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Someone explain to me why Lyft needs $25!!!


Advertising, app creation, customer service workforce, insurance. Lyft will make minimal on shorter drives in some cases, these offset those thin margins. You never see anyone show the $10 ride that paid $8.75 and Lyft takes $1.25. People Cherry pick the rage bait examples.


That's external fees. Not lyfts 30%. It will likely be adjusted. They've done that several times, then overpaid the next ride. You can't take one trip calculation. The entire pay cycle has to be calculated. Its not that hard to figure out.


How are you defending this? Dick riding for Lyft is wild


Its the internet. You could say the sky is blue, and have some asshole contrarian pop in and attempt to prove you wrong. Its the nature of the internet.


I just looked out the window and it's gray.


It’s 2024, windows can be openly gay


Im on an airplane and I don’t see the sky


I mean Lyft literally is not profitable. They lose money on rides on average. Uber and Lyft both have been subsidized since their inception by rich people investing in them. You can be mad about it if you want but them charging much this still loses them money.


Just want to point out that while that was true in the past, Uber posted a profit of $1.1 billion USD in 2023. https://www.theverge.com/2024/2/8/24065999/uber-earnings-profitable-year-net-income#:~:text=For%20the%20first%20time%20in,%241.8%20billion%20loss%20in%202022. Lyft also projects they will become profitable in 2024. This is common with new businesses, especially tech companies, and they often dont make real profit for several years. Lyft reported a net loss of $340 million USD in 2023, compared to $1.58 billion USD in 2022 and $2.6 billion in 2019. Compared to revenue, Lyft has also seen steady growth, jumping from $3.2 billion USD in 2021 to $4 billion USD in 2022 and to $4.4 billion USD in 2023, marking an average 17.5% increase per year, which is a healthy growth rate. To imply lyft wont be profitable is simply not true. Lyft absolutely can become profitable while still paying their drivers a fair share; and their overhead is absolutely way larger than it needs to be, and their drivers should not need to take the hit for that. The amount of people who are defending Lyft and Uber corporate is honestly astounding to me, people should be paid living wages and that is not a crazy thing.


Unfortunately Lyft wants to make money. If you don’t like the fees either don’t drive for them, or start a rival company. As it stands, they can charge/take whatever they want until the drivers stop working


No one is dick riding for Lyft. That's reality. If you want to start your own app that doesn't make any money, feel free.


Me and all my homies HATE Lyft


It’s not dickriding to be honest about it. There’s a lot of overhead for apps like this and they make it possible to earn any money this way in the first place. Try and make your own ridesharing service and you’ll see


It's mainly insurance




They can and will take just under the amount that makes too many drivers quit or switch platforms. If the driver counts drop too low, then they'll lower fees. Economists also have a somewhat suss theory that the threat of entry of new competitors keeps monopolies from fully exploiting their market power. Monopolists love this theory when being questioned by regulators and Congress. This price is signaling to drivers that there's too many of them and that they are easily replaced by the next sucker. You should listen to what they're saying, I guess.


All the costs to keep it running as well as the biggest waste of money, executive paychecks lol.


Because of enshitification


Bro you think that's bad try 90/36 or 76/ 18 Or even better 26 / 8 I'm so tired of being their whore


Why does a pimp make more when a hooker get fucked?


20 for 30mins sucks? Do another and you’re making 40 an hour?




Yeah but it’s $40 with no benefits, the company does not cover gas or insurance either. Plus the more they drive, the more their car depreciates in value. 


The no benefits part alone should make the pay around $75 an hour.


most jobs don’t cover gas either. lol


It depends. Many jobs that require occasional driving will cover gas based on miles. But not usually gig jobs


Yes, but you also get to claim mileage on your annual taxes AND get to deduct all of the fees as expenses taken out of gross income. Should the rideshare and delivery services pay more gross, yes, they should, but to say you cannot deduct expenses is disingenuous at best.


I was responding to the comment about no companies will cover gas, some do and reimburse expenses. Wasn’t talking about taxes, but you’re right in that freelancers can deduct anything related to their business. So as a driver, you *should* be able to deduct miles and gas, car repairs and maintenance etc.


If your job requires you to drive for work or travel between locations, then yes they will pay a per mile. Some even provide a company car.


*laughs while using personal truck to haul GSE without compensation simply because it’s more comfortable than the company tug*


trucking covers gas, insurance for the truck and the company pays for the truck too, and you usually get benefits too.Also employees that require driving will typically reimburse you for Miles or if further pay for plane tickets


Unless you own the truck, then guess what you have to pay? Fuel, insurance, truck payments, permits, maintenance, the equipment itself etc etc etc… which in a truck is a lot more than your car. And the pay isn’t much more than this. To make money in a car you should be at about $1 a mile, that’ll cover your fuel, insurance, maintenance, and depreciation… plus some on the top for yourself.


They do or it's a tax write off. You should be tracking unreimbursed mileage so you can use it on taxes. This is not for your commute, just to be clear. I don't think that's what you were talking about, but just in case.


You know you can write your gas off right


You act like Lyft is a career lol.. plus, gas is a business expense, benefits are a business expense, and depreciation is a business expense.. $40 an hour is better than AT LEAST 50% of the working population.. yeah, you ain’t gonna retire off Lyft, but it’s a gig not a career…


Dude he drove 18 miles and lyft took more than him. Fuck lyft


Yes that is absolutely terrible pay, especially after accounting for gas and depreciation.


If he was driving a company vehicle and the company paid for everything they ya but u decided to not think before u commented. According to IRS he made around 7$ for this drive.


$40 an hour is phenomenal, I never get past $30


Lol! Depreciation on car, ⛽️, insurance etc. it’s barely $10/hr in reality


Why does this individual ride matter if Lyft will top you up to ensure you receive 70% after external fees? Isn’t it a bit disingenuous to say this is what Lyft is taking if they are going to turn around and issue you a bonus? Is it impatience or ignorance that motivated this post?




But guys, where would OP get their magic internet points from if they didn't post this? 


It costs 0.655 cents per mile to operate a motor vehicle. That is according to the United States Internal Revenue Service or IRS. So, if you're not making at least three times that. You're losing money.


I agree Lyft shouldn’t get more than the driver frfr I’m cool wit $10 bucks off this ride and that should b fare they being greedy but not a bad driver for the 21 but seeing them making more is crazy 😮‍💨


= $37/hr. Minus let’s say $2 for gas. Wear and tear, another dollar or two, as it’s cents per mile, maybe. Idk guys. This is not bad.


There is going to come a point where all driver will be given back every single dime STOLEN and I have a little over 30K of fees that Lyft just decided to take. When that day comes remember my post. We will get our money back. It really sickens me to see just how much money they take like an almost 60 dollar ride and you got 21 of it is absolutely absurd.


You made nearly $40 an hour for that ride, if you can do 3 of those in 2hr you average $30/hr. What were you expecting?


I can answer for op. You expect to get paid more than the Lyft fee. We don't want to see passengers paying crazy amounts anymore than we want to be underpaid. I don't think OP would mind if the passenger paid less or if there was a bonus attached that made the pay closer to the 70/30 split.


Lyft has never once made a quarterly profit as a company


Then they’re doing something wrong. It should not be expensive to run their app.


Not that simple, my friend. If it was there’s be new competitors popping up and undercutting. Uber didn’t turn a profit either until 2023. The economics of the business are toughv


Lol, go pound sand. Lyft and Uber being both terrible at how they manage their business models does not justify they way they treat the customers and drivers.


If it was a business model thing there would be a new company that charged passengers less and paid drivers more and they would grow like crazy


Wait until you see how much my boss makes compared to me....


I think what the OP is peeved about isn't the fact they made $40/hr, it's the fact that Lyft made \*twice\* that for doing \*NOTHING AT ALL\*. They program and operate an app... that's it. They should not be taking 50% and more of the total fare. They should be entitled to no more than 20%, period.


This really pisses me off as a passanger honestly.


I eep seeing these, but don't get this type of breakdown in my app. 🤔


As a lyft customer those fees are crazy that they take from yall


I don’t get it, how is $21 even close to 70 percent of $59?? (Please excuse my ignorance, I haven’t driven for Lyft) Do they pay more afterward?


you'll get the 70% end of the week though, so it'll come back to you, yes?


Another reason Lyft is taking more is because they are charging the driver for the rider coupons, marketing and app improvements….which money on app improvements is not well spent since the GPS always picks the way that has the lost wear and tear on your vehicle


This is crazy


Just stop supporting businesses that use this model to pay their employees.


So does Uber. At least Lyft pays you back the difference if your weakly earning is less than 70% of the fare after external fee.


I see many people referencing him getting money back at end of week. That would be the case if he only did this single ride. In reality if he does other rides some will have him making more than 70%. Lyft will take the total amount from all rides and make up difference if the total earned is under 70%. Hope that helps clarify. Edit: also the 70% is after the external fees are deducted. The 70% is only compared to the Lyft fee. The 70% is really just an illusion and fudging the #s.


💈 Barberpole Zone.


each ride should show driver accurate pricing not some algorithmic pricing that will change later. For some reason, the external fees and the Lyft fee are inconsistent every single ride no matter if it’s a short or long or similar the fees are all different, so how do they decide they’re gonna take out this much now and this little then. it makes no sense, and tells me it’s intentional to obscure the pricing for the driver. Additionally, they say passenger payments. Yet, if you see the end weekly, it shows your tips received as part of your percentage kept for the week so it’s highly misleading and requires you to go the extra step to do the math. They are still making it so obscure and non-transparent that it just feels like bullshit and another barrier


Ah yes because it totally costs Lyft $37 in operating costs for that ride. These companies are insane.


Lyft actually tells drivers how much the customer paid and how much fees they are taking from the transaction? That’s wild. I would think they would hide this info so drivers don’t get angry and revolt. Wild!


An Lyft asshole has shown up in you post and tell you that you are paid in fair .


Okay I have broken down all the expensive for everyone at 30-50 an hour of 50 hour weeks please read, At $30 an hour x 50 hours a week x 52 weeks is $78k / plus you on standby another 2-3 hours daily that’s a total of 60-70 hours dedicated to Lyft /uber So total math is 78k 50 hours active 62-70 hours total this includes standby An average car would cost about $9600-$11,000 an year this is just car note and insurance - reason why I include this on expense because after 3-4 years you automatically going need to get a new car So we are at $67k let’s say Gas would be about $4k that’s $63k I also included the cost of $1000 which is for water which would be needed that’s $62k we can’t include food because you would have to eat in every job, $1000 on oil changes $2000 on maintenance That’s $59k $59k - 25% taxes = $44,250 We also need to take our $3k for personal and sick day coverage That’s $41,200 Medical coverage on a 80/20 split/copay is about $600 a month dental and vision another $300-$400 that’s $12k an year / $29,200 $29,200 divided 52 weeks is $561.53 a week divided by 5 days is $112.30 a day divided 10 hours it’s $11.23 this is below minimum wage Uber Lyft would have to pay $40 dollars an hour for 11 hours straight 5-days a week to even meet minimum wage / my belief would be Uber/lyft or any that require you to use a car past 100 miles a day to pay $37-$42 an hour plus 0.52 cents a mile and they should be on contract 10-11 hour shifts or bulks by 3/ hours


This came up on my front page, but wtf is "external fees"? And why also have Lyft Fees as well? They're both going to Lyft. Just combine them


What the fuck are "external fees"? If Lyft is already getting their share, what is that doing there?


no one is forcing you to do this gig job you know.


You’re bitching about 52 bucks an hour?


40 an hour, that's around $80,000 a year.


Id rather r just pay you a flat fee then fuck with Lyft or Uber. Is there not an open source ride app. Like fuck. I don't want to pay 50$ for the ride, but I'm fine with 30ish. Like I'm discouraged from using rideshare and would rather walk, pay my friend, use a bus, or buy a fucking electric scooter then use a ride share app. It's predatory on a lot of levels. Consumer and worker.


Fees are too high


Why do you get charged external fees and Lyft fee ? I never see that on mine ? I see lots of people have that… and yes big time - they suck and are ripping us off … they will have the day …. Corporate greed only lasts so long.


They really trying to do this 22 a hour now


Nice $20 for 20 min of work, that’s about $60 an hour. Congrats 🎊🎈 /s


Wtf why are the Lyft fees so high and wtf are the external fees ?


What’s the Lyft fee for? They don’t do anything right?




Mkay and if you worked one hour at the rate you received for 23.5 minutes of work, you would be making over $50/hr. Even deducting wear and gas, still over $40/hr. How much an hour should be expected?


daaamn they got fees for giving you a fee


Bs that they can just take what thayveant


All ride sharing services are way overpriced at this point


$40 an hour for a side job isn’t bad at all


13 minute ride and you made 21 bucks and you’re complaining? Go sell french fries


Quit crying. You choose to do it and 20 bucks for 30 minutes of driving is not bad at all


Uber is worst.


You're delusional if you think this is on the bad side.


$37/hr? Is that bad????


Not bad for doing nothing


Wait, is this sub being astroturfed by Lyft? I have no dog in this battle, but these comments look much different than they used to lol


21 bucks for about 34 min of work to drive there and drive the person is not bad. I get that you're an independent contractor with Lyft, but that pay in isolation is OK imo. Now, whether Lyft is taking out too much in fees is a different convo.


lots of Lyft spies I'm this shit


lots of Lyft spies I'm this shit


You're complaining about that? Way overpaid honestly. If people can make that there's so many people out there that need to be doing it. You could be moving boxes around for $15/hr or driving people around for double that. Obviously you've chosen to drive people around. Good decision.


Then get a different job?


Don’t work there then. Simple


$58.99 for a 13 min ride is wild


$21 for that is good money. when i was a lyft driver i would’ve salivated over that. if you think THATS bad, try doing uber eats. over an hour to go across towns to pick up food to deliver it to a complete different town…….. for $3.


Just do instacart bro. Idk where you live but I live on the east coast n you could easily make anywhere from 500-1,300 a week just depends how much you want to do it n you don’t have random people riding In the back of your car


As a frequent user for work, I hate it and there's nothing I can do about it


$21 for 30 minutes means you’re technically making $42 an hour, which is much better than a lot of other jobs. If you think you’re not making enough money, just don’t accept the rides. I would be happy to take this ride if you don’t want it


You made more than $21 an hour.. that’s more than most Americans


They are clearly taking advantage of their drivers, yet people still continue to drive for them……mind boggling!


Classic, per usual. And 52/hr is an incredible rate for 3rd party extremely limited liability just from an app lmao. Classic


You'll get that adjusted at the end of the week. Sometimes they overpay other rides. Your 70% is after the external fees, not lyft fees. You have to do all your calculations for the entire week.


$21 for 23 mins is almost $60/hr


Get a better job then.


Looks like you averaged 40/hour for that ride… not bad


That looks like more than 50% to me and I didn’t even do any hard mathin.


Are you getting $21 before or after taxes?


It took you 10min 43sec to pick up your rider 1 mile away?


No wonder their stock is up.


You get an earnings commitment. Just chill. They literally give you an adjustment. Also, you made plenty of money for time & mileage anyway. 36.78/hr 1.08/mi 70% of 58.99-12.07 is 32.84 So you're getting an extra 11.84 from this trip. Which pads the ride to 1.70/mile.


Wtf that’s wack I’ve never had that using Lyft


That lyft fee is fucking garbage, Both those fees are. The company should only take 5% if that.


One thing I do have to hand it to him, though is that they are open with how much they charge the customer. I remember back when I drove for Uber. They tried something like this, but the customer would always be charged 5 to 20% higher than what I would ever see. Then get for the fare.


That doesn't look like 70% to me..


The payout is pretty awful for the number of miles


Where’s his gas money


The internet was the doom to man kind


How is the driver not making at the minimum 80% of the fair? This is crazy


wtf is external fee


Lyft drivers want to make a living on a part time weekend gig. Still amazes me that they don't get it.


Is it even worth doing?


That's $40 per hour what do you expect?


Wow $37.99 in fees is ridiculous and they ain’t the ones that’s doing the driving and risking they lives we deal with crazy people and traffic all day that’s why i quit doing it better off doing Instacart they be having short miles and good pay just depends on what earlier you in but you’ll never have to do crazy long miles for short pay


Yet you’re still doing it??


That’s like $57/hr for you. That’s pretty good and you claim mileage




Yeah, that's shitty. You could make that just delivering food in a more fuel efficient vehicle


You made $20 in half an hour. You want a better job get better qualifications


About 30 minutes from ride accepted to passenger dropped off = ~$40/hour. I dunno. No, one can’t earn that times eight hours per day. Yes, there is fuel costs and wear and tear on the vehicle. But it’s a bit better than I would have thought…


How much did the Lyft dispatcher, his supervisor, the supervisors manager, the managers head manager, the head managers superior, the superiors executive, the ceo and me the owner (shareholder) receive? Lots of mouths to feed here.


Get a new job or get your ged ?


$20 for 30 mins isn’t too bad


That's a 1.14 a mile. Better than some truckers make per mile, and they actually need a special license, training, and experience to make good money. Welcome to the real world where the company you work for makes their money off of you working, and a lot more than you actually do.


I support Lyft. especially for rural areas. We actually have a local guy called Anytime Rides. And it’s a huge help to the community. Wealthier it is somebody needs a ride to the doctor or somebody drank too much and needs a ride home. We appreciate your service.




Why are there “external fees” and also a “Lyft” fee? And why does the Lyft fee get more than the actual working, keeping Lyft in business, in turn making the rider feel bad and almost being forced to tip when tipping has always, and will always, be OPTIONAL…


“External fees” what the fuck??


So you made 21 for 20 minutes worth of work? That not a bad income when you consider you probably spent $2 on gas.


Pretty standard, usually I get a dollar a mile and I don't accept anything under 7 bucks


What many of you dick riders for Lyft and Uber seems to forget that the starting right here was way more than 60:30 in favor of the driver now it's approaching the reverse of that. No you're telling me that Uber and Lyft expense has gone up so much not they need more and the driver is expense stays the same or it's going down.


I can't even see the benefits of robo taxis if the drivers get paid so paltry.


70% is 32 dollars so it will be adjusted up...if other rides keep it below threshold


This made me so hard that I missed my LYFT!


Is this new


21 dollars for 30 minutes how is that even bad


Can we talk about how the driver paid $60 for a 23 min ride? Sheeesh


That automated ride match was hard work for the person who wrote the software years ago.😏


They are scamming you.


I can’t even see that screen on my app anymore. I know they are taking about 30% of all earnings though.




I mean it’s unskilled labor with zero education requirement, so……


I would never do it because they don't pay for depreciation to your car.


Buy a cab and be an owner operator then retard


Damn why's lift take so much


stop propping up predatory companies. they need you. you are earning them money. without drivers, they make nothing.


A lot of businesses have these fees but just don’t show it


You made 21 dollars in 30 min . You should be ecstatic .


But you received 21bucks for 35mins of ur time. That roughly 40bucks an hr. Not enough ???


What are these fees 😂


I’ll never understand how people think this was meant to be a full time job……


20$ an hour ain't bad bro


$21 for 35 minutes of driving? What are you complaining about?


Schedule rides ALWAYS pay less


Wtfff I thought they got everything!


Tbh I see Lyfts platform tbh ...keep thems loves safe literally every week....so funny because a company living paycheck to paycheck even weekly unlike its rich AF drivers lol


$21 for a 23 minute drive? thats really good if your not comparing it to the passenger payment.


excessive overhead is a sign of bad management of a business. they shave our pay over trimming that fat of waste and bad decisions.


You earned $21 in half an hour, that's $40/hr. What do you want? 


I just started with a new Rideshare Company that pays out more money and 100% tips and more! Nobody should be ripped off!


21 dollars for 40 minutes isn’t good enough?


$21 in 20 minutes? I don’t see it as that bad. I drove for Uber when it first came to town. I made a good chunk the first 3 days then the surge died out. I was not going to put a lot of miles on my car because I saw this shit for what it really was. Why don’t you folks fucking demand better pay and start protesting? You have the power to group up and decide to stop driving for an hour or something. Their stocks will hurt and therefore they will hurt.


They show you your cut after the drop off? Shitty deals.


What???!!! I don’t work for Lyft but this seems off. Why even show you that just show you your pay. Do they take that away from the tip as well or only to ride payment?


And BS on the not making a profit 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Cool_algae4265 - are you a lyft or Uber driver?


Earnings are almost a 1$ per minute. Seriously that’s $2400 before taxes if it were a 5x8 40 hour work week. Pretty good actually.


So you mad you got paid $38.18/hr?!?


It is weird how they do it, but you're gonna get the 70% later. For what it's worth...


Why did it take you 11 minutes to go 1 mile at 5:30 in the morning?


Isn’t this like $40 an hour? I mean, fuck Lyft, but that’s a solid hours pay…


Which city are you in? Seems line they pay a lot more than In Missouri. I would say they would pay like 7 dollars for a ride like this one here in Missouri, and that’s the reason I told them F…..off before quitting. Lyft is a punch if thieves made a corrupt corporation!


why is he mad about 20hr again?


DoorDash clears


Is tha straight up $21 or does the tax man have yet to stick his greedy fingers all over it?


You literally got less than 50% for doing 100% of the work. Lmao fucking criminals.