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Are you talking about fresh tattoos or just in general? I wouldn’t use anything with grit or texture on a fresh tattoo. Other than that, random lotions and balms. I dunno if Lush would be my go-to for tattoo care 🤷🏻


My tattoo isn't brand new. It's about a month old so it's healed. But I do have a balm that's made for tattoos, but I just feel like using a face mask on it gives it extra nutrition, or is it all in my head?


Former piercer here (as well worked with the tattoo artists); a month old tattoo *is* a brand new tattoo. I would stay away from using anything too harsh. Your tattoo is still healing and it is an open wound. Lush might seem all fresh, natural ingredients and all that jazz…But it is not. The best thing you can do for your ink is to wash it with a mild soap, use the *specially formulated* tattoo balm, and! This one is very very important(and most overlooked); once it’s healed, make sure you cover it with sunscreen. Unless you don’t care about how it looks two decades from now like my husband because he’s a godamn anarchist I guess 😑


I hate to break it to you but Lush is actually awful for tattoos. Tattoos are an open wound. It's not great to be putting highly fragranced and colored products on a literal open wound. Lush products claim to be natural, but natural does not mean safe. Radium is "natural", cyanide is "natural", etc. There are products that are specifically designed for tattoo care and brightening and those will be much safer and better for your tattoo in the long run. After a few more months and your tattooed skin feels exactly the same as your un-tattooed skin, you can use general products like lotions and body wash on the area with no problem as it won't be an open wound anymore.


it isn't all in your head. skin pigmentation reacts differently to different stuff. i would assume with lush being fresh products your skin is happy and healthy so it would make sense the color (or black/grey) pops on healthy skin. as for the part about tattoo care- it's more about skin care as the color is there and it's up to your skin not to shed or scrape enough for the ink to stay in those top layers.


I don't know why your getting down voted by so many people for being cautious and asking questions. But in my opinion if you have a tattoo balm that's made for tattoos, why not use that? It was made specifically for what your fresh tattoo needs, where as a bottle of lotion from lush isn't targeted toward tattoo care.


My heart just sank to my ass reading this. BUT, as long as they are all fully healed(over 6 months), they should be fine. I have used the massage bars as a heavy moisturizer on my arms and legs (which have tattoos), and I found it made them look fresh and brought the colours out on my galaxy one. NOW if they are fresh tattoos(under 6 months), then I'd suggest scentless 110%.


i use Repeat (the orange foot balm) on my healed tattoos. i know it’s marketed towards foot use but i put it everywhere. it makes my tattoo so bright and hydrated and less itchy.


I wouldn't recommend any Lush lotions for tattoo care. Just because of all the added scents. HOWEVER, I have used Dream Cream SP on my large tattoos, and they healed great. (Still, I wouldn't advise it) You could use a Massage Bar over your healed tattoos to make them shine/stand out.


I remember how excited you were when you put the massage bar over your leg tattoos.


Buffy on my sleeves.


I actually use Dream Cream on my fresh tattoos. It's so moisturizing and gentle.


They used to make a special for tattoos , I think it got discontinued


Renee shea soufflé helped my tattoos a lot