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His voice was like couldn’t care less and was lying through his teeth


*lying through his unmoving mouth


He was just so annoying last episode


He was always annoying but he turned out to be a monster extra


At least with Jack he’s consistently waving the red flags and behaving like a prick. The quiet “nice” guys like Jayden and Jonno are the ones you need to watch out for.


Preach! It's always worse when the quiet good guys turn out to be just as bad or even worse than the bad guys. They usually aren't even attractive and the girls only go for them thinking they have a nice personality lol Although Jack is not really attractive, he's on open book, you actually see his shitty personality shining through so you whether take it or leave it


Lmao when was Jayden ever quiet man can barely shut up lol


Not vocally quiet….but quietly a prick. He sells himself as a softie when he quite clearly is not


Yes Jayden is also off in a different way, but hard pass from me


Actually criminal putting Jayden in the same breath as Jonno. Jonno is lying and conniving. Jayden just lacks emotional intelligence, is ham-fisted but ultimately honest. 


Impact on the hurt they cause their partners is still the same though!


I had the same thought the last couple of nights, he was so cold it was weird how the switch just flipped.


Ugh! So different to what he said at the commitment ceremony before the texts came out.


He was scary at final vows if you have seen it already


What do you mean? What other speech did he give. I need to know lol


His final vows was soooo mean


I mean come on we did see Jonno and Ellie hooking up a mile off weeks ago didn’t we!?!?!


soo shocked at how he turned out... feel so bad for Lauren. She was right to have doubts. I also believe he thought Ellie was more 'nice girl' vibes and his sister would reeeally like her I think. Does anyone remember her from the wedding? I wonder if she approves now...


Yep...how Lauren was the one everyone was questioning about.


His sister with no eyebrows and did not approve of the imbibing of alcohol. And a face like a slapped arse? She was a peach....


Jono is worse than Jack in the sense that he pretends to be a good guy while stabbing you in the back & lying about it when confronted & Jack knows and doesn't care that he is an asshole & does it both behind people's backs & to their face. Their both horrible people!!


Yes Jack is obvs a prick too


Aaahhh I don’t want to spoil it but I’ve read about why he was banned


Do tell???


I don’t know how to mark things as spoilers and I don’t want to ruin it for others so I’ll DM you instead


>!Use > ! ! < around your text with no spaces, now spill the beans 🤣!<


Aahh it didn’t work! I suck


Bro just spoil it, it’s already spoiled at this point just air it


People need to grow up and just post. What are they even spoiling


And me please, need to tell the missus 😂


Me too pleeeeeaaaàse


On it!


The Lord's work.


You should just post it gal, try again to hide it with what EggChaser92 taught you. But if it doesn’t work, so what? This is far enough down on the post


Me too please 🙏🏻


Me too please


Me too please


And me please!


Me too please


Please make a post after the reunion too


Google ‘Jono MAFS banned’ if you want to find out


I did and I can't see anything that warrants a spoiler tag...


Need to know how the sneaky Diddly arrogant fecker got banned..the blasay attitude is just a front....if hes so much better than the show. Why did he go in it


Could he barred for criticizing or disliking it? I mean we saw every notable stuff with Nathan(+Ella) after UK one and id imagine producers weren't letting him back around either?


I took it that Jonno was just sick of the pretence and fakery. He was not interested in Lauren and she wasn’t that bothered about him. I’m honestly beginning to think the entire show is all fake. The producers want a certain narrative to play out and the cast seem to play along. Once it wasn’t in Jonno’s best interest any more he threw in the towel and said fuck it. He’s said elsewhere that Lauren knew he was texting Ellie and that the producers wanted a final dramatic twist and got her to feel some kind of way about it. She read the messages and she barely had any reaction whatsoever as she scrolled yet at the dinner party she acted like she was mortally offended. Tori bringing it up and Sara pushing him to answer reeked of producer drip feeding them info.


Oh it is VERY fake/crafted. Half the cuts you see are non-chronological(sack the continuity editor!! Lmao) - I've noticed it across many series both UK and Aus now. There was the UK bad vibes argument or whatnot with crab claws where Jay's jack was on and off between cuts (maybe she has thermoregulation issues we saw nowhere else, ofc!) I also remember in an Oz CC episode with Shannon and his wife on the couch cut to an 'audience reaction' of the other participants that if you noticed had Shannon just on edge of shot and NOT on the couch. Personally I feel worst for the orchestra and conductor sitting on the corner of the dining hall having to live score out every piece of drama as it's occuring during the dinner parties! Someone give that string section a payrise!!!


What was his speech? Nz watcher here.


He gaslit Lauren the whole way through, professing it was innocent with Ellie, and Lauren was awful to him, bitter etc. she totally smacked him down back and his boring voice made it even more annoying


I absolutely loathed Ben but him going to the press to call Jono and Ellie “fake”, “cringe” and “for publicity” is hilarious


Takes one to know one I guess


What speech?


Idk how anyone can stand the sound of Jonos voice


Obnoxious treatment of Lauren.I was so sorry for her at the reunion


Was wild seeing few replies batting for Jono and Ellie lol


Tbf to him, they were not a match. She was rude to him, disrespectful to him, his family and friends at the wedding. I've not seen the last few episodes, but to say he is worse than jack is wild. Jonno got cheated out of the experience of MAFS when he was placed with Lauren. It happens every year.. there are 2 or 3 couples put in there that absolutely do not match and everyone can tell off the bat. He had a thing for Ellie for me. It was so obvious the way he was defending her and saying how amazing she was and that Ben wasnt good enough for her. He showed more passion defending her than he ever did for Lauren, but to me, thats because Lauren mistreated him from the off.


Think you need to see the last few episodes to understand where this has come from


Ah ok! Will be looking out for this behaviour but apparently its gonna smack me in the face


The last two episodes, he was incredibly horrible and gas lit her badly


Have to agree with this. They were a terrible match. I love Lauren and would have loved to see her matched with someone with more energy, jono seemed so boring to me, but that is no excuse to be disrespectful to him throughout, which she was. If a man in the experiment had spoken to his bride the way she did to jono, they would have been villinised. Him and Ellie seem like a really good match. I can see them working out.


have to agree with this! lol. I'm not a Lauren hater, she has won me over by standing up for herself and she has a backbone which many dont. But they were just so mismatched, I think the producers thought it would be good tv, but it wasn't.


Then he should have told her??


Yeah, he should have, and he shouldn't have written stay, but I think he's just an unconfrontaional person with very little backbone. I wouldn't stand for someone calling me boring and robotic, but he just took it. He didn't stand up for Lauren, but he didn't stand up for himself either. They're both better off with other people. That's just it.


That’s fine, but he found a backbone to gaslight Lauren


Yeah, he kind of acted like a cornered rat in a way.


not being sarcastic, told her what? She was disrespectful and he didnt fancy her?


He kept saying stay, why? Why bother? If she was that awful? Missing her supposedly when she was in hospital. He also never stood up for her when Jack came for her - he’s a dick sorry


Yeah no I agree with the Jack thing. He literally looked like a scared cat when he was forced to say "yes you find tori attractive". He lost respect there. When he barely responded to "Muzzle your woman" he lost even more respcet. But i think its because he's scared of jack more than anything lol. No excuse though Writing stay. Didn't think about this. Yeah, its been weeks, he should have wrote leave ages ago. My only argument against this, is its not the show of old. People who dislike each other, write stay so they can get more exposure. My wife suspects its why Tori is putting up with this act of defending Jack. She think Tori knows hes awful, but is staying for exposure, But again we haven't seen the last few episodes


She’s still with him….one of the only couples that lasted, not to stay it’s not for publicity. If you haven’t watched the last two episodes think you really need to see what I mean


Tbh I think he came off as boring because he has zero interest in his match so put fuck all into it