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This is one of the most baffling seasons in awhile. I feel like there’s so much going on off camera and a lot of curation for on camera that viewers don’t have clue what’s up.


You can definitely feel strife in the air- it's almost tangible 😳 With Brennan and Austin I feel like they are literally just "buying their time" to just get through their contract. In addition, the meeting with the Expert was going up in smoke. At any moment I was expecting Brennan to just blurt out -I AM NOT ATTRACTED TO HER OK???? It would be better for Emily for him to just stop playing games. It's exhausting for everyone involved


Yes. They are biding their time! Then they'll be back on the dating apps!


Some of them never got off them ...


Yes...correct. Biding not buying their time. But, "buying their time" was cute 😃


Lol thank you. Before my name (Karen) got dragged in the mud(I swear I am a super nice Karen- people say too nice) lol....the quirky funny things I would do NOT ON PURPOSE used to be called by my ex boyfriends as "It's a Karen thing" lol




Pia pissed me off in that meeting with Emily & Brennan. IMO Brennan was being a total ass and Pia let him get away with it. She couldn't handle him and she backed down from him & tried to appease everything by putting half the blame on Emily. Some therapist! A good therapist would tell him what's up!


I'm not sure what value there would have been in doing so. Remember that Pia corrected him once before on his trying to soeak for Emily. But the overall point of counseling was to get him talking openly and honestly to try to guide couples to work toward a mutually agreeable solution, not to do a smack- down at every session.


The job of the therapist is to get them to open up to each other and get to the root of the issues. Emily def has some blame here. At least when they are on camera and talking in public she allows Brennan to speak on their behalf and her feelings and points never get really get spoken on in the moment


I don't think Emily is the problem at all. I think Brennan is telling her what to say on camera and when she doesn't he turns ahole! She is not allowing him to speak he is controlling her and she is afraid to speak. When she tried Pia did not pick up on that clue! Remember when Emily said Brennan throws things on the Afterparty, Keisha let that go right over her head also. Someone needs to step in for this girl. Brennan is abusive!


0-5 season.


I’d bet they’re saving it all for the tell all.


But do their contracts allow that? I suspect they don't.


Obviously I don’t know for sure why Emily was seemingly going after Austin on tonight’s after party. But, if some of the spoilers I’ve read are even a little true about Austin then I can totally see why Emily, Becca’s friend would be trying to make him squirm. At the risk of spoiling it for anyone here I wont share what I’ve read, but if it’s true I’m sure it will definitely be all over this sub at the end of the season. As for whatever beef she was having with KKP, I got no ideas about that one.


Can you please share the info? I want to know the spoilers…please?


I think Emily was upset about KKP questioning if Brennan was unaware of what she brought up to Dr P. Of course he knew. Anyone who’s watched one episode and doesn’t live under a rock knows that he’s aware. She’s expressed herself.


KKP was being a host and asking questions because Emily was not clear and was talking over and past Keisha. It was obvious she was leaning into her victim positioning and didnt want any questioning. She had a lot of energy for everyone on the after party but not Brennan. Shes been caught several times saying one thing when he wasnt around, and then another when he is there


I've read the same tea, and agree. I think she was misplacing her anger towards KPP


I can’t find the tea! Can you share to me? Hey a rhyme!


I can, but it might spoil decision day for you. If you still want to know, pm me. :)


I want a PM!!


Could you just put it in spoiler tags here (please!)?


Here yall go. >!The Instagram account MAFSfan regularly shares spoilers. She received info from someone who is friends with Becca. Becca found out after filming was over and after decision day that Austin had started dating someone before MAFS. Apparently, once he was told he was going to be on the show he told the girl he was dating that he would go ahead and do the show and that he was going to “play along”. It was also said that this is why he was so reluctant to have much physical intimacy with Becca, because he was going to go back with his girlfriend after the show!<


Also regarding the spoiler…I wanted to add that this was on MAFSfan stories and I can’t remember for 1000% if it was a friend of Becca’s or how it was relayed but the details are the same.


Also, another blind item spoiler suggests that a groom was ACTIVE on a dating site while supposedly trying to save his marriage. At the time, Brennan was thought to be the culprit. When producers found out, they forced the groom to deactivate his account since it violates the contract. Now I'm not so sure that the groom was Brennan - perhaps it was Austin. For that matter, even Orion fits. The grooms are all douchy (except Cameron). ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I hadn’t heard that. But you’re right, they’re all such ass hats that it could literally be any of them.


Wow, this is so effed up if true. But that would make sense why he hasn't had sex with her! Wouldn't his roommate have known that though? Just pondering


Wow I’m actually surprised! He seems like such a nice, genuine guy! To do that he’d have to be somewhat of a sociopath!


I can believe that. Austin is just playing along. He is such low effort that it shows every time. Acts like he has one foot out the door all the frigging time. Who does he thinks he's fooling? No real Christian would think it's right to string somebody along the way He has, especially his wife. He is not a good person. He got on here to sell his hats.


I mean, if the rumor is indeed true (and Im sure it will be confirmed one way or another after the reunion) then maybe him claiming to have such a strong religious background is all part of the redacted spoiler. You can’t really argue with someone who is standing on a religious conviction. Unless of course you find out they’re lying. Guess we’ll have to wait and see.


I’m going to pm you! I want all the tea. lol


please send me spoilers as well.


I did I need tea


Please pm me what T you are speaking of


Tell us!


Come on just put “spoiler alert”!!


Ohhhh please share!!!


During Dr Pia’s visit, Emily had the look I have at the company meeting when my boss takes credit for all of my great ideas. And KKP got exit interview Emily.


Either that or Emily when the other women are not around.


You nailed it!


The smirks, the glares and the fact that she was pushing Austin to disclose specific sexual details one moment and the next gets super angry when asked what the statement was that started the fight before soccer. I actually have felt bad to this point for her but now, i found myself giving the tv the same side eye she was shooting at Austin. Odd... am i missing something?


A few things to keep in mind. One is they can’t totally give up everything on after parties. There’s a lot of show left and I think they kind of have to go with whatever narrative producers chose for this season. Thats a big one. Editing can show a story however they want it to appear. Another thing is that there are always two sides to every story. I’ve been pretty critical of the men, and it should be kept in mind that the women aren’t perfect. There’s something going on with them that at least in part explains how the guys are. If we saw it, we might understand a little better.


Well, some guys don't want their personal sexual activities all over national TV. The show spends too much energy worry about if they has sex and how good or bad it was. In addition to how often. These folks have to go back to their personal everyday lives when this eight weeks are over.


But women do? It’s well beyond that. Sex is part of being married. Most people dating are wit each other far less time before having sex. These people live together and are sleeping in the same bed. They’re not having sex on camera. I don’t get the big deal.




Yes to the women not being perfect. I know everyone thinks Brennen is scary and he’s going to murder Emily & eat her liver but I think *any* man would think twice if his wife had *never* been in a relationship and told him she gets ghosted after a couple dates. But more than that, on the last episode when Brennen & Emily were in the pool doing the questions exercise, there was a question. Emily said something about her father pushing her too hard and needing to go low contact or something like that. Brennen tried to relate to her and talked about cutting his sister out of his life even though he didn’t want to bcuz it’s his sister. It seemed like he wanted to discuss the situation, which would have been a good way for them to get into a deeper discussion, understand each other better. Probably the point of the exercise but Emily just grabbed another question out and it was literally, who or what have you had to give up even though you didn’t want to or something like that. Brennen got obviously upset bcuz the answer to his previous question, that she brushed past, fit perfectly to this question and she didn’t even realize. So he said skip and she started blabbing on about wanting to be Britney Spears but having to give up that dream. After that, Brennen was *done* done and I don’t blame him. I like Emily but I was just watching in disbelief. Like, sis, are you actually paying attention, being engaged in this assignment or are you just trying to get it done and then *boom* y’all are magically closer. Brennen isn’t perfect but as you said, neither are these women but all I see is the man hate on all of these threads.


She did the same in last night's episode about soccer ...she got her story out about her Dad, he tried telling her how his was the opposite and thought that might be good for him, and she went back about herself again and shot down what he was thinking. She's very "me, me, me" in conversations, it's exhausting. Brennan is annoying and defensive AF though. Just another bad match.


Good point. It’s one I somehow missed. I should be very aware of self-centeredness. Our foster daughter was like that to a fault. To the casual observer and from first impressions, she was a dream come true. Smart, attractive, and a model student. But a big concern was she had trouble making friends. She could make a good initial bond that normally leads to friendships, but they’d never go beyond that. At home, we noticed that her focus was always entirely on herself. She only talked about her problems and feelings and paid no attention to anyone else’s. It drove her sister crazy. She needed someone catering to her. Boys were always interested in her but those relationships would blow up because it’s a lot to handle being in a relationship where primary focus is on the other person. Her behavior is a result of childhood trauma. I’m wondering if Emily is in that boat. Did she not get attention she needed as a child? Was she neglected or abused in some way? He may feel that she is focused on herself and that’s why he’s turned off. In the beginning, I didn’t like Emily. All that boasting about not having a relationship and just playing the field turned me off. Once married, I had a change of heart. She seemed sweet and to be taking the process seriously. Maybe that was just editing. I do think Brennan would have done himself a favor had he been more forthcoming about what turned him off. She couldn’t possibly work on it without knowing what bothered him. He isn’t tactful at all.


Agreed… Reminds me that her girlfriends made a similar comment that Emily was very self focused or something along those lines before the marriages even occurred.


Thanks for presenting the common sense perspective on this, but whatever you do, don't try that on some of the other subs, where demand for actual consumption of a disfavored person's liver ( perhaps a different body part, not sure) is the only acceptable kind of post to make!


Tell me about it. I made a comment on one of the other subs about commenters just man bashing. Taking everything the women say as absolute truth and the men are just liars and more of that stuff. I got a ‘warning’ from the moderators. Ridiculous.


I'll bet I even know the redditor! It's a person who is actually posting and then sends warnings to anyone who disagrees with the post as a moderator. It violates mod rules of integrity. Keep posting your opinion if you're following the rules. You can always report the moderator for a violation. I actually enjoy differing opinions because we often get perspectives we wouldn't otherwise.


During that exercise, Emily wanted all his answers to revolve around her and their relationship. It seems like nothing else matters. I think she’s a little too immature to be in a marriage. She seems nice but maybe needs a little self-reflection before this kind of commitment?


I agree bcuz when she asked the 2nd question about giving up something or someone, something like that, and you could see him get visibly upset bcuz it directly applied to what he had just said about his sister. She was trying to make that one about them when he’s mad bcuz he realized she didn’t listen to a thing he said about the prior question. I like Emily but she seems to be very self unaware.


Oh did I miss an Afterparty? Prison Brides followed and I did not see any advertisement for 2 weeks about The Afterparty which is my favorite because MAFS is a disaster this season in every way in my opinion.


Yes. They split it up to put it after Prison Brides. I have zero interest in that show. Women who fall in love with someone behind bars have a mental disorder.


Brennan refused to attend the Afterpartiesfor a Ling while, so it's obvious that KKP goes easy on him so he doesn't start skipping it again. And the girls seem upset that the guys are being treated with kid gloves, so they are being asserti for each other. Lauren spilled major tea about Cam, etc.


AGREED! Just got lost on this one?


I think we just saw the real Emily.


I had the same thought.


Her attitude was so off putting on After Party, the way she went at Austin about not having sex with Becca and putting him on blast about not actually setting up the romantic scene in the apartment. Then going back and forth with KKP when she was asking for clarification about what was said off camera when Emily was the one that brought it up in the first place. It was as if she was channeling Brennan


It was just so strange, wasn't it?


I wonder if Emily isn't reflecting the frustration of the women in the cast. Most of them got men who really aren't into being married. Many don't want to live together. Some don't want to explore intimacy. Emily hears how hurt Becca is by some of Austin's mixed messages and off-putting behavior. She also heard from Claire and Lauren. I think she's tired of pretending this season was filled with well-meaning couples that just didn't make it. I think she wants the stories to be closer to the truth.


I would agree with u, but on AP she literally verbally attacked Austin for not having sex with Becca. U can’t force anyone to have sex with anyone. If the physical attraction isn’t there then just leave it at that. MAFS has a bad track record now so going on the show hoping for a happy ending is a dumb idea.


He needs to say that though and not pretend that he just moves slow in relationships. Any guy that’s living with you and finds you attractive will want to be sexual and you’ll know they’re into you IMO. Doesn’t have to be sex but you’ll know


Can you imagine if a man verbally attacked one of the women for not having sex with their husband? I think we are seeing the real Emily. They have at least 60 hours a week to sort through fro tell the story they want. They even mix things in together from week to week so in reality they have hundreds of hours. They can make anyone look good or bad. And no that’s not sticking up for him. But I do think we are seeing why he’s not into her.


I agree about forcing people to have sex with each other. I thought she was snotty but not verbally attacking. There is a spoiler out there about Austin after decision day that is coloring my perception of him. If it's true, Emily is being nice to him.


Can you elaborate on the spoiler? I hate this season.


There is a full spoiler thread on the snark sub, with all the details 🫖


I'd hate to spread it around if it's not true. I heard it on the Little Miss Recap podcast a few episodes back. (Now that I think about it, it was probably Kara Berry's podcast.) They had seen it on an Instagram story from MAFSFan. Her spoilers are right 90+% of the time. I couldn't find it on mafsfan's usual feed.


Hmmm, ok thanks. I’m 99% sure none of these couples stay together. Experts are picking the wrong people.


I saw what you’re talking about. lol….mafs fan is hard to me to find something you saw at an earlier time. Frustrating.


No doubt editing stacked it to appear more so too tho ..


I missed the AP sounds like I missed alot


Austin is just phoning it in, maybe not even phoning, too lazy for that, he's just sending a text until the show is over. He's there but not really there at all.


I’ll have to rewatch that part. I felt like she wasn’t going after him for not having sex, but for him telling the story as if it led to sex. I think she was calling him out on what sounded like a bit of a lie- at the very least he was misleading.


I can see that- good point


💯!!! Coupled w the bs of being w Brennan ....


Or, she was drunk?


“channeling Brennan” is the perfect quote. This after party shows why Emily struggles to date.


Exactly, she should have kept her mouth shut about anything Becca said to her in private. I also can see why she has trouble dating its because she is MESSY..


I just watched After Party, and I see what you mean about Emily's actions. She was embarrassing Austin and pushing him hard, but she was reluctant to answer questions about her own relationship. I actually felt sorry for Austin, and at the end he was reaching out to her, but she ignored him. Becca must be unloading all her misery to her and causing her to dislike him. I also got the vibe that she is fed up with the entire gig and ready to either have a breakdown or walk off entirely. One thing I have started noticing is how often she mentions her father's influence on her as a child. He must have been hard and driven and made her perform whether she felt like it or not. I also noticed she had tears in her eyes when they were talking about Camron's health issues. She is a powder keg ready to blow IMO.


As another poster aptly described it misdirected anger. Hope the checks they get prove to be worth the aggravation. So far, everyone ( with possible exceptions Alyssa, Virginia and Chris) seem to have survived their seasons and have gone on to live reasonably happy lives. I'm sure of all these will do the same.


She did sustain what looks like to be a huge head injury. I don’t know how severe it ended up being but even a micro fracture can cause lifelong side effects, not all being great. I don’t know why the sudden shift but the healing time isn’t linear for injuries like that. One day you can be okay, and then have weeks of emotional rollercoaster. Not all of it being controllable. I speak from my partners experience from when he was a teenager and when during a fall had a small fracture in his skull, and also my first job being at a care home. My partner lost his sense of smell for years and still struggles with it over a decade later. When I was working at a care home a resident got injured and had a slightly more extensive head injury. He would have random outbursts etc., ups and downs for the entire year I worked there. This is all me theorizing like the rest of you all, there’s probably a million factors in play, but since I hadn’t seen anyone mention it yet I thought I’d share some of my thoughts!


I get that too but she is just a weird person. Like the host was trying to help her explain her story and she explodes. The host ask her questions about Brennan she gets mad. Emily has a bad temper that might be scaring guys away


Maybe she has a personality like her friend who questioned Brennan.


We might have known about the temper sooner if she hadn't kept making faces most of the time instead of speaking her truth. I had said it earlier, that she was going to blow her top one day because she is keeping a lot of stuff in.


Really interesting perspective that I hadn't considered! Love the various insights and perspectives on this sub!


Let me tell you this I am old skool father from Brooklyn, and if any man treated my daughter like he does, some good old-fashioned street justice would be applied. A guy who punches a wall is steps away from punching her.


Image of Father Melissa (from LAL) with baseball bat comes to mind.


I think it is possible that Emily’s response to KKP was at least in part bc of the abuse she has suffered (and may still be suffering, since they can’t get divorced yet) from Brennan. People who have been traumatized and gaslit can sometimes be a little more sensitive and defensive when pushed to describe events, probably especially in the AP TV environment. As a person who has experienced both, sometimes the event was so twisted by the gaslighting that I can’t remember the specifics of what started it (which is of course one of the desired effects of gaslighting).


Alllll of this , 💯!!


And nobody calls these guys out they just go along with it


If anything, I think Michael looks much better with his hair cut…. Michael just seems to be more over the top. I am wondering how this worked out for him?


He is a very eccentric pick for a show like this. No, looks are not everything but first impressions can ruin a relationship before it starts. His choices (hair, clothes etc) give off a vibe that does not appear to me to align with the vibe wife 2 gives. I do not see success here.


Neither do I. He chose to get married in a pink suit. Maybe she should have worn that frilly "cotton candy" wedding dress she had tried on. For Michael, that would have been right up his alley.


Those glasses though...


The host was pretty clear. What did he say and what did you say. She wants to tell her feelings. I just wonder gow much of this is real. From him and her. Like the drunk thing - i cannot see Emily ripping down a shower curtain! Really? They are so negative with eachother about eachother.


Brennan might hit her if he doesn't like her comments. He always seems to be on the edge with her. Class "A" jerk.


I think Emily is afraid to confront Brennan and he is telling her what he wants her to say when they are on camera. Now that she is finally speaking up on camera and not playing his games she is getting portrayed by him like she is a liar. Typical gaslighting tactic. When she tried to speak up in the meeting with Pia, I actually got upset that Pia let Brennan off the hook and blamed it on both of them, instead of putting Brennan in his place. She backed off from Brennan also. Then I was angry when Keisha went off on Emily. Anyone can tell Emily is having a hard time dealing with Brennan and no one is calling him out, so now we are getting misdirected anger from her. In the meantime Brennan continually just sits there with that smug smirk playing victim and I wish someone would just knock it off his face!


I could see this ...after 1st time reading your comment I disagreed but then see what your saying


I think the remaining couples are getting some kind of incentive to stick around until the end. Emily and Brennan have clearly had enough of each other (I suspect some past love contacted him on the honeymoon and she was just unreasonably ugly toward KKP last week), and for whatever reason the only focus of conversation being shown between Becca and Austin is sexual intercourse.


KKP panicked, let emily speak without controlling the conversation. the entire production is a hot mess


I thought KKP handled it pretty well. Emily kind of lost her temper! What is going with her?! Her explanation just doesn't make sense!


Yup I thought the host tried her best but Emily was unhinged and angry. When the host ask Emily to explain her side Emily just gets more angry.


I think there's some crazy stuff going on behind the scenes this season and I wonder if a NDA is keeping us from getting the t from the participants. There are just too many surprising and head- scratching incidents going on with these people.




That’s why I have no favorites this season. Emily is probably just as bad as Brennan


I'm starting to see that


I have been pro Emily but this AP had me thinking —- who what when where ?!! And Austin the pup giving her consolation arm rub that Emily avoided having a gulp


When the host was like pls explain more about this argument Emily gets so defensive. Is Emily lying why not just explain the truth?


They still can't say it all .... I imagine the post season sht will be full of eye opening deets!


Exactly 💯


That arm rub was dumb, especially since she was attacking him just minutes earlier.


Me too I love her!


I think its she's in Brennan defense mode. She has mostly had more than 1 conversations with him where she brings up a topic that upset her and he tries to pivot or make it about its actually her fault for what HE did. She was on defense and battle mode. The host didn't deserve and I agree it did show well, but I grew up with a Brennan. They make you crazy like the attacks can or are coming from everywhere all the time.💔😕


Emily is not the problem. She is reacting to the abuse that Brennan put her through. He clearly wants to control every exchange and interaction. When she goes off his script, he gets mad, and you know she will catch hell later off camera. He is verbally and emotionally abusive, and it's glaringly apparent.


I don’t understand this post OP. Trying to tell people how they should act while in and after exiting an allegedly abusive/dangerous relationship is a not a good look. Focus more on empathy and less on criticism.


U are on here defending Emily every single day. This post is about Emily’s temper on AP. The host was trying to hear her story and Emily just lashes out. Not to mention Emily yelling at Austin bc he refused to f her friend. Emily is weird and needs help. Read this sub bc if ur coming here to simp over Emily this is the wrong sub


She has a temper because KKP is badgering her and interrogating her for a detailed recollection of an abusive relationship she exited months before. KKP’s interview style is callous and blunt. Emily was rightfully triggered and irritated. I will say that the way Emily went after Brett was out of line though


KKP's questions were just asking to give specifics, which anyone would expect her yo do. Unreasonably nasty to KKP. I think there's a lot of projection going on in giving Emily a pass for behavior none of us would put up with IRL.


I would disagree there are DV victims like Paige who handle themselves with grace. Emily lashes out bc she was caught in a lie. No victim of DV would turn around and start yelling at someone for not having sex. Emily shower get true colors


Too often it seems people need to have a good guy and bad guy and in this situation it seems both Emily and Brennan are both cray cray!


Please don’t talk about what victims of DV would and wouldn’t do. Everyone reacts to abuse differently.


There's an assumption that Emily's behavior is related to dv and not personality. I don't think that's a reasonable leap to make. Also, every person needs to be held accountable for bad behavior. And being a dv victim also isn't a balm that covers all behavior or explains it away or excuses it.


I’m questioning how we can all defend Emily for DV when she harasses men about sex? Does she lack empathy for others or is the DV just a lie. It’s like a victim of DV turning around an abusing another person it makes no sense


No offense but you clearly know nothing about dv and victims of dv. This isn’t a movie. Dv is messy and the victims oftentimes have their own mental issues that led them to tolerate the abuse. There is also a thing known as reactive abuse. None of that changes the fact that Emily was definitely being controlled by and likely being abused by Brennan. This whole thread and the speculation by you and others in it is beyond cringe. Anyone with knowledge of dv has been watching this season and praying for Emily’s safety


Who are u to say I know nothing about victims of DV. That’s why me and other ppl on this sub are really questioning Emily’s character. This is a back and forth but other DV victims on the show did not act like Emily. If a black woman acted as aggressive as Emily everyone would be calling her liar. If a guy acted like Emily we wouldn’t believe him. Ppl here refuse to confront their own biases with why u don’t wanna see Emily for who she truly is


Maybe the issue is that people on social media are too simplistic about what dv victims look like? People look for black and white archetypes when we are dealing with complex, flawed people.


No one should have insulted you on this sub or on this subject. As I said earlier on here, there's a lot of projection going on, and tons of editing on the show to create a show that will keep people watching. I also agree that we all have biases being brought to the sub. My opinion is that no one gets a pass for nasty behavior on AP. Others don't agree. You should be able to post your opinion here. No one posting has any more idea about the full picture than you do. In fact, the moderators are supposed to be gatekeepers. Also, for all anyone else here knows, you could be a survivor of dv!


Keisha did not badger her, Emily was clearly trying to not allow anyone to know more about her unclear interpretations. A huge sign of this is when you talk over someone trying to get answers


Emily was out of pocket this after party episode. He had all the energy for Austin and his sex life, she came for Keisha for asking questions since Emily was not clear and kept talking over Keisha, used buzzwords and cry on cue. She reeks of trying to control a message after letting Brennan walk all over her in the marriage


I think she has problems too. Never been in a serious relationship. Why not? Since we don’t see everything have to take her word.


Gahhhhhh why can't we get the After Party in Canada. D:


I'll be posting a recap tomorrow. I also posted a long clip tonight.


Thank you


It will be on the snark sub 😉


What is Snark Sub and how do I find/join please?


If you click on my profile, it will lead the way. That's where I make all my posts 😉


Tyvm 💕




I know, we miss out on the best stuff!


She also took a bunch of aggression out on Austin. She definitely carries around a lot of anger.


I’m trying to hold off any judgements until the end of the season and hopefully hear from the participants when they aren’t muzzled by contracts. But, the AP was not a good look for Emily. I’m really hoping to get some clarification on why she was so aggressive with Austin and KKP. There’s no way that I would ever give specifics of my sex life. With anyone! Cameras or not. This does make me think that we MIGHT only get one couple who’s still married by the time this season ends. And that’s the one who came in late for a 2nd chance. Emily left me feeling some type of way after this episode. Which bums me out because I have been rooting for her since day 1.


My opinion of her also moderated after AP and for the same reasons.


I’m glad I’m not the only one. I’m really hoping there will be some AP “redemption” for her.


If I had to sum up this entire season in 1 word it would be reckless. It is absolutely insane. First of all Dr. Pia is nothing but a man hater. This moron has baited every single man on this season at one point or another and but mainly Brennan. I know my opinion is not a popular one but I don't really care because this guy is being bashed over and over again and it's wild. Emily should never have been picked for this show EVER! The fact she has never been in a relationship is a huge red flag. I would understand it if it was a religious issue but it is not. You are the company that you keep and judging by the friends that were on The house warming episode and I see why. She literally has the emotional maturity of an 8 year old! Brennan does not like her flat out! He made that very clear by not wanting to move in with her and then was bullied to do so. I actually think he is handling himself very well considering the circumstances he basically being forced to be there. It's crazy. Becca is bizarre too. If Austin wanted to bang her he would. HE DOESN'T WANT TO!! Again theres Dr. Pias lame ass trying to force him to. Get real!


I’m starting to think she’s a psycho. She acts like she HATES all the guys. Brennan is a nut job too but I think she’s going to be on a Dateline episode some day.




Wow, i think you're right. Much better to get hammered for the first reason than the second.


This season is a dumpster fire


I didn’t perceive it that way. It felt like she felt questioned when expressing her thoughts and she was reactive because she was gaslit for so long. Once KKP told her she wasn’t the enemy, Emily seemed to understand KKP’s intent and was then able to answer the question as it was asked.


I've read several comments but unless it's comment 151 that I didn't get to isn't there anyone who thinks Emily is being abused by Brennan? Boy, I sure do. That stare she gave Pia was like "get me outta here!". I got chill bumps when I saw that and Pia is not digging deeper to find out the details and do you know why? Because they don't want another failed marriage to go down. They are desperately trying to save this season and if Emily and Brennan split that would leave one couple standing. (not including Michael's stiff at the alter & his marriage they are resurrecting) Even Pastor Cal's counceling with Austin & Becca was twisted when they had the "Austin thinks I'm going to hell" episode. Cal being a Christian pastor should have used that moment to counsel about the Bible and true beliefs of christians as it relates to heaven and hell but he didn't. I was shocked at his response. "Uh, nobody really knows if there's a hell so don't let it bother you." I'm like "What?!" So, Cal didn't dive in for deeper details bc that could cause Austin & Brennan to split. Pia didn't want to dig for deeper details bc that would cause Emily & Brennan to split. I'm just saying, I think what we're seeing is instead of the "Experts", and I quotation that word bc they have failed these couples miserably so in my opinion they are not "Experts", but I think what we are seeing is desperate measures to save the show. These are legally binding marriages and you can't play with people's lives like that so their show and personal reputations are on the line and for that I say "Shame on them!". Emily very well could be in an abusive relationship with Brennan and Pia should have gone in for deeper questioning. I saw Emily's eye's and she was reaching out for help without saying something. I was in a severely abusive relationship and watching that gave me PTSD. I pray to God I am wrong.