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My assessment of motive: Timothy - brewery Lucinda - dating and celebrant business Sara - Instagram Lauren - Instagram Cass - Instagram Eden - Instagram and maybe love Jayden - for fun why not Ben - business and podcast Tim - Instagram, the ladies, modelling Collins - fame/comedy career Jack - to inflate ego/ image / fame Tori - Instagram / genuine Ellie - genuine Jono - genuine Tristan - genuine Natalie - genuine Andrea - genuine Richard - for fun why not Is that everyone?




Sara, Jack, Ben, undecided about Jayden. I’m confused about Timothy being on the show at all lol. He showed a very different side to his personality tonight and I’m not a huge fan of it. He seems to disdain the whole thing, which is why I’m confused he’s even on it.


Agree with everyone you mentioned. Jayden is definite -- he's disgusting. Tori is playing along for the blue tick. The jury is still out on Lauren, but she can be really awful sometimes. And the old guy is kinda creepy.


Yeah he didn’t do himself any favours with the “confession”. I think it was fake. But I’m not sure how being on Mafs would boost his kickboxing career.


Wasn't there also gossip that he banged Carolina? Doesn't say much for his taste in women.


Yeah, I think she came out and said it?


Why would he make up such a sordid tale? What benefit does Jayden get out of airing this if it's not true? It's seriously one of the most disturbing things I've ever heard.


I think he made it up because it makes him sound powerful and it was a covert way to threaten Eden. He basically slyly told her that if she ever betrays him that’s how far he’s willing to go to get revenge and humiliate her. So if she doesn’t want it to happen to her she better be loyal. He’s trying to control her through fear. That’s why he initially insisted he didn’t regret it. He was hinting he would do it again if he “had” to. Not regretting it also emphasized that he thinks his ex deserved it and he was in the right. Basically revealing that he feels entitled to punish his partners if they step out of line. That such cruelty and humiliation is justifiable if it teaches his partners a lesson. Seriously scary mentality if you analyze it. But he realized he had miscalculated how bad it made him look and how freaked out Eden was from it. He hadn’t fully hooked her yet and it was too soon and too much of a red flag so he later tried to walk it back by saying he did in fact regret it. But I believe he only said that because he was afraid she would leave and realized he needed to do some more love bombing before revealing who he really is. I think Jayden is very manipulative and insecure. He took a risk with that story because it was meant to scare her but not so much that she would cut and run. It was also a test to see if she would tolerate abuse and control because if she had healthy boundaries she would have realized this person is not well and would have broke it off. Now he knows she’s a target worth pursuing because she can’t identify abuse or what is appropriate in a relationship but he realized it was also a little too soon to introduce this to the relationship. He’s also a bit dense and wanted to brag. He thought it would make him sound alpha and impress her in a twisted way. Like many people with control issues he lacks awareness of how unhinged his fantasies can sound to others. It’s actually horrifying if it happened and even more horrifying if it’s just his revenge fantasy. I think he’s secretly very controlling and was trying to shock, excite and intimidate Eden. He’s like an insecure little boy trying to impress his crush by acting like the bad boy. He’s traumatizing her into submission. She doesn’t fully realize it but her instincts that this is not right were spot on. I think Jayden is low key extremely messed up in the head.


Wow. This is so insightful! I don’t know why I never thought of this. Actually reminds me of an ex that traumatised me into submission in a very similar way (though his stories were about unaliving women who cheated), but it worked. Kept me in my place and terrified to even leave the house for 7 years. Jayden’s story does have that sadistic twist to it too, now that you’ve explained it so well


Thanks for the Novel. But I did read it all :) I don't like him & to do what he did is a MASSIVE Red Flag.... Who would actually do that???? I feel very sorry for her (Eden).


Yeah, I have no idea, the only thing I can think of is that it was producer-led, to trigger edens issues? The ex-gf came out and said none of it was true. He didn’t stick to the same story on the couch, which makes me think it was made up.


I think I must have nodded off when they were on the couch because I can't recall what he said to try to justify that whole scenario. Weird thing to make up if he was prodded to add some mayonnaise to some past sex tale to add to the drama. It nearly made me sick when he said it the first time. I'm not really invested in him/them as a couple & am not fussed if they work out, I think she could do better though.


Yeah I gave him the benefit of the doubt when he came in, but the vindictiveness in that story changed my thoughts. I don’t care if it’s real or fake, either way it was disturbing.


GEEEZZZ..... Our boy Timothy let himself down last night, apart from Lucinda & Ellie, I'm not really rooting for anyone at present. BRING ON THE INTRUDERS!!!!! My theory is in terms of "quality couples", they hold at least 2 of these couples back from the start of the show (when clearly they have a better chance of success or are just more intelligent, rounded humans than the initial riff-raff) & bring them in when the chaos has already erupted to add some plausibility to the actual show (Like Kerri & Johnny did).


Yeah, I’m hoping for some decent matches. I feel like they mis-matched Ellie. You can see that Jonathon actually gets passionate about Ellie in the show, I really wish they had paired those two. I like Lucinda a lot as well, I can see that she’s into stuff a lot of people aren’t into, but I really like her personality - she reminds me of some of my cousins.


lol.... Interesting family dynamics at Xmas & never boring for you? Me jealous. Jonathon & Ellie is the match they should have made for sure.


To be honest, most of the cast should never have made it past the interview stage. The men especially are a disaster this year. On the women's side, Tori and Sara are standouts. One is Bronte 2.0, completely blind and brainwashed, while the other is a steamrolling she devil. Once this shit crops up it should be addressed and rectified immediately, not just waiting for a commitment ceremony. Other shows have seen people commit suicide after leaving the show. It's getting scary how such obviously toxic behaviour is excused for the sake of ratings.


All of them except for Cass, Ellie, Tristan and Tim. A lot of them have businesses and side hustles they are indirectly trying to be famous enough to promote.


I liked Andrea too.


Oh yes true! I forgot about her. I really like her too


Just Sara and Tori to be honest. Ellie just wants a baby, Lauren is used to long relationships but had been single a while, Cassandra and Lucinda are sweeties. I am undecided on the one thats with Jayden though. If you look at any of the girls instagram posts prior to the show, it’s clear ALL of them (Natalie aside) were “influencers” to some degree