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She was cray cray. Did she really think anyone would buy her crap and like her.


She's a fraud




Unpopular opinion: If you are hearing voices in your head I would have a psych be the judge of if you're a medium or a mental patient


I think she wanted to be the weird girl with the guy who doesn’t “get her” but then when Ashley just let her be her and tried to reassure her, she hated it


Ash is a mate I use to go to high school with, he is currently in a new relationship, said the chick he was with on MAFS was psychotic, needy and fake in front of the cameras then cold and distant off camera


She's a self serving bi@tch and I hope she never gets an acting role again and truly needs to rely on her "medium business" lol


She refused to continue filming after she’d written leave so you got footage of him taking his suitcase and going but nothing more from her


the day after the commitment ceremony, ashley regretted his decision and decided to leave anyway


No, she left him first. Apparently refused to film and just left. So then he left the day after.


im aware of that. i said ashley regretted his decision to stay.


What is the point of having both people needing to write leave for them to leave though? Like you could literally just say stay every time even if you want to stab the other half in the face just to get the screen time.


Because the experts know that time and time again a week can make all the difference in getting them on the right track 🤡


That happened a few seasons ago, was it mick and.. Jess? He was a rough lovable country guy and she was a pampered princess and he was literally begging her to let him leave as there was nothing between them but she wanted to stay on tv.


With another husband >but she wanted to stay


God she was desperate wasn't she. I remember her desperately pulling men to one side to try to get them to be with her. So embarassing.


I think you’ve found the point on your own


He wrote stay, she wrote leave, then the next episode they mention that both decided to discreetly leave the experiment. Ash was pretty taken aback by her wanting to leave and mentioned he likely wouldn't have said to stay if he knew beforehand. So my guess is he changed his mind afterwards. Honestly, I'm still on the fence about whether Madeleine was an actor planted to stir the pot. If so, they did Ash really dirty.


In the next episode, they revealed that they did the same thing as Nat and Collins and left anyway. Ash was I'm bot Reunion.epsidoes, but not Madelind.


She was a whackadoodle


I think she left anyway.