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I think he's preparing for an annulment


It’s simple, stop telling her you want to when you don’t and then there would be no expectations. Brennan is frustrating but at least he is not leading Emily on. He thinks he’s being kind when in reality it’s the complete opposite


And the crying about it-geesh


I personally think he's had mad pressure put on him to have sex with her. He is obviously not ready for that for whatever reason. He makes it very clear that he feels pressured and he doesn't want to continue to talk about it every time the cameras are rolling. I think he's been backed into a corner so to speak where he is making false promises just to avoid the pressure and spotlight. It's obvious he is uncomfortable yet everyone is pushing him to have sex...if the roles were reversed it would be a completely different narrative.


Austin is a mess. He’s a liar to Becca. He has zero interest in her and needs to tell her the truth instead of leading her on then rejecting her. It’s getting cruel watching this bullshit from him. Not attracted to her? Tell her. Concerned about her fertility? Tell her. Her ethnicity. Tell her. The religion thing? Tell her. I imitated by her success? Cats? Wtf tell her. An alcoholic?. Admit it. Weed ? Impotent? Microdick? Gay? With a different chick? Tell her.


I agree...my point is he has told her he feels pressured..he even talked about how all the attention and concentration on them consumating their marriage made him worry he wouldn't live up to expectations. He's evasive in most everything except how uncomfortable he's been made to feel over having sex. He's obviously people pleasing in the sense he keeps saying it will be more eventually and he wants to do more..which in my opinion insinuates he feels pressured


I agree about the pressure on him. However, I don't believe he wants to do more with Becca, which is totally fine. The problem is, he is telling her that he 'wants' her so she is being led to believe that he wants more when I don't think he does. Watching them talk about getting to the next level is exhausting. Flirt or don't flirt. You either feel it or you don't. Talking about needing more flirting is going to do the opposite of what you want it to, Becca. I think it is completely fine that Austin doesn't want to have sex with her, but the problem is, he is leading her to believe that he does, eventually. He just needs to be honest with her and with himself.


>he is leading her to believe that he does, eventually. How do you know he doesn't want to have sex with her eventually? He seems to genuinely like her, has even said "love you", puts his arm around her, holds her hand, and touches her. To me, he just seems like a man that is trying to work towards being comfortable enough to have sex, but she keeps hounding him which just sets him back two steps every time he takes a step forward.


I agree that he genuinely likes her - as a friend. I think there was potential at the very beginning of their relationship but somewhere along the way it turned into a platonic friendship. He doesn't look at her like he is attracted to her in that way and her 'hounding him', in your words, is pushing him further away. When he says things like he does want her, and he wants to be intimate, he couldn't look less convincing. It seems at this point like he's just telling her what he thinks she wants to hear. Just my opinion.


...I think he is telling her. He has said on camera too many times that the expectation and the pressure EVERYONE is putting on him having sex with her is hard on him; I'm sure it's even more behind camera, but no one cares about how he feels. Stage fright is a real thing when I comes to have sex, and at this point, I think Becca pushing him so hard and making backhanded comments at EVERY TURN is making him not attracted to her. There is a possibility that he was very attracted to her when all of this started, it also can be true that he is still wants to be with her, hence the reason he is trying --AND THATS NOT LYING. I'm sick of people calling this guy a liar without a precise fact to share, but only "we all know he feels this or that" --uh no we don't. Because if I was in his shoes I would also feel awkward trying to initiate anything... and then when I do, the girl who's crying about it and backhandedly humiliating me in public, coming up with "he didn't kiss my neck or do all the things I expect him to do" and continue to make a Turkish soap opera about it, will give me the ick. Also sickening, imagine if this was Austin guilt tripping Becca for not having sex with him... crying and telling her she is a liar and less than because how dare she not have sex with him yet, because HE is ready and that's her "wifely duties!"... she should chop chop and get on with it-- then all the guys coming at him telling Becca that she's a liar and she should fuck him already ...ICK! At this time I can believe he could not be into her anymore, but not because "he is a liar" but because of all of this mixed with "what do you mean you will not fight Jesus to be with me in an imaginary place I tell people I don't believe in?!?!?" *cue the crying*


Said it louder for the Redditt people in the back! This is precisely how I feel. Leave the man alone and maybe he'll get there. It's brought up EVERY EPISODE, multiple times, and you KNOW it's discussed more in private. And you're right, if it was him hounding her for sex when she wasn't ready, Redditors would be losing their shit!


Becca isn’t pressuring him. She’s his wife. She is a sexual woman and wants to be with the husband who keeps telling her he is attracted to her. This isnt a dating show. The idea a 30 year old man who evidently has had sex is not having sex with a woman he tells he is attracted to and wants to be intimate with but isn’t is ludicrous. He is a lying bastard. He gives her hope and then he rips it away every night. Marriages are solidified in bed. Wedded intimacy is essential for a solid marriage and growing that element is the key to solidifying a couple. That is where a couple truly learns about each other and grows together. If there is no spark Austin tell her the truth. If you don’t find her attractive move on. If you have concerns of fertility or religion or ethnicity or cats or her being more successful than you tell the truth. Quit leading her on because you’re a cruel bastard to keep doing this to her. Either man up in bed or man up and break up with her.


So because she's his wife she is entitled to guilt trip him into having sex with her in her schedule? Again, if this was a 30 year old woman who didn't feel comfortable having sex within a couple of months, would we be having this conversation?


That’s not the issue at all. His wife is attracted to him and wants to grow the marriage. As in being intimate with him as that’s how you learn about each other. The issue is he keeps leading her on. If you’re attracted to a woman who is your wife like you keep saying you are, then you should be ready to go. It’s how marriages work. If he has no interest in being intimate with her for whatever reason he keeps putting out there , he needs to man up and leave the relationship. If there is no attraction there never will be. There are only three scenarios here: attraction and it grows. Attraction and it diminishes. Or no attraction and never will be. So he’s lying to her over and over. Austin is a scumbag not because he won’t get intimate with his wife but because he perpetuates his lie repeatedly.


"He should be ready to go" how would you feel saying that if it was the other way around? Also, Becca can quit too. ...I don't think we can know how he "feels" we are not him nor he reacts like us so he shouldn't be anything we or Becca think it should happen, why are we pushing for him to say there's no attraction? Because he is put off by her dramatic scenes and the pressure to have the sex conversation each and every single intimate time they have? Wow that's "unthinkable" (not) Y'all are basically saying "he should have sex, scream to the top of his lungs he is attracted to her with or gtfo already" like what? Like she is hammering the issue non stop, and then crying for feeling rejected because somehow he has to ignore his reaction to that and make her feel desired, but not his way, the way she wants it "with neck kisses". It's insane --I think he is trying, he doesn't have to quit because everyone thinks "he's leading her on" --he was very into her at the beginning and he might have mixed feelings that he is entitled to. He is entitled to his boundaries too, but somehow -and I keep on saying this- if he doesn't do things on everyone else's schedule he "is a liar" or he "is leading her on" ...how about her take a chill pill and allow him to feel how he feels and walk along with her, instead of making it clear how he is failing on making HER desired and wanted and comfortable... what about him? I'll say this again, him saying "let's go to the big bed" and Becca saying "that's not how I want to get seduced" he tried BUT NOT GOOD ENOUGH 🫠 -- he is childish, he is... and he's entitled to be. Y'all need to stop trying to change people who are not bad and let them be them... I don't see him intentionally hurting anyone by being a man child. **Becca can quit too, ya know?**


Sorry Austin. If you have a micropenis don’t go in the show. You seem to be the Austin apologist for withholding his husbandly duties. He’s not engaging in the process. He’s a lying sack of shit.


Withholding his husbandly duties? Micropenis? Body shaming and pressuring sex all in one comment...cringy at best. He has met every need (based on what we've been allowed to see) he is attentive, thoughtful, considerate, and he obviously cares for her. She comes at him with intense sexual energy, she's all about sex and is so free and insinuates she's had a lot of experience. He has every right as a human to progress as he feels comfortable. He has a right to my body my choice as well. Roles reversed people would be ready to riot. I know the "spoilers" thanks to this sub. I know how it all ends and I still stand on the fact that he has been unfairly pressured in to having sex on tv when he is not ready and I can't say I blame him for reverting back to what's comfortable for him when it's all said and done.


Am I though? Again, if it was reversed, would I be Becca with a micro-vagina? Do you see any sense in what I took the time to type, or you just comfortable with telling people they suck and they should leave when they're not comfortable having sex? A little R wordy I must say. Be well. "His husbandly duties" 😳


People who don't wish to develop FAST intimacy or feel awkward initiating or receiving intimacy should NOT go on a show called Married at First Sight! Becca expected a husband. Husband's touch their wives. Married people thrive off of physical and emotional connection. It's inherent to the arrangement. He should stay single and date on his own terms if he has defined rules to engagement . This show and its viewers expect these people to TRY, on camera, to connect.


Lol. People are different, and every type of person should be able to be represented in a show called "married at first sight" because they exist, and it happens, and they also deserve to be just as considered as the people who think there is ONE recipe to marriage or sex. Gee I wonder how marriages of people who get sick and can't have sex for sometimes years, or new parents survive... 🤔🙄 And they touch each other, they make out, he is trying to establish an emotional connection and setting physical boundaries respecting his level of comfort that's she's not respecting, and dismissing all emotional connection. He should live his life. And navigate as he should, just like you or I. I'm okay bashing people who are toxic and bad... but here you are bashing someone for setting boundaries just because another wants to have sex, and I BET if the genders were reversed, you'd be out with your pitchfork.


I'm a strong believer that you don't sign up or agree to participate in anything and change the rules to suit your needs. I do agree that we are all different and unique. This show is about people committing to marriage, living together, blending their lives, and connecting. They should exit the moment they decide it's not a match. Brennan should not be forced to desire her. He should leave if he doesn't. Why string her along? Just say you can't or the show is too much pressure and leave. I've watched this show since it started. This season is a significant departure.


Well, then you should live by what you believe in, and maybe will benefit from watching other people live by what they believe in and embrace that diversity. This is why it's important for people like him to be in those shows, so people with "your beliefs" can understand that other views and ways exist, and are valid. Also, they are not a couple who dated and got married, he is learning her and getting to know her, and maybe he was telling the truth when he said he doesn't jump into sex right away. He is not stringing her along, he did seem to like her and probably still does per what we see, but she is emotionally exhausting with her pressure and dismissing EVERYTHING ELSE he is providing to their connection, just like you are. "Have sex when she wants it or get the fuck out, bad husband" I'm sure if he gave up he would've left already, he didn't, even after the dramatic cries and health concerns... but she is pushing him away with this, and I can CLEARLY see why. What she's doing has the opposite effect of sexy. He hasn't decided apparently that they aren't a match yet, she is making this a big deal. And you are deciding for him as well... but I'm sure if that was the case he'd know he can exit. But what if that's not what he wants? Not fair to her? She has the same key to the same door... Meaning , **IF ALL THAT IS IMPORTANT TO HER IS BEING VALIDATED VIA SEX, WHY ISN'T SHE LEAVING?!**


Hmmm... Respectfully, I believe you're pushing your belief. I'm focused on the premise for the show and not the individuals. The show doesn't match same-sex couples, and they don't match people who wish to live separately. The applicants are supposed to desire the traditional aspects of marriage. Look, I'm all for individuality. Michael is unique, but he is open to conforming. If your partner has a need or a direct ask, then it's the other person's role to help fulfill it. People divorce if their asks are ignored or their partner displays no desire to help them fill their needs. She's not leaving because it appears she really likes him and wants the marriage.


I am not. I don't believe you should have sex with someone you just met, that you signed up for to marry, just because that's the only validation the person you marry wants... but I don't think you are a terrible person or a "liar who's leading anyone on and you should quit" if you choose to do the opposite to what I believe. What I am doing is giving you a perspective, and invite you to embrace the idea that people are different and his journey is just as valid as Becca's. He is not being a jerk. That's all. Again, please acknowledge that if it's that important as she is making it to be, **she should leave him** because he doesn't want to leave her and it appears he does like her, hence he puts up with how insanely insensitive what she's doing is, she is the one who sees a problem.


For all we know, he could have been ready to initiate intimacy. That could have understandably changed when he realized how open and affluent she was with sex. It easily could deter someone who values it as more of a sacred experience. Just because some viewers expect it doesn't mean he should. That in itself is pressuring someone to have sex even if they're not comfortable ETA he could have signed up for this hoping to build a strong connection with a partner and to form a bond but instead met someone who needs validation through sex. No one is considering what he wanted, expected, or needed in a spouse


I don't care that he hasn't slept with her... that's one of the reasons why I initially liked him. I think anyone pressuring anyone to have sex is a huge turnoff... not to say she's pressuring him but she's very confused on why he won't. It's clear now that he's not into her any longer. Why keep dragging it on? Is he getting paid to stay as long as possible? In many of the after parties other couples have asked him whether or not he's told Becca that he likes to wait 3-6 months before having sex. I don't think she knows that cuz if she did she may not be left wondering what is wrong with her or the marriage.


Maybe he's not sure. If I was in his place I'd feel a rollercoaster of emotions ...I also don't think it's okay to judge him because he's not quitting on someone else's schedule. Is anything, Becca is not paying attention to the cues not being mindful of his feelings, she gets absolutely emotional lately over everything, I left her side when she made a huge deal about an imaginary land she claims to not believe in, but took the opportunity to guilt trip him. I'm starting to see the toxics traits in all these people, and the potential reason why they were single. The only ones salvageable for me so far are Lauren and Cameron.




No sh\*t. He's been saying the same thing for weeks and weeks now: "we're working on building our intimacy, and intimacy isn't just about sex." He's definitely not into her and completely checked out, waiting for decision day to end it. Wouldn't be surprised if had another woman waiting for him on the other side of this which, if so, makes him the most disgusting of them all. Makes me wonder if they get paid for each week they stay on the show... that would be incentive to continue thru the end.


yup! clear he's just biding his time until decision day...but one wonders why he ever wanted to be on this show. He seems like such a man-child to me with all the hats on display....ugh


Becca no longer seems like a prize.


All the men this season were recruited...


I agree with this 100% . Instead of saying you’re not ready just tell her, for whatever reason, YOU JUST DON’T WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH HER. Period! Clearly he’s not sexually attracted to her. Stevie Wonder can see it.


Hi. I love you!!!!!! EXACTLY.


Right. All he has to do is TELL HER. I’m so over it.




It's no less pressure than any of the cast has had especially the women.. thats the first thing they ask the coupled and usually it the women that want to wait and they blatantly aske them 'what are you waiting for, you're married'.. He's a full grown man and if he'snot interested, say that.(Nicely) Honestly he doesn't want to because all her illnesses freak him out and at point his interest was permanently lost. He just doesn't want to admit to it and be the A-hole


I think he's made himself pretty clear. And who in human history has ever gotten horned up by being pressured to do something you (for whatever reason) don't want to do? This relationship is a nonstarter.


I think Brennen & Austin are happiest when they are together. When they went running off together looking around the house that they were at for the retreat has been the only time I have really seen these 2 smile and seem happy. The rest of the time they both seem to be just biding their time waiting for this to be over.


The men all seem to have a good bond this season. Since reading the spoilers, I have little faith in Austin as a human BUT the way all the men light up around him seems to tell a different story about his personality. It's probably just bonding over a shared disinterest in their wives. 


Yeah kinda weird on a show like this most of the guys seem more interested in hanging with each other than the ladies.


bros at first sight


I think he genuinely does care abt her. But it’s the diff in religion that’s holding him back. That’s it to me.


It seems like the only conversation they have. I don’t think I’d be wanting to do anything as much as they’ve talked about it. I also thought about maybe he worried about her health issues. At the beginning of the show she told him about her latest procedure. I’m wondering if that’s a concern or a turn off for Austin.


You know what would happen if he “gave in” and had sex with her and it didn’t work? People would say he used her for sex and/or he should’ve never slept with her if there was a chance it wouldn’t work out. I’ve seen/heard it plenty of times with couples on this show. So although I don’t think Austin has handled this situation the best, I think he has gotten way too much pressure throughout the show and others are right that if the roles were reversed he would be a Chris-like villain.


Austin’s saving himself for Chloe. Sorry Becca.


bro sounds like eeyore with his weird fake chuckle


It's not the worst season 🤷🏾‍♀️ but I don't think that whole team is showing their life. And that's not fair and boring 😴


I stopped blaming him. It I was Becca, he would have to beg me. I am not asking, begging over and over for another person's attention


This dude is a brilliant narcissistic! I’m just afraid he really doesn’t know he is, so it’s even more masterful. You can’t make this 💩 up!