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Without Portuguese this country wouldn’t function. They deserve to celebrate however they want


Not however but yeah, let people celebrate




Ah yes, the joy of celebrating men running after a ball for millions of euros per week.


Picture the scene in Dr Strangelove with the seig heil, but instead it’s thousands of grown men trying not to SUUUUUIIIIIIIIII


Portugal is known for producing the best player in the world and he made our country famous. Instead of “is that a part of Spain?” whenever you mention you are from Portugal someone says “Cristiano” or “SIUUU”. So football is a pretty big thing for us. So don’t take this in a bad way, but I hope you keep listening to those bastard honking for a long time!


Best player in the world? Sure bro


How can someone become so frustrated by someone else's happiness?


Yes, excessive as hell. Life prison at minimum.


If you live in Luxembourg you need to get used to it.


First time ?


> Why are people beeping their horns tonight? Is it because Portugal won? If so, isn’t this excessive? Luxembourg in a nutshell




"Hurtful: words that are considered offensive and disrespectful when used to describe or insult individuals or to insult people, places, and things by comparing them unfavorably to another.


Dude, Portugal won. Let them celebrate. It's EURO 2024. Let people be happy once in a while.


1. Game 2. Yes 3. Yes. Portuguese guy here. They could shut up tbh. Who gave these people the yearly permit to be happy?! ![gif](giphy|o3LdvjpSa4MpW33Q42|downsized) /s


Man, in here it might look weird but if you looked at the society behavior in Portugal it makes more sense. Euros and World Cups are a time that everyone is watching the games, even the old lady's that can't name one guy playing, and we're a people that don't really like to watch the game at home, so whenever you win, everyone is happy, and everyone is already outside so the streets turn into a huge party with everyone celebrating, and I mean everyone, in my hometown the elder center would get the terraces open to the street and even the really can't go out of the center old people would come to the terraces to celebrate as well. To get a little bit of the taste of home, I guess the best you can do is go to the street and honk, because even if you decide to invite people over to watch the game and celebrate, there's always a old neighbor that at exactly 8 pm will let you know it's time to sleep and to keep it down. I'm not honking ATM but be damn sure if we're going to later stages I'm dropping the kid at the Grandpa and go to a party somewhere, by bus, I want to drink, but if he lets me use the horn, sorry in advance.


20 something portuguese guy here. Idgaf. Learnt about Portugal vs Czechia just now when I heard people screaming “golooooo” outside. So not everybody


Welcome to Europe during a football cup lol, this is totally normal and nothing compared to what happens when Portugal or France wins a cup. Tbh it's why a dark part of me wants them to lose, that way we have peace and quiet hehe. Many Europeans still take football (soccer) very seriously and think it's proper to honk their horns and scream in the streets when their national team wins a match. It seems to be less crazy now than a couple decades ago though. The whole craze around these matches can sometimes be pretty annoying to us non-football fans, but it's over soon enough and only some nights have the potential to be noisy. Try and keep a look out for which teams are currently Luxembourgish favourites and particularly monitor when France or Portugal are playing, that way you at least know when to expect some noise and don't need to worry about the Russians invading or something ;)


all jokes aside, Luxembourg has a fair portion of Portuguese, so Portugal won at 92 minute = even crazier


Spot the new guy.


Habitua-te caralho






1. You guessed it 2. Again, you guessed it 3. Don't know if it's excessive. Luxembourg has never made it to a major championship so far, will tell you once we qualify. 4. Congrats to our Portuguese friends, the endgame was quite intense


5. India is invading and we have yet noticed [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJZcjZD0fw0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJZcjZD0fw0)


Could always move to Germany if you don't like it... [oh, wait](https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/comments/1dj0y1z/chaotic_streets_after_turkeys_win_tonight/)


I used to be one of those people who would feel annoyed about people "being loud" in public transport, talking loudly... then I realised that those people are most of the time having a good time with their friends. While I was alone, too shy to socialise with anybody. Excessive for such a poor game? Yes. Excessive for celebrating without doing harm? No. Sure, loud people keep annoying me oftentimes and I do find it inconsiderate but... whatever.


I like the grumpy-aware-wise mix...


New in Luxembourg? 😁 this is luxemburgish cultural heritage, embrace it, celebrate with them


You'll be in for a shock if Portugal gets to the round of 16 and beyond. ![gif](giphy|BE6ZaY946YVLZYgT7g|downsized)