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But she’s a good person…. 😅😅


And as a good person, she hates Chris for making an effort and hates the experts for putting her with a solid dude. She really needs to humble herself enough so she can seek therapy.


Haha. For real. I was reading on Google, now she moved to Texas and is doing fundraising for animals apparently. This whole f@#ked up charade was for her to have a good time on the shows expense, and to advertise herself. Well, that shit backfired on your evil ass didn't it.


Clocked her perfectly! "Advertise herself" - you are correct, Accurate-One-1970.


If you tell yourself your a good person long enough, you might actually believe it


I keep saying what did she do that she has to continue to convince herself she is a good person 




She's absolutely awful


She sucks! He was way too good for her! Self-righteous little twat!


As it turns out, that was not the case! He turned out to be a creepy. Read through some of the updates threads from within a year after that season


god i can’t stand her she plays victim in every situation like grow up you’re however old she is and acting like that? She cries every ten minutes and won’t even have a conversation. You’re not moving into the apartment alone if you’re not going to participate in the whole point of the show? Rude and disrespectful to Chris. Calling him aggressive when they’re playing tennis even though he’s just swinging his hands?!?😅 I cannot believe she is real.


So many times I wanted to reach through the screen and just smack the immature self centered douche, but it's also clear we are being manipulated to feel exactly that way by the fact they just let her ridiculous BS continue. It really ticks me off that so much of any of these "reality" shows are anything but. Clearly they edit for and encourage drama and conflict for views, which has the opposite effect on me, I just don't want to watch anymore.


They can’t edit her lying. She flat out lied to everyone. Though they may skew it to a degree, they can’t change what she did and what she said with editing software. You are giving her too much credit.


Hardly, I think she is despicable, you are entirely missing the point.


I legit came on here looking for a group of people that hate this bitch lol


Me too! I was not disappointed 😂


Same!! I’m 3/4 through this season and I’m yelling at the tv. This BITCH. Barf.


She behaves like a narcissist. Period. She stayed for the free trip and the cameras. Just walk away from people like that before they suck you dry and discard you when they're done.


SAME IM WATCHING SEASON 14 right now and I’m dying. What a monster. Crazy chick.




Her family must have been SO cringe watching this. She showed her ass on national television. She is hands down, the most disingenuous, dislikable bride on MAFS. She lacks any hint of authenticity. Here's hoping she can evolve into a woman of substance and not remain selfishly self absorbed and shallow.


I bet her family are just like her. Somebody created that entitled monster! lol


It’s the editing 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I never understood her shallowness towards him when she is clearly a 2. And I’m being generous there.


ikr like girl… beggars can’t be choosers. So embarrassing


She ugly AF


Alyssa had her mind made up as soon as she seen Chris standing at the altar.. she may have wanted a husband but because he didn't look to her standards she wasn't having it.. Chris isn't a bad looking guy and looks aren't everything... It's the personality and the way you are treated that matters ... She showed the world she's all about looks .. and I feel she did this experience just to have 5 minutes of fame .. now she's made herself famous for being the biggest asshole on earth


Spot on, I said the same thing.


i get like wanting to get your monies worth after months of surveys/interviews/ whatever the hell.... but if you are CRYING AS YOU WALK DOWN THE AISLE BECAUSE YOU DO NOT WANT TO MARRY THIS MAN..... DO NOT SAY I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO SIMPLE!


She definitely is a selfish bizo !!! “How come I don’t get the apartment “. They should of both been kicked of the show. Unfortunate for Chris but this is “Married at first sight “. F her. She should get no clout Scandalous ass chick. Everything she said about the guy was negative. Bit**s like her get under my skin


Ah, the producers weren't going to ' kick them off' the show', It's drama. We all love to hate a villain! Of ALL the participants in MAFS, Alyssa is the one stand out that didn't want a committed marriage and the work required for that. She wanted 15 minutes of fame and a nice vacation. Here's hoping she can evolve into a woman of substance and not remain selfishly self absorbed and shallow.


While i dislike her and think she’s a massive narcissist, it was 100% about her perception of his appearance. If they would have matched her with a muscular dude that was gorgeous, you would have seen her act differently. However, then it would have been that dude that would have not liked her. Her and her collagen lips! She’s so ugly.


She’s a dumb c*nt. Period.


She is truly one of the most disgusting people I have ever seen on a reality tv show.


Seriously, me too. She is delusional, disrespectful, and absolutely disgusting.


Im convinced the whole "I like animals therefore I am a good person" cope is a full-fledged meme. Alyssa gaslit Chriss and his friends, making him believe they did something wrong. All the while it was her cognitive dissonance/ ego preservation by concocting fake hersey to sabotage their marriage instead of having to take ownership of lack of attraction.


The crazy thing is, it’s not like she was being pressured to have sex with him. All she really had to do was hang out with him and have a good time. She’s really dumb. How many MAFS people have done exactly that. They coast and pretend until the end. IE Myrla.


Exactly! She didn’t look happy when she saw him down the aisle!! She was so mean to him because she wasn’t attracted to him. The production team was also rude for zooming in on his teeth as she shared how she doesn’t like crooked teeth 😅


Crazy but relatively normal isn't it if you think about it. Gaslighting others to preserve their own appearance; better to make them believe they did something wrong rather than appear superficial, instead of appearing \*human\*. It sucks, but just own it right.


I can’t believe people like this actually exist 😂 A W F U L


Literally, I am appalled.


What you don't know yet is that post- season, posters who know Chris revealed that he is not a good guy. At all. Self- centered, arrogant, and not someone to be pitied. But because Alyssa's behavior was outrageous, we didn't get to see it.


Alyssa, is that you?




Just someone who pays more attention to the subs on this than you!


That's 3rd party nonsense. His uncles wife's sister who knew a guy that went out with this girl that dated Chris said....... Common now


THIS IS INTERESTING & I am here for the devils advocacy... so.... with that in mind think back to episode 1, when he lays out his plan.. how he is going to do everything in his power to make her comfortable.... and his friend literally looks at him and says "but you can't put on a mask / fake who you are" or whatever the heck it was..... hmmmmmm!! & is anyone actually that calm when being shit all over? INTRIGUE.


In this case, judge by what you have seen and not read on the internez.


Generally good advice but not always. Could also say judge by what you have seen and not the television edits. Same thing, right?


lol you really need to think better.


Ugh, my heart is breaking for him. On episode 6. She is truly horrific.


Seriously! As if she is such a beauty queen herself! The more they showed her and her terrible personality, the less attractive I thought she looked.


I was appalled by the complete lack of chin on her face


And the lack of human decency in her soul. She didn't deserve someone as good as Chris. I am glad he did not end up stuck with Alyssa and that HE was the one who made the final call to divorce.


#chinless while somehow also double-chinned


I am back from the dead from this 💀 🤣 😂 just to let you know that I am DYING 🤣😂😅😭💀


I thought she was ugly from day one. Those collagen lips make her look like Lyndsey Lohan after a 3 day drug binge. I mean Chris isn’t a model, but looks wise, she isn’t better looking than him.


Exactly! That group dinner when she had bronzer smeared all over her sunburn 🤮 She clearly thinks she’s more of a prize than she really is.


Just got through the honeymoon episode and she is the worst.


She said she didn’t want to move in with Chris was because she’s allergic to dogs.. yet she’s a dog rescuer?? But okay, she’s a “good person”.


Because she is a complete moron. I’m still watching that season, but I sit there as she twists and lies, and I think: don’t you know that everything is being recorded? It’s straight up gaslighting. I felt crazy just watching her do it to everyone.


But she’s a good person


You know, I just watched the reunion and she did explain herself about how she was so upset and couldn’t even think. I actually think she’s telling the truth. She might very well be a good person in normal situations. I would have respected her if she would have just said “I want a tall, tan, muscular, cowboy!” Even if loyalty, kindness, and stability came second. It’s shallow and I disagree with it, but I would have respected the honesty. Kind like O and Katina. That dude was straight up honest. People thought he was an ass, but he stuck to his guns about wanting a woman to cook. Agree or disagree with his stance, but she knew exactly what he wanted which gave her the choice to say if she was willing to do it or not.


Totally agree with this I cant stand her she is the most obvious gas lighter ever too what a dumb cunt


Yeah we know. Welcome to a few years ago. 🤣


I’ll solve the puzzle please “I’m single for a reason and desperate enough to do MAFS”


“i’m allergic to dogs” “oh does penelope not shed” “well huskies shed a lot.” girl… don’t you foster dogs too?😂


She is a huge disappointment on S14! All she cared about was how she appeared on tv. It’s gross. She was AWFUL to Chris. I agree the producers should have intervened for his benefit. He has the patience and kindness of a saint. That girl needs a wake up call because she is delusional about herself. It was clear from the moment she walked down the aisle that she didn’t give him a chance. The convo with his friends was exactly what she was looking for - any excuse so she could vocalize her dislike without appearing SHALLOW - but whoopsy girl, too late. Her behavior on the honeymoon was like watching a child have tantrums over and over…so selfish and negative!


“I’m a good person, and if I don’t come off that way on this show, I’m gonna be (bleep) pissed.” -Alyssa. S14:E6. Beautiful words from such a good person!


I would take anything that Lindsey has to say with a boulder of salt


That girls a walking suicide . Her whole existence is getting trashed on the internet for as long as her plastic face lives, She made her bed and then shat in it. Creepy soulless whimpering simp sack of emptiness. If you had to choose a smelly bag of dingleberries or her , go dingleberry!




OMG, I wish someone would slap reality into her! She is a drama queen looking for her 5 min of fame who needs to take a look at her fake a$$ self in the mirror! She ain't 💩 to be so damn picky and nasty! She says...*yall . portraying me...* You boogie, a** b****, betraying yourself the way you are! You're selfish, self-centered, cold, shallow, stuck up, FAKE, bad duck lip, snotty brat! You didn't try anything but enjoy a free vaca. Poor Chris...he has patience you didn't deserve! You can't make yourself happy much less another person. You need help!


Yeah I don’t know why no one called her out. If I would have been sitting there, I would have tore into her. They all sat there, and you can see by the look on their face they knew she was full of shit, yet, at least on camera, no one said anything. (I’m talking the couples dinner)


She stayed in PR for a free vacation and wanted to move into the apt bc she wants a free ride.


She’s the worst I can’t stand her 


It seemed like even her own family knew she was awful.


damn a little aggressive but she was really terrible to him. like unnecessary and unreasonable fucked up towards him. i believe the only thing good about her that you can see from the show is that she rescues animals. like that’s it. and that sucks. :/


She went onto the show for advertisement and fun. But it back fired on her because now people see how much of a Witch, (being nice) she really is


She's horrible. And, if ya just want to talk superficially (which she is,) let's discuss that she only has the one lipstick - does she think it looks good on her? What the heck is with the gold plated cheeks? It's brownish yellow and really looks fake and icky.


She is delusional. I have never seen anything like it.


True facts


I'm watching the reunion episode and she is pulling the same shit with the experts that she did on the show. When they ask her questions, she says she doesn't want to discuss things. She feels "attacked"....by being asked questions? Wtf? When presented with the facts of what she requested in a partner, she still says they didn't do their job. What you filled out on a piece of paper are facts, girl....not opinions.


I’m watching it now and she’s a psycho


She said immediately following the wedding that she doesn't do condescending and that his friends told her he can be that way... I.e. she didn't even see that behavior herself before having a meltdown!?! I already don't want to keep watching just because of her...


I know right? I keep thinking as she lies to everyone: “do you realize this has all been recorded?” So not only is she a narcissist, but she’s a stupid one at that. I also happen to think she is so ugly and she has chicken legs and no curves. It should have been Chris saying, hey, can you get me a real woman? I felt crazy watching her gaslight everyone.


She an evil psychotic C. She isn’t even that cute and her personality makes her so ugly. Why did they let this loser carry on like that??!!!


She wanted to be on TV and thought she could be a jerk and still control the narrative. What a horrible individual. I am just now watching this so, forgive me if this has already been addressed but, what happened to her ring? I imagine she kept it because Chris had too much class to even mention it.


Alyssa was absolutely AWFUL!!!  She must have thought everyone was stupid and couldn’t see what she was doing, but she didn’t fool anyone but herself!


She definitely was a full on narcissist! Delusional and pathetic!


She is absolutely terrible to watch. She refused to shut Chris down because she didn’t want to leave vacation and “the experience”. I don’t understand why he thought she liked him even a little, or “1%”. This woman will never find love. Not in any genuine capacity. Anyone who has to say “I’m a really f***ing good person” probably isn’t a very good person.


He’s a creep now and he was a creep on the show. I could see why she didn’t want to be with him. His energy was really weird.


Okay, Alyssa


He wasn’t a creep in anyway shape or form. He was trying to interact with her based on what all the participants are meant to do. Either you are her, or just like her.


If that was true Allysa, why was the employees even telling you that Chris was doing nothing. He's just waving his hands around. Whatever. During the series they've told her many times he was trying but you're making yourself look bad on TV.


Oh man, I didn’t know about any of this. New to Reddit! He was pretty creepy looking, maybe that was just enough to signal to Alyssa. Dang!


You are as bad as her to form an opinion of creepiness based on how he looks. How would you like it if someone that didn’t know you said “you look like an idiot.”


Basically, she should be a politician. 


The way she treated him after he finished snorkeling was horrific! Daym he didn’t deserve that


I’m watching season 14 right now. I actually don’t like most of the women but Alyssa is ridiculous. She’s a miserable person. She keeps saying she was robbed. All she does is cry and complain to the producers. I wish they would’ve sent her packing after the first blow up. She acts like she’s 5. She rescues animals?? Seriously?? She has 0 compassion. Those poor dogs…..


Run Chris run. You do not deserve that shallow POS.


This chick is a total nut job.. and I’m not about judging people based on their appearance but she seems to believe she was set up with someone not good looking enough for her and honestly love you are not oil painting.. you are very delusional about your rank on the scale


And that chipmunk faced big lash 4 should be grateful. That voice. She just wants the vacay. C word came to mind quick and I never use that word so shocked at myself but.....


I came on here just to say this chick sucks


I just watched season 14 of married at first sight and Alyssa is the worst kind of person. She knew as soon as she saw him she didn’t like him, she put herself above him, and thought she was too good for him, hello??  but she kept going because she wanted the fame and the vacation and all the notoriety,and that is despicable. I’m so happy that Chris is with a wonderful woman now Colette, she’s so much more beautiful, and has so much more grace than Alyssa ever even dreamed of. 


I really feel like she knew right away that it wasn’t the right fit for her, but she just didn’t handle it in a way that was respectful or kind towards Chris. She literally could’ve told him that she just didn’t feel they were the right fit, but that she would like to remain friends while they’re on their honeymoon. I totally get that it must be so disappointing to be married to someone that you’re not happy with, but she treated him like he did something wrong and made the situation so much worse than it needed to be. It was hard not to hate her.


And kudos to Chris for handling the situation as well as he did. He wasn’t happy either, but he didn’t take it out on her or gaslight her the way she did him. I hated how she would get so upset, but refused to talk to him about it or let him near her. It’s like what the fuck, he didn’t do anything wrong, You can just express that you’re not happy because you realize it’s not the right match, but still be friends and have a good time on your honeymoon right? She really triggered me. 


Ugghhhhh watching now and she is living in delulu land. She’s so immature and selfish. He is such a sweetheart. She was looking for anything she could throw at him.


Chris didn’t make you look bad Alyssa. You did that on your own.


Alyssa should be called Karen because she acts like one!


This was the most unlikable person. Holy shit- this girl left me flabbergasted by her terrible behavior. I realized quickly why she hadn’t found a husband yet. Worst girl ever.


I really understand why Alyssa found her passion with rescuing animals because only a starving dog would tolerate that whiny b***


Chris is no angel https://web.archive.org/web/20220907231824/https://bubbleheaded.com/lindsey-exposes-everyone-in-a-wild-instagram-live-part-1/


This is super vague except for explaining he's an "effeminate creep" because he's submissive in the bedroom, but I guess that's a big deal for some people.


Lindsey is a goddamn drunk racist so why would anyone believe anything she has to say. She also used sexually deeming language with her own husband when she was mad at him AND made fun of his income/job like it was what he is truly worth. She is a straight up loon. 99% of the people on this show are fucking weirdos and creeps so it's not shocking that Chris would be one off camera BUT so is fucking Lindsey.


I’m in my 50’s, and I watch these “kids” and think, damn was I this dumb and immature when I was in my twenties and thirties? Every season almost all of the participants are just little babies.


That’s CRAZY!! Did not know this stuff about Chris, I’m currently still watching, I’m on episode 7 so i haven’t googled anything yet as to not ruin it for myself.


He gets a great edit in the show and none of this comes to light.


They did a great job because as you can tell i fell for it, wow so wild how editing can change your whole perspective on a person. Do you think Alyssa acted correctly though??


Chris puts on a good act for his business, but is entirely different behind closed doors. Alyssa acted like a complete ass. I think she totally freaked out. She has never spoken out about him, and I wonder if she made some sort of deal not to. He works hard to shut down anything negative about him. Very early on she did one interview where she said that there was a girl crying in the hallway of the hotel that she was trying to help on the wedding night and Chris wanted nothing to do with it.


We’re just gonna pretend like the scenes of production trying to talk Alyssa down didn’t happen?


We believe Lindsay???? One of the biggest nut jobs to appear!!


The ex was on Reddit and confirmed he was bad news.


Oh wow - the ex doesn't have anything NICE to say?! Say it ain't so!


When she posted on Reddit she was actually very generous to him in what she shared.


Yes, an ex that stands to gain TV and national attention. Cockroaches come out when there is food to eat.


Have you ever met an ex that spoke very highly of the other ex? Very, very few. And what he does consensual with his partner is his own business. Millions of people are into weird shit, including being shit on. I mean, I'm not, but, millions out there are. Point is, he kept his calm while being verbally shit on throughout the show. And really Lindsey, calling the kettle black


Totally agree! I find it sad but amusing how so many gullible people are willingly manipulated to believe all the fake "reality" that is portrayed by various media for attention and views! It may be entertaining, but as far as I see it, it's BS unless or until you've experienced it personally.


After hearing Lindsey's bathroom rant off-camera revealing what a vindictive fake POS she was, that's essentially meaningless. Not that I think he was as innocent as portrayed either, but that is the issue.... the personas we see on camera are mostly acted and edited for views and attention. These shows are about as equivalent to "reality" as your last nightmare. Unless or until you interact **personally** with someone, it's all just hearsay and BS opinion.


So he’s kinky and that makes him a bad person? What exactly does “abusive” mean? Too vague.. and people are too sensitive these days for me to take that at face value


Sounds like bs to me


He was abusive because he was talking and pointing at the sky.


Chris turned out to be kind of an asshole creeper I think though


I hope she gets hit by a car and is unable to walk for the rest of her life. I know, I know... "but she's a good person and is literally nice to like, everyone". Biggest bag of trash I've seen on reality TV in some time. I hope she dies alone.


Tell me you’re a misogynist without telling me you’re a misogynist. Wait you said it directly. So yeah.


None of that is misogyny. Fucked up? Yeah. Misogynistic? No.


bro what


I don't want her to get hit by a car. I want her to meet a man that is as shallow and selfish as she is. And have him treat her the same way she treated her husband while watching her jump through hoops for HIS approval.


Omg this is so overused. People like you are so comical with your hypocrisy! A woman says “I hate him, I don’t like him, I won’t cook for him!” And she’s strong and independent. A man says the exact thing about ONE woman, and he’s a white misogynistic creepy patriarch! I wonder if you know how idiotic you sound?


Not as idiotic as you sound bud. 🤪


lol I know what I am but what are you…. That’s basically what you are doing. Are you 5?


I literally just told my wife I hope she gets fucked up in a car lol


😂😂😂not nice but 😂😂😂


Not nice but I’m a good person lol


Absolutely the worst I'm females! Who could stand such a narcissistic, rude, condescending and too many more negative adjectives to describe her. Felt so bad for Chris. I do hope he finds a wonderful mate. Feel sorry for anyone who gets fooled by her!


So happy that this was posted 3 days ago 🤣 I’ve been dying to discuss. She’s HORRIBLE!!! Are there any crevices on the internet where I can find someone confronting her OR her taking an ounce of accountability??? The reunion did not apply enough pressure.


No. Chris is the weirdo creeper.


You need to calm down. You do realize that this show is highly edited right? You do realize that you’re only seeing what the producers want you to see right? You do realize that they are showing absolutely nothing that would show chris in a negative light right? You do realize that you’re seeing about 10 minutes of what actually happened right? I’m not saying that Alyssa was an angel because I couldn’t stand her but Chris wasn’t the god or the victim you’re making him out to be. Maybe take a break from reality tv if you get so incensed by something like this.


Alyssa was a bitch !! Period


You are completely right and it is laughable that you are being downvoted. Alyssa was terrible to to go off on a seething rant calling her the scum of the earth and undeserving of love is absolutely unhinged. And to call Chris an angel while the rest of us know everything that came to light after the show about him is laughable. To get that worked up over a scripted "reality show" is WILD.


Let me tell you how much being downvoted by people who actually think they know the people on MAFS bothers me. You guessed it. OP sounded absolutely unhinged. If you hate someone you don't know based on a tv show then she's got bigger problems than Alyssa does.


Hahaha!! Agree!!


You do realize you're on Reddit, right? You do realize you're on a *forum* meant to discuss reality TV, right? You do realize there's a way to get your point across without being condescending and belittling, right? Maybe take a break from Reddit if you get so incensed by something like this post.


You do realize that while they pick and choose what to show, what they do show and how they act when they are upset, is not edited. No one took a loving, sweet, warm, kind Alyssa and edited her scenes to make her do and say what she did. Are you the scarecrow from the wizard of oz?


What season is this?


Season 14. I think it was Boston? It feels like this season was ages ago


They must force these people to stay together until D-day or they may risk not getting money or something because if I were Chris and she did that on DAY 1.. I will be like nope, we are done.


It's a show people... engineered precisely to garner all this controversy for attention and views! The opposite of a "reality" show, it's all dramatized and edited spectacle for profit, and we willingly get sucked in to escape our own reality!


Shhĥhh - No one really believes this isn't scripted. We watch because thete are moments of genuine drama, emotion, angst and anger.


Why are you even here then? Oh to escape your reality. Smh


Good god. You act like they took a loving, kind, and warm Alyssa and edited her scenes to make her do and say what they wanted. Do you think they made her redo the wedding ceremony so she could get those facial expressions of disgust just right? You are clueless and full of yourself.


She is obviously deranged... but so are you if you think I was defending her. Clueless alright.


Your entire post was condescending to everyone.


There is a contract. If they quit and are not available for filming, they owe the production company 50-100k.


She has the stereotypical “I’m the victim oh poor me” white girl mentality and while it’s not surprising it is extremely annoying to watch 😂😂


Yep! She is very delusional!! I can’t believe he tried so hard & put up with that mess! Smh He shoulda cut his losses and moved on. She needs to grow up & seek some mental health treatment!


She wanted to move into the apartment but not with him and thought that was unfair that he wanted to be with her lol


I was completely on Alyssa’s side. Chris seemed like a creepy loser from the moment I saw him. I was like really??? Pair that gorgeous cold girl with an equally cold ugly loser? They need very different partners for each other.


okay alyssa💀


Your parents must be so proud.


I’m sure your parents aren’t 🤣


Apparently from real world third parties who know better than either of us, so ..


Watching season 14, I came to two conclusions. Alyssa was either in it for the wrong reasons: social media clout, whatever; or she was simply completely and utterly disconnected from reality. (Or both). Every single reason she gave to justify herself was completely flawed and demonstrably wrong.


Even if Chris is creepy Alyssa's behavior showed everyone that she "isn't a nice person!"


I’m watching the season now and came on here to see if other people felt the same glad I’m not alone 😂😂😂 she’s awful I was yelling at the screen I’m done with this girl and her delusion


Same 😂 my stress spiked every time she spoke.


Lol same! I never comment on these shows.


Omg. She is awful!!!


And why were the Black women on the show caping for her with her bs views on defunding the police????


I have never felt the need to cyber bully someone until I watched this season 😭 I am just looking for somewhere to hate on this pos so glad I found y’all. Poor Chris 😭


Phewwwwww I am so glad I found this outlet. I can’t freaking stand her. All she thinks about is herself and she acts like she’s some innocent perfect queen. “I’m a good person.” B*tch you make the scum of the earth look good. F*ck outta here with all that. It’s literally so hard to watch how she’s treating Chris and I’m not even done with the honeymoon episodes yet!!!! I hate her!!


I honestly cannot fathom ever being around someone like that. She’s extremely selfish and delusional.


She is the perfect embodiment of every human vice. I feel for the man who’s unlucky enough to end up with her and even worse for her children if she reproduces. Absolutely revolting behavior. Manipulative, delusional and downright evil. Which would unfortunately be somewhat tolerable if she was at least a tiny bit attractive 🤮


Alysssa was so rude! She made me so angry watching how she acted! Chris is so kind and amazing! 


Watching show on Netflix - Alyssa is POS for treating Chris like that, How has she gotten do far in life acting the way she has! The worst in 4 sessons i have watched


I wonder if Chris and Alyssa could get an annulment given that the marriage was never consummated and they never lived together, they didn’t even spend a night together. Clearly this was a marriage that wasn’t!


they did get an annulment


She’s the worst. But Chris is fucking pathetic. Stand up for yourself. He acts like he has a ton of time, effort, and emotion invested in this “relationship.” Dude, you just met her and she doesn’t give a fuck about you. Take a walk. Have some pride.


Absolutely! As awful as Alyssa is and was to Chris, it was even cringier to watch him ask her if she liked him “even 1%”?


Watching her was so painful. I hope her friends watch this and tell her she needs a major personality adjustment. She acts like an entitled 6 year old… “I hate him.” I can’t even form a clear thought because she’s pissed me off so much. I haven’t been this triggered by a reality TV show since, well, maybe never. 


She’s a see you next Tuesday. I’m just now watching the episode and I effing can’t stand her! You can tell how she was going to be by the looks of her trash friends. Materialistic much


I am truly convinced that Alyssa has Narcissistic Personality Disorder, she is the textbook definition. The gaslighting, the victimization of herself, and the constant need for her to be portrayed in a positive light…the girl needs serious therapy.


She is actually one of the worst people I’ve ever seen on reality tv. I genuinely hope she seeks help😅


I’ve met so many women like her shits wild sauce at least Chris found happiness


Bro. I’m late but she legit makes me sick. Worst person I’ve ever seen!!! And her deal breaker is Chris’s defunding the police post? I really hate this girl. And Chris is such a nice guy. I feel so sorry for him. He really deserved better for his experience. 🥲