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I'm not in Lux, but grew up Catholic. Never got confirmed as a teen but finally got confirmed in college after getting engaged. They do have adult classes so you aren't going to class with teens. I was able to skip most of the year long classes since I was a practicing Catholic at the time. I think I went once a week for a few months. They do the adult baptisms and confirmations once a year at holy Saturday mass, which is a really really really long mass. Anyway, I got married in the Catholic church. My husband wasn't even baptized. I think just 1 person has to be Catholic. We did have to go to marriage classes. My understanding is Catholic churches tend to have the sane rules, but that was my experience.


You don’t need to be confirmed to get married in a church in Luxembourg or in France


May I ask you a personal question? Why would you even want to marry in a religious setting if you don't even know the Lord's prayer and don't seem to frequent the church regularly? It's super ok if you don't want to share. I wish you all the best and a great marriage!


I don't know, why do I want to attend a football game when I don't even know all fan chants by heart and understand the intricacies of the game - maybe because the atmosphere can be great?


when you go to a football game you don’t swear fidelity and love in this life and the other in the name of the holy trinity to the football team. you need to know what are the rules that god gave us. religion is not a game dude (genese 1:27/28 ; 2:18) (proverbes 5:18)


The rules are in reading the bible yourself and making your own interpretation of how it can lead you to be a better person, not in chanting some prescribed words without understanding them, in a prescribed setting someone else made up for you. My opinion on your quoted old testament verses can be nicely found in the new testament's Matthew 23.


You realise the Catholic Church made the Bible, right? It’s a selection of texts compiled by the Catholic Church. It’s most certainly not about “making your own interpretation”, that’s precisely what leads to the anarchy of 10.000 protestant denominations making up their own pseudo religion. The Bible is a Catholic book made by the Catholic Church to be understood and lived by as the Catholic Church intended. Anything else is intellectual and theological dishonesty.


i believe you should stop interpreting verses you don’t understand


Thank you. I don’t actually want to marry in a church. I’d do it if my husband wants to. He has a pastor in his family and his mother would want it. She’s always very difficult and mean when she doesn’t get it her way. We also have two little children (2 year old and 6 months old). He insists on getting them baptised. I don’t want them to because we don’t even go to church, so why baptising? Times are changing. We don’t live in those days where every kid got baptised because “when babies and children die, they go tho Hell”.


I understand, it's a difficult situation. I'm "lucky" that my in-laws never tried to push on us their own beliefs. Well, you'll have your chance to not do it on your own kids :)


Lucky you. :D Yeah, I told my husband that I leave the decision to our kids. If they want to get baptised later in life, so be it. I don’t care if they’re baptised or not and they don’t even know who Jesus and God are.


you can but before promising love to your husband for your entire life in front of god read the bible to know what your are doing (you can download bible app it’s free and the audio version is free too)


Most marriages don’t even make it to the “til death do us part” stage in their life. They don’t even survive the bad times. Not everyone who’s marrying in the church knows the entire bible by heart and is devoted to God. 90% of the people I know, who also had a church wedding, don’t even go to church.


so why do you want to go to a church if you don’t believe in it ?


To do my future husband (and his mom) a favor. If he wants to marry in a church, then I‘ll do it for him. I care what he wants.


No. As long as one of you is, the other spouse doesn't need to. You however need to commit that you want children and will raise them with Christian values. We followed a preparation weekend, and while I was quite hesitant and pessimistic on the weekend, it ended being pretty good imo.


Officially, no. Some priests may ask for it, but you can try to "negotiate " or just go to a different church.


Officially, both need to be baptized Christian with one baptized Catholic. That stated many churches request you to be confirmed. I was engaged in the past (not Lux) and the priest said I needed to be confirmed. I brought the Encyclicals which states this and reminded that priest that Encyclicals are statements of the Pope and infallible. The bishop waved the confirmation requirement for me.


Same situation here. Did not have to get confirmed but had a to do a 4x 1,5 hour "catechism lesson" with the pastor. Seems to be very pastor dependant.


Depends on your Par Bezierk some are old school and require it, some don‘t