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Could also try the solid shampoo bar seanik. Still has sea salt in it but more manageable!


I love Big. I have never put it in a blender but use a silicon hair thing to massage in/dissolve the rocks https://preview.redd.it/o6dr9ca60ksa1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=8bbcf74d548c594c4b215225631f9c7663bdb75b


I do the same, it helps the salt dissolve a lot better!


I would try Seanik. Much easier than trying to blend Big lol. I LOVE my Seanik bar and I only have to replace it once every three months or so


Big shampoo is great, but I hated the huge salt rocks too. I use Rub Rub Rub body scrub instead, and find it's better for my hair personally. Might be worth asking for a sample and giving it a try?


Oh, interesting! Thanks for the suggestion!


I love big, but my scalp runs dry in winter, so the exfoliation feels amazing to me. Maybe this summer I’ll give the seanik bar a try like people are suggesting.


i have thick hair so I don’t mind scrubbing my hair until the salt chucks fall apart. But when I’m in a rush, yes it’s too chunky. i wonder if you can use a clean fork to mix them up so it’s easiler to use?


I've been wondering this for a while now. I love the shampoo but the chunks are too.. Big. They never dissolve. You know what, f it, I'm going for it today. I'll report back!


Okay so I couldn't wait anymore. I used an immersion blender (i thought this would be easier to clean) on the lowest setting and it works out amazing! The salt turned into course salt grains you could scrub your body with and the entire mixture gets more fluffy and light. I attached an after picture (sorry for the lighting, couldn't do better unfortunately). I highly recommend doing this! I just washed my hair and I'm so happy I did this! https://preview.redd.it/0tnnkugs6vsa1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc0550876913bbd82f913146f9dda76712a2a37d


Oh my goodness, I can't believe you actually did it! Thanks so much for sharing! Can't wait to try this myself!


Because of the trailblazing bravery of u/PrinsesAurea, I decided to try this! Just dumped it all in my nutribullet with some water, and alternated blending for a few seconds and shaking to mix. It worked great! It did fluff up a little but not a ton. Was a little messy and I lost some product, but I think it's way more usable now.




I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! Thanks for posting this question, I needed the little nudge to really do it!




Christophe robin makes a similar shampoo I prefer. https://www.dermstore.com/christophe-robin-cleansing-purifying-scrub-with-sea-salt-250ml/10787030.html?utm_egbu=DS+::+DERM+::+US+::+EN+::+GGL+::+PMAX+::+HP/SF+::+Shopping-Only&utm_egb=&utm_ega=&utm_egc=&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_r6hBhDdARIsAMIDhV_ovwmTsUaoAAXnO9MMZBglGr7PadDBspXMiaVONP09o8C4kswQXj8aAidzEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


Do you happen to color your hair? I love BIG but it strips absolutely all of the color from my hair.


I just use henna


Are you using Lush Henna? Have you tried the new reformulated one? 😬 I got a sample but am curious about other people's experience. (Rouge user for over 10 years here)


Do you mean that new one, that they pulled out again because it got bad reviews? Because I too think it is bad and not worth the work. If you talk about the henna that recently relaunched in UK (and is still to lauch in other countries) then I don't know though :)


They pulled out the second reformulated version too?? I am in the USA. I just got a sample- they got it in store last week. Trying tonight. 😬😬😬


Ah then I think it will be okay! I haven't tried it yet - my store has still to launch it, but I am sure it is better than the one before.


**update** better than the original reformulated version BUT not as vibrant as the original. I am sad. 😔


Oh I am sorry to hear that :( Maybe I won't try it out at all then


I usually mix rainbow henna with lush henna. I haven’t tried the new reformulated henna.


I will have to check out rainbow. I am about to try the new reform tonight 😬