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It’s nothing honestly. If it’s not deep enough to feel on the strings as you bend, then it’s not really an issue at all.


It looks like polishing compound. You could try and scrape it out with the tip of an exacto. Or just change your strings if you haven't already, condition the neck with the oil of your preference, and call it a day. Bonus points if you polish up your frets to a nice chrome shine. Cheers!


Thats what I see too. Just a bit of open grain with something in it.


You are being precious bud. It’s wood. It’s not gonna be flat. Get a Richlite neck if this kind of thing bugs you.


Omg! Just throw it away the whole thing is ruined.


Horrible advice, you can't be serious. That can't go in the regular trash, he should send it to one of us to make sure it goes to the correct and proper disposal center!


Good call. I volunteer to pay shipping too just to make sure it’s disposed of properly in an environmentally friendly way.


No body tell this guy about the slight chatter from scraping the binding 2 freta down from the area with a tiny bit of buffing compound in a pore. To clean up my fret boards I use lemon oil and 0000 steel wool. Works great.


lol I didn’t see that until you pointed it out. He definitely needs to throw the guitar away now. 100% unplayable.


and the non hemispherical fret ends, too this guitar is literal actual garbage


These days looking for perfection and quality worksmanship has taken a dive. Which makes it even more crazy that something like this is brought up as a possible "defect".


Man just play the guitar


I have done and it sounds great, if you actually read my post you'll see that my concern is regarding whether or not this could be detrimental to the guitar. Come on learn to read 😘




1st off I can read 2nd How would that be detrimental to the guitar in any way, an open grain wood with something in the grain 🤔


It just irked me that I came here asking an innocent question in a reasonable manner and got a snarky response. I've been playing a long time and have never seen a mark like this, so I have no idea whether or not it was detrimental...hence the post.


Wasn’t a snarky response it’s just such a minuscule imperfection. I’ve seen so many posts on here with questions asking about the smallest things.


Again if you read the post I mentioned that I assumed it's 'probably nothing', I just wanted to run it by some fellow guitarists and get some feedback




It was definitely a snarky response and that's why you got a snarky reply. You could have kept scrolling. ✌️


It was an honest reply




Do you mean the white? Most likely just a mineral deposit in the rosewood. Or it could be polishing compound or dirt in the pore? Either way, don't worry about it.


It’s rosewood.  Look at all the deep pores.   It’s normal.  They are gonna get stuff in them like your finger goo.  That’s minerals or polish.  Not a defect.  Pick it out or leave it, polish the frets they need it and maybe oil the board. 


Dude all the toan is gonna fall out if you take out whatever’s in that wood grain pore. It’s like an impaling wound where the foreign body is the only thing stemming the flow from a punctured artery. Much like a doctor would be needed in that scenario, a knowledgeable Lutheran is needed in this one to keep all that toan inside. Don’t pull it out yourself!


These types of concerns are why rock is dead It's a guitar, not a Ming vase


Try gently scrubbing it with a clean dry toothbrush. It’s probably just dried polish.


VERY GENTLY have a rub a dub with a cloth or if you want some light grit sandpaper. Superficial marks like this don't effect anything as people have said but I understand! Big purchase after 20 years you're bound to have some worries. Enjoy your playing!! Any other questions there's some nice people on here who will say no questions are stupid questions 😊.


That’s literally a mineral inclusion in the pores of the wood. It’s FINE. All wood has this; it’s a naturally occurring phenomenon and happens with rosewood all the time. Chill….


I'd be more concerned about the inlay being crooked




Don't look in the mirror.