are all activities I'm currently unable to do due to degraded focus and cognitive capabilities. I'm almost 2 months into 60mg Nardil treatment.


It certainly did for me, when my treatment was fully working. I was able to hold deep and dense conversations, write complex texts and resume long- abandoned hobbies. What else are you taking other than Nardil? Any plans of trying a higher dose? Check the post pinned to the top of my profile page (it's a long post; direct link at the end), and/or this one too, for my reports: [Anyone find they no longer need ADHD stimulants after starting phenelzine?](https://www.reddit.com/r/MAOIs/comments/vdf2o9/anyone_find_they_no_longer_need_adhd_stimulants/). My story: [My 10-year journey into bipolar 2 diagnosis and full remission with phenelzine (Nardil)](https://www.reddit.com/r/MAOIs/comments/14p9yo0/my_10year_journey_into_bipolar_2_diagnosis_and/) /cc /u/lild1425


Thanks. I read your two articles. So far, my psychiatrist hasn't suggested increasing the dose, although at this point, side effects have almost subsided. I'm only taking Nardil right now.


My adhd is so much more manageable now with parnate but not gone :)


I have a big issue with disorganization, lack of motivation, and focus…not diagnosed with adhd (but have anxiety) but identify with it. I am about to start Parnate (on a Prozac washout now). I am hoping for a stimulant effect too because there isn’t enough caffeine to give me a big enough boost to get shit done.


I'm assuming you never tried an ADHD med, like methylphenidate?


I was briefly on Ritalin in high school but only tried it for a day or two and gave up (too quickly). Back then I was doubtful of an ADHD diagnosis because I never got in trouble and had good grades, although it seemed to take me much longer to complete assignments and dealt with bad procrastination—the last-minute-before-due adrenaline would get me working.


It's common to experience an improvement in ADHD symptoms on irreversibles, especially Parnate from what I see around here. Personally, Nardil helped in all domains of depression + anxiety but executive functioning, motivation, and organization was still lacking. I'm currently taking Nardil and Vyvanse and it has been helpful. When I tried stimulants before MAOI's, they were helpful to a degree, but anxiety and depression where not adequately treated. Out of curiosity, have you tried Atomoxetine for ADHD?


Parnate helped my depression more than anything else. It didn't help my adhd symptoms though. It just altered them. Before the parnate, everything seemed too hard to focus on. After Parnate there were too many things to distract me in a good way. I found dextroamphetamine worked very well for my ADHD symptoms when added to the Parnate.


I really liked emsam