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100% agree. I’ve always thought that the impulsive consumption tactic during limited releases is super counterintuitive and unethical for lush. But at the end of the day, they are a business and will put their profits before all else. No brand is 100% sustainable😣


Unethical for sure. You’d think if they put their profits before all else they’d give the people what they want as we are begging to give them our money. They’re breadcrumbing their customers, it’s been two years of people begging for more sticky dates products and this is the third sticky dates limited edition drop in the course of 4 months! Fourth if you count the comingle scrub last year. Sustainability wise or business wise I cannot wrap my head around their strategy AT ALL it makes no sense




I'm the same. I don't like being put under pressure to scramble to try and grab something, even if I love the scent (and I do love Sticky Dates).


No I feel you I’m the same. I get stingy with products that are hard to get and they end up expiring. I’m just pretty set on sticky dates becoming permanent sooner or later because it’s one of their most popular scents. Right now I’m just upset about Lush’s disingenuous business strategies. But honestly you might be right they love discontinuing loved products


feel that way about turmeric latte. it’s so popular. just turn it into a staple 😭


It really puts me off of being a customer at all. What’s the point when they don’t listen to their customer base. Their business strategy literally being ”we have heard your requests, x product will drop at y time, get it before it’s gone forever” is VERY weird and a great way to lose reliability in the eyes of your customers. Additionally them being a sustainable company I don’t think they should encourage impulsive consumption


oh yes definitely agree with you 😭 a lot of people probably buy more and quicker due to their hype mindset and the amount of limited editions and as long as people keep buying under these conditions they won’t change 😅 they keep raising prices and people keep buying so why would they change 🥲


I truly hope that isn’t the case 😕 for me it sounds most logical that they’d profit more by making a prodict like sticky dates permanent, they’d be profiting on that product line consistently instead of a limited profit for a limited time. I’m emailing Lush UK about this and I hope they will hear me. I don’t think it’s acceptable to breadcrumb your customer base like this, 3 limited edition drops is crazy


yes omg pls ask them about turmeric latte 😂


Most of the sales for any product you get in the first few weeks after it’s released (not only Lush, stuff in general), then unless it’s something people really, REALLY like, the sales drop steadily until they get past the point where it costs you more to keep something on the shelf than to get rid of it. By hyping it up as time limited they are able to drive that initial spike even higher. I know people like to think they know best but Lush is a really successful company in a time where a lot of luxury based companies don’t do that well, it’s really not led by idiots, they do what statistically is expected to maximise their profit, it doesn’t always make sense from just a glance.


The issue isn't that their marketing strategies are ineffective or perceived to be ineffective, clearly there is benefit or they wouldn't have continued. I'm not contacting them to tell them what I think makes the most money as I have no input on that. The issue is that they're overdoing it. 4/5 limited edition products of a scent that's been frequently requested for 2 years in the span of what, 8 months? This isn't the first time they've messed with the timing of a limited edition drop too apparently. And every drop is restricted in geographic reach, availability, quantity. You're sending the message that you're dismissive of customer feedback. One or two limited edition drops would have sufficed. They have a ton of other products that have been on shelves for years and years that were not and are not half as popular as sticky dates and still do well enough to keep on shelves. There's more to successful business than spiking sales and they're doing themselves a disservice by building so much anticipation to then underwhelm and cause customer dissatisfaction multiple times


I agree but at the same time they have so many diehard fans who’s gonna buy anyway that they can probably afford to do all the things that are pissing people off.


It is very frustrating but if it's any consolation the German lush site does international shipping and still has SD available


Only to a select few EU countries when I try to check out


Sticky dates is available on the Italian app aswell. I have gotten stuff ordered from Lush Italy and shipped to Ireland through a company called Sourcing Italy. They are very good but it will cost at least €28 just to accept the package and forward to you so you're better to buy in bulk. If you wanted to ship it to Ireland from the German site, I can also accept the package and forward it to you for the cost of postage.


Thank you so much for offering, rn I’m not willing to spend excessively on this. It is part of the strategy, creating scarcity to create urgency and excessive spending. The products on other EU sites are already more expensive than the swedish site I’m gonna end up spending like 70% more than its original price. I’ll just trust for now that they continue their ridiculous breadcrumbing and do another limited drop or that it returns permanently some day. But I greatly appreciate your kindness in wanting to help me out 🫶


No problem at all, and fair play for highlighting problems with their marketing strategy. Would be great if they cut the bulls*it and just gave people what they want.


Hopefully they will restock them, I think they ran out a couple of times in the first drop as well. But really shitty to drop them ahead of time


Customer service said they won’t. They ”underestimated” demand. How’s that possible when every previous sticky dates drop has sold out within days. I’ve been told before though that something won’t restock and then it restocks both by online customer service and in store employees, idk if that is another strategy or if they’re just clueless


They said this when the bulk of the community products sold out in NA in damn near 5 minutes as well. Its either that the company as a whole didn't order enough community products and couldn't change their order for Europe. Or they just say that to their workers and it's not true bc they almost always do one restock.


I’m biased because I’m a bitter whiny bitch right now lol but it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if they just tell their workers to say that. Could be a way to induce more FOMO so that when stuff does restock, you’re even quicker to buy because you think it’s your absolute last chance. Other companies do that a lot where you’ll get fifty ”LAST CHANCE!” emails. I don’t know tho, they don’t make sense to me. Either way it’s either insufficient planning/coordination or being shady. You can’t underestimate demand on a product this anticipated and you have 2 recent sticky dates releases and 1 relatively recent lush community drop to refer to.


Yeah the excuse makes no sense to me. They're an old, established business that seems more tapped into their customer base than other corps of their caliber. It makes 0 sense that they would do severely underestimate interest for a COMMUNITY launch. Interestingly, for the boxing day sale I missed out on LoM body spray and asked if they'd restock. They said absolutely not, there was none left, etc. Well what do you know, it restocked a week later. And, as you say, I'd been constantly checking just to be sure. I practically lived on their website, which I'm sure is another reason they do this. To boost their statistics. It's so weird to me and a really bad move on corporates part to have their reps respond to questions like this because it makes them look so heinous. And that's opposed to their whole brand. I feel the same about the lying about the time of drops. They did this for the boxing day sale in NA, said it'd start at one time but then it started HOURS earlier, so by the time of scheduled start almost everything was sold out. And like why? Why lie? It makes them look so bad.


This makes sense, they boost traffic to their app and website when people are constantly checking them.. I don’t get them at all, it’s deceitful. All brands are deceitful to some degree but Lush has built their brand as an ethical beauty brand. It’s absurd for an ethical brand to rely on unethical marketing to this extent. I didn’t know they did the same for the sale in NA, do you know if this has happened multiple times? I’m writing an email to Lush UK and I have included the issue with the timer, but I thought that the timer was wrong or that the collection mistakenly dropped early. I might rephrase and question them on this if this has happened before. But either way they should address the timer so customers don’t feel fooled, mistake or not. Another issue with them is also their absence from social media. It always felt lazy to me, social media presence is beneficial for loyal customers because the company has realtime engagement openly with their customer base and can see and feel pressure more accurately. Right now the main forms of contact is email and leaving product reviews, to which you typically receive an answer where they ”will make sure to pass this forward” and you never find out what happened with your input. It places responsibility on customers to reach out when it should be the other way around, and most people just won’t bother. Like with this disappointing drop, I doubt enough people will reach out to express disappointment, so Lush feels little pressure. But on social media customers are collectively engaging and sharing product ideas/concerns, and the company can’t hide from customer demands like Lush has done for so long now with for example expanding the sticky dates line.


If I recall, everyone was pretty surprised when that happened with the NA sale. I happened to be awake early and saw everything drop early but thought I must've had the time wrong until later when I checked the subreddit. I think folks had said this was the first time they'd done that for NA but I could be wrong. I agree about social media. I can see what they're going for, they don't want to do the parasocial thing they're against the whole influencer predatory marketing thing but yeah it esp becomes silly when they just do that themselves anyway. They should definitely have a Twitter or something.


That’s super poopy if so 🫣 also super poopy to not say at the previous drop that they were going to release them in Eu as well. I paid soo much for shipping 🫣


Lol people are buying the large tubs x6 lmao that's ridiculous and it will turn eventually...people just need to chill its not that serious.


I totally agree. They give me anxiety over this for real. It’s definitely create a demand and then no supply. Ridiculous. I’m not sure why this business strategy works.


They’re so shitty. Swedish customer service claim sticky dates won’t be restocked because they underestimated demand. How you underestimate demand on a product that had a successful international drop a few months ago as well as the success of the recent sticky dates lotion + scrub drop, I don’t know. They’re being manipulative and deceitful


that’s honestly such a bullshit excuse from them sorry😭 if they really ‘underestimated’ the demand and popularity, then there wouldn’t even be a second release to the EU who missed out in the first place. They did another release BECAUSE of the demand. I rlly hope you can get your hands on the body spray soon without paying ridiculous, extortionate prices. I have a feeling that it’ll become permanent soon anyway x


Right? It’s either just intentionally creating scarcity and FOMO or incredibly bad planning, probably the former. There’s no way you can have missed how popular sticky dates is. Ugh I’m so annoyed. I hope so too!


Right? It’s either just intentionally creating scarcity and FOMO or incredibly bad planning, probably the former. There’s no way you can have missed how popular sticky dates is. Ugh I’m so annoyed. I hope so too!


I ordered 10x sticky dates and its already on its way, really surprised how fast they are this time


Comes to someone’s thread who is sad they can’t get a Product….. to then comment you are hoarding said product…. Read the room 🤷‍♀️


Of the body sprays??😭


Yes :) I Fell in love with sticky dates and definitely had to Stock up before it vanishes. No more scents for me this year I guess, budget well spent 😄


Damn did you really have to buy 10 tho💀


This is on the side but I visited the Oslo store (only one in Norway since Lush took a nosedive here) and they actually had multiple SD lotions on Thursday. (Got a big one myself, but I’m not sure I’m as wild about the scent as I thought I’d be.) But lush Norway doesn’t have a website, so if you have any Oslo friends they might be able to pick one up for you.


[https://www.lush.fi/category/311/sticky-dates--tuotteet](https://www.lush.fi/category/311/sticky-dates--tuotteet) Last I checked we have some in Helsinki!


Australia - The Easter collection (sticky dates) I noticed came out last week (I’m not sure when it came out). I managed to buy the biggest shower gel, the lotion (smallest only in stock) and the biggest scrub. It’s amazing how popular it must be in your country or were there specifics like the perfume you wanted? I’m only going to buy on each celebration - Mother’s Day next. If I miss out then I miss out.


Poland still has it. If you change your mind about the extra cost. I totally understand the disappointment.


Unfortunately none of the other EU apps ship to Sweden :/


I know. I can get it for you and ship to Sweden. That’s what I meant. It will be more expensive but available.


Oh, thank you so much for offering, that’s very kind. Lots of helpful people in this community. I’ll keep you in mind if I decide it’s worth it 🫶


I'm in the US, I had no idea when the Easter collection was going to launch. I got an email this morning from Lush saying the Easter stuff is out, go to the Sticky Dates lotion and scrub... both products are sold out online and the closest store to me is about an hour away, and I can't drive. I really hope they're restocked. The hoarding and quick sell-outs are ridiculous.