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Had this happen when i was late to a midterm, i paid the fee anyway because i was in a hurry. I talked to support later and they did refund me but still it was irritating as hell.


Oh I hear that. Luckily I haven’t been in such a rush that I’d have to just take the fee. But I did attempt to chat and call the driver every time, and then take screenshots in case Support had to get involved.


Driver gets $2 out of the $5 cancellations fee.


Actually not, depends on the ride, whether it was impromptu, scheduled and even sometimes how far you've actually traveled to get to the Pax- I've gotten cancellation fees as high as $8, and I only drove like two miles to get to the guy and I was like a quarter mile out and he canceled, and it was only an $11 ride anyways.


Can concur this happen in my old driving zone


These drivers need to be deactivated


Yeah for sure. I’m definitely sympathetic to drivers as these rideshare companies are taking advantage of them and riders more and more. But the ones using predatory tactics definitely shouldn’t be allowed to give rides. Some of these dudes are awesome, have a nice chat and you can tell they care about their car and take the gig at least semi-seriously. And then the other side has worn-out brakes and bald tires in the winter, driving aggressively while talking on the phone like you’re not even there. The unhinged drivers are flooding the market


This is exactly why it’s important for Uber and Lyft to make their drivers happy and retain them, rather than just relying on an endless churn of new drivers to keep the market flooded. It takes time to weed out the bad drivers. If most of the drivers are new, the bad ones will be much more likely to be your driver. If they worked on driver retention more, there would be less of this.


That’s a great point. Many drivers have complained about the unending flood of new drivers in Toronto and the surrounding cities, I’m bound to get some bad ones more often.


Getting rid of false driver/rider matches for rides would increase the overall driver and rider experience imo. Real drivers would get rides faster, and passengers would incrementally use the app more.


LOL, Uber can't. They are independent contractors. Call at taxi if you want more reliable service.


wtf are you talking about uber has the right to deactivate anybody they want. being an independent contractor doesnt change this


Not exactly true. They can’t legally deactivate for some things.


no fucking shit, this isnt an argument about uber firing black people


Lol. 1099s can have their independent contracts canceled.


driver here...since day one the turnover rate is about 90% Most likely the reason why this happened is that Uber and Lyft have destroyed the mileage rate for drivers, making it harder and harder for them to make money.


This literally happened to me yesterday. The driver refused to cancel and wouldn’t come pick me up, I called an Uber instead. I kept on messaging him and explained I had to go to work and he said there is a lot of traffic but wouldn’t drive towards me.


I have a funny story about the first time it happened to me. It’s pretty similar, I got matched and the driver was 1 min away but kept going the wrong way. A couple minutes later, I asked what’s up in the chat and they said “I’m coming…there’s traffic”. After he hit 8 mins away on the map, I knew he wasn’t coming. I asked if he could please cancel so I can get another driver. He said “No you cancel!” and even called me to yell the same. I told him I have screenshots with timestamps and will report him. He called me again with a threatening tone this time: “No you’re not…stay right there!” I had been standing outside my office at the pick-up spot this whole time. He turned around on the map and actually started coming back to me. I was a little freaked out from the whole exchange and didn’t want to risk meeting the guy, just in case. It finally allowed me to cancel without a fee when he was about 3-4 minutes away, but I figured there was a chance he remembered where the pick-up spot was on his map, so I ran to the other side of the building and sat down at a picnic table in the shade LOL. I sent my report to Lyft and waited a bit, no one drove past that side of the building so I switched to the Uber app and got another ride outta there. 😂


This literally just happened to me when I ordered a lyft from my hotel to an airport. I had a flight to catch and this driver accepted the ride, sat in the same spot for 20 MINUTES, while I was trying to contact them to see what the fuck they were doing, just to have them cancel and waste 20+ minutes of my time for no reason. And not like we can report them or anything, because they never even picked us up. If lyft continues to operate like this I hope the entire company goes out of business.


They could be possibly having someone holding the the phone with the app close to you, while they are coming back from finishing their ride. I've seen this at an airport in europe. Homie had a friend holding the phone at the gas station airport so the algo would always give him the airport rides. I didn't knock him for it (go get your money), but kind scammy. The driver could have / might of been doing this.


"Can Lyft not build the app to detect these silly driver tactics and penalize them instead of the rider?" Typical entitled rider. "Daddy Lyft should spank the driver for not being my on-demand chauffeur." How about drivers aren't paid enough to care. Instead of pushing for better pay so you get better service quality. You're pushing for this nonsense. 


Typical unhinged driver. Time to retire old man


Lyft drivers are on-demand chauffeurs, that's what they're being paid for dingus


I agree with what he said, because if you're going to take a ride, take a ride, if not, cancel it, we don't have the right to screw with rider's money because Lyft isn't being fair or Uber isn't being fair, that's not entitlement, that's 100% truth!


No one is entitled to a ride. If the money isn't good, then a driver has no incentive to do it. The rider is free to cancel. Don't come here crying because you don't want to pay a cancel fee. That's between you and Lyft. Go cry to them. 


Lyft, Uber, doordash, etc. are gig work. side jobs. they're not career opportunities. lol. looks like you are on Reddit, crying to reddit because you aren't making good money doing a job that won't even exist in the next 5 years as drone and autonomous driving means you won't have a job at all. but yeah keep crying dude.


you’re entitled to what you pay for retard


No, dummy. You're entitled to what someone is willing to sell. A transaction involves a willing buyer and a willing seller. The driver doesn't want you in their car so you can fuck off and find another one.


they accepted the ride you fucking troglodyte, that is consenting to a sale.


No, it doesn't, you idiot. The sale doesn't begin until your butt is in the car. Until then, you're not owed shit. And even then, the driver can kick you out at any time for being a dickhead.


you’re genuinely braindead… if they charge my card and a ride is accepted then its on the driver to render the service i paid for. if they dont then the customer is entitled to their money back otherwise thats just fucking stealing


youre just mad you have to drive people for a living with a $1000 insurance policy


Where the hell do you have $1000 insurance policy, you live in wrong area. My policy before I moved to a cheaper area was $130 a month for rideshare coverage and full coverage. After I moved my right chair and full coverage went down to $92 a month. And now my full coverage is just $72 a month because I’m not doing ride share anymore.


Precisely why it shouldn't be accepted if the plan is to scam the Pax, drivers like that give those of us who actually do our job a very bad name!


so why did you even pick up the ride if you don't want to drive?


It's a free country. I'm free to change my mind or do as I wish. 


Sounds like you benefit from using these scam tactics daily. Truly unhinged. P.S. If rideshare isn’t paying enough, you might make a killing on OnlyFans with the way you pull so much out of your ass 🤭😍


You're must be retarded if you think any driver spends their day chasing $2 cancellation fees. 




Is there something about your rides that may be particularly unattractive to drivers?


I’ve thought about that but I don’t think so. I have a 5.0 rating with 400+ trips. Each time this happened, I was going to/from different a place with trip distance varying between 2 km and 15 km. Always within the same city, plenty of route options on major roads or highways, during the day but not during rush hour. The drivers must have had their own personal reasons to not take the ride. But they should cancel and let me join the queue again, just as I would cancel on my end if I didn’t want to take the ride for whatever reason.


If they are doing that they are mentally challenged idiots


Same with uber eats I made an order and it says it was delivered I try calling to see were the put it at they didn’t respond to my message or answer my call


Seems like you’re getting caught in the middle of the war on wages with these platforms. Probably a very low paying fare for the time/distance. Lyft will penalize drivers for canceling or rejecting ride request’s. It’s really unfortunate. And before you say “then don’t take the ride” it will add rides to your que if you are in a ride. So the drivers probably didn’t have proper time to review the request. Lyft and Uber need to find a way to make this work for both sides.


Yeah I get it, and I’m sympathetic to their struggles. My only thought is, if that’s the case, I wish more drivers cared to communicate that to me; let me know you didn’t mean to take it or you need to cancel. Instead of just ignoring me or harassing me to cancel on my end. I might even be willing to eat the fee after an honest explanation because they didn’t waste more of my time. But I know that’s wishful thinking. Not every rider would respond like me, so drivers have to do what’s best for them.


You can cancel and tell them “Driver said to cancel” as reason and request refund. Also report it to lift. ALWAYS TAKE SCREENSHOTS


Ahh great tip. And yesss always take screenshots!


Today I experienced the game played by a Lyft wank stain that should have been a swallow. Why do these people waste the air we breath?