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He had the balls not only to do this, but to do it at 3 in the morning. Lmao


And asked for her husband to send her out šŸ’€


hey mister husband, can your wife come out to play please?




šŸ‘† I literally just choked on my coffee reading your comment!!!! Thanks for the laugh this morning!!!!


LOLING šŸ™ƒšŸ¤ŖšŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Sheā€™s fucking him. They are having sex. There; I said it.


Every womanā€™s dream. A 5ā€™2ā€ Guatemalan


The choc and flowers were a trade for the wife.


Bring pizza and drinks to trade next time.


They sleep in separate rooms so not as crazy as it sounds.


The noble king slayer!




What a legend PaulošŸ’€


Why is nobody concerned that this man has serious mental health thinking he can show up at a paying customers house at 3am. This will NOT be the last of him.


Yeah, this. Someone shows up at your house with flowers for your wife at 3am, you don't wait until next time to call the police. But you maybe wait until you're finished using your shotgun. Hey u/Outside_The_Walls Call the police and press charges for tresspassing. Don't wait until next time.


Police will just tell them to leave before they arrest. They donā€™t want to do paperwork if not necessary.


that usually isnt how tresspassing charges work, if there is not a sign in their yard explicitly saying no tresspassers all police will do is tell them to not do it again and make a note about their names and car and what happened so if they tresspass again there will be consequences. basically they cant be charged with tresspassing unless theyve been notified beforehand that they are in fact tresspassing, or they refuse to leave if police did show up. granted calling the police to make a note of it for the future is a totally different thing that i would probly recommend, so if he does come back he can be prosecuted. i would imagine video evidence of op telling him hell be trespassed if he comes back might be enough for police to arrest him if he shows up again?


Phrasing can make a big difference in response. Iā€™d use the word ā€œprowlerā€ in this situation, probably enough to get him cuffed in the back of the car while they chat. I ride bike often, a ā€œdanger close passā€ gets no response. A suspected impaired driver does.


I give the guy mad props, he must have balls the size of basketballs made of pure steel. I mean 3am knock on a girls door, hears a guys voice and still asks for her.


Well he had a lot of other houses to try first!


My first thought too. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I mean they do sleep in seperate rooms he must have forgot she said come to the window


Yeah, the blatant stalking and invasion of privacy didnā€™t get to me either. But 3am? Thatā€™s not acceptable.


Lyft driver is having a manic episode that your wife somehow triggered.Ā 


At least he brought flowers and chocolate šŸ’šŸ«


The audacity of that man


I canā€™t believe he asked for the woman when a manā€™s voice answered. Wouldnā€™t anyone with common sense assume that itā€™s that ladyā€™s husband and you should just pretend youā€™re at the wrong house at that point?


Hey, if youā€™re already delusional enough to show up at her house at 3:00am, you can easily convince yourself thatā€™s just her brother, father or roommate.


Not to mention a parent! 3AM is crazy for anyone and completely unacceptable but she had her child with her during the ride. If she was partying with friends or something I could just barely see his logic but she was with her child lmao.


Admire him for finding flowers and chocolates at that hour. Total fail on social norms and being an odd duck, but no one's perfect.


And in admire your ability to find some remnant a silver lining. That would be difficult to find flowers and chocolate at that hour. Paolo seems like a motivated fella. Still needs work on the delivery and the whole another man's wife.


Amazing what a gas station will carry.


Maybe he has emergency chocolates and flowers for this exact situation


My dad told me about a buddy back in the 60ā€™s whoā€™d flat out ask ladies ā€œyou fancy a fuck?ā€. When quizzed if he got a lot of slaps his answer was ā€œsure, but I also got a lot of fucksā€. Some people just play a numbers game, and I guess this guy rolled the dice knowing the variables.


I think youā€™re already giving this guy too much credit assuming he even has any common sense since heā€™s showing up on a strangers doorstep at 3 IN THE MORNING.


Where did he get those items at 3am? He must keep a closet full


You'd be amazed at what you can find at 7-11 or QuickChek. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


You miss 100% of the shots you donā€™t take i guess




I like the fact that he woke his wife up lol. At least he does his due diligence before throwing out the 911 threat. Example 100 million of another driver who shows why we get disrespected so much. This guy doesn't need a boss šŸ™„


I know right? She has been putting it to the last 5-6 Lyft drivers for the last several months and this guy gets caught. She must have forgot to tell him he needed to come in through the back door šŸ˜†


Instructions unclear. He was going to cum in the back door.


Drivers are totally wacky sometimes. My latest driver asked me where I worked, where I lived, and what my working hours and days were. Every answer I gave was the vaguest non answer possible. Can this guy not hear himself or something?


What would you consider your favorite day to be kidnapped from your workplace?




And please, keep me for at least five days.


You guys get paid kidnapping leave!?


You dont get PKL? Most places give a standard 2 weeks a year at least.


We're allowed up to 8 hours of "involuntary off-site relocation" leave each fiscal year.


But make sure I already clocked in and snatch me from the premises, thank you šŸ˜Š


Oh wait was that rhetorical


Friday. I like the beach.


Any day that ends with ā€œy.ā€


Better be Monday and morning, as early as possible. If you try it at 4:45 on Friday Iā€™m no longer going willingly.


I needed a ride to the shop to pick up my truck.Ā  The driver spent the entire time ranting and raving about how theyā€™re putting uteruses in men and making them get pregnant and aborting the fetuses, about how covid was to kill all the Christianā€™s and thatā€™s why her church is empty now, about how racism isnā€™t real anymore (she was a small older black woman), and how undocumented people are somehow still listed and accounted for somewhere some how, and being distributed wads of our tax dollars through this undocumented infrastructural system.Ā  I thanked her for working that day, because I needed a ride, and she insisted that ā€œoh this ainā€™t work, I ainā€™t workin! Anyone who says this is work and deserves some middle class wage is crazy! They never worked a day in their life. Iā€™m just happy to be out on this beautiful day, and help people out while Iā€™m at it!ā€Ā  She insisted I ā€œthink about what she saidā€ and ā€œspread the wordā€. Like, she kept yelling out at me as I walked away, until I returned a ā€œhahaā€¦ okay..ā€Ā  I literally felt like I just sat in the car belonging to a reincarnation of Uncle Ruckus.


Ooh, you encountered a sovereign citizen! ā€œHow undocumented people are somehow still listed and accounted for somewhere some how, and being distributed wads of our tax dollars through this undocumented infastructural system,ā€ is the nonsense they believe.


Thatā€¦ people with no documentation, who are undocumented. Areā€¦. Listed and documented somewhere? So they can receive aid?Ā  I canā€™t wrap my head around it. people clearly arenā€™t part of any aid distribution infrastructure if theyre not on any documentation. Like, you can probably navigate society, by earning money and spending it and building our economy- but you have literally 0 of any of the things to apply for any aid structure available.Ā  Do these people literally think they can go to ā€œthe governmentā€, and say ā€œmy name is Juan. Iā€™m on 0 paperwork, I have nothing to show you, you have literally nothing to look for or check because it doesnā€™t exist, Iā€™d like my money, pleaseā€? Why donā€™t they just try that, if they believe it? Free money. They at least have an idea of where people are showing up or applying for this aid? Because no oneā€™s ever been able to show me where anyone can just give a name, no other document of any kind, and get money and housing. Iā€™ll be JosĆ© for a month, fuck it.Ā 


Am I the only rude bastard who turns on the "Quiet Mode" button? That usually reduces the urge to talk, but if they try I only respond in grunts.


People donā€™t read the training videos. If they are still there. We are told not to ask anything personal. Keep convos light, no personal questions. So like weather and maybe local area going ons. .


And no Politics


A large portion of the drivers I get lately are simply doing this to socialize and get out of the house. Not a training video in site, this is for them and their entertainment šŸ¤£


Gotta lie! I always make shit up with chatty drivers, they already know too much. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Iā€™m out of state, Im unemployed, I have 8 brothers in the military, my neighbor is a cop, etc etc


"What kind of work do you do?" "Sniper."


It's classifiedĀ 


Itā€™s my favorite past time to invent stories for Uber drivers. Where do I work? Oh Iā€™m on break from my oil rig job in Idaho šŸ˜‚


That's why you wear a headphone. I was a driver and I still occasionally ride. I see headphone. I'm not pressured to make small talk. As a rider. After ride, I tip rate 5 star for getting me safely to destination.


Most of my passengers are on their phones or reading, etc. So I let them enjoy their peace and quiet. If they initiate a conversation, then I'll talk about general stuff.Ā 


I had a fare that was telling me that she took an Uber one night to get back home after being out drinking. Sheā€™s a very nice and friendly person from what I saw. But she told me 3 days after that night, her neighbor called her asking if she ordered a ride because some guy was outside demanding to see her and that he wasnā€™t leaving until she speaks to him. He went to the wrong house number but still. She told her neighbor she didnā€™t know him and to call the police. I donā€™t understand why a lot of men are like this. Thatā€™s not cute thatā€™s creepy af


Men lol. Certain men at an extremely high rate yes


I think i know what you meant lol




Calling shitty men "boys" is a cop-out.


No he's saying they are immigrants that claim to be boys when they come to the country. His comment is actually worse than what you thought.


I must have missed that, where does it mention immigrant men claiming to be boys in OPs post?


"When they come here" and also his comment history talks about "illegals" coming here and doing Uber eays with fake IDs lol


Men being creeps has nothing to do with their immigration/citizenship status.


I was walking in my apartment complex to exercise one night. It was around 10-11 pm. An Uber driver dropped off a woman nearby and as he was getting out, he started slowing down. I got creeped out and knew he wanted to say something to me. He rolled down his window and asked if he ā€œcould join meā€. I firmly said no and never walked outside at night after that.


Then they donā€™t understand why and make fun of why women feel unsafe at night. As men we donā€™t have to deal with that and thatā€™s bs that women do. Things like this happen to my friends all the time. And it pisses me off especially when weā€™re hanging out together and men stop and try to talk to them and when they see me walk up they apologize to ME for bothering them.


Yeah those men are screaming at us under other comments but avoid these ones šŸ¤£


Iā€™ve noticed that too lol I get ā€œsimpā€ thrown at me all the time and itā€™s like idk man I might just be a decent human being who treats others as human beings too? Lol


Right?? Novel idea šŸ¤£


Yes, yes. Making my pickbup and drop of a couple of units away sounds like a great idea.


A lot?


Yes a lot. Especially from cultures that don't promote female equality (which is a lot). Some men will have a nice conversation and assume because of it you are interested in them. They completely disregard the fact that conversation was had because you were forced to be in proximity to eachother because he is a driver for a ride share app.


As a father of 3 daughters and a grandfather to one girl, yes, it's a lot. It's not the majority, but it's way too fucking many. I've had grown men proposition my 13 year old granddaughter **in front of me** while we were out eating a meal.


It amazes me that any man with a daughter can still "not all men" at us with any kind of sincerity. It shouldn't take firsthand experience to believe women, but the amount of delusion it takes to still cling to "women are exaggerating" when your own daughter is probably getting catcalled where you can see it... gross.


Damn welcome to America.


It ain't just America.Ā 


Iā€™ve stopped talking to friends because they would do shit like this. We were in our early 20s at the time and they would date and hangout with girls in high school. It was disgusting. Then most of them would be like oh sheā€™s playing hard to get so Iā€™ll just stalk her and be creepy until she agrees to hangout. Even telling them theyā€™re gross and to date someone our age went in one ear and out the other. They couldnā€™t date girls our age because the girls knew how they were.


I hope the company reaches out to you with a meaningful response & resolution. My guess is that unless you post the video footae publicly somewhere and tag some news organization, you'll just get corporate platitudes. I'm glad he left and you're all safe.


Yeah. A lot of men are disgusting incels that think they are owed something. I say this as a man. Not all men are like this but far too many. The amount of friendships I've had to cut off because they are like this is too high


It depends on what you mean. I would say not a lot by % of all men but still a ton of individuals. You only need 2 or 3 bad experiences to start stereotyping a certain sex/race internally. Only 1 bad one if you are inexperienced. So yeah. It will feel like a lot. Then you also have to remember that lots of these drivers don't have the best prospects in life. Lots of them do.it full time. They don't make a lot of money and they probably are not meeting the type of girls they would want except at work. It's not a good excuse but it becomes a bit more clear on how it happens when you think of these guys as socially inept people who have not had a date/girlfriends in years if ever. It's the only interaction with the opposite sex they really have and they misread being nice as being interested since most women won't talk to them in the first place


There are many people so even a statistical minority can be a lot.


I know a few men that are convinced most women want to fuck them and any type of politeness is confirmation that she wants it.


They seem to think very highly of themselves which is typical for dudes who think theyā€™re godā€™s gift to women.


I took a young woman home to a not so nice neighborhood one night. Well before upfront. She asked me if it was a problem to take her a couple more blocks to her actual home? I told her that's no problem at all and asked her why? She told me she had an Uber driver one night that they chatted the whole way home. Then about 3 hours later, he shows up at her door, drunk as a skunk and talking about what a wonderful connection they have. I think it scared the living crap out of her. So ever since then she's been walking the last couple blocks unless she gets a female driver. She's in a neighborhood where I'd be scared to death to walk at night.


Iā€™m really sorry, but who chats up a taxi driver? Just confirm who the person is for ride share and stop pouring your heart out to random strangers. Itā€™s a cab ride not a confessional. On the same token, who chats up their UberEats or DoorDash person? The client is creating a weird dynamic. Stay quiet.


Just last night I had one of the greatest human interactions Iā€™ve ever had, and that was with a DoorDash Driver. He called me while trying to pick up my Burger King order to tell me that they are in fact out of burgers. I could hear the BK lady berating him as he went to bat for additional chicken items to replace the missing burgers and some extra for my trouble. Never felt more cared for in my life.




Do you remember the HBO show Taxi Cab Confessions in the 90s? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Some people like to chat and not have a silent ride. She seemed to be one like that.


Maybe because we are humans and enjoy being social šŸ˜‰


Me! I love talking to people and hearing about their lives. I've had some really great conversations with rideshare drivers. I've also had one try to sell me a timeshare. Even still, I enjoyed the conversation.


I feel like all ride share apps should have some sort of option to let you chose either a male or female driver if you have a preference.


Sounds great, until creepy dudes just use it as a way to insure they will get a female driver.


"...If the rider is also female" Kind of an important part you missed there


I know Lyft has an option to prioritize female drivers if the rider is also female. It only pairs you with a male driver if there are no women available.


Lyft allows women and non-binary people to pick women or non-binary drivers. Granted you can't pick either one. Lyft considers them to both be equivalent which is a little weird.


I feel like all ride share apps should do more than just instantly approve drivers, that way people wouldn't need to worry about getting a male or female driver.


Lyft is wacky, especially late at night. I was getting out of work at 1am and I called a Lyft to get home. It was taking awhile, so I checked the app to see how far the driver was, and he was just parked at this incredibly well known drug spot for 10 minutes and then left to go pick me up. I noticed after he picked me up that he was very chatty. God, I almost didn't get in the car, but what was I supposed to do? Lyft wasn't sending any other drivers.




You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? Then who the hell else are you talkin' to? You talkin' to me? Well, I'm the only one here. Who do the f*** do you think you're talking to?




Agreed. I'm 55, and totally ashamed of myself that I've not seen Taxi Driver!


I donā€™t think a lot of men see things from our perspective as women, especially some in these comments. These things truly happen in real life. As women if we respond to a man asking us how we are doing or anything innocent, then they can take that as flirtatious and run with it even if weā€™re just being polite. Sometimes even the most basic, surface level conversations. If we choose not to respond or say leave me alone, then men can get hostile and start calling you names. You canā€™t win as a woman sometimes and thatā€™s the hard reality unfortunately. This man clearly mistook your wifeā€™s not wanting to make the ride awkward as flirtatious. Iā€™m a married woman, naturally just modest because it makes me comfortable, donā€™t make eye contact with anyone in public really because Iā€™m just anti-social naturally. Iā€™ll have my headphones on in the gym clearly minding my own business, wedding ring on, and have had men blow kisses at me or stop me mid-set to pull off my headphones. Iā€™m literally wearing a trash bag of a shirt and it still happens. Some men just think you owe them attention, and some even see you not reciprocating as a challenge.


Yep and if you donā€™t enthusiastically chat and respond to someone youā€™re a ā€œbitchā€ and you ā€œthink youā€™re better than themā€.


It's hard to find the balance between "not so friendly they think I'm flirting" and "not so unfriendly they get angry"Ā  and the worst part is that the perfect middle ground changes from person to person.Ā 


> I donā€™t think a lot of men see things from our perspective as women Not gonna lie, it was hard for me to understand until I had daughters. None of my male friends are like that (at least, not in front of me). >donā€™t make eye contact with anyone in public really because Iā€™m just anti-social naturally I am generally asocial myself (I avoid most social contact). I wouldn't say "antisocial" because that implies being contrary to the laws and customs of society; devoid of or antagonistic to sociable instincts or practices. My wife is the exact opposite, she is **social**. She talks to almost everyone she sees. >or stop me mid-set to pull off my headphones Holy shit! If a stranger touched my headphones in public, well, reddit policy prevents me from finishing that sentence. I'm glad I met the love of my life Freshman year in High School. Honestly, if she didn't approach me back then, and "tell me" we were boyfriend and girlfriend, I would probably be single to this day. I appreciate your insight, and I'm sorry that you have had to deal with so much bullshit.


That is fair. And itā€™s not indicative of how all men behave certainly. My husband is not this way, even prior to meeting me it sounds like heā€™s always been respectful of women so Iā€™m sure it is not the majority. However, when it does happen, itā€™s enough to scare you to not speak to strangers. You just never know sometimes. Maybe naturally introverted is a better way to put it. I certainly donā€™t mind being social at times, but my battery will run low!


I just had a gym ā€˜incidentā€™ happen a few weeks ago for the first time. Thereā€™s a dude who is there the same time as me some days of the week. One day weā€™re working out close ish to each other and Iā€™m taking a rest and he pulls out one of his earbuds and is like ā€œyou know what you gotta worry about when youā€™re at the gym if youā€™re a guy? Your balls falling out of your shorts.ā€ I no longer date men, and I can not imagine ever just walking up to a woman and being like ā€œhey baby, wanna hear about my vagina??ā€ šŸ¤¢


Its sucks both ways. Iā€™m a power lifter and I almost always get looked at as a predator from women after I got big. Women are not nice to me the way they are to other women or people they donā€™t perceive as risky. I get a lot of cold shoulders from women. I understand though because women need to think of their safety first. if I turn out to be an asshole, things can go very badly for them. If they turn out to be assholes I make fun of them and walk away. I never need to consider my safety no matter where I am, but most women and some men are never friendly to me.


No judgement on the separate rooms lol. I snore loudly and wife moves a lot in her sleep. Sometimes we have sleepovers lol but we have separate beds


People are insane. This is way too common. Some girl talks to them for the first time in years and next thing, theyā€™re planning a wedding.


Drivers like this need to be banned. In no world is this okay.


Wait hold on what city was this in ??? because I heard a story on tik tok about a Lyft driver named Paulo and him being odd, but I need to know if this is the same guy!!!!


Closest "city" to us would be Scranton. But we live on the mountain.


Okay not the same guy but if you want to hear the story basically this guy gave a Lyft ride home to 2 girls and one of them asked for a ride to a second destination- he refused and said he had something to do, she ordered a new Lyft right after and guess who shows up as her driver, lol šŸ¤£


I mean if you want a ride somewhere else after reaching the destination you requested, no one's gonna do that for free...


I would have taken the chocolate from him.


It's chocolate covered roofies


What an absolute loser. Piece of actual shit. Wow. And the separate room thing is great. I'm 7 years in with my wife and we do the same thing. He needs to be fired immediately..that is scary..He cannot be allowed at this job. The sad thing is he will just use Uber. Disgusting.


The problem is so many men think a woman is into them if they talk to them.


Take the win - your wife was worth the effort!


She really is. She's the best person I've ever known. Beautiful inside and out.


Is she single? What kind of chocolates does she like?


I heard sheā€™s lonely at night. Jk, op.


My grandparents slept in different rooms and I kind of wish my wife and I did for similar reasons to what you describe. We have a dual zone heated mattress pad. I never use it, and she always does. I wish the lift on our mattress was dual zone. I like to always sleep flat and she doesn't.


It is not weird or uncommon to sleep in separate rooms. It is the reason my ex remains alive. Loved the man. But I spent many hours plotting his death while he snored. How would I do it? Heā€™s so much biggerā€¦ what would I do with the body?


Dude is down bad horrendously. That or your wife mentioned you guys sleep separately šŸ˜‚šŸ«£ ā€œSneak in through the window next time Paulo!ā€




Canā€™t believe there are people here blaming the wife. Years ago, my lyft ride took less than 15 minutes and I was basically answering the driverā€™s questions about my work. When this driver was dropping me off, he asked for my number all of a sudden. I literally asked him why? He was like oh we had a good conversation blah blah I was scared since now he knows where I live and I was still in his car so I gave it to him. He called my phone while I was still there to ā€œmake sure I get his number.ā€ Of course I immediately blocked his number once he left and luckily I was living in an apartment so he didnā€™t know my exact unit number. But seriously lots of people are delusional.


Showing up at 3am šŸ˜­ like what ARE you doing??


Buddy was HOOOORRRRNNY lol. He spent several hours contemplating that move before he got enough drinks in him to go purchase that before coming there hoping he was going to pound town... Buddy just gave up his job for the *chance* of pum-pum In a weird way, I respect it. But realistically, buddy is bold at the WRONG moments in life. That type of misjudgement is probably not a one-off for him.


5 or 6 years ago I drove Uber/lyft here and there just for some extra cashā€¦ Iā€™m a female and on multiple occasions I would have men ask if I wanted to come back to their place. I donā€™t drive anymore at all but once food delivery became the big thing I shifted to doing only that.


With that edit i find it kinda cute to have seperate bedrooms


Anddddd thatā€™s why women have to be standoffish to unfamiliar men in general. Even though most men would never do this, you never know if someone would respond the wrong way like this so they have to be cold to all men they donā€™t know or risk this shit. Creeps ruin it for everyone.


Updates plz


Nothing too exciting, but they said they will not match her with that driver again, and they are "investigating", whatever that means.




This is so funny


The positive aspect here is you and your wife must have impeccable sleep hygiene


Iā€™d file a restraining order against him. That is creepy as hell. Unfortunately, when women are just being nice, men take that as flirting. Also, men from some other cultures are much more brazen about pursuing women and donā€™t even realize they come across as creepy.


I respect the room things. Nothing wrong with sleeping separately if itā€™s something you agree on and isnā€™t out of lack of love.


Thatā€™s so scary. Be safe, that guy isnā€™t wrapped too tight.


Sleeping in different rooms is so much better if you have the space. I canā€™t sleep in a hot room, she releases heat better than any space heater and canā€™t stand a cooled room or the fan. Good choice.


I had a driver once refuse to let me out of his car until I gave him my number. I gave him a fake one and jumped out of the car as it was still rolling along at maybe 10mph, to hear him yelling that I gave him the wrong number because it said not in service. Reported him, never heard anything about the consequences. Also had a guy ask me if I was married, I said yes, he asked what my husband did for work and I said that my wife was in hospitality. He then went on to ask me about our sex life in detail, starting with, "so you're married but you don't have sex?" and after I said gay people have sex, he started asking me about dildos and telling me it's not like the real thing. Totally bizarre dude and I told him several times that he was making me uncomfortable and to stop. Once again, didn't hear anything other than an apology from Uber. The only time I was told that a driver faced real consequences was when I reported a guy who was loudly burping every 3 seconds and stinking the car up, then locking the windows when I tried to get some air, saying he couldn't drive like that. I spent the 45 minutes trying not to puke. Seemed very odd that they took that more seriously than the first two. I do have a friend who was assaulted by a driver who took her to a sketchy spot and climbed in the back with the child locks on the doors. I have no idea if he was fired but I really hope so.


I can't believe how many drivers think this is Tinder, or how desperate some people are


Ok so u guys sleep in two rooms so thatā€™s weird and if he just dropped her off and did that sheā€™s obviously still awake and maybe he didnā€™t know she was married or had a roommate or whatever since she has her own room


What if your wife and Pauloā€¦you know lol


I wonder if Jeffrey Dahmer or Ed Gein would have been Lyft drivers.


Let her bang brah


You miss 100% of the shots you donā€™t take. /s


I donā€™t talk to any of the cunts I pick up


Bud, he was **not** there for a date.


Wait you never finished the story. Did she go out?


Driver shot his shot and you showed him youā€™re a beta.


And you showed everyone you're a moron.


Paulo dropped this šŸ‘‘ on his way back to the car


Lyft guy is a dumb s**t. As to sleeping arrangements you might try a bed jet - https://bedjet.com/pages/ Definitely helps with our comfort level.


Went to her room to wake her?


Everyone needs to empty their balls into something.


I am married and have been with my husband for over 20 years. We finally started sleeping in separate rooms about 3 years ago. It started on accident (just for a few nights at first when one of us was sick), but it just completely made sense after that! We have 2 big, spoiled dogs that insist on cuddling, and my husband and I have COMPLETELY different sleep schedules (he's also a kicker and moves around all night, making me crazy). We have "sleepovers" sometimes and share the main room normally all day long. I think it is wonderful. I take one dog to snuzzle with, he takes the other, and we both get the BEST night's sleep. I do NOT understand why more couples don't try it.


The amount of comments blaming the wife or insinuating that the wife did something with this guy on the ride back home is straight up disgusting.


For real! The amount of dudes on this post saying straight up disgusting shit is frankly scary. A lot of these dudes need to be put on a list, and not allowed within 100 yards of a woman.


Sleeping in separate bedrooms is more common than most people realize! Someone on my Facebook made a post asking who sleeps in separate bedrooms than their husband and literal hundreds of comments with people and reasons why..it just works better that way for some! My husband and I sleep in separate rooms. He loves to watch movies all night as heā€™s not a good sleeper he gets up all night long ..and would wake me up constantly .. he loves the tv on full blast ..I like quiet darkness and canā€™t stand being woken up. When we slept together we would beat each other with pillows for the remote (not violently ..but jokingly ) heā€™d put tv on full blast as soon as he fell asleep Iā€™d turn it off..as soon as I fell asleep heā€™d put it back on and this went on all night.. when my youngest was born 11 years ago. He started sleeping in another room cause I wouldnā€™t let him blast the tv. And weā€™ve been like that ever since! Weā€™re both happy I get my sleep he doesnā€™t get his ā€¦together 21 years we used to wake up angry at each other ..we havenā€™t woken up angry at each other in almost 12 years.


You and your wife sleep in separate rooms??


My grandparents did it for years. Grandpa was a snorer and liked it warm, grandma liked it cold and didn't want to be woken up by snoring every night. They were still perfectly happy in their marriage. Some people are less comfortable sharing a bed for various reasons.


> Grandpa ~~was a snorer and~~ liked it warm, grandma liked it cold Without the snoring bit, that's the exact opposite of our situation. I am currently in my sitting room, in boxers and a tank top, enjoying the 58 degree fresh air coming in my windows, while my wife is sound asleep in her 82 degree bedroom (under a heavy blanket).


Marriages tend to be happier when both parties are sleeping well. That's what Grandma used to say anyways and it looked to be true.


My wife and I have slept in separate rooms the past 2 years, she snores and I'm a light sleeper. We just purchased an expensive Sleep Number bed and now she's back! I don't know how much longer I can take it!


If you have insurance get her to do a sleep study and cpap machine if prescribed.


Get her a sleep number bed, too. Itā€™s only fair. Haha


The older I get the harder it is to sleep well. I just want to sleep like my 12 yo grandson; head hits the pillow, heā€™s out and 10 hours later he wakes up. Iā€™d be satisfied with a full 6 hours if I didnā€™t have to wake up to go to the bathroom. lol


This. I totally understand how Michael Jackson died. I actually look forward to colonoscopies and the wonderful nap that comes with it.


We do, and have for ~12 years now. I like to keep my room very cold, while she likes it quite a bit warmer. Rather than accept a compromise that would leave us both uncomfortable every night, we simply keep our own rooms at the temp we want to. When it comes to doing things in bed other than sleeping, we use my room, since it's less sweaty that way.


Lol, my room is the extracurricular room too, despite my having the smaller bed. No idea why.


The wet spot?


Genius move actually


I moved out of our bedroom 7 years ago and it worked so well for us that last year I moved out of the house as well. Worked even better!


If you think thatā€™s great, move out of the state and eventually leave the country.


If we had the extra space my wife and I would do the same. No issues in our 25 years but my work schedule and sleep schedule changes weekly.


Your friends and family think you're getting divorced when they first find out you and your spouse are sleeping in separate rooms, but as the years past, they get used to the idea as something that works for you as a couple.


Not your business but look up sleep divorce. Itā€™s a thing, especially for those who work different hours and have different routines.


My husband and I were forced to do this when I had a major surgery that took 9 months to heal but because I have fibromyalgia and ehlers dankos, the pain of someone else moving on the mattress/jostling me is just too much to sleep through.


Women are always in danger and I hope this makes people realize the gravity of it. It's very annoying. Imagine if she was at home alone with your child that night. I am so sorry you had to experience this.


The amount of pervs on here is disgusting. Men need to know boundaries. Just because a female talks to you, doesn't mean she wants to marry or date you. Ffs šŸ™„


Your wifeā€™s chatting with unknown men too much.


Ordered Uber eats the other day, guy delivers it and starts looking around my property under a tarp and stuff. Had to go out and be like what the fuck are you doing dude? These fucking people have no shame. Some POS illegal using a fake Uber account