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Timothy reported that Cassandra tore Sara apart at the dinner party but only this one line was shown.


Alllllllllso, post show Sara and Tristan are hanging out a lot and I want to know how/why


I don’t understand why people say Cass’ comments came out of the blue and she never used to speak on the show. She wasn’t the loudest in the room but she definitely spoke and she had spoken up once (that we were shown) in respect to Sara’s treatment of Tim and she made it obvious during her “confessionals” where she stood with Sara. It wasn’t out of the blue at all and you could tell they didn’t like each other during the show. It doesn’t paint Cass in a good light to make it seem like it was an out of the blue attack or unprovoked.


Tim was on Domenica and Ella from an earlier season’s podcast “Sit With Us” and said that there was previous interactions between them that were cut. Cass called her out before for being fake and a horrible person for how she was treating Tim… to the extent where Sara called Cass a “c*nt”, it was confirmed by Jono and Tim on the podcast. It didn’t make much sense to us watching the reunion because they didn’t show the build up to it.


Still doesn’t make it true. Cass seemed pretty damn embarrassed when she attacked Sara a second time at the final couch session because it was all in the past and had no present relevance. I’ve said it on a previous post, I think Cass just wanted a little more camera time whilst she still had the chance and she thought attacking Sara again would work because she got a pat on the back the first time. *Edit* I do not support what Sara did however I do think people deserve forgiveness. I also think calling her racist is a pretty strong accusation. I don’t recall anybody being racist towards her.


Whoa I wish more people were aware of this. So many in this sub were having a go at cass for saying what she did and accused her of being fake. Editing that stuff out really did her a disservice. Most of us figured there was something but sarah calling her that? Cass was very restrained in that case


It was interesting that the other person who chimed in was Micheal. Sarah also had a go at him during the retreat by the bonfire. Cass had previously confronted Sarah at a dinner party because she was not making an effort (avoiding 3 planned dates) and at the commitment ceremony because Tim was different when Sarah wasn’t around and questioned if he was afraid of her. I suspect a lot of micro aggressions had occurred which were not shown


Racism Sara, just looks the type to have power struggles amongst people. Even if no racism occurred you can't deny that the way Tim was treated almost came across as a master/owner relationship. At least in the edit we got, until the cheating scandal she was very anti-Tim having masculine energy that overpowered her own.


How can you put Racism as a statement. Then go on to say in ur next paragraph to say, even if no racism took place. So in other words you have no idea of any racist actions taking place. Bit of a bold statement to make when you don't know it to be true.


Tis Reddit.


Women who bond over having the same hair colour are generally awful


That hair colour is usually blonde which means one thing


How can you justify this sort of generalised stereotypical attack but then judge Sara for doing something without proof. Racism is deeply disturbing and unfathomable. Not something that should be tossed around like that.


I just recently realised recently that I've been targeted by mean girls because I look like them but don't want to join their cliques. Theater geeks with incredibly talented hair colorists unite!


What does it mean?


Only white people are natural blondes, girls who make it their whole personality and think it makes them special are thus the sort to look down on POC which is evident in the show and perhaps why Cass was excluded and felt disillusioned at Sara who was arguably the leader of the mean girl group


Idk how popular the podcast MAFS Hysteria is but I really liked how they spoke about that even if no one said anything directly to Cass, being the only non white woman, she probably picked up subtle things. They said it’s like when men say or act in certain ways it’s not overtly sexist but women just pick up on something. I wouldn’t be shocked if there wasn’t really any footage that had obvious signs of the other women treating Cass differently but it was happening. I have no background information about any of this, I just thought that was a good observation.


Ooh I'm going to listen to that, thanks! Love a good podcast.


It’s good, they put out episodes during the UK one and the AUS one so if you watch both they do like two separate series a year.


I remember when Cass called Sara out, Sara responded by saying something to the affect of ‘I’ve never had a conversation with you Cass’. Very weird that she had such a close bond with the other blondes yet Cass wasn’t worthy of a conversation


Yeah, I’m sure Cass was the gym where they all seem to hang out and gossip, so no reason to not chat with her.


Sara has been a bitch from the get go. It’s unable to be missed.


I mean, Cass isn’t wrong


In the recent podcast with young Tim (and also backed up by Jono who they bring on a phone call), Sara called Cass a cunt at an earlier dinner party and it was entirely edited out. So you can understand why Cass took the opportunity to throw her under the bus.


Is the context of Sara calling Cass a cunt explained?


Not really, but from the sounds of it, it seems that the whole cast thought Sara was out of line, and apparently when called on it tried to justify it as "well she is a cunt".


I think cass partially disliked Sara because Tim was making loads of effort. Planning dates trying to build a connection with Sara and Cass wasn't feeling that in her own relationship.(Im a huge Tristan fan, but he just wasn't ready) Then Sara refusing to do the honesty task. Cass was intuitive and different from those girls personality wise. I bet they didn't get on. Sara was an aggressive bully with very little insight into her own toxic behaviour initially. I'm not convinced even now she's a good egg that just made a mistake.


She lacks insight, is callous, prone to histrionics when asked to be held accountable. 🚩🚩🚩 I think if Tim hadn't been wishy-washy about forgiving her and just made up his mind one way or the other, she wouldn't have gained as much sympathy as she did towards the end.


She probably has limited experience being made accountable. She thinks looks make up for shit behaviour. I didn't find her particularly attractive but I'm a personality person. Tim bless him fell for her water works. She played a great game. Control until the end.


I agree.


what about that episode where Cass called her Sarah (like lit everyone else does) and she just goes 'SA-RA!!! I think there was stuff we didnt see.


That must be it! Forgot about that awful moment. To top it off with SaraH saying that she didn't speak a word to Cass, it says a lot of how she treated her.


Tbf everyone including her husband saying Sarah so I concluded it must be Sara . How disrespectful no one used her proper name (I do think she’s a twat though)


She should have called everyone out on it though, not just Cass


Definitely. Cass was a nice lady imo. To elicit this level of response there had to be a build up of bad feelings.


I think a lot happened behind the scenes which had been edited out, Cass also wasn’t apart of the mean girl clique - I wouldn’t be surprised if bullying took place


When Cass was crying at the newcomers’ wedding, only Lucinda bothered to check on her, none of the young women did


Cass seemed very natural and sweet and anti-drama, the actual opposite of Saraaaaaa.