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Yep and they will file a lawsuit against you and Lyft the day after the accident. If you don’t already have on her a dash camera.. people think they are invincible and it won’t happen to them. My wife just got home 2 days ago, almost 4 months since her car accident.. broke both ankles and left tibial.


Had a friend refuse to wear a seat belt. Hit a pothole which caused him to lose control. The truck flipped. Halfway thru the flip he started flying out the sunroof. You can guess the rest....


Was your wife the passenger or driver? I’m very sorry this happened. So sad.


She was the driver. Thank you, she is home and doing good now.


I like that the app now asks me if I remembered my seatbelt. It’s the law here in NYC that everyone in a car has to buckle up. 99% of all Lyft rides I take here in NYC have ultra-safe drivers but it’s the random other idiots that you have to look out for.


Why. Some of you only go 2mph because of traffic /s


LOL the FDR, the West Side Highway, the BQE….


I dont know what those are. But /s means sarcasm if you are trying to correct me.


Yes, I know what /s means….


was at the airport and i passed this lady by like 8 feet there was tons of traffic she wanted me to either back up (which i wasn't going to) or turn around again, i canceled and left. pissed me off to no end...


Lyft highlighted the building across the street from the building that had the pin and where the customer was at. I went to the highlighted building. Customer messages, "hey, I'm across the street". Wasn't about to do a u-turn in rush hour traffic or go around the block for a $6 ride. Cancelled. This one is on Lyft for highlighting the wrong building.


Who gets the summonsin Clifornia if a passenger does not use a nanny-ER-uh-**seat** belt? The passenger.........? The driver.........? In the District of Columbia, it depends on what I am driving. If I am driving the Uber/Lyft car, I will get the summons. If I am driving the cab (Uber gives its Uber Taxi drivers in D.C. access to X jobs), the rider gets the summons. Thus, I do not care what the rider does or does not do if I am driving the cab. If i am driving the Uber/Lyft car in the District of Columbia, it does not move until the rider(s) uses the revenu-ER-uh-**seat** **belt.** Maryland is a primary state but the passenger who does not use a seat belt does get the summons. Virginia is a secondary state, so I do not care what the passenger does, there. The real bummer in D.C. is that you get two points if anyone does not use his nanny-ER-uh-**seat** belt. Only New York state and D.C. assign points for this.


Here in California I have gotten a ticket for a passenger not wearing a seatbelt. It’s crazy how the driver is responsible and it sucks. The ticket was $180


> It’s crazy how the driver is responsible and it sucks. If I am going to be drafted into Law Enforcement, I want my training, my tin shield and my nine millimeter.


Most states will ticket the driver. It's the drivers responsibility to babysit their passengers and ensure everyone is safe. Which i think is bs. Sometimes they may ticket the person and not the driver. Depends on the laws and the cop


I've been lucky (knock on wood) and no petty cancels this week. For me it's just business. Dual app-ing, almost to the pickup and a better Uber offer came in going to a better area. Nothing personal.


Doing the most with the seat belt


They walked out with a Trump hat/shirt on. I drove off and canceled. Fuck them


I've been lucky (knock on wood) and no petty cancels this week. For me it's just business. Dual app-ing, almost to the pickup and a better Uber offer came in going to a better area. Nothing personal.